this in
norwegian link
One of the most spectacular Norwegian UFO
sightings ever, was the Mosjoen case from 1954. Two women walking out
for blueberry picking in a wooded area at Mosjoen claimed that they
faced a "Mars man" and a flying saucer. In the years that followed,
the debate raged in the newspapers about the credibility of the
sisters' statement. On the occasion of that is now more than the
year's 60th anniversary of the event, I present it here for new

deficiency: the belt
not drawn here
and hair longer and another color
Aug. 20, 1954
- On this afternoon two sisters in
Norway met the pilot of a UFO. While picking blueberries in
fields around 'Øydalen', near Mosjoen,
Norway 24-year-old Edith Jacobsen and her sister, Asta Solvang,
were approached by a man with a tanned complexion and long hair who
smiled and made friendly hand gestures. Curious, they decided not to run
The stranger wore a greenish one-piece coverall, which
covered him all the way up to his neck, and they could not see any
buttons or seams. He also wore a very wide belt around his waist. But
what really grabbed their attention was the man’s long, light brown hair.
His eyes were light blue and somewhat slanted, and his skin was a bronze
color. After waving back to the visitor, they asked who he was. The man extended
his hand towards the women but instead of shaking hands he slightly
brushed their palms, and then spoke in a "sing song type manner” and in
a language they could not comprehend, even though both women were fluent
in English, German, and Russian and were knowledgeable in Spanish and
“His hands were beautiful,” said one of the women,
“with long well manicured fingers like that of an artist”. The stranger
took something out of his coverall that resembled a pencil and what
appeared to be a piece of paper, when he then proceeded to draw a
central point surrounded by several circles, which seemed to represent
the orbits of the planets within our solar system. After pointing out
the Earth and the moon, the stranger pointed at a ‘planet’ which the
women were unable to distinguish due to their state of excitement.
Moments later he put both items back into his tunic through a seam that
neither woman was able to see.
At this point both women were starting to feel a
little concerned, but the smiling man motioned for them to follow him.
Both women obeyed and soon arrived in a small clearing in which rested a
metallic lenticular-shaped object with a small dome on top. The object
measured some 4 to 5 meters in diameter and was about 1.30 meters in
height, and was grayish-blue in color. As they started to approach the
craft the man motioned for them to step back.
He then opened a hatch at the base of the object and
climbed in, and then closed the hatch. The women then heard a slight
whistling sound, and moments later the object began to rise up into air
with a rotating motion. Once the craft had climbed to about 45 meters it
stopped momentarily, and then it increased its rotation, quickly rising
up into the sky in a diagonal trajectory and disappearing from sight.
The women notified the police after the encounter and according to
police officials both women were of sound mind and well respected in the
more details:
The sisters Edith Jacobsen (24) and Asta Solvang (32)
was on blueberry-picking with their uncle, Halvdan Jacobsen, on
Øyfjellet this Friday morning in August-1954. There was not much to find,
and eventually the two sisters went together alone in the local terrain.
How far away their uncle was, is hard to say. Eventually, they agreed to
try a swamp area, to see if there was more to find there.
Edith: "Suddenly we see a man at a distance from us. At first we thought
that there had to be another picker, but when he came near to us, we saw
that he had nothing to carry.
We walked forward to him while we wondered who he was - who had come in
these areas. Then he handed out his hand and smiled - but he only made a
touch with his hand. He just stroked it to mine. He began to
speak, but we did not understand a word of what he said. It was unlike
any language I've ever heard. I've learned a little German and English,
working with lessons in Spanish and have heard some French and Russian
in radio. This language was very strange and melodic, it seemed like it
had little of consonants, and simply no "coughing or spitting -sounds".
When we realized that the man had to be from
abroad, we began to look at him. He was of medium height, had regular,
neat facial features, dark long hair with natural fall. Face color was
nicely tanned. The color of eyes we did not notice, but I think they
were just a little bit obliquely. His hands were beautiful and
expressive, with long, fine fingers, as I think a master pianist must
have. He had no rings. He carried something that looked like a jumpsuit,
but he had a wide belt around his waist, so it could rather have been
'pants and blouse'. "The Blouse" was tight at the neck, but else fairly
loose. I could not see buttons or zippers or something similar. The
color was khaki-brown. The shoes did we not notice.
What we most noticed by this man, was the genuine friendliness he
emitted. It gave a confident and feeling good, so we were not the least
afraid during this strange meeting. His smile convinced us that he would
harm us.
Asta and I agreed that we should not tell
anything about what we had seen. Now when the man and the vehicle was
gone and we were left with our buckets, without the slightest evidence.
We found it all so amazing and wonderful that we were afraid to be a
laughingstock if we said anything. We hit uncle a little later and I'm
not sure that he did not notice anything "on" us. For my part I walked
in a daze and thought I chatted completely as at random, while I thought
about what had happened.
The public
It was Asta who told it first. She was unable
to keep it hidden for her husband, and then it came out all over town. A
journalist from 'Norlands Folkeblad' heard it and alerted the police to
get the case to be confirmed. We were interrogated by the police, and on
Thursday we were taken up in 'Øydalen to the site for inspection. There
were no tracks, but it was not to expect either, for it was gone six
days since it happened.
Since the case became known, there has been a fierce rush at us from all
sides. It's gotten lots of letters from individuals and associations
engaged in research on flying saucers.
We could not go into town without being stopped, and had to tell
everything anew. Many laugh at us and many are angry because they think
we are trying to keep the whole city for a fool. But we have told only
what we have seen and heard as best as we can remember.
We saw it at the same time and perceived it
equally. But the pressure on us has been so great that I sometimes have
to start to wonder if it has scribbled for me. It is so amazing that I
could well understand that even people who have known me all my life;
refuse to believe me. People get to believe what they want, but I would
dearly wish that it was someone other than us who have had this
experience in Øydalen. A priest and a police commissioner, or other
serious, respected men - as people would believe."
What then says her husband?
At the same time - it has come to light
something that might strengthen lady's statement.
It turns out that the lady's husband had talked about the case to the
comrades at work already the day before the story appeared in print, and
he told his friends that his wife had behaved very strangely when they
return home from the trip to the woods. She was excited, and lay all
night without sleep, and he felt confident that she had experienced
something that had made a strong impression on her. When she finally
told him about the meeting with the disk/strange man, her man had said
to her: "But this is all nonsense, and I can not tell anyone this." The
Lady had answered him that it was absolutely true and that he for the
part could tell it to anyone. All this, had her man said to his
colleagues before the story was published. Now it might be argued that
the man also, could have been involved in the joke, but people who knows
him say that it is unthinkable that he would have done something like