The withess to one spec.ufocontakt in England in the -63 was Joelle
Marchemont, and was a good friend of the English UFOlogist Timothy Good,
for about thirty years and he promised not to publish Joelle’s entire
story until after her death, that occurred in 1995, The case is
therefore reflected in the "Alien Base: Earth's Encounters with
Extraterrestrial" from 1998.

Joelle Marchemont was born in Russia in 1914 and her parents came from
France and Russia. During World War II, Joelle was in the French
Resistance against Nazism. Later, she settled with her family in
London. September 1, 1963 is Joelle in Sheffield -region to make home-
interviews on household items for a marketing companies. At one of the
visits she was surprised at the amount of unusual devices that was in
a visited family house. Mrs R in the house says that her husband is a
researcher and testing various appliances practical use. Joelle see a
great receiver and get to learn that her husband is a radio amateur
and keep in touch with people from all over the world.

like in the KOLDAScontact- the spacepeople had modified the radio
for communication. "George" (Valdar was his real name "out there"
)- had modified the radio-antenna, so that the KOLDASIANS could override
the circuitry by remote control and then broadcast through this set.
This set was confiscated by men who claimed they were authorities and
never returned.
Mrs R put the radio receiver on to demonstrate, but leaves room for a
short time to get tea. Suddenly you hear a short message on the radio
that Joelle writes down on the back of her questionnaire. When Mrs. R
will return Joelle explains that a message is heard, but she does not
say that she wrote it down. Mrs. R seems shocked, turns off the
receiver and explains that her husband would never forgive her if he
knew she was sitting on the recipient without his permission.
At the hotel, Joelle read the notice and become curious to what this
could mean: "comes the Blue John tomorrow, 4:30 pm - Mark". She feels
well aware that the Blue John probably means the Blue John Caves, near
Castleton in the Derbyshire district. Joelle wonder if she have found
a group of spies and decides to investigate. Monday, September 16,
1963 Joelle takes the car back to London, but stops at the Blue John
Caves where she parked the car so she has a good vantage point.
Shortly before 16:30, she sees a bright light in the sky that goes
down to the ground a few hundred yards from her resting place. When
the lights declines, appear, instead, a discus-shaped craft about six
meters, in diameter that is at three landing gears. In a dome is
visible several windows. After some time, a man emerged from the
craft's rear. He is dressed in a blue, full-covered suit and wearing a
helmet. While Joelle see a man come from a car parked some distance
away. Joelle see that it is the same car that was parked outside the
house with the many appliances. The man from the car approaches the
craft and cordially greet the man in the suit. They both go to the car
and then leaving. The craft starts to glow, lifts and takes off with
tremendous speed.
Joelle does not believe in flying saucers and guess what she witnessed
is some sort of secret aircraft, perhaps of Soviet origin. As she
suspected espionage, Joelle decides to go back to the house, to find
out what she could, and may report the matter to the police. Half an
hour later she rings the bell to the house and a man opens. Joelle
trying to excuse that she forgot a few questions to the lady of the
house in the previous visit. Doubtful she enters and tries to wriggle
with questions but one of the men suddenly said: "You came here
because you saw my vehicle and wanted to find out what was going on,
Joelle is forced to admit it, and sits down to explain what this is
about. A meeting that will continue long into the night. Mark, as the
man from the saucer is called, says he comes from a planet in another
solar system and working with several scientists on Earth. Joelle is
very skeptical at first but becomes initiated into the secret work
that the space people do here. The next fifteen months, she gets
acquainted with both Mark and his extraterrestrial colleague Val and
meets several times. She becomes their practical helper in several
ways. Twice they're in Joelle’s flat in London. She offers food and
both Mark and Val enjoy good food and wine. They are very humorous and
would be treated as normal people. For Joelle says, "We are perhaps
thousands of years before you in our development but see us NOT as
angels." The men look like ordinary earthlings. They have white skin
and perfect teeth. Joelle also notes that the eyes are somewhat
unusual. Space men only require four hours of sleep per night.
In short, Mark and Val say as follows: They work in complete secrecy
with a select number of scientists from different countries. Space
People have bases in several places, including South America,
Australia and the Soviet Union. They have been here a long time and
their purpose is not only to help us. They would intervene actively if
we tried to initiate a nuclear war, but otherwise they take no
official contact since we are not psychologically and spiritually
ready. We need to develop at our own pace. On two occasions in history,
they genetically influenced us to accelerate the evolution. Humans are
spiritual beings who live by the physical death. There are also other
space-faring people who visit Earth but not all have the same good
intentions as their group. George Adamski was contacted by the same
group of space people as Joelle but he revealed some secret data. To
protect themselves, they had to give him false information that led in
the end, to almost no one believed him.
At one point, said Joelle, she was allowed to see a saucer up close.
She was taken to a place near the border with Wales. It's dark but she
sees that it is the same type of vehicle she had seen before. The only
details she can see is the number of round windows. She was not
allowed to board, but could touch the craft, which later gives her a
slight feeling of nausea. One of the scientists involved in the secret
cooperation with the space people can board and must be taken to the
Woomera- base in South America. Joelle said she later also meet with
two other scientists working with the same group. One of the men
worked on Woomerabase in Australia. A base that was built in
collaboration with the British after World War II to test the
particular aircraft and missiles.
The fifteen months Joelle Marchemont was able to getting around with
these people, she always has a fond memory, even if their message was
harsh. At one time they said: "What a beautiful planet. Too bad that
you destroy it ..."