En stor sannsynlig årsak til den bevisste ufo-tilsløringen, er også
at praktisk talt alle de undersøkte kontaktberetninger - der
"de" har fortalt om sin egen hjemklode – så har de fortalt
om samfunnssystemer som nærmest kan kalles "kosmisk
kommunisme". Der det ikke finnes "privat eiendomsrett"
eller penger for den saks skyld.
Men alt som går i retning av
"kommunisme" er jo som banning i kirka her i den vestlige
verden pr i dag – der troen på kapitalismen dvs "griskheten satt i fri flyt"
- skal løse alle problemer. Ikke
merkelig at det derfor er i USA man spesielt setter alt inn på å
hemmeligholde informasjon fra slike "ufo-kontakter". Der
"dansen rundt gullkalven" (les materialismen) dyrkes mer
rendyrket enn ellers i verden og der de nå tilsynelatende har vunnet
verdensherredømme med sin ideologi mot kommunismen - i troen på
"markedskreftene" som den "endelige løsning". Og
så kommer masse hyper-avanserte kontakter fra andre kloder og forteller
at de nettopp SELV, PÅ SINE HJEMKLODER, lever med en form for kommunisme!! Snakk om kosmisk
kollaps i troen på sin eget "evige frihetsideal". (frihet til
å slavebinde andre). Selvsagt må
dette hemmeligholdes og gjøres til et "ikke-tema" – hvilket
da også har hatt høyeste prioritet siden avslutningen av andre
Og gjennom bevisste løgnkampanjer, hemmeligholdelse,
desinformasjon og ikke minst latterliggjøring, har de nå i mer enn 60
år klart å holde denne informasjonen skjult - inntil Internett ble
aktivisert som informasjonsmedium fra ca 1995. Spørsmålet er da også
hvor lenge dette medium får være fritt. Mye tyder på at det særlig
11.september 2001 er blitt stadig mer overvåking av nettet,
og mange "ikke-ønskede" nettsider blir i dag fjernet fra
nettets adresseprotokoll med svaret "finner ikke siden". Så
det blir da bare å håpe på at den åndelige overvåkning og styring
med vår klode har det hele under full kontroll!!
Det er også interessant å lese det som ufo-etterforskeren Steven Greer skriver i sin bok
"hidden truth..."
- om hvordan "de" forsøkte å kjøpe ham, ved å tilby ham et
særlig kredittkort som han kunne bruke helt fritt og uten noe som helst
tak. Dette
var mulig, fordi de fortalte ham hvordan "de selv" kontrollerer
hele datanettverket bak det internasjonale bank-og finansvesen, og slik
kan de hver natt "nulle ut alt forbruk" på de kontoer de ønsker.
En lignende historie om hvordan "de" kontrollerer bank og-finansvesenet
kan leses i et intervju med den kjente ufo-etterforskeren
Wendelle Stevens.
Han fikk en telefonsamtale med en person som angivelig hadde arbeidet
ved den topphemmelige base ved Area51- og ønsket å besøke Stevens -
altså var det noe han ville vise og fortelle ham. Men snart ringte han
tilbake og fortalte at da han kom på Grey-hound-bussterminalen og skulle
kjøpe billett, så var hans kredittkort plutselig blitt sperret.
"De" hadde tydeligvis avlyttet telefonsamtalen og på meget
kort tid klart å sperre hans kort, i forsøk på
å hindre vidregivelse av disse opplysninger til Stevens. Men
sistnevnte telegraferte ("wired") billettpenger til mannen slik at
besøket ble gjennomført. Men kort tid
deretter ble han drept.
STEVENS- ja han må ha en form for kosmisk beskyttelse ovenfra, for han
har gjort et meget viktig arbeide i å informere om de høyere
sivilisasjoners nærvær etc.
Som inkluderer informasjoner om masse "pengeløse-samfunn" - slik
som for
eksempel Acart. All ære til ham!!
NOEN praktiske eksempler på dette med at det "betales" med
tid - har jeg også funnet fra noen bøker fra FYSISK-DIREKTE kontakter til
Utdrag fra boken "FANTASTISKA RESOR MED UFO - - besøk hos
utomjordiska civilisationer" (link)- av SUNE HJORTH OG ANTE JONSSON fra 1989.
Boken på 149 sider /A5 er utsolgt for tiden og omhandler Ante Jonssons
opplevelser fra 1984-5 - altså lenge før betalingskort var innført
på jorden. Vi går inn i teksten der Ante er tatt med til en annen
klode av sine "verter":
..... vi åker tillbaka till dalen och parkerar skivan(en slags
flyvende skive med stoler - et slags privatkjøretøy) på ett litet
torg. Har er det liv och rørelse, men ingen av dom andra tycks lägga
märke till mej. Runt hela torget finns det små affærer och vi går in
i en så att jag får se hur den ser ut. Det er bara en person inne, och
før varje sak hon tar i en hylla så sticker hon in ett kort i en
springa. När hon er färdig, går hon. Hur fungerar det har nu då? Min
nya bekäntskap tar upp ett kort och visar mej. Hon tar en sak på en
hylla utan att stoppa i kortet och går mot utgangen, men den er och
førblir stängd. Inte førran hon stoppat i kortet øppnas dørren. Ett
mycket sinnrikt system! När en person handlat färdigt i olika butiker
så kan hon gå till en bank på samma torg. Hon lämnar da fram sitt
kort som en tjänsteman tar emot och stoppar in i en liten apparat och
trycker på några knappar. Ut kommer da kortet och en liten lapp. Men
det syns aldrig nagra pengar.
"Vi anvander inga pengar, vi handlar med tid."
- "Tid?" sager jag.
"Ja, låt oss säga att du vill gå ut och handla det du
behøver och vill ha. Du får såkallade kontoutdrag, men på det står
inga summor pengar utan hur lange du måste arbeta på fälten eller i
industrierna. Varje sådan har liten stad er ett kollektiv før sej där
det produceras all mat och annat som man behøver. Du behøver inte
arbeta før staden mer än en, ibland två dagar i veckan før att klara
dej. Men en del industrier äger alla staderna tillsammans, och där
måste du arbeta tre dagar i månaden. Om jag vill åka och studera
jorden, da måste jag arbeta c:a tre veckor i de gemensamma industrierna
før att få ihop till så mycket energi som det behøvs før en resa
Jorden tur och retur.
Vi lamnar torget før att åka hem till henne och få en bit mat, det
børjar bli dags før mej att återvanda hem…

en kunsterisk tanke om disse flyvende skivers
Man bør også lese hvordan PLANTEN KORENDOR
hadde organaisert sitt PENGELØSE SAMFUNN - fra en kontakt på 60tallet
-etter innledende RADIOKONTAKT -Link
til innledningen på norsk og denne klode hadde et system som var
forbausende likt med det som Martinus beskriver i sin LIVETS BOG fra ca
Her fra boken
Som er skrevet av en nederlansk industrileder - etter dennes kontakt
til en avansert rase engang på 60-tallet. Han ble tatt med om bord i
skipet og vist en slags film fra deres hjemklode - sammen med deres
kommentarer. På samme måten som med andre avanserte raser, var ikke
språkbarrierer noe problem for denne rasen. I tillegg var de fullt ut
telepatiske. De sa han kunne gjøre hva han ville med informasjonen som
de gav ham - og han valgte å skrive en bok om sine opplevelser og deres
forklaringer. Men da forlaget ikke kunne tro historien - ble det
besluttet å utgi boken som science-fiction. Og boken er gitt ut i
stadig nye opplag og ble også da på åttitallet oversatt til engelsk.
Det er fra den engelske utgaven at dette er tatt ut:
"….The aim of the first part (of the book) is
therefore purely the identification of this alien race and is not an
attempt to create some kind of picture of earthly ideals, something that
we should try to emulate.
Iarga is different in every way. The planet and her
inhabitants have a different mentality and character, and therefore a
different cycle of evolution. One difference is that larga is almost
completely covered with water. The available area of land is. spread
over numerous islands with a total surface area not much larger than
Australia, and according to our standards, is much too small to feed and
accommodate the billions of beings needed to reach the goal of their
The extreme efficiency of their planning and food
production methods would be pointless on Earth, and their population
density forces them to a kind of over-socialized community. Only
beings that posses the ability to continually improve their mentality
and eliminate all aggression, have a chance of reaching perfection on
such planets. We do not have this ability, the reincarnation-selection
of larga does not exist on Earth. Here, the weeds grow up with the corn
until the harvest.
Despite the vast differences, a remarkable likeness
can be detected in some things; so much so that these beings can be
regarded as humans that have physically adapted to life on an alien
world. Their intellectual, emotional, and creative capabilities are the
same as ours, and if we had been placed in the same situation, we would
have become roughly the same. When the second part of this book has been
read, this will no longer cause any surprise; it will have become clear
that these beings are not only our cosmic brothers and sisters, but that
there also exists our ego-counterpart with which we will one day be
"….You see it in front of you. What you need
is not a vault full of banknotes, but production capacity. Only a
society with a completely efficient economic system can realize such
things for itself."
"But can all this be compared to the communist
system that we have on Earth?"
"Our cosmic universal economic system can be
compared to both communism and the capitalist Western economy. One can
also say that our cosmic economics can't be compared with either."
"If we don't have this system on Earth, how can
you call it universal?"
"It is only through this system that a race can
achieve a cultural level of social stability. And from there onward
toward immortality. It is the cosmic condition, based on natural laws."
"What's your definition of culture, then,
exactly? I'm beginning to think that we define the word differently."
"That's a very important question, Stef. Culture
is the measure through which a society caters to the least fortunate
man. The measure in which the sick, invalid, old or poor people are
taken care of. In short, the measure of collective unselfishness." (interessant
nok sier Martinus det samme om dette. R.Ø.anm.)
"But what has this got to do with immortality?"
"Just this, that unselfishness makes an
intelligent race immortal. But before you can understand this, you will
first have to climb the ladder with Us to the misty heights of cosmic
"Unbelievable! I thought that you practiced
efficiency as a sort of religion, but now I see that your economic
system is a religion of sorts as well."
"You are beginning to understand, but the word
'religion' is not well chosen."
"Something like it, then?"
"Do you mean that to start with - we should
build a world with this standard of efficiency and quality?"
"We do not remember ever having suggested that
you should build rail systems and cylindrical houses, nor have we said
that your population should become as large as ours. You are again
needlessly creating comparisons, which you should not do, for it leads
you nowhere. Try only to understand how we have used the three
essentials of higher culture - freedom, justice and efficiency - in our
world, and what culture really is to Us. Only then will you be able to
understand our answer to the great question that you have asked."
another part of the book: here from CHAPTER 3
Planet Iarga
After the Iargans had explained their concept of
efficiency, they turned without pause to their ideas of justice.
In the same relentless and efficient manner, I was
pumped full of the laws upon which they based their social and economic
system in a very short time. The main theme was the same: the efficiency
of the justice. It's interesting to fully understand what a cosmic
universal economic system is. They explain it as follows: an
economic plan, aimed at efficiently satisfying man's needs - so that he
is released from the tyranny of material things over his daily life. In
other words, if everyone has everything at his disposal, than the
acquisition of material goods is no longer of paramount importance. This
can only be achieved by providing "equal shares for everyone";
otherwise envy will always exist. The culture then becomes more or less
I nodded in agreement; mankind released from material
problems, no envy or greed, that was an answer. Only one small problem:
how is it done? A little magic perhaps? There are only two solutions:
everyone must own the same; or no one must own anything. The last is the
most efficient.
I sat bolt upright in my chair. Were they telling me,
a well-to-do company director, that I must dispense with personal
property? These beings were pure communists! It was useless to carry on
this conversation; it was getting me nowhere. I sat wondering if I
should voice my displeasure, but the explanation continued with the
following hypothesis: consequently, because money is an unmistakable
form of property, it should be abolished.
They went even further.
Personal property is an indication of a very
primitive level of culture. We had enough intelligence to build
rockets, but not enough to see that the laws of the "survival of
the fittest and might is right" - must be abolished. Perhaps I
could explain to them how I thought we could survive with such a system.
Because though ours was a highly interesting system, what they had found
here in discrimination beat anything that they had ever encountered
Earth people seem to be continually occupied with
thinking of new discriminations, and using them as solutions to the ones
that already exist. Someone could not formulate any social or political
plan without someone else immediately attacking it. I really must not
blame the spacemen when they said that all this useless talking, the
continual working against one another, made them laugh. On the other
hand, it was more terrifying than amusing that power had now been added
to this difference in insight in the form of an atomic-weapon arsenal
-which had an unimaginable destructive and poisonous effect. And all
this under the control of a few buttons!
How was it possible that we could still sleep
peacefully? One learns to live with things that are impossible to change.
What a foolish idea; of course it was possible to
change things. All we had to do was to stop discriminating, simply
change our laws. The concept of private property, of course, stood
in our way. But surely we could sort that out.
....I didn't think so. Abolish personal possessions?
Never would that work. While we are all quite willing to improve the
world, it had to begin with our neighbour. Surely even a selfish man can
understand that a world without discrimination would be a better place
in which to live. Perhaps we could even create a prosperity (velstand)
that, universally speaking, could be ten times better than that of the
That they could understand. It was a pity that the
communistic ideals were lost in inefficiency, otherwise they could have
done a lot of good. It was a case of state-controlled economic leaders
making the decisions.
My humor improved considerably; they were not
communists after all. But what were they, then?
I will try, briefly, to explain their system, as far
as I was able to understand it.

The total production of goods and services is, on
Iarga, in the hands of a very small number of huge companies, the
"trusts." These are huge organisations with millions of
employees, active over their whole planet. There are primary trusts,
which distribute directly to the consumer, and secondary trusts, which
supply the primary.
Nothing is paid for on Iarga, only registered. What a
consumer uses is registered in the computer center in each of the house
cylinders, and this may not exceed that to which he has a right. These
computers are coupled to the huge shopping centers in each of the
cylinders. You cannot buy anything. Large and expensive things, such as
houses, cars, boats, valuable artifacts, and so on, can only be hired.
They call this the right of acquisition (ervervelse).
Less expensive things are not hired because that is
not efficient. They are registered for their total value and the right
of use remains for life. This is almost the same as personal ownership,
except that in the event of death, the goods are returned to the trusts.
The last category is articles for consumption and
public services. Their total value is registered, at which point right
of usage becomes yours. As far as goods are concerned, you may not have
more "in stock" than is reasonable for your own use, otherwise
the surplus can be confiscated.
It is practically the same sort of thing as a bank
account, except that they place the control on the expenditure
(forbruk), whereas we place it on the income. This difference is worth a
lot of thought.
Legally, all the goods reamain the property of the
trusts that supplied them. This means not only that the trust is
responsible for the upkeep, repair and the guarantee of a certain
minimum life, but they also take the total risk of loss or destruction.
Thus, all the articles are made to such a high standard that repair is
never necessary; repairs are not only expensive but terribly
inefficient. Insurance companies and repair firms would make a poor
living on Iarga!
The trusts work on a cost-price basis whereby our
term "profit" is replaced by "the cost of continuation."
Each trust was constantly occupied with improving and expanding its
production. Their economy was as stable as a rock.
Their fully automatic factory complexes
They showed me two of their fully automatic factory
complexes, one that produced cars and another that produced the
trans-oceanic rail bridges. The star-shaped building had a diameter of
about one kilometer and the area around the factory was a maze of rails
supporting hundreds of their freighttorpedos which entered the building
at the points of the star. The film then moved to the factory's interior.
The points of the star contained the automatic unbading system that
emptied the trains of their raw materials, and this was the first time
that I was able to hear original sounds. Strange hollow knocking,
interposed with screeches and clicks, it was an inferno of noise that
echoed strangely in the small metal chamber in which I was sitting. The
same realistic effect as the film itself; left, right, above, below; I
heard the sounds exactly as if I had been present when they were made,
and I began to hear exactly which machine was making a particular noise.
The size of the machine park was indescribable.
Boilers, collectors, hinging lids, ovens with white-hot metal, presses
that belched steam each time they opened; huge horseshoe shaped sections
with high-voltage insulators and spark-spitting machines. Small,
delicate machines turned, twisted or juggled with their products.
I saw a few Iargans at work, dressed in orange
coloured overalls with space-suit like helmets on their heads which left
only the mouth and nose uncovered; there were never more than about 40
workers outside the control room. The production lines converged towards
the middle of the factory and it became clear that this factory produced
The most sinister, I found, were the metal claws that
functioned exactly the same way as a human hand and arm. They were
mounted on a system of arms and made movements exactly as a living being
would; large ones moved slowly, and small ones moved at lightening
speed, exactly synchronized with the placing of a part. The machine
completed its task piece for piece until a complete product emerged at
the end of the line, faultless, fast, and untouched by "human"
hand. (today - 40 years after this was written - we also have similar
fullautomatic productionlines here on earth - where everything is made
by robots. R.Ø.remark)
It was mostly the claws that gave the impression that
this monster with all its noise, had an intellect of its own.
The two production lines joined exactly in the middle
of the star, the complete under section of the car, complete with wheels,
seats, steering and controls was joined in one operation to the upper
section with glass, doors and the rail skis. Here I saw the most
impressive battery of arms and claws, the finished automobiles were
picked up by the skis, swung round, and placed onto the rail system
exactly next to the previous one, with only a few millimeters between
them. The camera rested for a while on this end phase, and it began to
dawn on me just exactly what this machine was capable of doing.
This kilometer long monster that knew no failure,
turned raw material into a finished automobile at the rate of one every
twenty seconds! or four thousand five hundred per day. When my
noise-numbed brain registered this, I got a rather strange feeling in my
stomach; this was inhuman!
They were also "kind" enough to show me
another factory that produced the trans-oceanic rail bridges, but I will
spare you the details.(see picture below - at buttom at this page) The need to continually write in superlatives
tends to bring aversion, my comments can be condensed into one word,
terrible! How the Iargans can develop and build such mechanical monsters
is a mystery to me.
They also thought it desirable to show me the robot
production of the houses; even a nonefficient Earth man could surely
under-stand something of the advantages of standardization. I thanked
them kindly for the offer, but I had seen enough of all that automation,
where Iargans only checked to see that everything was working properly.
I was quite prepared to accept the fact that they could build houses
fully automatically.
They were disappointed, but perhaps I would like to
see how they assembled the units into the huge cylinders? Okay, the,
just to please them.
How do Iargans build their houses? This efficiency
began to tickle my sense of humor. They began by building a factory, on
site, and placed in it one of the mechanical monsters that produced the
complete, ready-for-use, plastic housing units. Each unit was roughly
sixty by sixty feet and eighteen feet high, completely finished with
glass, furniture, household machines, communication system, and so on,
divided into two layers or floors. (see pictures/drawings made from this
Iarga-contact on http://www.galactic-server.net/rune/iarga.html
and last - down at the buttom of this site)
On the site itself lay, in the ground, a huge,
star-shaped rib construction with a diameter of more than nine hundred
feet. Just as the roofs of the cylinders were domed, so was the
foundation, but with the convex side under, like a half discus. The ribs
were joined in the middle to a huge ring, the depth of the ribs at this
point being approximately sixty feet. The plating on the under-side of
the ribs was dark grey and looked rather like the skin of their
spaceships. On this "saucer" foundation a massive cylinder
with a steel frame was built, filled in with something that looked like
black concrete, the whole construction having a diameter of
approximately eight hundred feet and a wall thickness of approximately
nine feet. The whole construction was covered by the domed roof which
seemed to be almost as strong as the foundations, only this roof was
covered by glass.
On the out side of this cylindrical wall were rows of
heavy support beams, onto which the house units were placed, each unit
fitting perfectly against the insulated surfaces of its neighbour. If
one of the units should be damaged at any time, for example by fire,
then it was simply removed and a new one put in its place. A wonderful
piece of engineering. (see picture below)
The "working life" of these constructions
was calculated to be at least one thousand years.
"When I hear you continually talking about
quality and a useful life of thousands of years, and a rail system that
can stand for hundreds of years, I get the feeling that your plans for
the future make ours, which only take into account the next twenty or
thirty years, look like child's play," I told them during a break
in the film.
"The explanation is not difficult," a
spokesman answered calmly. "A race that lives under the constant
threat of war and destruction does not logically make any plans for the
distant future. For an absolute race, that is different. The continual
improvement of our mental capacity directs our thoughts more and more
into the future. We have created a planet on which our race can survive
for an eternity. We live in a stable world on a clean planet, where the
balance of nature can be maintained for unlimited time. We live for the
future, because we expect great things from it. We are constantly
occupied with making our world a better place to live in. The Earth, on
the other hand, lives for the present and the past, and does not worry
about the future generations."
Her forlater vi utdraget fra Iarga - boken som i sin
helhet kan leses via
link her:
og følge/og/ eller bare lytte til lydbok på
audiobook mp3
a/30min | part2
| 3 |
4 |
Raskere å ta inn alternativ info på denne
/ PpNorsk
Tar også med litt fra en annen DIREKTE FYSISK
KONTAKT som pågikk over mange år - fra tidlig på 50-tallet - og som
brakte fram mye informasjon. Det er hentet fra boken
"…..we inhabitants of UMMO have a body whose physiological
form is very much like that of "homo Sapiens" of Earth. This
is logical if you consider that biogenetic laws are valid for the entire
universe and that when the environment is analogous, the biological
structure undergoes few variations. Therefore we are not people you
would call "monsters". Only a few slight anatomical
differences distinguish us from you. In many of our brothers the speech
organs are hypertrophied and we replace this sclerosis (forkalkning) by
artificial means of verbal expression.
Our race is older than yours and so has reached a
higher level of civilization. Our social structure is different. We are
governed by four members chosen through psychophysiological evaluations,
Our laws are regulated according to constant sociometric measurements
over time.
Accordingly our economic system is different. We know
nothing of money in view of the fact that the transactions in the few
goods of value existing on UMMO take place through a network of what you
would call electronic brains. Goods of normal consumption hardly
have a value because their abundant production greatly exceeds the
Our society is profoundly religious. We believe in a
Creator (WOA) or God and we have scientific arguments in favor of the
existence of factor that you would call the soul. We recognize a third
factor thaw unites it to the body and is composed of atoms of Krypton
lodged in the encephalic mass.
Our customs are also very different. There are no
differences of race, and the zoological species and varieties are less
We have no intention of interfering in the social
evolution of your planet for two transcendent reasons. A cosmic morality
prohibits all paternalistic attitudes toward planetary social systems,
which are to grow gradually, each on its own. Furthermore, any public
intervention on our part -- our own official presentation -- would
produce grave changes and incalculable social disturbances, and in this
way our study and analysis of your society would no longer be possible
as they are now in the present conditions of virginity.
Our modest attempts to communicate, as we are now
doing with you, will not, on the other hand, cause much commotion
(oppstyr) because we foresee the natural skepticism with which they will
be greeted.
Our numbering system is 12, so as a curious bit of
information we include here a table with some mathematical algorisms as
we transcribe them. (not included in this summary.)
AVANSERTE UTENOMJORDISKE - opplevd og skrevet av
fransk-australieren MICHEL DESMARQUET
Han sier han har fått spesiell hjelp av "dem" til å kunne
huske alle opplevelser, detaljer, etc. som gjengis i boken. Det tok tre
år før han lyktes å få boken utgitt - den ble for utrolig for
forlagene - men den er nå gjenopptrykket i fem nye opplag.
Kort innledning: Den da (i 1987) 58 årige Michel får en plutselig
innskytelse til å stå opp kl halv ett på natten og skriver en beskjed
til sin kone at han blir borte i ti dager. Så går han ut, ned trappen
fra sitt hus i nordøstre Australia og blir med ett tatt opp i et
fartøy som "kjøres" av en "stor" kvinne. Hun kalte
seg Thao. Bortsett fra den fysiske størrelsen er det ikke noe som
avviker fra en vakker jordkvinne. Hun tar ham med over til et annet
jordplan eller en parallell jorddimensjon via dette eggformede fartøyet
på ca 70 meter i diameter som han fikk opplysninger om senere.
Fartøyet utstrålte en blåaktig aura. Her kommer de etterhvert inn på
temaet penger og andre aktuelle ting vedr Jorden: (mer på norsk i
bok som omtaler denne i omfattende form)
‘We, the people of Thiaoouba, are assigned to assist, guide and
sometimes punish the inhabitants of planets under our guardianship.’
Fortunately, Thao had briefed me on Earth’s history during our
journey to Thiaoouba. Otherwise, I’d have surely fallen off my seat on
hearing such a speech.
‘I think,’ he (a wiseman on that planet Thiaoouba )resumed, ‘that
you already know what we mean by ‘harmful to the human race’. Many
people on Earth believe atomic arms to be the major danger, but it is
not so. The greatest danger concerns ‘materialism’. The people of
your planet seek money - to some it’s a means of attaining power; to
others it’s a means to acquire drugs, (another curse) yet to others,
it’s a way of possessing more than their neighbours possess.
‘If a businessman owns a large store he then wants a second, then a
third. If he commands a small empire, he wants to increase it. If an
ordinary man owns a house in which he could live happily with his family,
he wants a larger one or to own a second one, then a third...
Why this folly? Besides, a man will die and have to abandon all he
has amassed. Perhaps his children will squander his legacy and his
grandchildren will live in poverty? His whole life will have been
preoccupied with purely material concerns, with insufficient time
allowed for matters of the spirit. Others with money turn to drugs in
their endeavour to procure an artificial paradise and these people pay
more dearly than do the others.
‘I see,’ he continued. ‘I am going much too fast and you are
not following me, Michel. You should be able to follow, however, since
Thao has already initiated your education in these matters during your
I felt ashamed, almost like when reprimanded by a teacher at school;
the only difference being, here I was not able to cheat by saying I had
understood when it wasn’t true. He could read me like an open book.
He deigned to smile at me and his Aura, which had been flaming like a
fire, returned to its original hue.
‘Now, once and for always, we will teach you and provide you with
what you French call ‘the key to the mystery’.
‘As you have heard, in the beginning there was the Spirit alone and
He created, by his immense force, all that exists materially. He created
the planets, the suns, plants, animals, with one goal in mind: to
satisfy his spiritual need. This is quite logical since He is purely
spirit. Already I see you are wondering why the need to create material
things in order to attain spiritual fulfilment. I offer this, by way of
explanation: the creator sought spiritual experiences through a material
world. I see you still have difficulty following - but you are making
‘In order to have these experiences, He wanted to embody a tiny
part of his Spirit in a physical entity. To do this, He called on the
Fourth force - the force which Thao has not yet spoken of and which
concerns only spirituality. In this domain, Universal Law also applies.
‘And there we are, back at the root of all evil that I mentioned
earlier - money. This is the curse that undermines your entire
civilisation; and yet, in this particular case, the situation could be
reversed if those responsible were motivated to change. On no matter
which planet, the greatest dangers to humankind are, ultimately, of a
psychological, rather than material nature.
‘Drugs, similarly, affect the psyche of the individual - not only
do they ruin physical health, they also reverse1 the individual’s
process of universal evolution. At the same time as they induce states
of euphoria or artificial paradise, they are also directly attacking the
Astral body. I will elaborate on this, for it is of great importance.
and still later:
I recall that Thao remained as though lost in thought for quite some
time - looking at me without speaking; then she resumed:
‘For approximately one hundred and forty years on your planet, man
has been accelerating the destruction of Nature and the pollution of the
environment. This has happened since the discovery of steam power and
the combustion engine. You have but a few years left in which to arrest
the pollution before the situation becomes irreversible. One of the
principal pollutants on Earth is the petrol-driven engine and this could
be replaced immediately with a hydrogen engine that would cause no
pollution, so to speak. On certain planets, this is called the ‘clean
motor’. Prototypes for such an engine have been constructed by various
engineers on your planet but they must be industrially manufactured in
order to replace petrol engines. Not only would this measure mean a
seventy per cent reduction in current levels of pollution by combustion
waste, but it would also be more economical for consumers.
‘The big petrol corporations had been terrified at the idea of this
motor being popularised for it would mean loss of sales for their oil
and subsequent financial ruin.
‘Governments, too, who impose enormous taxes on these oils, would
suffer equally. You see, Michel, it always comes back to money.
Because of it, you have a whole economic and financial context that
opposes progress towards radical change in the interest of all human
life on Earth.
‘The people on Earth allow themselves to be pushed around, bullied,
exploited and led to the abattoirs by political and financial cartels
which are sometimes even associated with well-known sects and religions.
‘When these cartels fail to win the people with clever advertising
campaigns intended to brainwash them, they try to succeed through
political channels, and next through religion or through a clever blend
of the lot.
‘Great men wanting to do something for mankind have simply been
done away with. Martin Luther King is one example; Ghandi is another.
‘But the people of Earth can no longer allow themselves to be
treated as fools and led to the abattoirs like flocks of sheep by
leaders that they, themselves, have democratically elected. The people
form the vast majority. In a nation of one hundred million inhabitants,
it is absurd that a group of financiers comprising perhaps a thousand
individuals can decide the fate of the others - like the butcher does at
the abattoir.
‘Such a group has well and truly stifled the business of the
hydrogen motor so that it is no longer mentioned.
‘These people couldn’t care less what might happen to your planet
in years to come. Selfishly, they seek their gains, expecting to be dead
before ‘whatever is going to happen’ happens. If the Earth
disappears, as a result of horrific cataclysms, they assume they will
already be dead.
‘There, they are making a big mistake, for the source of the coming
disasters is the pollution which is growing daily on your planet, and
its consequences will be felt very soon - much sooner than you can
imagine. The people of Earth must not do as the child forbidden to play
with fire; the child is without experience and, in spite of the
prohibition, he disobeys and burns himself. Once burnt, he ‘knows’
that the adults were right. He won’t play with fire again but he will
pay for his disobedience by suffering for several days afterwards.
later still:
Have you ever wondered, just to give you an example, what would
happen if the electricity went out in a supermarket with the new cash
registers and the new barcode system of recording prices? The check-out
assistants wouldn’t even be able to add up the goods - the codes on
most articles would make it an impossible task. Has it ever crossed your
minds that the encoding stops you, the consumer from knowing the price
of a tin of baked beans, unless you go through the list you’re given?
But that’s an arduous task. So you are less and less aware of how much
you’re spending and, imperceptibly, the financiers take control of
your own money.
I knew a charming little shopkeeper who had a problem with his cash
register. I arrived while it was being repaired. He sold me two articles
at one dollar thirty eight cents each. It took him about three minutes
to work out the total on a piece of paper, and he ended up giving me two
dollars thirty four change from the five dollars I had handed him,
simply because he’d lost the habit of making such a simple addition,
even on paper. He trusts the machine, as do thousands of others like him.
People put their trust in credit cards and computers, they’re wrong
because, imperceptibly, they’re no longer thinking for themselves,
they’re letting the financiers add up for them. Imperceptibly, they’re
no longer ‘in control’.
Let’s do a little experiment together, and you’ll see what I’m
talking about.
Are you ready? Right, a few lines up, I did an addition for you and
explained that I’d bought two dollars seventy six worth of goods, and
that the shopkeeper handed me two dollars thirty four in change from
five dollars. Fortunately, you weren’t the shopkeeper, as I would have
made you lose ten cents. I did that deliberately to catch you out. If,
however, you are among those who stopped when reading the paragraph to
check the sum, then that indicates that you’re not easily led. If you
fall into the second category, of those who didn’t check, you’d
better change your attitude now. You’re a human being, containing a
Divine fragment, be proud of it, and stop behaving like a sheep.
You’ve already read this book to the end, that’s wonderful in
itself. Wonderful? Yes, because that shows that you are interested in
more than just your steak and chips, hamburger, sauerkraut or a glass of
beer. So there you go!
What I have to say next is directly aimed at the millions of young
people around the world. Everything Thao asked me to write, and, of
course, everything I’ve just added, apply equally to young people, but
I want to add a message specially for them.
My friends, the great number of you who have lost hope, are
unemployed, bored or packed into towns, why don’t you radically change
your lifestyle? Instead of stagnating in unhealthy environments, you can
organise yourselves along a completely different path………
Som nevnt foran er enda mer om dette tema fra Acartkontakten
bra video online om dette og mer -
the zeitgeist)
Tilslutt tar jeg også med noe om
pengeløse kosmiske samfunn og
hvorfor "myndighetene" frykter konkurransen eller skal vi
heller si alternativet fra disse. Dette ville jo medføre at de
maktmennesker - både politikere, pengfolk og de militære -
som styrer jordens land, ville miste sin makt og kontroll.
For de som har satt seg inn i "problemet" vet at
verdensøkonomien styres av noen ganske få makt- personer.
Banksystemet er et verdensomfattende pyramidespill - og de som
kjenner disse vet at de som sitter på toppen av denne kan ta inn
uendelige verdier fra de mange under seg i pyramiden - via selve
banksystemets legale, og "uskyldige"
rentesystem. Men i dette ligger det direkte kamuflert svindel -
riktignok som alle godtar, da de ikke helt forstår hvordan hele
pyramiden og systemet er bygd opp. Men overnevte video viser dette i
klare linjer.
De færreste vet f.eks. at den amerikanske nasjonalbank er PRIVATEID
- men dog har den fullmakt til å låne ut penger til staten og de
tusenvis av banker som finnes rundt om i USA. Men de som opprettet denne
banken var smarte nok til å kalle den FEDERAL RESERVES - hvilket får
den vanlige innbygger til å tro at den er offentlig. Men nei - den er
privat -og de LÅNER UT "LUFTPENGER"- ALTSÅ ut av
luften skapte-"TALL"
Setter du inn 1000 kr/dollar i en bank så har de tillatelse til å
låne ut 10-13ganger dette beløpet. Men på disse utlån tar de renter
- hvilket er å ta penger ut av intet. (mer
på norsk ppoint om dette)
er så sterke motstandere mot at bl.a. olje skal omsettes i euro, OG det
var en av hovedårsakene til at de angrep Irak- som nettopp hadde begynt
å selge sin olje i euro!
Dette kan sikkert virke som ren spekulasjon for de som ikke har satt
seg inn i temaet - men det hele er grundig BEVIST OG AVKLEDD TIL SKINNET
gjennom flere informasjoner som har kommet fram de siste tiår. Det er
bl.a. laget flere meget gode videoer om dette - og de samme som produserte denne,
har forsøkt å ta opp denne saken i KONGRESSEN - men har blitt stoppet
hver gang.
En av de første bøkene om dette var
RESERVE - The London Connection - skrevet av Eustace Mullins. Denne
boken ble
forsøkt hindret utgitt gang på gang ved at opplagene stadig ble
oppkjøpt og brent opp. Dette skjedde igjen i europa i 1955 - og det er
det eneste bokopplaget som er blitt brent siden andre verdenskrig i
Europa! Men takket vært Internett er det nå tilgjengelig.
Det ble allerede tidlig på 90tallet som sagt laget en fantastisk 3timers video om dette - og
lyden fra denne ligger nå på nettet på linkene her. Den første
linken er for avspilling gjennom windows mediaplayer :
litt mer om dette - fritt oversatt fra boken
AND ANTIMATTER (netbook # jo22PDF) av "gyeorgos ceres hatonn" -(phonix journals
fra 1991)
"Dersom det babilonske pengesystem (som går på dette å ta
rente) ble kastet vekk - da måtte dets verdimåling vendes. Isteden
for at alt skal måles som "gull og sølv" (i dag da som
penger) - så er den riktige måle-enheten MENNESKETS LIVSTID. DEN
Prisen på "ting" kan baseres på mannetimer som det går
med å lage dem og de tilsvarende for å få dem solgt. Hvor mye av ens
livstid må en gi i bytte?
"Alle er klar over at TID ER PENGER. Samtidig
ville dette overflødiggjøre alle snyltemulighetene ved at noen snylter
sin tid inn på et produkt som "mellomhandler". Samt alle
"politikere" som ikke i denne sammenheng gjør noe nyttig. De
som etter dette system KAN ARBEIDE - MEN NEKTER - ville snart "bli
sultne" eller da gå inn i produksjonen.
Dere kunne etablere deres pengestandard som EN MANNETIME MED ARBEIDE,
som f.eks. kunne kalles en manny, og 1% av manny kunne kalles en MINN.
(opprinnelig en ide fra en carl gorton)
Disse måleenhetene ville skape global likhet - da en manny var lik
over hele kloden. Samtidig ville denne skape stabilitet - da tiden er
stabil. Man kan ta med seg sin TID dit man vil - på den måten at man
kan arbeide f.eks. et fjernt sted henne med den nye kommende teknikk.
Dette systemet gjør deg fri fra "GRAB'ens" klør. (GRAB=
Government, Religion And Banking).
slutt utdrag fra boken
AND ANTIMATTER, og merk igjen at disse ideene er praktisk talt helt
identiske med hva Martinus skrev allerede i sin LIVETS BOG DEL 1- fra
1931 - der han "intuitivt så" hvordan dette gjøres på de
høyere utviklede kloder, og likeså hvordan dette ville "bli"
på jorden om ca 500-3000år.
Litt om "FEDERAL RESERVES" fra samme kilde - men hele bakgrunnen for
denne finnes bl.a. i boken - søk på denne tittelen på google!
"… FEDERAL RESERVES ble etablert via Owen-Glass -lovforslaget
da det ble godkjent i senatet (43 mot 25) den 22.dec.1913, og i "HOUSE
OF REPRESENTATIVES" (209 mot 60) den 23.dec 1913. Det ble STRAKS
undertegnet som lovlig av president Woodrow Wilson. Det har siden blitt
kalt THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT - og PRIVATBANKEN bak dette kalles kun
(men det er denne som folk TROR er "offentlig").
lovforslaget passerte sa kongressmannen CHARLES LINDBERGH senior:
"denne THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT er den største gigantiske
forvaltningsformue på Jorden. Når presidenten signerer denne loven,
vil den usynlige regjering av pengemakten bli legalisert.
Tyve år senere sa kongressmannen McFadden: "plyndringen av de
forente stater fra "the fed" - er den største forbrytelsen i
(og forbrytelsen er altså den at en liten gruppe
"finansmenn" fikk gennom denne lov i kongressen der de "tok på seg ansvaret for å
holde den amerikanske økonomien stabil" og samtidig fikk manipulert
gjennom en lovhjemmel til å låne ut penger til staten og til alle andre banker
- OG TAR DE RENTER PÅ DISSE "LUFTPENGER". De fikk nemlig samtidig lov til å sette de nødvendige sedler i
omløp. Slik sett var deres innkomst snart gigantisk. (rø bemerkning.)
Kongressmannen McFadden - som formann i "house banking and
currency commitee" for mer enn ti år, var den fremste autoriteten
på "the Fed" - og ufryktsom belyste han deres kriminelle
aktiviteter. Men hans bestrebelser for å ødelegge "the fed"
kunne ikke overgå makten til AMERICAN BANK. Men hans advarsler er enda
mer relevante og viktige i dag enn da han sa dette på 30tallet til
"herr formann, vi har i dette landet en av de mest korrupte
institusjoner som verden har kjent. Jeg referer til FEDERAL RESERVE BANK
- heretter kalt THE FED. Denne har svindlet regjeringen i disse forente
stater og menneskene her for nok penger til å betale hele nasjonens
gjeld. Plyndringene og syndigheten hos "the fed" har kostet
dette landet nok penger å betale den nasjonale gjeld mange ganger.
Denne onde institusjon har forarmet og ruinert menneskene av disse
forente stater - har gjort mennesker konkurs og i praksis konkurskjørt
vår regjering. Den har gjort dette gjennom svakheter i loven under
hvilken det opereres, skjønt misligheten av loven gjennom "the fed"
og hos den korrupte framgangsmåte fra pengegribbene som kontrollerer
Noen mennesker tror at FEDERAL RESERVE BANK er en av
staters statlige institusjoner - DE ER IKKE STATLIGE
er private monopoler som utbytter menneskene i disse forente
stater for
fordel for seg selv, og deres utenlandske kunder - fremmende og
hjemlige spekulanter og svindlere og rike og rov-penge-lånere. I det
mørke mannskap av finansielle pirater, er det disse som ville
kutte en
manns strupe for å få en dollar ut av hans lomme - det er disse
sender penger inn til stater for å kjøpe stemmer for å
vår lovgivende forsamling. Det er disse som driver internasjonal
propaganda i den hensikt å bedra oss inn til støtte av nye
innrømmelser som vil tillate dem å dekke over sine tidligere
misgjerninger og sette i sving deres gigantiske tog av
Disse tolv private kredittmonopoler ble bedragerisk og illojalt
påprakket dette landet fra bankeiere som kom hit fra europa og
tilbakebetalte oss vår "vennlighet" ved å undergrave våre
amerikanske institusjoner. Disse bankeiere tok penger ut av dette landet
for å finansiere Japan i en krig mot russland. ….
Slutt utdrag
KOMMENTAR TIL DETTE: når vi nå, våren 2003, ser hvordan
krigskrefter i USA - gjennom Bush-regjeringen - forsøker å
kjøpe seg stemmer og støtte fra andre land til sin
maktkamp/krigføring - ved å "GI" OG LÅNE UT ENORME
PENGEBELØP - så er det de samme kreftene som ligger bak - husk at
disse har ubegrensede økonomiske midler, da de kontrollerer FEDERAL
Dette vil nok bli et sjokk
for mange å innse, hvordan disse krefter, men med sin djevelsk smarte manipulering, og med sin
kontroll over alle media som de eier, har kneblet verden. Det vil det nok ta tid før den
vanlige mann i gata forstår dette. Det er jo denne "uvitende masse"
som de kynisk har utnyttet og slavebundet til "alle tider". (rø)

Fra telepatiske kilder
Slik informasjonen om pengeløse samfunn er også kommet fra mange telepatiske
(kanaliserte) kontakter.
Her er en fra Tsjekkia fra ca. 1996:
Ask yourself: How will be our life without money ?
By money abolition on the planet Earth, we WILL TAKE
AWAY from pseudo-creators and saurians (negative entities from 4thdensity)
the MAIN CONTROL TOOL - the program, which they use to enslave, control
and steal energy (fear and other negative emotions, excessive work
unnecessary for a valuable life etc.) from the terrestrial mankind.
This way we will FURTHER ATTACK their control technologies and in
the last phase we will drive them away by LOVE to other parts of the
outplacement zone (similarly as in the fairy tale "Immortal
aunt", produced by Bonton).
On millions of planets of our Galaxy the Cosmic
people already live in this way a splendid, full-value life. (source:www.universe-people.com)
see books
WITH GOD III" and our other recommended sources.
Cosmic people work for the society for 2 hours a day.
Our society would work for 4 hours a day. Those terrestrials (people)
who agree with money abolition, are FOUNDERS OF A NEW SOCIETY OF HIGHER
PLANETS. Many of these already now understand, that OWNERSHIP OF
DISPROPORTIONAL PROPERTY (2 and more houses, 2 and more cars for
themselves etc., it means money-grubbing) BRINGS IN REALITY HARDER LIFE,
"They do not have money, they do not need it. Money does not
exist on Advanced planets, there are no stock markets, currency, banks,
financial systems, because this system steals from people their energy,
which is uselessly
used (state institutions, army, advertising, stocks, shops, banks etc.).
"Advanced civilizations work for their society 1-4 hours a day.
Then they take part in their interests and hobbies (reading, culture,
dance, music, rambling, visits, self - studying - thirty scientific
branches at the same time etc.).