the Spirit of
André Luiz |
Through medium Francisco Cândido Xavier
- almost 70years ago |
Electronic Edition by GEAE |
Translated from the 25th Portuguese
edition entitled “Nosso Lar” . First Portuguese edition published in
1944 by
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. |
Revision and editing by Lauren Speeth Luczynski
1st Electronic
Edition by Antônio Leite (New York, NY, USA) and GEAE (Advanced
Study Group of Spiritism)
could I have pictured the scene now before my eyes. It was
neither hospital nor a conventional nursing home, but a
series of vast intercommunicating wards crowded with
carcass-like human forms. A strange clamoring filled the
air -groans, sobs and plaintive phrases uttered at random.
Ghastly faces, bony hands and monstrous bore witness to
their terrible spiritual misery. So upsetting were my
first impressions that I had to resort to prayer to keep
my strength. Tobias called an old nurse:
are so few assistants today." He asked, surprised,
"What has happened?'
Flacus sent word that most of them were to accompany the
on their rounds in the regions of the Lower
Organization of spirit benefactors in the Astral City (A
note by the spirit author.)
the," Tobias decided calmly, "We must fill the
gaps. There is no time to waste."
Tobias, Brother Tobias! Have mercy." Cried out an old
man, clutching the bed and gesticulating like a madman,
"I am suffocating! This is a thousand times worse
than death on Earth. Help! I want to leave this place, to
get out.... I must have air, more air!"
approached and examined him carefully, and inquired:
is Ribeiro so much worse?"
"He was had one of his worst
crises." Informed the nurse, "Assistant Gonçalves
attributes it chiefly to the heavy charge of dense
thoughts emitted by his incarnate relations. As he is
still very weak and lacks the mental strength to break
away from his Earthly ties, the poor creature has not been
able to resist their influence."
While Tobias gently stroked the patient's
forehead, the nurse continued:
this morning, he rushed out of the ward, crying loudly
that he was needed at home; that he couldn't forget his
wife and children; that it was cruel to keep him here away
from them. Lawrence and Hermes tried in vain to bring him
back to bed. Therefore, I thought that it would be in his
best interests to take away his energy and mobility, which
I did by applying some prostrating magnetic passes to
did well," agreed Tobias thought fully, "I will
see that measures are taken against the influence of his
family's attitude. They must be given a greater share of
worries so that they may leave Ribeiro in peace."
looked intensely at the patient, trying to determine his
emotional state. He wore the typical expression of the
mentally deranged and seemed utterly unconscious of what
was being said about him. He called Tobias automatically,
as do children who know their benefactor. My new
instructor, noting my amazement, explained:
poor thing is still in a nightmarish phase, during which
the soul is wrapped up in its own afflictions, with little
perception of anything else. Man, my friend, reaps exactly
what he has sown. Our poor Ribeiro has been a prey to
numerous illusions.”
wanted to ask about his history and the source of his
sufferings, but remembering Laura’s advice on curiosity,
I kept my peace. Tobias addressed the patient with kind
words of encouragement and hope, and promised he would see
to the means of improving his condition, that for his own
good he should calm down and take his confinement in bed
patiently. Ribeiro, trembling pitiably and ghastly pale,
smiled sadly and thanked him with tears in his eyes.
We walked slowly along, between numerous rows of
well-kept beds. Unwholesome exhalations filled the place,
caused, I later learned, by the mental emanations of those
who were still under the painful impression of physical
death, or dominated by the low vibrations of inferior
thoughts. “These wards are used exclusively for male
Tobias, I am parched and starving!” shouted a patient.
me, brother!” yelled another.
the love of God, I can’t stand this any longer!” cried
out a third.
heart was heavy before so much suffering, and I could not
help asking:
friend, how sad it is to see all these sufferings and
tormented spirits. Why must there exist such a dismal
replied with perfect composure:
observing this scene, you must try to see beyond the pain
and isolation. Remember, brother, that these patients have
already left the Lower Zones, where so many pitfalls lie
in wait for those who have heedlessly neglected their
spirit selves. In these chambers patients are not only
cared for, they are also prepared for their future
redemption. We must bear in mind that their suffering is
of their own doing. Man’s life is always centered
wherever his heart is.”
after a pause during which he seemed deaf to the clamoring
around us, he added:
are smugglers of eternal life.”
do you mean?” I asked.
“They expected mere earthly acquisitions to have
the same value in the Spirit spheres. They believed that
criminal pleasures, the power of money, infringement of
the law and the imposition of self would cross the
frontiers of the sepulcher and still be in force here,
offering them new opportunities for further follies. They
were thoughtless businessmen who forgot to exchange their
material acquisitions for spiritual currency. When in the
flesh, they travel to a foreign city, they always took
care to provide themselves with the currency of the country which they visit. Yet, while
certain of the inevitability of the final trip to the
spiritual regions, they neglected to acquire spiritual
values. Thus the millionaire of the physical sphere
becomes the spiritual pauper.”
true! Tobias’ words could not have been more logical.
After distributing comfort and hope, he leaded me to the
next ward. Narcisa, the nurse, followed us and
deferentially opened the door.
As I
entered, I nearly staggered with heart-sickening surprise.
It was a chamber of vast proportions where thirty-two men,
with sinister countenances, lay quite still on very low
beds. Their almost unnoticeable breath was the only sign
of life they presented.
unhappy entities are in a sleep much heavier than that of
most of our ignorant brothers. We call them the negative
believers, for instead of accepting the Lord, they were
unconditional slaves of self; instead of believing in
life, action and work, they admitted only the victory of
crime, immobility and eternal nothing. They transformed
their earthly experience into the constant preparation for
a long slumber; and as they had no notion of good, of
brotherly cooperation, there is nothing left for them now
but to sleep on for years and years as helpless victims of
ghastly nightmares.”
was horrified at these explanations and stared at Tobias,
who began to carefully apply strengthening passes on the
patients. When the treatment on the first two was over,
they both began vomiting a black substance, a dark and
viscous matter with cadaverous emanations.
are expelling poisonous fluids.” Explained Tobias
Narcisa was doing her best to keep up with the
cleaning, but in vain; for by this time a great number of
them had begun expelling the same dark and fetid matter.
It was then that I instinctively got hold of the cleaning
implements and set myself to work. The nurse seemed
thankful for my help, and Tobias threw me a glance that well expressed his
satisfaction and gratitude.
work continued throughout the day, bringing with it a
blessed fatigue. No friend in the physical world could
possibly appreciate the sublime joy of the physician
recommencing his self-education from the humblest of
nursing tasks.

the collective prayer in the evening, Tobias turned on the
receiver to listen to the Samaritans at work in the Lower
Zones. I learned that the patrols of workers on such
missions communicated with their headquarters at set
hours. I felt somewhat tired from my strenuous efforts,
but my heart was singing with joy. At last I had work to
do and was experiencing the mysteriously invigorating
tonic of service. A few minutes after the set had been
tuned in, I heard a strange voice:
to the Ministry of Regenerations… Samaritans to the
Ministry of Regeneration…Heavy labor in the abysses of
darkness. We have succeeded in dislodging a great number
of unfortunate entities and have rescued twenty-nine
brothers from spirit shadows. Twenty-two are mentally
deranged and seven in utter psychic exhaustion. Our
patrols are preparing transportation. Will arrive soon
after midnight. Please see to the necessary
noticed that Narcisa and Tobias exchanged significant
glances, and when the broadcast ended I asked:
do they mean? Why this collective transportation? Aren’t
they all spirits?”
smiled and replied”
forget, brother, that you yourself arrived at the Ministry
of Assistance in such a manner. I know all about your
coming. We must bear in mind that in the Lower Zone, just
as on Earth, we are clothed in heavy fluids. The ostrich
and the swallow are both birds and have wings, yet the
former can’t rise into the air unless transported,
whereas the latter will rise to the sky in swift
if to make it known that there was no time for
digressions, he turned to Narcisa and said:
“Tonight’s group is a large one. We
must take immediate measures.”
will need more beds!” She exclaimed somewhat anxiously.
worry,” answered Tobias resolutely, “the mentally
deranged patients will be lodged in Pavilion Seven and the
weak ones in Ward Thirty-three.”
his right hand to his forehead as if trying to make an
important decision, he remarked:
problem of lodging will be easily settled; but the ones
concerning assistance won’t be so quickly solved.
Because of the dark clouds obscuring the world of the
incarnate, our strongest workers have been detailed to
reinforce the services of the Ministry of Communication.
We need helpers for night duty, because those working with
the Samaritans will return extremely tired.”
would be happy to lend a hand to the best of my
ability,” I exclaimed spontaneously.
gave me a look of appreciative gratitude which filled my
heart with gladness.
have you really made up your mind to stay in the Chambers
during the night?” he asked, surprised.
others doing the same?” I inquired in turn, “I am
feeling strong and fit, and must make up for lost time.”
new friend patted me on the back, saying:
then, I accept your cooperation. Narcisa and the others
will also stay on duty. Moreover, I’ll send you
Venantius and Salustius, two of our most dependable
brothers. I myself can’t remain here tonight, because of
a previous engagement, but I will leave a careful plan of
the work to be done. If anything unexpected should turn
up, you or any of the assistants can get in touch with
We all set about making the most urgent
arrangements. While Narcisa, aided by five attendants,
prepared the linen and nursing equipment, Tobias and I
moved heavy pieces of furniture into Pavilion Seven and
Wart Thirty-three. I would be at loss to explain what was
happening to me. Although physically tired, I felt
exultantly happy.
the office or workshop, where most are anxious to
undertake their tasks to the best of their ability, to
serve is the highest privilege, In truth, the hour-bonus
and any other immediate reward I might gain for my efforts
was far from my mind. Yet I was deeply satisfied at the
thought that in my new position as a humble but worthy
worker, I would no longer be ashamed to face my mother or
my benefactors in the Ministry of Assistance. On leaving,
Tobias again embraced me, saying:
the peace of Jesus abide with you all. I wish you a good
night of profitable work. Tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.
you may rest. In ordinary times, twelve hours of work is
the most we may put in, but these are unusual
replied that I was extremely content with his decision.
Later, along with a great number of nurses and attendants,
I began to take a more kindly interest in the patients.
Among my co-workers, Narcisa, with her spontaneous
kindness and maternal solicitude, greatly impressed me. I
was attracted by her generosity and tried to come into
closer contact with her. It was easy, and I soon found
myself enjoying the pleasure of her simple but edifying
conversation. The dear old woman was like a living book
whose every page breathed devotion and wisdom.
sister, have you been working here for long?” I inquired
after a few minutes of friendly conversation.
I have been in active service in the Chambers of
Rectification for six years and a few months, and must
continue here for over three more years being able to
fulfill my purpose.”
At my questioning look, she continued:
need a serious endorsement.”
What do you mean?” I asked, interested.
see, I must meet some beloved spirits who are reincarnated
on the Earth, so that together we may work out our
advancement. Because of my past errors, I begged for a
long time in vain for the opportunity to carry out my
plans. I was living in an anxious and perturbed condition.
One day I was advised to speak with Minister Veneranda.
She agreed to endorse my plans, on the condition that I
work here for ten years to correct certain unbalanced
emotional attitudes. I considered the imposition too hard
at first, and felt like refusing, but I gradually realized
that she was right. After all, that corrective measure was
meant to benefit me, not her. I can’t tell you how much
I ha profited by having accepted Veneranda’s advice. I
feel more balanced and understanding now and I believe I
shall live my next experience on the physical sphere with
spiritual dignity.”
was about to express my astonishment, when a patient near
us called out:
had no right to keep that devoted sister from her duties
just to satisfy my curiosity.
Chapter 29
Narcisa, was busy comforting the afflicted patient, I was
called to a city communications device, similar to a
telephone. It was Laura, asking for news. I realized that
I had forgotten to tell her about my decision to remain in
the Chambers for night duty. I apologized and informed her
of the situation. Even over the wire I could sense her joy
at the news. At the end of our short conversation she
wonderful, my child! Love your work and fill your heart
with the joy of useful. Only in this way can we bring
about our everlasting edification. Now, just one more
word. Remember, too, that this house is also yours.”
words encouraged me and brought me joy. Returning to the
chambers, I found Narcisa struggling heroically to calm a
young man who seemed to be suffering from a serious mental
disorder. I tried to help her. The poor boy, staring out
into space, cried out in agony:
me, for God’s sake! I’m frightened, frightened…”
a panic-stricken look on his face, he went on:
Narcisa, ‘he’ is coming… the monster! I can feel the
worms again! Here ‘he’ is, right there! Save me from
‘him’. Send ‘him’ away!”
down, Francis,” answered the devoted nurse, “you will
be free of him and will be left in peace, but it depends
on your own efforts. Just pretend that your mind is a
sponge, soaked in vinegar. You must wring out the sour
substance. I will help you to do this, but the hardest
part you must do yourself.”
Narcisa’s tender, encouraging words, the patient became
calm and showed himself willing to cooperate. But in a few
minutes he turned ghastly pale again, and began to cry
“But sister, listen to me! ‘He”
won’t go away. ‘He’ is back again to torment me!
Look! Look!”
Francis, I can see him,” she agreed patiently, “but it
is essential for you to help me drive him away.”
what a diabolical ghost!” He exclaimed, weeping like a
child and inspiring my compassion.
your trust in Jesus and forget the monster.” She advised
in a soothing voice, “And now, let me apply a magnetic
pass, and the ghost will go away.”
gave him a magnetic treatment, filling him with
invigorating, comforting fluids. He thanked her, looking
greatly relieved. After the treatment was over he spoke
I feel much better.”
kneading his pillows and making him comfortable, Narcisa
asked an attendant to bring him a glass of magnetized
water. Her example was edifying – her goodwill was
contagious. Perceiving my earnest wish to learn, she
seemed willing to initiate me in the sublime secrets of
whom was he referring?” I asked, greatly impressed,
“Is he, perhaps, pursued by some shadow, invisible to my
no.” She replied, “He meant his own corpse.”
don’t say so.” I replied, take aback.
“The poor boy entered the spirit sphere after an
accident due only to his own carelessness. He was
excessively attached to his physical body, and for days he
wouldn’t leave his grave, refusing to conform to his new
state. So deep were his delusions that he spent a long
time desperately trying to raise his stiff body. He was
terrified at the idea of facing the unknown, and utterly
unable to muster even the slightest detachment from his
physical sensations. Aid from higher spheres was of no
avail he had closed his mental zone against all thoughts
of eternal life. At last, the worms made him experience
such atrocious pain that the unfortunate creature ran
away from his tomb horrified, only to begin a dismal
wandering in the darker regions of the Lower Zone.
However, those who had been his parents on Earth enjoy
considerable credit over here, and through their
intercession he was rescued by the Samaritans who brought
him, almost by force, to our Colony. His condition is so
serious that he won’t be able to leave the Chambers of
Rectification for a long while. The friend who had been his physical father is now engaged in a difficult mission
far from the Astral City.”
he come to see the patient?”
he has already come twice, and each time I was deeply
moved by his silent grief. The boy’s mental disorder is
so great that he didn’t even recognized his generous and
devoted father. He kept crying pitifully, under painful
delusions. His father, who had come to visit him
accompanied by Minister Padua of Communication, showed
emotional fortitude while in the presence of the Minister
to whom he owed his unfortunate son’s hospitalization.
They spent some time commenting on the spiritual condition
of the newcomer. But when Minister Padua was called away
unexpectedly, apologizing to me for his human gesture, he
knelt by his son’s bed, taking the boy’s hands into
his own, holding them tightly as if to transmit some
invigorating vital fluids, kissed the boy’s forehead,
and wept. I couldn’t keep back my tears, so I felt the
room. I don’t know what happened, but I noticed that
from that day, Francis has been steadily improving. His
condition of total insanity has been reduced to occasional
crises, which are gradually diminishing.”
touching this is.” I exclaimed, deeply impressed, “But
how can his corpse pursue him?”
“Francis’ visions,” she explained, “are
nothing but hallucinations. Many spirits suffer from them
after physical death. Those who are excessively attached
to their material body, who make it the center of their
existence, living only through it and for it, cannot
abandon their corpses when called to the real life. They
do not accept the idea of spirituality, and struggle
desperately to retain their physical bodies. In time,
however, voracious worms drive them away. Then, horrified,
they fall to the opposite extreme. The sight of their own
corpse, a strong creation of their own minds, torments
them to the innermost recesses of their souls. They live
in crisis for more or less lengthy periods of time and
many suffer acutely until the ghost-corpse they have
created totally disintegrates.”
how deeply affected I was, Narcisa continued:
to our Heavenly Father, I have learned a great deal in
these years of service. How profound the spiritual slumber
of most of our incarnate brothers is! Still, we mustn’t
worry to the point of letting it hurt us. The chrysalis
adheres to inert matter, but the butterfly will rise from
it in easy flight. The seed is almost imperceptible,
although it is to become the giant oak. The withered
flower returns to the earth, but its perfume abides in the
air. All embryonic life appears to sleep. We must never
forget these lessons.”
fell into a silence which I dared not interrupt.
Chapter 30
had not yet recovered from my astonishment when Salustius
came up to Narcisa and said:
sister Pauline wishes to see her father in Pavilion Five.
Before complying I thought I had better consult with you, as
the patient is still experiencing a deep crisis.”
her usual gentle manner, she replied:
her in at once. Pauline is devoting all her leisure time to
the delicate task of reconciling the different members of
her family, so she has Veneranda’s permission to see her
father whenever necessary.”
messenger left hastily, and Narcisa informed me:
see what a devoted daughter she is.”
than one minute later we saw Pauline coming towards us. She
was slim and lovely, reflecting angelical beauty, dressed in
a light tunic of luminous silk. Her eyes reflected deep
concern. The nurse introduced us politely. Probably feeling
I could be trusted, she inquired anxiously:
is father, my friend?”
little better,” Narcisa answered, “but still
considerably unbalanced.”
a pity.” Pauline continued. “Neither he nor the others
will give up the mental attitude in which they obstinately
persist. Always the same hate, the same lack of
invited us to follow her, and in a few moments we were
standing by the bedside of what looked like a disagreeable
old man. With his bitter, scowling look, disheveled hair,
deep wrinkles and retracted lips, he inspired more pity than
sympathy. However, I endeavored to control my inferior
vibrations and to see in this unfortunate sufferer only a
spirit brother. My feelings of repulsion disappeared and my
mind felt clearer. I applied the lesson to myself how had I
arrived at the Ministry of Assistance?
How repelling my own appearance must have
been, with utter desperation written all over my face. When
we consider other people’s misfortune in the light of our
own imperfections, there is always room for brotherly love
in our heart. The old patient had no words of affection for
his daughter, who greeted him tenderly. He looked like a
caged beast as he frowned at her, eyes glowering with
harshness and rebellion.
you feeling better, father?” asked Pauline with loving
No!” The patient bellowed, “I can’t forget the
villain. I have no peace of mind. I can still see him by my
bedside administering deadly poison!”
father, do try to forget all that.” She earnestly
entreated, “Remember that Edelbert entered our home as a
son, sent by God.”
son? Never!” shouted the unfortunate old man, “He is a
loathsome criminal, unworthy of pardon. He is the devil’s
own son, that’s what he is.”
eyes brimming with tears, spoke persuasively:
let us learn from Jesus to love one another. On Earth our
family experiences are the means of teaching us real
spiritual love. We must bear in mind that there is only one
Father who is truly eternal, God. But the Lord of Life
grants us the blessed opportunity of fatherhood and
motherhood on Earth so that we may learn perfect brotherly
love. They are the temples of sublime union, a preparation
for universal solidarity. We have to struggle and suffer a
great deal before acquiring the title of brother in the real
sense of the word. The whole Creation is but one family
under the loving care of only one Father.”
his daughter’s sweet voice, the patient broke into
convulsive weeping.
“Father, forgive Edelbert! Try to see in him not
only the reckless son but the brother badly in need of
enlightenment. I have just come from our earthly home, where
I observed serious disturbances. From your sick bed here you are constantly projecting poisonous fluids
of bitterness and incomprehension to them. They, in turn,
are doing the same to you. Thought, as subtle waves, never
misses its target, however distant it may be. The exchange
of hate and suspicion causes ruin and suffering to the soul.
Broken down by continual sorrow, mother was unable to resist
the atmosphere at home, and was taken to a mental hospital a
few days ago. Amalia and Cacilda have brought a lawsuit
against Edelbert and Agenor because of serious disagreements
about the large fortune you amassed on the physical plane. A
sad situation indeed, but one which might gradually improve,
were it not for your vigorous mind steeped in plans of
revenge. Here, in the spirit sphere, I find you distressed.
On Earth, mother is insane and your children greatly
disturbed, hating one another bitterly. Amidst all those
unbalanced minds, a fortune in banknotes. What is the use of
all that money, if it doesn’t buy one moment’s
I left my family ample means.” Retorted the unhappy old
man, “I was anxious for their welfare.”
continued, interrupting him:
“In the question of transitory riches, we don’t
always know what is the best thing to do. If you had assured
your family’s future by maintaining and atmosphere of
moral tranquility in your home, and prepared your children
to earn an honest living, your efforts might have been a
great help. Sometimes, father, we accumulate money through
pride and ambition. We are anxious to live above others, and
while centering our attention on the external aspects of
life we forget the more important, lasting side. Few are
those who see to acquire worthwhile knowledge, and the
precious qualities of tolerance, humility and understanding.
Instead, we insist on bending others to our will, neglecting
the tasks assigned to us by our Father and altogether
forgetting to cultivate our spirits. No one is born on the
planet merely to hoard money in safes and banks. Of course,
during our sojourn we may, as faithful stewards who know how
to manage wisely what is entrusted to them, claim our
legitimate share. But it is impossible to be our Father’s
faithful stewards if we are greedy and overbearing.”
was that false understanding of divine stewardship that
ruined our home. I tried in vain to render spiritual help to
the family, while you and mother sacrificed yourselves to
increase your worldly goods. Amalia and Cacilda, disdaining
any useful work, trifled away precious time, finally
marrying idlers like themselves, who only married them for
their money. Agenor, influenced by his worthless companions,
wasted all opportunities of serious study. Edelbert
graduated as physician, but was indifferent to the
profession. He approached its noble activities only rarely,
and even then only out of sheer curiosity. Spoiled by easily
obtained money, and with minds fixed on the coming
inheritance, they all ruined their fine spiritual
patient, terror-stricken, cried out:
Edelbert! Criminal and ungrateful son! He murdered me
pitilessly when I still needed to review the terms of my
will. Malicious felon!”
father, don’t say that. Have mercy on your son. Forgive
and forget.”
he went on cursing and swearing. Pauline was about to resume
when Narcisa gave her a warning glance and called Salustius
to help the patient, by this time aroused to a dangerous
condition of emotional excitement. Pauline became silent,
trying hard to keep back her tears. She continued by the
bedside, stroking her father’s forehead with a gentle
impressed by the scene I had just witnessed, I followed
Narcisa and Pauline out of the ward. The two friends talked
for some time, and then Pauline took her leave with kind
words of thanks. Her eyes showed sadness and worry. When we
were again alone, Narcisa remarked:
“As a rule, inheritance cases are extremely
delicate. With few exceptions, they cause great trouble for
both testators and legatees. This case, however, is far more
serious because of the euthanasia. Ambition for wealth
created all kinds of complexes and misunderstandings in
Pauline’s family. Avaricious parents generally have
extravagant children. I had accompanied her to her earthly
home when her brother Edelbert, a gentlemanly doctor, used
so called “easy death” on his dying father. We did our
best to prevent him from carrying out this plan, but it was
all in vain. For financial reasons, the distressed son was
anxious to accelerate his fathers passing, and now you see
the result – hatred and infirmity. God created beings and
celestial regions, but we insist on transforming ourselves
into diabolical spirits, creating our own individual
was nine o’clock in the evening, and we had not yet had a
moment’s rest except for the short consultations necessary
for the solution of spiritual problems. Here I saw a patient
begging for help, over there another in need of magnetic
passes. On our way to assist two patients in Pavilion
Eleven, I heard screams in a nearby ward. I would have run
in that direction, if Narcisa had not held me back.
don’t go,” she warned, “the sexually unbalanced
patients are lodged there. The picture would be too painful
to your eyes. Wait until you are better prepared.”
did not insist, but thousands of questions rushed to my
mind. A new world was unfolding itself and my curiosity was
great. I had to concentrate on Lysias’ mother’s advice
so as not to become distracted from my legitimate duties.
Soon after nine, a quaint little man, to all appearances a
humble worker emerged from amidst the trees of the enormous
park. I later learned that he belonged to the sentinel corps
of the Chambers of Rectification. Narcisa greeted him and
is the matter, Justin? What is your message?”
come to inform you that an unfortunate woman is begging for
help at the large gate that leads to the tilling fields. I
believe she must have escaped the attention of the front
line sentinels.” He answered, anxiously.
why don’t you help her?” Asked the nurse.
guard gestured and hastened to explain:
to our regulations, we are forbidden to. The poor creature
is surrounded by black spots.”
She exclaimed, taken aback.
nurse. It’s just as I tell you.”
it’s a very serious cause.”
I was filled with curiosity, and followed
her for a considerable distance across the moonlit fields.
We were surrounded by the silent park its shady trees
rustling gently in the soft breeze. After walking for well
over a mile, we came to the gate. There stood the pitiful
figure of a woman begging for mercy from the other side. I
saw nothing but a squalid creature dressed in rags with a
hideous face, and legs covered with raw sores, but, judging
from her startled expression, I realized that Narcisa saw
many more details, still imperceptible to me.
of God,” she cried on seeing us, “please give shelter to
my wary soul! Where is the paradise of the elect, that I may
enjoy the peace I long for?”
was filled with compassion at her tearful voice. Narcisa,
though also sorry for the unfortunate beggar, whispered to
you see the black spots?”
spirit vision isn’t sufficiently trained. If it depended
on me, I would let her in at once, but on dealing with
creatures in this condition, I can’t decide for myself. I
must apply to the Chief Warden on duty.”
approached the poor woman, and said kindly:
just wait a few minutes.”
hurried back to the house, where for the first time I came
into contact with the Chief of Sentinels of the Chambers of
Rectification. Narcisa introduced us and then rapidly
reported the occurrence.
were right to have come to me.” He replied, “Let’s go
see her.”
were soon back at the gate. The Chief Warden carefully
examined the newcomer from the Lower Zone and declared:
“For the time being, this woman can’t
receive our assistance. She is one of the strongest vampires8. I
have ever come across. She must be left to herself.”
8 By “vampire” the spirit author refers to one who extinguishes life
for personal advantage. (Translator’s)
could not help but shocked at those words. Wouldn’t it be
neglecting our Christian duty to abandon this unhappy sister
to her fate? Narcisa seemed to think likewise, and tried to
plead with the Chief Warden:
Brother Paul, wouldn’t it be possible to shelter this poor
creature in the Chambers?” Pointing to the beggar who was
impatient at the delay and complaining loudly, he addressed
the nurse.
allow her to enter would be to neglect my responsibility as
a warden. Narcisa, have you noticed anything else besides
the black spots:” Narcisa had not, and he continued.
I have. Count the black spots.”
looked intently at the woman, and, after a few moments,
replied that there were fifty-eight. Brother Paul continued,
fifty-eight dark spots represent so many children killed at
birth. On each of these spots I can perceive the mental
image of one of the little children whose life she
extinguished, some by crushing blows, others by suffocation.
This unhappy creature was a gynecologist who exploited
inexperienced young women, committing heinous crimes under
the pretext of easing the conscience of others. She is in a
worse position than cases of suicide or murders who may, at
times, show mitigating circumstances.”
I recalled the numerous cases in my
practice when, to save the mother’s life, the unborn child
had to be sacrificed. But, reading my thoughts, Brother Paul
“Of course, I’m not referring to
legitimate measures which are forms of redeeming trials, but
to the crime of killing those who have obtained the sublime
right to live and are about to begin their sojourn on the
physical plane.”
to the feelings of compassion inherent in noble souls,
Narcisa again attempted to intercede on her behalf:
Paul, I was also a great sinner in the past. Please, let’s
take in this unhappy woman. I promise to make her my special
friend,” he answered, I know we are all greatly indebted
spirits. However, we have improved enough to acknowledge our
own weaknesses and work to redeem our errors. All this woman
wants, for the time being, is to create disturbance and
confusion among our workers of good will. Those who
haven’t yet freed themselves from the bonds of hypocrisy
emit destructive forces. Now, what would be the use of our
vigilance if it were not to keep out dangerous
prove what I have said.” He added, with a meaningful
smile. He then approached the beggar and asked her:
what do you ask of our brotherly cooperation?”
help….” She replied, dolefully.
my friend,” he reasoned, “we must learn to accept
expiatory suffering. Why did you so often cut the life
thread of helpless little infants, who, with God’s
permission, were about to begin their redeeming struggle on
these words she looked around apprehensively, assumed a
hateful expression and shouted:
is accusing me of this infamy? My conscience is at peace! I
spent my whole life on Earth working on behalf of
motherhood. I was charitable and pious, good and pure!”
“I am sorry, but the record of your
thoughts and actions tell a different story. I believe,
sister, that you haven’t yet received the benefit of
remorse. When you open your soul to the blessings of God,
acknowledging your own needs, then you may come to us.
Wizard!” She yelled furiously at him, “Satan’s own
follower! I’ll never come here again! I am waiting for the
promised heaven, which I hope to find.”
please go your own way. Your heaven isn’t here. This is a
place of work, where patients are aware of their infirmity
and are assisted by brothers and sisters of good will to
struggle back to health.”
haven’t asked for any remedy of assistance.” She
retorted angrily. “All I want is the Paradise my good
works entitle me to enter.”
us a parting look of hatred, she discarded the assumed
appearance of a wandering beggar and walked away defiantly,
with firm steps and a haughty gait. Brother Paul gazed at
the retreating figure for quite a while, then turned to us
and added:
you observe the vampire? She has crime written all over her
and pleads innocence. She is obviously wicked and yet
declares herself good and pure. She suffers desperately and
feigns tranquility. She has created a hell for herself, yet
pretends to be looking for heaven.”
listened respectfully to the Chief Warden, who closed his
valuable lesson by saying:
must always be aware of appearances, either good of bad.
Divine Providence never forsakes anybody. Therefore, that
unfortunate creature will find aid elsewhere. But for the
sake of legitimate charity, in the position I hold here, I
couldn’t possibly open our doors to her.”
