some summary:
-contact happened in
Brazil in -58. Arthur Berlet was a man of
little formal education,(only 2 years) this in
contrast to the mexican professor that was
picked out to have contact to the "spacewomen
LYA" in the early 70s, who was an expert on
many scientific themes. | link |
AB was born in -31 in the
middle of Sarandi, RioGrande do Sul /Brazil.
His family was of German/French blood. He was
tall, bronzed skin, dark brown hair and blue
AB here never sold a book
on this/tried to make money or like on his
story, and the investigators found no way to
mistrust his descriptions.
But the UFO clubs at that
time did not understand much of interplanetary
or inter-dimension travel and like, so they
then as now refused to touch such stories on
contactcases, to other planets as factual or
real. He was simply not believed and all meant
he was crazy with such a story. But he went on
to tell of what he had been through, and
accepted that most could not believe him.
All he experienced on
this planet - he wrote down in 14 notebooks.
He had not red any science fiction books
before, because he was not any
book-reading-man, and he lived in rural
Brazil. But he was well respected by his
neighbors and friends/family.
He always stood by his
story, in spite of all his problems from it.
The story had not been published in English,
until WS got it translated and told in the
There was much
UFO-activity in this area in those days in the
late 50s, and many saw them, but it was from
this also many rumors.
But some did
investigations, and in this case; Jorge
E.M.Geisel, and Carlos de Oliveira Gomes + Rui
Schmidts, who arranged a meeting with Arthur
B. in the house of Carlos, some time after
rumors came out of his adventures.
The men/ Jorge wrote
later from this:
"after 7,5 h of
interrogation, we all were faced with the
incredible reality; Berlet had traveled to
another planet and was gone for nine earth
days from 14may to 23may-58. We met
repeatedly, and never had any reason to
doubt the verbal account of Berlet. There
was an impressive seriousness about him and
he never sought to capitalize on his story."
He was told by his
"travel-masters" that he was brought to planet
AKART. It had two artificial "moons" or
satellites or rather "platforms" orbiting in
space nearby.
The abduction
"I was walking on foot on
the highway in the direction of the city of
Sarandi, it was already dark, when I saw this
strange and luminous object near the ditch of
a farm. I left the street and went closer to
verify what it was, and as I saw no life near,
I went still closer. Within 10m, I saw people
turning a light on me that got me blinded, and
I lost consciousness for half to one hour.
Later they found that "the visitors" were
there for collecting grains and vegetables for
experiments, and they judged him to be a
"The commander decided to
take me with them, despite their laws said not
to do so.
'Their ship was ca 30m in
diameter, moved by "solar energy".
Q: what are those people
- from Acart - like?
A: on could say much like
us, only more pallid. All I saw had hair color
of straw, but a few had dark hair. Median
stature greater than ours.
They talked in a German
tongue, but could speak many tongues of earth,
and had learned it as many similar races have
that observes us, and can be here undetected.
- they know MUCH about
- They believe in a
Supreme Being.
-Their BIG problem was
that of super-population. And I understand it
so that IF the humankind was to destroy
itself- they would repopulate our earth with
their already crowed planet. They had been
THROUGH THEIR OWN atom/nuclear-war-period!
They had their own equipment to clean
up here, if any nuclear -war came, but would
not interfere!
- they can stay here on
remote places having stations here
- their ships can remain
up to 1 year in space without resupply of
oxygen or alimentation.
- Their armament power
was of 2 weapons; the solar disintegrator,
and the solar neutralizer. The last is
employed in medicine and to combat the
plagues of farmers.
- Out of the book
page20, it seems as some of them also ate
meat, and just that is rare of the ET
visitors, but those here was not so much in
front of Earth's stage, it seems.
- He said the climate he
experienced was very cold. Their day was 46
h - almost twice of ours. And a year there
had 353days.
- All transport was by
air. "…I only saw vehicles on wheels on a
farm and a kind of train - and this was
subterran, automatic- without conductor.
- They had some small
"air-ships" for transport of 2-12
- No moon there- but two
gigantic spaceplatforms that orbit the
planet, which have thousands of vehicles
stationed on them. He first believed they
were natural moons.
- Their houses and
cities were some similar to here- but the
houses seemed to be made of some kind like,
light, laminated steel in div. colors.

More on the happening
on Acart
-out of his notebooks,
he made when he returned, as not to forget
from this remarkable experience.
It began when he was in
the local region in Brazil, where he had made
some photographic job, and saw a ship with
dark red light near a farm. A spotlight came
on him, and he lost conscious. When he woke
up, he was in a white room, reminding a
hospital, but soon understood he was inside a
craft. After some time he was taken out and
saw a city not so different as those of earth,
but the high-houses was of metal in many
colours. He was imprisoned in a room, where he
got some food, - meat and bread - as he was
very hungry.
He was then taken into a
big meeting room- where many (seemingly
GOVERNMENT-people) looked at him. He saw
pictures of landscapes on the walls. They
spoke for 20min together, and he felt they
discussed just him. He though they may be
Russians, and had taken him because he had
seen a new secret weapon. (then they
must have looked very white-earthpeople-like.
He tried to talk to them
in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and then
German/deutsch. This last they, or some of
them, seemed to understand. (and later he
found out that it was because some of them had
been outplaced for some time here on Earth, to
watch/"spy" and learn).
He was then taken to
another place, and they brought him out on the
streets, which were crowded by people walking
-but he saw no kind of cars or like. He
wore the cape+ a cap, he had got from them.
Nothing then separated him out from the
Suddenly he saw up and
saw a lot of crafts in the sky. One suddenly
shot down from above, to a terrace of a house
so quick that he was sure it would crash into
it. But it had seemingly full control.
Later he was advised to a
room reminding more of a hotel room, with
bathroom, but from the "shower" came more like
gas than water, because it was so light. He
got clothes from them after the bathing, but
felt like a clown in them, as they were
strange, he remarks in his writings.
He was then taken into a
new conference room where another group
discussed what seemed to be just HIM! One of
them spoke to him in German, which he did
understand. This man was ca 2m tall! He
remarked else a girl of ca 20 there, and
all were so white skinned, as he says it
seemed they had been inside for years, he
remarks in his writing! Arthur's own
father was German, and his mother was
Portuguese- living in Brasilia. He was offered
a drink, but didn't dare to drink it.
Arthur asked if they
were Germans, and got the answer they were
all Acartians! He said his visit
there was almost accidental, nobody having
planned to take any earthlings there, and that
he would be brought back within 10days.
Neither was they ALLOWED to bring any from
Earth to their planet, so the captain, who did
take him from Earth, was punished for that, he
later found out! (had to work in a mine for
some time as punishment)
He was then with them in
a new meal, and they all talked together after
the meal, but only one of them was he able to
talk to - in German as mentioned. His name was Acorc.
Their way of
greeting/meeting, was not to shake hands, but
place a hand on each others shoulders! For
persons they knew very well, they used both
They underlined they
believed in God and remarked that he, the
visitor, was a kind of doubting.
Later he was taken into a
smaller craft/ufo-like thing, with a
pilotcabin and wonderful view outside, and
brought to another city - the main city-
called CON, a city so big and marvelous that
the earthman was speechless, and also by all
the crafts flying around….so near, but never
collided, as he supposed many times. They
looked more like small, flying
camping-trailers in view. He was later told
that these ones could go up to 10.000km/h.
They landed on top of a
big house (big roof as a sportsfield he says…)
which was where his host lived with his
family. Well, each flat seemed to have terrace
as a personal landingplatform for those
personal flying "camping-trailers".

Inside he got a
demonstration of a kind of apparatus where his
host could talk to a women seeming living
"inside" - it was as a shock for Arthur to
view. (Well not so strange today- now we also
have picture-phones, but theirs seemingly was
of 3d kind…remember this was in the late 50s,
when only primitive black-white TV's was seen
rarely in this land. rø-rem.)
This women was his wife,
who soon came in. She was also quite tall,
blue eyes and shoulder -long hair of straw
colour. The child with her was of ca 12 years
-their son, and he was clothed just as he was
from our earth, and he was very curious on the
stranger from earth. Both the boy and his
mother also asked questions to Arthur, that
Acorc translated. The boy stayed with them
much of the time he was by visit of this
family, in spite of he didn't understand his
talking/German, though his father translated
some of it.
Arthur also saw that the
furniture in their day-room, was fixed with
the walls…
Then he was shown more of
the big city they were in.
They called the governor
("spiritual ruler" of their planet,R.Ø.rem)
"the son of the sun"
Later he told him of
their long ongoing spacetraffic- most of it to
earth, for collecting plants and other
He gave him this
comparison between the 2planets:
One Acartian year is
similar to 675 days of Earth -
One month of Acart is
similar 61days, 8 h of Earth
One Ac. week is similar "
9days 14h of Earth
One Ac. hour is similar
7h,40min of Earth
Planet Acart rotates more
slowly than Earth, around itself, so a
day-night(døgn) was much longer than here on the nights/sleeptime were ca 17h
Their main purpose
for visiting earth was to try to develop
plants for more effective production of
food, and especially wheat, which they
seemed to have problems with "there"
according to what they told.
They thought that he was a farmer planting
wheat, and that they could learn some useful
from him! They told him they had given him a
sort of narco for him to sleep during most of
the trip, lasting some 36hours.
The commander of the ship
that had taken the decision to bring Arthur to
Acart, had done this against the orders of not
touch or kill any earthling, neither bring
them off-earth. So he was punished and had to
serve a year in mine, where they took up
steel, according to what they told him.
No countries
on Acart
All the planet had for
long time been ONE country or region. He told
that ca 100y back - also A had many countries
-hundreds. From that many wars- but a last
enough of them, and they began co-operating
and went together into ONE.
They said they had been
observing earth with equipment and cameras so
good that they could take pictures of a
nailhead from 200km up. They captured
radio-and TV-programs, and took all into their
computers for help and study. In some 10y they
had learned much of earth- incl. German
language. Others had also learned Russian,
Spanish and English he told.
Arthur asked how they
could collect all this, without being seen,
and got the answer that they could make
themselves invisible - i.m neutralize the
Some from page55 in the
original book:
"after reaching a height
of 200m above the buildings, we flew in a
straight line toward the north for some two
minutes. Suddenly, we stopped abruptly and
began to descend. We descended to a narrow
street full of pedestrians (streetwalkers).
The machine hovered near the side of an alley,
where there were also an infinity of people.
There we jumped down and mixed with the
multitude. What I felt was unusual about those
people, was that it seemed that nobody was in
a hurry, not the haste that is so peculiar to
the great cities on Earth.

idea of those glorious
cities on Acart - but there the buildings
themselves radiated diff.colors
"Another aspect that drew
my intention, was the manner of dress of those
people. I never saw anybody ill-dressed or
shabby. Almost all of the men wore clothes
more or less like what I wore, in material as
well as design. (page 55 I old book, 64 in
ebook) The small variations were scarcely
noticeable. The dress of the women was in
similar style. Another thing that intrigued me
was the fact that none of them paid any
attention to me…"
Arthur remarked also that
it was quite cold when the sun set, but his
guide there didn't seem to freeze, but so did
Arthur. He said they had no seasons, same all
the time. And he remarked the sun didn't shine
from any blue sky there- more like cloudy all
time. (well, that was the first day, later a
morning he saw the sun rise in clear). Some
day later he experienced this cold after
sunset again, but he was SO impressed by the
view of the city at night, that he almost
forget the cold. This when he saw the splendor
of the houses -seemed to shine colors of all
kind, but at night those effects were much
stronger, and the sight was very impressive
for the earthling.
No money used there -
free of that slave medium
-after another, later,
visit to a kind of cafe - where they had got
some warm to drink - Arthur went up to
"cafehost" intending to pay, because he saw
his fellowman didn't pay. It was then he found
out that money or "paying" in our way, do not
exist on that planet!
(more on that later)
In the evening, he again
got some time for himself thinking if this
could be possible, but rather he "could not
wake up" from any dream either, so it had to
be real..…so then he got a form of panic, when
he began thinking all this through. He also
had 2small children of 1-2years back on earth.
Then Acorc came in with a
wine -drink he had made of fruit, which also
contained alcohol, and he said that drinking
such was not allowed in public places, only in
homes. He said the government there had
converted all the factories that earlier made
harmful things like alcohol- into producing
beneficial matter.
Frequent meals
The meals were frequent,
and fish was always on the menu, plus a dark
bread - looking like our rye bread, and he
said that their fish and oceans were just
similar to ours here on earth. "Despite all
that I had eaten there, it seemed to me then
that I could not weigh even50kilos there" (he
was 90kg on earth). He remarked that they
never began a meal, without first praying and
thanking for it. When he went to bed (a very
comfortable) one evening, he came to study his
footwear he had got, and it was a kind of
sandal - which description in the book reminds
me of these health-sandal with uneven surface,
sole, and those also had springs inside. But
it was very comfortable, as he says he could
hardly feel his feet when walking…
The room he slept in when
he was as a guest by them, had no windows,
lying in the centre of the house, and next
morning he woke up, without knowing which
hour/time it was. He put on the local clothes
he had got from his host, not to stand out. He
then went out to the terrace, and looked at
the radiant, beautiful city he was in, waiting
for his host to awaken.
Else was Acorc, his host,
not sure of how much he could explain to the
visitor, regarding all the details of life and
government.on Acart, until he had been guided
by the authorities/the "son of he sun". The
opinions diverged among the council on this he
experienced the following day.
That day he took on his
earthly clothes - before meeting "son of he
sun". They went to the balcony where the
flying machine stood, pressed a button, so
that the fence went down, and flew away to the
seat of the government.some 60km away. He then
understood that his host didn't live in the
centre of the city, for just that was where
they now flew, and landed on the roof of the
government.building, where many similar crafts
stood parked. They went down an elevator to a
meetingroom. Arthur saw that the gathering had
big respect for Acorc- his host there. He told
him that the council was of more than
500people, and both of them were nervous. The
house was round, and so was the room they came
into. But one straight wall where a big table
+ chairs stood in front of the curved seats in
many levels. This council of 9men, incl. "the
son of the sun", was gathered when necessary,
and now the earthman was the first thing to
discuss. ."the son of the sun" was picked out
of many thousands, out of his
human-/understanding/wisdom- qualifications.
They should discuss whether Arthur should be
returned to earth.
A debate followed where
he was interrogated.
this from the book;

"…we have transformed our
planet from a hell of theft and robbery, lies,
usury, speculations and shame, to a paradise
of love, fraternity, understanding and
The next was that the
"son of the sun" wanted a meeting with this
man from Earth:
He himself lived in a
flat as most of the others - no need for a
palace with 100rooms. His flat where he lived
with his family, was almost identical to that
of Acorc. He also got to meet the family of
the "son on the sun" there. All had this
pallid (blek) colour on skin, almost white. He
had a son of ca 12, and a daughter of ca16,
but he felt no attraction to her, rather
opposite. But his wife he found more
attractive. He also got to eat with them, and
remarked that nobody talked while eating.
Then the "son on the sun"
told him to write a narrative of his visit
when he came back to earth, but also said that
nobody would belive him those first years, but
after some 20years, that would change he said
(now it is half a century - 50y- since this
occured). They told him that they would show
him much of their planet in the few days he
was to stay there, before being taken back to
After the visit to the
"son" he was showed the marvelous city from
the top of the roof, where they had landed
with this flying wagon for this visit.
One of the big
differences to Earth he remarked, was that it
was no noice there, only some hum from the
small ships.
All the walking for the
people happened on narrow (because of little
space) pedestals, but other transport happened
on subsurface/subways. He said that on this
planet they had 20billion on the same area as
on E had 4billions - 5times more than the
density on E. in -1958!!
So a very
overpopulated planet.
Later on that day they
flew him very quick to see around the planet.
They flew to a farm, where he was shown
farming in terraces /steps, like those they
also some similar use in rice farming on Earth
in the east, but the vegetable they had "down
there" on Acart -that they flew over-
were some similar to potatoes he was
The small hill that was
made up of these steps for this cultivating,
had steps of 20to100m wide. The
"agri-tractors" were not making any noise,
only low hum. He said it was driven by "solar
power" (supposedly electric.R.Ø.rem.)
The living houses were
then placed on hilly/rocky places, because
where it could/was possible to produce
food, it had to be utilized.


Later they flew over
flocks of grassing buffalo-kinds of animals,
but these were twice as big, and only one
horn, of half a meter.
As Arthur had not flown
on E. it was an impressive thing to see all
this, also from above. They passed big
mountains, and when he later saw pictures of
highflying from earth, he recognized it. But
they also flew over a city, which looked to be
ON a mountain! Yes -it was built on just a
mountain, out of the need for space as said
before, and up there, they could not place a
farm! In this mountain were also the biggest
mines for solar-steel, so there was also a lot
of production going on in or around this
mountain city. "..when we flew over its
centre, its ends were lost from sight, and
it was built completely on top of rocky
mountains. There were hills like the "sugar
loaf" in Rio…"
Then they landed in this
mountain-city and ate a meal there, while his
host seemed to be well known for those people.
He also then remarked that their custom was to
only pray before eating when in private, home,
and where many were gathered, they prayed
inside only instead, out of practical reasons.
Ned s.121
Then he was taken to an
enormous factory where the SOLAR STEEL was
treated. He telles it was 0,5x10km in
area!-and so looked like an airfield. "there
were thousands of similar ships there that
were flying, hovering and parking. I
asked:"why is it that they only arrive, and
almost none are leaving?" -because it is
almost the hour to begin work.
"But, who are those who
arrive in those ships? Are they all workers?"
"-yes, except for some
who live near by, all come by these ships.."
"Are you saying that all
who work here are rich, since one of those
ships must be very expensive?"
"-no, they do not cost.
And here being an Acartian citizen and a
worker, is enough to have a right to one.
"I don t understand". -
but you will understand before you return to
your Earth.

insert acartfactory1
Then he says that he was
not able to understand the processes he saw in
that super-factory; "all what I saw in that
factory, could only be done if I were an
engineer, scientist, designer or other
expert." (but he tries to give some
descriptions, and those technical interested
-would have a good time to read all this many
details, about this automatic factory and its
production, in the ebook. In that factory they
also produced flying saucers, and he was given
an explanation on how they operate in the
atmosphere, and in space. There they also made
laserlike weapons, which made our weapons to
nothing, but they warned against the atombomb
- this was the time when the military arming
was very strong.
He also told him some of
how the system of "power" of the ships worked
- so this is inserted of a scanning from page
131 in the ebook.

insert acartshipengine.jpg
Visit to an
astronomic observatory with also defense
Then he was taken to atop
a mountain, where he saw a tube/funnel
reaching 200m up, and they landed there -but
it was terrible cold, and Arthur said he was
very tired at this time. By way of this
equipment, he was shown a view of Earth! But
those observatories had also the opportunity
to shot neutralizer-beams into space onto any
hostile incoming ship from eventually
aggressors. So these observatories were place
around the planet in a net - as
As they was so many, they
had to use the food-resources in fish, which
made up ca10% of the food supply. Artificial
rivers were made for irrigation, where they
also grew fish. They flew by this channels as
his host described it all.
Later they arrived
Acorc's home, where they said goodnigh, but
Arthur woke up early next day (remember the
nights was abnormal long, compared to what he
was used to). He went out to the terrace and
watched the bauti of the city in the
night-light, but it was very cold outside, but
he HAD to see this sight.
The next day, they flew
to a holyday-centre at the cost, where the
landed on the roof of a very long block
building along the cost, which reminded of the
Chinese Wall when they saw it from high - but
much bigger and 20km long, but it was a
continuous holiday-block along this coast. (ca
100m vidth, and 500m from the shore/sea). A
lot of crafts/ships arrived together with
them. On the other side of this long "wall"
was a city along it.
When the left their ship
open, Arthur had not yet habituated to the
(moneyfree) situation there, as he expressed
concern for leaving the craft "unlocked".
There they also ate in a "bar" where he says
he meant roomed perhaps 1000 tables!! There he
again remarked that nobody seemed to pay for
the food:
that, we went to the trees and sat down
comfortably on some stools similar to chairs
that rotated. I put my hands behind my head
and, thus remained for some minutes. But in
that calm, I commenced to reflect and I saw
in my mind an infinity of things that I was
still unable to explain satisfactorily.
Brusquely, I raised my body and remained
seated, resolving to ask Acorc to explain
some of these things that I did not
One of these was that, since I had come
to Akart, I still had not seen anybody
pullout money to pay for anything. We had
just eaten a meal with nearly 1,000 people
and nobody had paid anything.
With relation to us, I had some kind of
explanation, since we had that paper, which
could perhaps be a form of requisition by
the government; but... the rest?
To clear up this doubt I asked:
"What kind of money do you have here?"
He raised up and sat in the same
position as I, right in front of me and
"Money? We
have no money here on Akart."
I almost fell on my back, stool and all.
"But how?! But how do they buy things,
and pay their employees?"
He gave a sigh and responded:
"Well, this is a very lengthy affair, but I
will try to explain to you. Akart was all
divided up into countries and each one had
their own type of government and money. That
being the case when they began to feel the
problems of overpopulation, those better off
commenced to acquire every palm of our land
and thus, those who had money obtained and
owned more space than they needed to live,
while those less favored by fortune were
banished to the streets. This resulted in
dishonesty, robberies, several wars, and all
the rest.
Always because of the
evils of money. The whole planet was an
inferno; a few survived and others in
greater number died of hunger, misery and
pains. Then when it seemed like all was
lost, there emerged the greatest scientist
of all times here on Akart."
"And what did he
discovered the means to take advantage of
the very energy of the Sun."
"What did that have to do with the money
"Many things. Once discovered, he and
two more of his followers, invented the arms
which we still have."
"Was he rich or poor?"
"Very rich, but he spent all his
fortunes on investigations and experiments
which resulted in benefits for all."
"In what
"In the following way: When he succeeded in
inventing the neutralizer (beam weapon), he
told nobody of his invention, but gave
adequate proof of what he could do with such
a weapon. He threatened all of the
countries, that if they could not find a
common denominator for their differences, he
would use the weapon. He presented a global
plan for the salvation of the planet. Then
all or almost all accepted and obeyed him.
His first step was to abolish all the
frontiers, making all of Akart only one
country; the second was to level all of the
cities to equal rights and obligations. To
obtain this, he had to get rid of the money,
and this automatically ended profits,
speculations, robbery, usury and many other
things, proceeding from money."
"Then he must
have been some kind of dictator?"
"No, he did not become directly the
Government, but nevertheless gave ideas to
others who then put them into practice."
"Certainly he depended on the support of
some strong country?"
"No. It is as I said. Ninety percent of
the population of Akart lived in oppression
and misery, and thus they understood his
ideas and supported him. The remaining ten
percent could do nothing, and finally, they
accepted also. And as the people helped to
install this regime, the sane people had the
right to select their governors. They
proposed that the scientist be selected, but
he would not accept, however he indicated
one son of his. That one was selected and
became the first Governor of all of Akart.
Since the scientist was called the man of
the Sun, thanks to his discoveries, his son
was called the Son of the Sun. From this
proceeded the tradition of calling our
president the 'Son of the Sun'."
"Ah! For that reason?"
"That is it."
"I thought it was a sacred name."
"No. It is not, as you can see."
"When and for how long is the governor of
Akart then selected?"
"Every three years (Akartian)." (= 5
Earth years and 6 Earth months.)
"But how can you get along without money
to buy or sell the things? How do you do
"Here, nobody needs to buy or sell
anything. There is enough work (for those
who are apt) that they can have all that
they need or desire, without the
immoralities. Here, it is a crime for anyone
to refuse to work. We came to the
conclusion, that money is the work of
the evil doings. Without it many evils
are avoided."
"Are they obligated to work until after
they are old?"
"No. The people work so many hours per
day or night and for the hours that are
left, they can go where they like, eat or
drink in any public place, without
extravagances, and do as they please. In
every year there is a period of rest; then
they can travel throughout all of Akart --
and see and do what they please, traveling
by whatever means they prefer. For this
there is enough available, which is
furnished by the Government. And they have
more: What one citizen has, they all have,
because here all that is produced obeys a
global plan; such as homes, the ships,
dress, alimentation, etc."
"Up to what age do they have to work?
"It is like this: Until 11 years
(Akartian) they have to study; from there
forward they are going to work in a
profession which was approved by the
schools; They work until 36 years (Akartian)
and after that retire. Then, they can stay
in one place the rest of their life, or
travel wherever they want, live in one fixed
place or live in a hotel, or various hotels,
as they choose. They have all the assistance
and attention they require for the rest of
their life."
"Is this law also for women?"
"Well, the women also study up till 11
years; and after that then they may marry
and care for a home, or if they do not want
to do that, they are obligated to work
according to their profession." ...
(Note: When they go on interplanetary
voyages, their laws stipulate that it is a
crime to bring back terrestrials on the
planet they visit, back to Akart. The
commander of the ship that brought the
earthman, Artur, to Akart, he was demoted in
rank to an operator.)
"I don’t
understand how the commander of an
interplanetary ship, of such high
position, could pass to become an
operator, because of an unfortunate such
as I? "
because our laws concerning the terrestrials
is as follows: We must not touch nor kill,
still less bring one from another planet
back to Akart, as it your case. Here the
laws are made by man, and those that disobey
must pay for their disobedience. "
"I thought that a functionary of such
high position would have some rights."
"No! Here we have neither highs nor
lows. All are as equals, even the Son of the
Sun (their governor). When he finishes his
days as governor, for which he was selected
by all the people, he will return to the
plow the fields, if that is from where he
had come. "
"What are these mines of solar steel? "
"Solar steel is a special steel whose
utility, I believe, still has not been
discovered on Earth. It is of that which we
make our solar ships, like that in which you
traveled with me, and other things as well.
It has many other uses." ...
He was again told of
their problem of overpopulation, and how it
could be nessessary to move out part of
their population to earth - after an
evt.atom/nuclear-war had wiped out much of
the earthmen, and they had the means to
clean up the environment rather quickly with
their advanced technology. They seem to have
observing bases here, esp.on the moon, as
also the Korundors talked about. And yes-
they then meant that an atomic war was
unavoidable in -58. (but seem to be out of
insight into the watching of our earth from
MUCH more advanced races, which make up a
kind of "guardian angels" for our planet
Earth. R.Ø.rem).
The Akart ETs spoke
very briefly in the 1950s about the then
factions. Today, there are four factions.
Until the 1950s prior, there were two rival
factions. Emerging
later was a third faction, but the third was
still sketchy.
The Akart ETs have been silent for many
years now. They are still
monitoring the planet Earth. They believe
that we waste too much
time fighting, and should have been at peace
long ago.
"We are not exactly unaware that there on
your Earth, there exist two or more factions
which are in conflict, and all possess
atomic bombs, with high destructive power,
and they continue to make more all the time,
and of greater scale. If instead of using
the nuclear energy for destructive
ends and they used it constructively, our
hopes would be nullified."
"What hopes?"
"To inhabit the Earth."
"Are you saying that you intend to invade
the Earth?"
"Yes, but as I have already said, not on
those terms. Let me explain in what manner.
You must be aware that an atomic war on
Earth is inevitable, and, even if we wanted
to instigate it, we could, since it
would only be necessary to intercept an
airplane or ship of either faction, that the
one would judge that it was the other. But,
we are not going to intervene in any
such manner, because we have come to the
conclusion that they would not resist for
much time the curiosity to see
the foul-up that caused the situation, and,
when this happens, none of them will
escape the devastation, because with only a
few of those bombs, the whole terrestrial
globe will be contaminated. Once this
happens, we can peacefully take over the
whole planet, because those few
who remain will be in no position to offer
resistance; on the contrary, they will
welcome us."
"But what future is there when the
terrestrial globe contaminated by
destruction and radioactive poison?"
"Whether it is contaminated constitutes
no problem for us."
"Why not?
"Because, here we have an apparatus
which neutralizes the malefic effects of
radioactive poison, transforming it into
fertilizer for the soil and other things."
"If such a war happened, how much time
would you wait before going into action?"
"We would go into action as soon as the
war ended, because it would cost us to wait,
as the vegetation would all die in the zones
of conflagration."
"And if there was a victor who had not
suffered either human or material
"There is no victor in such a war. They
would attack each other mutually; we are
certain of this, because we know all the
secrets of the terrestrials, against which
they know practically nothing concerning
"But if I tell them what is here, and
what I have seen and heard on Akart?"
"Not tomorrow, I give you all the reason
when I say that nobody is going to want to
believe you."
"What suddenly interests me is that which
awakened the Son of the Sun and the Council,
when from one moment to the next, after
finding danger in my return to Earth, he
asked me to make a written account of all
that I saw, heard and felt here, and to try
to divulge it? Perhaps it was to test my
"I can tell you that it was not for that; we
are interested in a large part of the
terrestrials having knowledge of some
possible narrative of yours in this respect,
and, as is to be hoped, nobody is going to
believe it at this time."
"Why not at this time?"
"Because they are only going to believe
when some of these facts have been
"How will this
benefit them and when?"
"When they
come out of the war and we appear on the
Earth. The few who survive, due to your
knowledgeable aid, will know something of
our system of government, our manner of life
and being, and thus will not
offer us resistance, which would be useless
to try."
(NOTE: The Akartians maintain a base here on
Earth for some centuries now. And ever so
often they rotate their staff there. They
have built a huge space platform several
miles in diameter some distance away from
their home planet. This station they use as
a stop over point, to station thousands of
space ships, etc. Their spaceships travel
over 311 miles per second or over 18,660
miles per minute. This group has anti-matter
beam weapons.
Earth terrestrials will
not have anti-matter beam weapons
until about the year 2990 A.D. and it is
this weapon they will use to vaporize the
planet Mars from the Sol System in a brutal
interplanetary war.
It will be the last war the earthman fight,
before he realizes peace is the only way.)
"I would like to broaden the question on
one point: Are you saying that you are
going to come as owners of the house, and
not as rangers,
"Well, I have already
said that we are not going to do anything
bad to anybody. Now, once you have done the
mischief by your hands, nothing is more
logical than that we benefit you. We
Akartians, by force of circumstances, have
learned to be realists. This question is
comparable with a fable that my father
always told when I was a boy, which is as
"A man who had innumerable cages thought it
well to place birds in almost all of them.
He had two hanging one beside the other. In
these two cages the birds were multiplying;
one came to the point where there was no
more room for more, but they lived well
adjusted and were each
contented with a place to sit. Thus all
those that the man allowed to hatch, also
were given the means to live.
Contrary to the first,
the second, had plenty of space, however
they commenced to quarrel; each one
wanted the better place; the stronger lived
comfortably and the weak had to get used to
the corners and be satisfied with the
crumbs. The roost there was left to the
strong. Each one wanted to be better and to
control. Finally a struggle broke out, so
fierce that they mutually destroyed each
other, and with them also most of the weak
ones, who had
nothing to do with this.
The man, on seeing
this, gave access to those
of the other cage of which he moved half to
the first. These went there and
reconstructed the broken nests,
resuscitating some of those who had
escaped with their lives, and thus they were
able to live in peace for many years,
without worrying about the problem of space,
as much in one cage as the other."
"I understand the moral, unhappily for us
terrestrials, perhaps this same thing is
going to come to pass. It is somewhat
similar to Earth and Akart." I said with
my head down.
After some minutes of silence between
us, I asked:
"Do you, sir,
not feel that you have erred in showing
and explaining to me, all this with
respect to your arms and means of
locomotion? Since once I return to Earth,
if I am given the time to do this in the
in which you have explained all, I think
the government would give me the necessary
means, and I have the impression that I
could come to a
swallowed dryly and leaned back to respond;
and then between reprimanding and fear, he
"Well, in the first place, I believe you are
not even thinking of doing this; and second,
the terrestrials at the moment do not have
materials to this end at their disposal.
But, please, do not speak to me of similar
things anymore, because if anyone here
suspected what we are doing, perhaps you
would have to live here on Akart the rest of
your days of life.
I cannot say
anything more, because I cannot judge their
capabilities, neither in one thing or
Only then was it that I saw where I had put
myself with my foolish suppositions, and I
"But it is not that I judge myself
capable of this. It is scarcely a
"This I know, but you are not going to
want to nuke these suppositions known to the
Son of the Sun and the Council!"
Saying this, he stopped talking, and
remained with the fingers of his hands
interlaced, pensive.
End of this
The criminals there
At one time he came to
see a seemingly "poor" man there – who seemed
to have fallen outside. His clothes was
unusual compared to the others, and seemed to
be dirty also. And they described to him that
he was a criminal. But as they had no prisons,
those went around free, but had to beg for the
living, as they had no longer any access to
the advantages the society gave the rest. All
got their sentence from what they had done.
Those could not enter any public establishment
to obtain what they needed. The "prisoners"
was marked with a medallion to wear around the
neck, and could not be taken off until the
penalty had been through. They could neither
travel by any of the public transports when
they went on this "prison" – only to walk
around, begging for food. Some sat out food
for them, like to wild animals, and it was
indeed humiliation. Those married of these,
could get some help from their wives or
children – evt. parents.
Below their cities
there, ran parallel automatic subways, which
ran at different speeds. When they reached
the end station they went back - all
operated automatic, and the passengers could
make it stop at the station they wished. It
all operated on electric power.
On his last day on that
planet he was also taken to a sport-like
arrangement, where two teams fought a
pushing competition, never seen like on
earth. But they also had a footballike
competition. It is to remark that this
sportfield had artificial grass, something
that the was not yet made here on our Earth
at that time in -58.
After the sports-visit,
and a farewell -greeting to the "son",he was
taken back to the family of Acorc, and said
goodbye in a short manner to them.
He was also told the
problems they still had regarding
space-travel, and was told it was best to
stay unconscious under part of this trip
when he, and his body, was not yet used to
it. We must remember that this race was in
the first steps regarding interplanetary
trips. Their depart from the planet Acart
was also made in the same place that he had
arrived some days before -in the city of
"Con". It was a special kind of "airport".
He slept on the part of
the trip to their "space-station"- some
50.000 km out in space, so it was not much
time used to reach it either. This was an
enormous platform in space. Almost a city
there, but only houses like "iglos", and all
out had to wear special suits.
ill.not from book
link to similar
transportideas in future
On the returntrip he
was also showed around the ship, which had 3
levels. The first and 3d - had less rooms
than the 2nd. The lower had small
ships, and some kind of solar weapons also.
The middle - by which they reached by an
elevator- had laboratories, rooms and
corridors. "in the various compartments we
entered, we always found humans seated in
front of super-complicated apparatus,
covered with instruments of all types.
The "motorroom" where
they created the propulsive force was ca
5x5m, and in the middle of it were 6motors,
about the size of a barrel of gasoline,
arranged in 2 rows or3- one above the other.
He was told that these captured and
transmitted the solar energy moving the
ship. Only 2 worked at the time, the rest
for reserve, in case of malfunction of the
others: "all made of matter is possible to
malfunction…" he was told. The ship had
other motors used in the atmosphere. He was
told the ship had a normal crew of
After many days in
space, the ship came to earth, but first
they landed in a icy place he was told was
on the pole, and he drew the conclusion to
be the south. From then on, only short time
till they let him out some kilometers from
his house, to where he used long time
walking, because he felt so heavy being back
on earth. After some "confused" days inside
his house, he began writing down all this he
had experienced, and what is then reported
But they went on with
some further contacts with Arthur after this
also. But as he got terrible trouble locally
when he told of this first experience, he
just reported those later to the
investigators of the case..
End of report
| Portuguese
,brasil-pdf, áudio-livro
The book was
published in Portuguese in nov.67-by
Walter K.Buhler, and translated by
Wendelle Stevens, and published in-87, but
have been sold out for long time, but used
copies may be found, but he now sell it as
cheap e-book.
another case picture
the book on the
case in pdf
| acart porto
Extra in the book:
This is one of the
earliest cases of being taken to another
planet, and happened 4dec-49- also in Rio in
Brasilia, but the case was not
published until-68. In this
case he was away for 4months! When the
interview happened, Mario Restier, 40, lived
in Volta Redona with wife + 3 children, and
had worked at a steel plant for 15 years.
The trip had happend when he was 17.
On 4dec -49, he was on
the way to his father when he noticed a
strange discshaped craft. It came low above
some trees without any sound at all, and
landed 15m from the road. He was then talked
to from the ship, on Portuguese, not to be
afraid. He went onboard, in spite of being
afraid. Inside he saw two persons of his own
size, in peculiar clothes. He asked them if
they belived in god, and got the ansver that
god "is one only". This made him more safe.
He was shown around the ship, and told to
stay in a special room, where a liquid was
that they said was necessary to be through
the accelerations. He later found the ship
to be 15 m in diameter. Then he fell asleep.
When he awoke, he saw gigantic transparent
domes, kilometres in extent, covering the
whole city in such a way, that where one
ended, another began, and they were
connected. He got some "fruits" in a room
where he was taken, reminding of tropical
fruits, which they said was an highly
purified food, with no need for wc-visits
Those people said they
lived ca 300 years pr incarnation. Their
eyes were blue or green, and the mouth
small. He noticed no hair on their skin. He
saw also women and children there. But the
craftmen on the return ship made him think
more of robots than of people.
He was shown
diff.factories, when he asked to be brought
home. So he was, but when he came
back he was very amazed that he had been
away for 4months!! His father
was very angry when he came back, because he
had just disappeared without saying where.
He had looked after him in Rio, seeking all
he could for him. For Mario, it all seemed
to have taken max 3 days! And he was allowed
to take back some peculiar material - a
sheet of special metal.

Portuguese ,brasil-pdf,