more on sex with
human-looking ufo-women in south-America |
here from page98 in book
UFO-ABDUCTION AT BOTUCATU - but this case of a contact in Columbia, near
El Banco, province of Magadlena, where a cowherd had this;
Cowherd Anibal Quintero, lived with his wife
and 3 children on a farm. His wife was Brunhilda, and this night she
reamarked he was snoring, which he else did not do.
She lay awake for some time watching him,
unable to sleep. Then a thunderstorm broke, and it rained with much
thunder and lightning, and this woke Liberato up. By then, Brunilda,
having given her smallest child his last breast-feed, had dropped off to
sleep herself.
Liberato felt "queer"... as though
something odd was going to happen. He was restless. He felt he
absolutely had to get up out of the hammock. He was nervous and sweating,
and realized that his movements and sensations were not quite normal. He
crossed himself, recited Our Father, and dashed out of the house.
It was now two years since he had taken this
job as a cow-hand on the farm known as La Vida Tranquila. Little did he
realise that was about to change that night.
Outside all was normal and quiet. The heavy
rain had stopped and the stars were beginning to appear in breaks in the
clouds. Liberato found himself walking towards the cowsheds, which were
some distance from his house. He felt there was something "heavy"
and "difficult" in his movements. He proceeded slowly
forward, feeling as though he were "controlled by some inexplicable
external force."
Coming to the brook that cuts across the farm
at this point, he stopped and washed his face. The time was now about
half an hour past midnight.
Just before reaching the cowsheds, he became
aware of a vivid beam of light which lit lip the sky and, instinctively
threw himself down on to the ground. The light drew steadily closer. He
tried to run, but his legs gave way under him. At last he managed to
crawl into some bushes and secrete himself in a hollow from which he
hoped he could observe without being seen.
As Liberato described it later, "Everything
seemed strange. At first I thought I must be dreaming, but soon I
realized that none of it was hallucination, but all real enough. A big
luminous craft, shaped like an egg, was slowly descending from the sky,
vividly lighting up the whole area all around. And it changed the
temperature, because just previously, after the heavy rainstorm, it had
been quite cool. And now, suddenly, It was like an inferno, an
unbearable heat.
Terrified, he continued to watch as the strange
craft touched down close by the cowsheds. It's light was now so vivid
that it dazzled and blinded him. For a few seconds there was a dead
silence. Then came a heavy metallic noise, as a small ladder appeared on
the side of the craft and came down towards the ground.
Liberato continued, "I was by now more
scared than ever. I wanted to run but that was impossible. I was simply
paralysed to the spot, however much I wanted to get out of there. I
simply could not do it. I tell you, I swear to God, my fear was so great
that I could not move from the spot.
"At one point I felt I was about to faint,
but then I felt a new surge of strength and just sat there where I was.
I nearly let out a yell when I saw a number of people coming down out of
the machine. They were carrying what looked like lights and torches in
their hands.
"I recall very clearly what they looked
like. They were, as I calculate it, less than 1.50 meters tall. They
were white-skinned, with flattened faces, very high cheek-bones, quite
thick eyebrows, and round protruding eyes. I don't think they had either
eyelids or eyelashes there. Three of them were women, with long hair,
who came down out of that machine after the men. They all seemed very
much impressed, and were looking about them on all sides.
Liberato seemed fatigued as he described it all
later to the magazine representative, and paused from time to time in
his account. He looked pale and asked for a respit to refresh himself.
Brunilda brought him a glass of water. He drank half of it and then went
"I was still unable to move. I was
terrified as I watched those little men and women, and remained where I
was. But then suddenly one of them was there, right be-side me. I tried
to make a dash for it, but they caught me immediately. Those little folk
were a lot more nimble than I am, or any of you. They caught me by the
hand and it felt as though my hand were burning. Then, with a great
effort, and using my fists, I knocked at least four or five of them down,
but they were too many for me, and my strength was soon exhausted.
"Then suddenly they seized hold of me in
the area of the spinal column, and that was the end so far as any
resistance by me was concerned. From then onwards they had me completely
in their control. I lost consciousness at that point, and when I woke up
again, after I don't know how long a time, I found myself in a room with
extraordinary lights...
My right arm felt very painful, and I could see
on it quite plainly, a mark something like the mark left by a needle
when you have an injection. I think they had taken blood from me, and a
great deal of blood too, for I have been having fearful headaches ever
"As soon as I recovered consciousness my
whole body felt wracked with dreadful pain, just as though they had
given me a tremendous beating. But even greater was my astonishment when
I found three of those women at my side, giving me a sort of massage on
the back and trying, so it appeared, to relieve my pain.
"when I felt them caressing me like this,
I was astounded. But what amazed me most of all was that the women
massaging me are completely naked and in an inviting and provocative
posture, clearly ready for anything. I admit I am very fond of women,
but I swear to you that at that moment I just did not know what to do. I
started to take a good close look at one of them. She seemed very nice.
Her breasts were well formed and not very big and I tried to kiss them.
She offered 'no objection. After that everything was dead easy. She was
completely naked, and so was I. I went on kissing her, from the breasts
on downwards, and I noticed that she had no naval! I became very excited
and took her. She seemed absolutely insatiable, very, very ardent... She
was very hairy and her legs were very short, seeing that she was herself
so short, but her legs were well formed all the same considering her
size. Her skin was very soft, and her hips were very nice, very nice.
"I do not know how long I stayed with her.
But when I had had enough and wanted to break it off and go home, she
held me back. I felt just like a pinioned child, and my fear now began
to be greater than ever before, even greater than at the beginning. This
woman, whom I had held in my arms a few seconds before, now emitted a
series of noises like the barking of a dog, and she was answered with
barks from others like her elsewhere in the craft.
"I was exhausted by now. But suddenly two
more women came toward me and gave me a strange yellowish liquid to
drink, and this completely restored my vigour. How long a time had
elapsed by then, I have no idea.
"The first woman had left me utterly
exhausted. But
most amazing part of it was the drink that they gave to me, which
restored me physically as though nothing had happened! I reckon the
whole affair with the three of them must have taken at least three hours.
All I can remember now is that after I had the first everything went
black around me. And then suddenly I felt the prick of the injection
again. But this time it was not in my right arm but in my back, in the
area where they had been caressing me so much.
"I woke up finally to find myself lying on
the grass. Dawn was just breaking. With great difficulty I managed to
get to my feet and make a dash for home to tell my wife and finally my
workmates all about what had happened to me. my mates armed themselves
and went back to the spot where I had fallen into the hands of the
strange beings. But there was nobody there. Nothing but just silence.
All there was to be seen on the spot was the marks left in the ground by
the machine out of which those women came -- those women who, weird as
they were, have left me with some disturbing memories. Everytime I think
about it I get a ringing in my head.
Brunilda Aguirre, Liberato's wife, was
described by the newspaper as of frail physique and very quiet. She was,
however, to be more peevish than ever. Questioned as to how she felt she
"Well I've got my reasons, I'm not jealous,
but after all who would like to have to do what my husband was forced to
do? I don't know why those bitches should have picked on my husband who,
up till now, had never been unfaithful to me, though he is fond enough
of the women. My husband means absolutely everything to me and I can't
do without him. As a matter of fact, on the night when it happened, I
noticed that he was already acting very strangely. And especially when
he came back home from work and took off his shoes and lay down in the
Normally he never snores. But that day he
snored... and how. I never used to put faith in all that talk about men
and women from other planets, but now I've got to believe it, in view of
what has happened to my husband. And there's another thing too. I,
myself have seen a strange machine, just like my husband described it,
flying around here these last few days. let us hope to God that they
don't come back again for Liberato. Because if they did come back, I
think it would just be the end of me, for they'd leave him completely
steril! We've already got some children, of course, but all the same it
would be a terrible state of affairs.
"As for myself, well I don't think I would
be capable of doing what my husband did. I'd sooner be killed than to
subject myself like that to someone you don't even know. And from
another planet too! No that wouldn't be decent! That would be too
The owner of the Vida Tranquila farm, a lawer
named Miguel Antonio Pina Vega, was gravely concerned when he heard the
strange adventure related by the cowman, and promptly arranged for him
to be given a thorough medical examination by a doctor.
Asked by the journalist to comment on the case,
the lawyer spoke as follows:
"I have around twenty hired hands on the
farm, and Liberato Anibal Quintero is a man whom I consider to be
completely trustworthy. He is a serious hardworking man, who drinks very
little. He has no vices, like narcotics and that sort of thing, and
indeed, he doesn't even smoke cigarettes.
He reckons Liberato to be one of the most
efficient of the workers on his farm. "One of the best I have ever
had. I've never had any sort of trouble with him, nor do I expect to
have any after the statements he has just made. But there is no doubt
it, -it certainly does' come as a shock to you when you hear a story
like this. I was told about it that same morning, when I went across to
collect the day's milk. his first thoughts 'were that it must be some
sort of a sick joke, but later I was able to see that Liberato was
clearly telling the truth, and I felt his story was even further
confirmed when the doctor, by whem I had him examined, told me that the
whole thing is quite possible and that Liberato is perfectly normal. Any
possibility that he might be suffering from seme sort of hallucination
is absolutely ruled out.
The doctor, Dr. Manuel Villanueva Amaris, was
one of the few people who did not find the cowman's story in any way
astonishing. He carried but the medical checkup on Liberato at the
request of the owner of the farm, Sr. Pina Vega. His statement, as given
in the press account read as follows:
"Nothing in the man's story surprises me
in the least.
I myself have had the opportunity to read a
whole lot of descriptions lately, given by perfectly serious folk. For
example, one of them was an Argentine doctor, discussing the presence of
extraterrestrial beings among us, and I have also seen many other cases
described in the newspapers and magazines. As regards the examination I
made on Liberato Quintero, everything that I found bears out his story.
He is in perfectly normal health. His neurological condition and his
responses, as well as all tests I carried out on him have yielded
entirely satisfactory results.
Dr Villanueva emphasised that he finds the
cowman's story in no way improbable and went on:
"I am certainly not one of those who will
criticise him. These are questions that we have got to think about very
carefully, and they must be the subject of profound study, inasmuch as
mankind has in fact been attempting to ascertain whether or not there
are living beings on other planets, and there has been abundant evidence
that this is so, as we can see from the many cases which are now
becoming everyday happenings, proving that such beings do exist, and
that they have been coming here and visiting us.
The magazine article was illustrated with six
photographs which show the cowman and his wife and children. These
photographs indicate that they are very poor, underprivileged sort of
folk, dwelling in quite primitive conditions. We are not told whether
Liberato is literate or not, but on the basis of the conditions that
prevail in his locality it is quite probable that he is completely
illiterate, and his humble home may not contain a single book.
This fits this witness squarely in our model
profile of a UFO abductee. We have gone back over the known abductions
of human males of normal Earth races who have reportedly been taken
aboard what purports to be extraterrestrial spacecraft coming here from
elsewhare to now study our humanity and, in these specific cases, to
carry out bio-ganetic experiments involving the Earth species for
reasons um~nown at this time.
A point of interest is the fact that most of
these abdi'ctees are basically illiterate and incapable of concocting
and sustaining a story such as the one told.
A typical profile for a UFO contactee might
include a number of quite specific attributes. Based on our experience
with a number of contactees figuring in UFO cases that we find to be
substantially valid we have constructed a model profile which seems to
be further validated with each new case added, though as in everything
else there are exceptions to this pattern. We find however, that the
number of exceptions are very few.
We find that in the extreme case where the
abductee is or becomes directly involved with the extraterrestrials in
an interpersonal way there are no exceptions up to now to this typical
The typical abductee for biophysical
experimentation is found to be young and healthy, and is personally
clean and neat. He has aquired no debilitating or degenerative habits
such as drugs, alcahol and smoking, and is not known to be promiscous
sexually, nor does he mix and associate with those who have such habits.
He is free of infections and diseases and is moderate in diet and sleep.
He is properly respectful and known for his dependability and honesty.
He is moderate in his beliefs and although lacking in formal education
is bright and naturally intelligent and has a good practical mind. He
has no strong religious or political beliefs and is quite free of
scientific bias. No doctrines or dogmas to be unlearned. He has no
preconcieved knowledge or strong conviction of interest in UFOs. He is
moral and reliable and has a strong personal sense of right and wrong.
He is charitable and respectful of all life, including even the smallest
creatures. Perhaps his greatest strength is in his reliability and
predictability. These things must either be detected in or instilled by
the contacting UFOnauts.
From a glance at this list, it is quite easy to
see why the roster of significant UFO abductees does not include The UFO
club leaders or lecturers, religious or political aspirants, scientists
or military officers, or businessmen or educated people.
Our UFO abductees for bio-physical experiment
all fall neatly right into this profile. There is also evidence that
they have been observed for sane time, even many years before the
contact is made.
Only 37 days after the UFO abduction of Jose
Inacio Alvaro for biological experiment (reported in UFO ABDUCTION AT
MARINGA), another man in the city of Pelotas, the site of the second
case reported in that book, was involuntarily captured and taken aboard
an extraterrestrial spacecraft in an attempt to persuade him to go to
another planet with the UFOnauts. This is not any kind of feedback from
the other case nor mimicking of it because the Alvaro case was still
under intensive inves-tiqation by experts and they had not released
their findings up to this time. The same team of experts became quickly
involved in this second abduction in their city.
From 2300 to 00:15, some hour and 15 minutes on
Wednesday 10 May 1978, young Assis Antonio Caetano de Avilaa, 28 year
old bachelor residing at Rua Leopoldo Miguens
Vila Santos Dumont, near the Cohab suburb in thecity of Pelotas, Rio
Grande do Sul, was abducted aboard a
UFO from a field in front of Avenida Cristvao Jose dos Santos in Cohab.
Assis Antonio de Avila, the son of Santa Justa
Caetano de Avila and Assis de Avila, was returning to his house in a
camioneta (station wagon) of his friends who had given him a ride home.
Shortly before getting out of the car at the corner of Avenida Cristovao
Jose~ dos Santos and Avenida Salgado Filho, Assis was surprised to have
his attention drawn to a strange aerial light similar to a beacon. He
told his friends, who looked in that direction, but they saw nothing
At about 22:50 Assis got out of the camioneta
and headed for his house. He was walking peacefully along Avenida
Cristovao Jose dos Santos and was passing by a field in front of the
Presio Municipal some 150 meters from the corner, when he observed, in
the sky, at less than 30 degrees elevation in the northeast, sanething
like a very bright star. This "star" commenced to grow in size
as he watched it rapidly descending in the direction of the field. When
the "star" qot closer to the field, a few meters fran the wire
fence, Assis could see that inside the ball of fire was a strangely
shaped circular metallic-looking ship that radiated luminosity. It was
shaped something like an explorer's hat.
On descending, the object projected two
intensely bright beams of white light to the ground and extended four
metal legs upon which it came to
At the moment of descent, Assis had the
impression that the lights of the surrounding suburban area went out,
because it became darkened all around him. The sky was clear and full of
stars with no Moon, but a dense foggy cloud formed rapidly in the local
area right after the descent of the object. The place was effectively
camouflaged, apparently by the strange object now sitting on the ground.
Later, following the darkening of the local
area, Assis felt dizzy and at the same time felt induced to walk
forward toward the wire wire fence surrounding the field there. He soon
saw himself clutched in the grip of two very strange humanoids about
1.10 meters tall. They were dressed in close-fitting suits of reflective
white color and wore head-enclosing helmets with closed visors, that
were something like those of motorcyclists, but with two small antennas
or stems pointed upward which had small spheres or balls of metal on the
The strange beings spoke with Assis in
Portugese inviting him to accompany them to the object as they wanted to
give him a trip into space and show him the planet from which they came.
Frightened, Assis tried to disengage himself
from them by force and begged them to let him go to his house. Despite
his resistance the UFOnauts held the youth firmly carrying him toward
the ship standing a little way ahead of them now. Said the witness,
"I don't know how it was, we passed through the wire fence, whether
under or over it. The truth is, when I thought of this we were already
in front of the ship!"

"At the ship a large door opened from
inside out, like on big commercial airplanes. In it's lower extremity it
had a stair which the three of us went up to board the ship, one on each
side of me." Upon entering, Assis saw himself released and
remembered having taken two steps to the right and standing there.
Inside the object he experienced considerable difficulty in breathing,
especially after the door closed. "I felt like something
constricting my throat. The air was different, more warm and dense than
The part where he found himself was completely
illuminated with a bright light that did not hurt the vision, something
like the light of day. He noticed then the presence of two more of the
occupants seated before strange aparatus like television. On the screens
there he saw images like when "transmission is outside in the
air." (obviously 3-dimensional presentation which he had never seen)
Upon seeing Assis, these two occupants got up and came over to him. The
witness was then greatly surprised to see that these two were "women",
dressed in reflective white suits like the others, but over the closely
fitted suits they wore an attractive cape of the same material and the
same color. These two examples of the "humanoids" also wore
helmets with the little antennas, but without the small spheres on the
points. The hair was long and attracted attention under the helmets as
it fell down over their shoulders, lending a physical aspect that made
it clearly apparent that these were females of the species. They were a
little taller than the male humanoids, being about 1.30 meters in height
versus the 1.10 for the males, and they were a little more "full in
the body."
One of these occupants, a brunette with dark
hair, came up to Assis in an amorous attitude and speaking in Portugese,
said that he should not be afraid lust because she wanted to take him to
another world, their home planet.
Assis did not accept her invitation, responding
that his mother was painfully alone waiting for him in his house. He
pleaded once more for his release, imploring for the love of God to let
him out of the ship.
At that same time, another occupant, a blonde
that got up last spoke, "Let the youth go back. Another time we
will come and pick him up." This one seemed to be in charge because
she was obeyed by the other three occupants. Upon his leaving from there,
they no more bothered Assis with their insistance in wanting to take him
for a voyage. The door of the ship opened and the youth walked toward
her, past, and descended the stair to the ground. Once on firm ground,
he looked back and saw the door close and lock. Then the disc-shaped
object ascended rapidly and was lost from sight.
Assis waited some time, sitting there on the
ground, about ten minutes, to recuperate his strength. Then taking
advantage of the light provided by the street-lamps near by (now
illuminated again), to look at his watch, he saw that it was 0015, after
mid-night. Before that the youth had felt considerably intrigued. By his
estimate, from his abduction to the final dialogue with the occupants of
the ship, could have been no more than ten minutes. Never-the-less, by
his watch the time was one hour and fifteen minutes that he had been
aboard the ship! What could have taken place besides the dialogue,
afterward or before, in that interval of one hour and fifteen minutes?
The circular ship looked metallic and was
shaped like the tropical pith helmets formerly worn by jungle explorers.
The raised dome on top contained a line of quadrangular windows or
ports. The ship had a very fine smoothe finish and lines, was of regular
geometry and was the color of aluminum, of the same material as the
walls inside. The height of the four steps in the stair that extended
from the extremity of the opened door was about 30 centimeters and the
steps were about fifteen centimeters deep. The slope of the steps was an
incline of about 20 degrees (from vertical?). The walls inside seemed
made from a very fine composition the color of aluminum. The floors
inside seemed to be constructed of a kind of carpet of a very mellow
marroon color. Assis was reminded that "standing on it, it felt
very soft, like walking on a sponge."
The ship had a kind of circular table around
the inside part of the room, with aparatus like control and display
panels above the level of the table on the wall beyond. Assis saw two
large recessed aparatus that looked like television screens, in front of
which the two "girls" were seated. The screens of these
aparatus resembled Earth television except the image was "like
outside in the air". (Besides being 3-dimensional, this image might
have been holographic, or possibly even a combination of both. In any
case the presentation was like nothing he had ever seen before.)
Under the ceiling, he saw four focci of white
light similar to mercury vapor lamps, of quadrangular form, that
illuminated the whole interior of the ship like the light of day, but
was not difficult to look at. On the left side, there was a door and a
window. On the right side there was another window and the circular
control table, and beyond that a corridor where he could see another
In Rio de Janeiro, Dr. Wilma Ranita was working
Assis, occupied
in making sketches as he described the room of the UFO where he had been
held. According to the dimensions given by the witness, she concluded
that there was little space for another room, or for the "corridor"
mentioned by assis.
It became clear that the lower level in the
perspective drawings done by Dr. Ranita was such that because of the
size of the table (about 2 meters) in that room (of about 4 meters
diameter), the remaining space would be tight for the 5 people --4
UFOnauts and Assis -- to move about much.
With respect to the two doors in the room
aboard the ship, one was that through which the witness entered, It now
appeared that the other door must also open outside the ship.
The only furniture in this little drama was the
semicircular table and the two stools with back supports such as is seen
in bars and luncheonettes.
The air inside the ship must have been
different from ours in view of Assis' experiencing difficulty in
breathing in there, making him feel like "the openinq in the throat
was suffocating."

The dimensions of the ship were estimated as
Outside, including the horizontal flange. .Diam.
8 Meters
horizontal measurement Diam. 4 Meters
height from floor to ceiling 2.5 Meters
Outside overall height from top
to bottom... 3 Meters
The humanoid creatures spoke with moving mouth
and expression in their eyes, like humans, and the witness heard a fine
voice and the sound audibly. According to Assis, the women had feminine
voices and the men had deeper more grave masculine voices. The UFOnauts
spoke in Portugese but with a Spanish accent and they moved their lips
in perfect synchronization as they spoke the words, giving the
impression that the voice heard was their own.
Upon being lifted aboard the spacecraft, the
UFOnauts released their hold on Assis' arm, and recovering his own
movements, he took two steps from the door to further inside the
circular room. He felt cold air as though from an air conditioner and
saw his breath from his mouth in the form of condensed vapor. (down page
is on THE jehova withess pastor that was taken up
in a ufo in jan.76
- (rio-south am.)