Albert Coe was as a teenager on a trip to the
mountains of Canada. It was June 1920.
They were to drift down the river
in a canoe. Sometimes they had to carry the
canoe by falls. One late evening Albert heard a
far cry for help, while his friend was further
down looking up the coming way. In a narrow
cleft/gap, was a young, man fallen, fatally
hurt, and not able to come out by himself. But
Albert was then able to bring him out. He was
clothed in a peculiar, silver gray, tight jumper
type garment – almost like silk. A small
instrument panel was under the chest.
He said he was not canoeing, but had a plane
nearby, and was fishing, but his equipment was
really odd, likewise his tale that he had a
plane nearby. He was fatally injured or hurt,
but was reluctant letting Albert see his
"plane". But at last he had to let him help him
to his "plane", as he could hardly walk by his
own. But only if he agreed not to tell any of
what he would then see.

He had expected to see a conv.craft, but no. A
round silver disc on 3 legs was there!! It
stood 4,5ft from the ground. No windows, so
Albert wondered how he could see out
navigating and steering.
" was an episode lasting not much more
than an hour, that may have carried me thousands
years into the future, and yet left an uneasy
feeling of witnessing something that didn’t
actually exist, and impression of disconnected
sequences only found in dreams....."
He was very upset of what he had seen, and some
later his travel mate came back, but Albert said
nothing of what had happened, as he had
promised. Next day they went on down the river.
Some 3 months later he got an invitation
through a letter, to come to the lobby of hotel
McAlpine at 12.30 next Saturday. (picture below)

There they met again, but his outlook was now
somewhat different. He- means Albert- had a lot
of questions, but did not bring them forth this
time, cause he felt he – the "stranger" avoided
this talk on his "plane" and life else.
Beside a Christmas-greeting, he didn’t hear any
more from his strange friend until April. He
then came by car, and they drove to Lake
There he told him:
"You probably already have inkling that I am a
stranger to your modern world. This decision of
explanation is a personal responsibility. Our
mission here will forever be cloaked in the
tightest secrecy. If the events that
we foresee do not come to pass, our presence
here will not become known. The great
depth of gratitude that I feel toward you,
coupled with the things that you have seen and
know exist, has influenced a violation of an
inhibited law of disclosure..."
He also told of the events leading up to the
first meeting. That he was one in a group of
men who had come here to observe our
scientific advance. In earth reality he was a
student majoring (=main subject) in
electronics. He had taken advantage of the
vacation time period to rejoin some of his own
people, who operated one of their established
bases off planet, and in the personal
utilization of the little craft, could enjoy the
wonderful fishing of the otherwise inaccessible
rivers and lakes of Canada. On leaving the base,
he had told his buddies not to worry if they did
not hear from him for a week, as long as the
clear tone signal emitted from the ship..."

by Lake Mahopac; next

"…the tremendous difference of age is going to
startle you. In earth’s time standard, I am
exactly tree hundred and four years older than
you. This reversal to youth was a vital
requirement is establishing our identity as
earthlings, for the foundation block in the
fulfillment of our mission here, depend upon
being accepted by your various races, as their
Albert then wonders;
"…it seemed incomprehensible that anyone of
such great age, could act as boyish as he,
display the enthusiasm in little things, that
most youngsters only enjoy, but his amazing
trait was the unlimited source of knowledge, the
easy manner in which he found expression and
simple explanation of what I knew must be deeply
involved mathematical problems, so that I may
form a reasonable opinion of the strange and
unfamiliar facets of our world…"
He went on to say more –how the panel on his
chest had been smashed in the fall into the
cleft, so that it could not send emergency
call back to the base automatic. So if Albert
had not "been led" to where he was, he would
have died there he said.
Book speaks much of how "these"
surveillance things happen, and had all worked,
help would have arrived in 3-4 h.
"the aut. controls this craft, even to an
unmanned flight back to its base"…..
"..this was the first operational failure we
ever have experienced with this type control."
Then he commented on the war that just had gone
over Europe (ww1, remember this was in the
early 20s)
Another meeting was set up as the
anniversary of their first meeting there in
the wilderness in Canada.
They met at Palisades Boat Club, where
he had his canoe. "our meetings were so
rare and far between that I would have
cancelled a date, even with my best girl …"
(understandable when you can meet a real "man
from the stars". Rø-rem.)

old item from on that boat club they went
to, up/down - found on www from that
particularly time

"After supper we
stretched out in front of the campfire and Zret
said: " tonight I am going to take you on an
imaginary journey in a "Norca ship" that will
carry us 20000years back in time, and far
into the great void of space, some twenty
million, million miles from our solar system, to
a planet, once called "Norca" -that orbits the
star you know as Tau Ceti, and in related story,
from the archives of our history, we will relive
an incredible saga, of a very ancient and highly
advanced race of beings, my ancestors who
dwelled on this planet.
embarking on this visionary journey, a few
explanations would be in order to enable a
clearer definition, a better understanding of
conditions that existed in creating the whys and
wherefores of their unfolding story, as our
great ship would have approached their solar
system, twenty thousand years ago.
(some of the further stuff may sound a
little too technical for
'Your recall our last discussion and my mention
of the universal nucleus, its pulsation and
effect on all solar systems in a general locale,
on the spiral arms or perimeters of a galaxy, as
they reach a direct line proximity of "high
noon" on our mythical galactic clock, causing
land and climate inversion, major glaciations
periods, etc. 
'To be more specific, the nucleus is a
tremendous vehicle of motion, comprising pure
energy and at abs. zero. A tremendous energy
outpouring, gives birth to the electron and the
proton, at its face and as they are bent into
the magnetic lines of force, surrounding the
nucleus, their mating creates the hydrogen
atoms, foundation blocks of all matter for
through a fusion by synthesis, the primal suns
are formulated, then suns and planets in the
eventual grouping of galaxies.
'In this action of synthesis and the suns of
the galaxies they form, will be found the only
"heat" in the universe. The great ice ages occur
in this closer proximity to the nucleus, because
a spiral arm is pulled out to its farthest
extreme from the bulk of the galaxy, and the
average sun is not hot enough to completely
offset this direct impact of its icy breath…
(He tells in more detail on how these ice
ages occur because of the variation of the
suns heating as the sun system rotate inside
the galaxy in a enormous cycle, the talk also
confirms that the axis/poles have changed many
times through the time of the planets past).
'…these major glaciations periods occur on
all water bearing planets, that are close
enough to heat of their suns, to at least
maintain a partial liquid state, in the water
content of their lakes, rivers and seas under
temperate conditions, and brings into stark
reality, just one of the adversities that
establishes a limbo of extinction to many plant
and animal orders. As I mentioned prev.they
appear in appr.2hundred-twentythree million
years’ spans, regulated by one revolution of the
galaxy, and their duration also fluctuates, from
just over a million years, to over six million
years in some past incidences…

"..if you were amazed at my little ship,
standing in the wilderness, I cannot conceive
what your emotions would have been as you gazed
at a veritable circular mountain of gleaming
metal, 32000ft in diam, with its central dome as
tall as the Woolworth building, for this was the
Norca ship of advanced design, and none being
near earth, at that period, we will skip across
the void of time and distance, to join its crew
in their control complex, as they are heading
home from an exp.flight, that will terminate in
about a year and a half.

'I have chosen this ship and its particular
position, in becoming imaginary members of her
compliment, so that you may gain a broader
comprehension of the vast stretches of emptiness
surrounding even a single sun, and give added
credence to a statement, that I have previously
made, regarding all the matter in the universe,
representing less than one percent of its whole,
as in travelling to this solar system, I will
portray in words, the impression of observation,
through which you will also see some of the
creative wonders, born of the human brain, and
the phenomena in nature.
'We now find ourselves seated in the nerve
center of this great ship, and before strolling
about to peer over the shoulders of the various
engineers, in their routine check of its
operational functions, will explain a few of the
panels, screens, meters and dials that comprise
a major part of this control area. The large
panel ahead, with the streaks of light and
zigzagging lines crossing its surface, is the
receiving core for all information gathered by
the impulse grids and scanners, whose electronic
fingers constantly probe the reaches of a
cosmos, and this data is transported and
evaluated, by the internal mechanism of this
panel, feeding to appropriate instruments of
'Through the series of 50panels to the left,
that appear to have a pale milky glass in their
frames, various electron intensities,
materialize in visual pattern, and the 40frames
on the right, with slightly smoky looking faces,
relay light rays in color and conformity of
their original emission, just as though you were
watching a motion picture in true hues of
nature. The banks of dials, meters, etc, that
stretch along the lower part of the wall, number
fifteen hundred in all, and record in electronic
blocks or units calculated from vibrational
frequency of a specific atom, and those that we
examine, I will translate into the standard
tables of time, velocity and round figures used
by your particular country on earth.

picture-drawing is just from the book
'With this general acclimation, we will join
the engineers to determine our exact location
and distance from TAU CETI, the speed of our
ship, expected time of arrival at this
destination, and how these factors are
established. If you will look at the left second
panel from the bottom, you will see on its milky
face, a large prominent black dot and obliquely
encircling it, in odd spacing, seven lesser
dots. That panel is one of the visual indicator
screens of the ship, synchronized guidance
system, and the dots are electromagnetic
impressions of Tau Ceti and its seven planets.
The dial, that we are now approaching,
calculates the energy formulating the dots on
the screen at this moment, was emitted by the
sun, Tau Ceti, four months ago and the meter
above it, registers the energies velocity at
160000 miles/sec, confirming our present
location as 2 mill-mill miles from its source.

tauCeti on a star map
'As you glance to the right, this dial records
the decreasing time that it takes the energy,
leaving Tau Ceti –to create the dots on the
screen, and in the ten seconds that we have been
watching, its meter records this span, has
decreased by 380.000 miles, establishing the
speed of our ship at 38000 miles/sec, or just
fraction over 1/5 the light speed. The meter
below shows that at this constant velocity, our
objective will be reached in appr.round figures
of 19months +3weeks. If our ship were headed
toward earth, traveling at this tremendous
speed, it would take about 60years to make the
trip. I believe in this time, velocity ratio you
recognize the incredible distances that separate
the suns, and two are relatively close, in
galactic dimension!
(those far ancestors seemingly had not yet
discovered the
possibilities thru the galaxy, which
make those trips nearly "timeless". rø-rem)
'And now we will move over to view the screens
on the right, that are receiving light rays and
more understandable, than he electronic
impressions of this group, for you will be able
to see the sun, gas clouds, constellations, etc,
on which their scanners are focused. The first
one I will point out is the frame, on the upper
right tier, that resembles the picture of a
black velvet with some of its pile rubbed the
wrong way. The blackness that appears as velvet,
is a minute part of void of space, within our
own galaxy, and would take the ship 10.000years
to reach the vicinity of the faintly luminous
streaks of bluish haze, that is actually a
gigantic cloud of ionized gas and cosmic dust,
stretching for millions of miles in formative
stage, that will eventually compress and
generate sufficient heat energy to evolve into a
new sun.
'On the screen, at the end of the middle row,
you will observe a circular tilted disc, that
has the aspects of a pinwheel rolling along on
edge, just ready to fall over. This is another
spiral galaxy, closest to our own system in
distance and the realm of possibility, a trip to
its fringes would take us almost 7mill.years,
and the space, in between is empty, except for
the primal energy of electrons and protons. In
analyzing its structure, you will note its
brilliant center or core, slightly resembling
the yolk of a fried egg, sunny side up,
comprising billions of its very hot primal suns,
and the dark streaks and holes, in this area,
are caused by sun explosion and gas venting that
occurs at intervals throughout its lifetime.
3mill.of bright globules, that fan out
concentrically, are suns and planets that form
its massive curving arms, and only on some
planets of the suns, that comprise these arms,
will you find life materialization compatible to
our own.
'On another screen do show pictures of an
unborn galaxy, in a late stage of its evolution,
comprise the energy and gases of billions of
primal suns…

"..have you been able to visualize this ship
and its control room, the pictures that I have
painted with an oral brush?
‘I could only reply that I had lived each
moment, with a definite pattern of the universe,
starting to formulate in my mind, and regretted
that time flies so swiftly, for I was really not
tired. But he reminded me that another day, and
as we sleep, our great ship will continue her
journey, just as she will eternally fly, in
thought and the annals of racial history, the
forerunner of a fleet that someday blaze a path
across the void, as they sought a new home, new
hope in the unknown surroundings of a strange
solar system, and through the unfathomable
mechanics of destiny, was to be the only ship to
survive this fateful flight….
"…in rejoining our ship, for the promised tour
of inspection, you will enter a strange, but
fascinating miniature world of a simulated
planet, and although, not in exact image, the
brain of man has created all but one cardinal
requisite, that maintains the flow of life in a
customary environment of its origin. His genius
has improved on nature, in breaking the natural
planetary restrictions of dependency on a sun in
fixed orbit, as we now cruise for beyond its
influence and through navigational
instrumentation, may return at will. But nature,
in turn, has placed a restriction on man in a
limitation of distance that he may travel, and
still survive, for throughout his scientific
research and invention, has not devised a means
to artificially produce, in any great quantity,
the vital ingredient of existence, water. He has
however extended the duration of survival, in
this type ship with full compliment, to several
decades, through reconstituting method of gases,
chemical and water, but ultimately must depend
on a water bearing planet, for replenishment of
(the norwegian contactperson arve jacobsen
claim to have been on such a BIG
MOTHER-ship some times since the 70s - some on youtube with him on
norwegian) -
here is txt'd eng.version
'(let us)..return to the familiar control room,
and by walking through the opening, opposite the
panels wall, emerge in the corridor of a
circular complex, four hundred and eighty feet
in diameter, the exact center and magnetic wall,
through which we have just entered, is a
transparent partition, 400ft in diam, housing is
heart of energy cells, which generate all
electronic impulse, elec.magnetic fields,
grav.fields, stabilization, velocity potential,
etc. If you will look through this enclosure….'
…at this point I asked if this partition was
made of glass?
'No – he said it had the clarity of glass, but
its durability and strength is a 1000times that
of steel!
"..there you can imagine a massive highly
polished "needle", 50ft in dia and length
exactly 7times the thickness, that is set in
semi gyroscopic mounting, but unlike a
gyroscopes free running pivotal axis, its frame
is centrally fixed in conjunction with a "track"
that encircles the enclosure. This needle is
spinning in synchronization with the ships
revolving perimeter edge, creating various
magnetic fields, and major forces of its
operational performance. For instance, the rate
of spin in its present vertical position,
governs the ships velocity and slight wobble,
that may be noticed occasionally, is due to its
stabilizing influence. If the needle was
positioned on a transverse plane, an inversion
of polarity will hold the ship motionless, and
an induction or regulated displacement of
electrons, while in this plane, would enable the
ship to vertically rise or descend the velocity
in either direction, again controlled by the
needles rate of spin.
I know this must sound like Greek to you now,
but as we study the higher mathematics of the
universe, understanding will clarify its entire
motivation by electronic energy, formation of
electro magnetic fields of like and opposite
polarities and through a compression of these
magnetic fields, an energy conversion of
tremendous proportion takes place. In applying
this principle of energy conversion, to many of
his everyday needs, man also advances his lot in
If – in the future – you may have the
opportunity to observe one of our ships coming
in for landing/takeoff – you will notice a
conspicuous little "flutter" characteristics in
all, whether large or small, for our present
ships are still patterned in the same principle
as a Norca Ship.

this ill. is on the mothership the
Erra-pleiadians had - some different type...
Regardless of angle, we may approach a landing
site, a momentary pause is required to touch
down vertically and of course the initial phase
of ascent, a vertical lift. The positional shift
of the needle, that I have described, from
vertical to a horizontal plane or visa versa,
causes this characteristic little flutter motion
of a ship during this operation, and I believe
this explanation will clearly away a bit of your
mystery of how my little ship flies."
‘I remembered the flutter as his ship momentary
paused, and the legs folded into recesses of its
bottom, after rising about thirty feet above
ground, on the first morning of our meeting.

about how "he was fishing":
..’ I watched him deftly manipulate his rod, in
slow easy motion manoeuvring the fish to the
canos side, then reach into the water and
release it with a few words of advise- ‘may be
this will instil a little caution, for next time
you may not be as lucky’. Somehow these
incidents still seemed to touch on the unreal,
an ageless man, with the universe at his finger
tips, deriving so much pleasure in the
simplicity of playing with a fish, and yet just
as happy watching it dart away, free again and
alive. The sequence of fact and flowing word,
blending into a dreamlike structure.
'I can still see myself- one short year ago-
picking a way over log and rock, the muffled cry
in the wilderness, a little deed of compassion,
a pledge and like Aladdin rubbing his lamp, a
new world opens. An unknown race of
people, apparently on some secret mission,
that comes under the heading of mercy,
without thought of glory or compassion, only
because their philosophy teaches an
encompassing love, not solely to the being
of man, but for the blade of grass, an
insect, the water and trees.
The very limited root in my mind, for the
fantastic pasteurizations, anchor on fact. A
flying suit and its panel, explain a dying
mans initial adamant refusal for aid. The
fluttering and disappearance of an unearthly
little ship, that I had touched, watched,
described by its mechanism, the sun, stars
and planets are real. Perhaps the boundless
wonders that are starting to unfold, as true
compression widens, may even define the
question he never actually answered and the
elusive "heaven" that man eternally seeks,
to be revealed in the wisdom of knowledge.