They Walked Among Us',
is the full story of how a young man, sceptical of all things psychic,
became one of the world's most brilliant materialisation mediums.
Referat fra boken |
Louie Harris
Videos on the theme:

boken omhandler kontakt til den eller de dimensjoner eller nivåer som
LIVET/mennesker forflyttes til når de/vi såkalt dør. Ordet ”død”
er i seg selv er misvisende, da det normalt, særlig for ikke troende,
koples til total livs-utslettelse, og fordi folk flest tror at livet
”oppstår” i hjernen. På samme måten som strømmen ikke ”oppstår”
i ei lyspære, så gjør heller ikke livet/livsstrømmen det i
hjernen, men mer om det senere.
som denne boken beskriver, er selvopplevde materialisasjoner av både
familiære og andre avdøde mennesker som normalt da befant seg i et
helt annet stoff-nivå - og for den jordiske "materievitenskap - enda
UKJENT ”tilstand av ”materien” eller stoffet.
som vi vet at det ikke bare er en radio-eller tv-kanal
vi kan se på, så er det det tilsvarende ”mange kanaler” som
livet oppleves gjennom - hver på sin egen materielle vibrasjon eller
Bokens tittel ”They Walked
Among Us” er ut fra det at de via mediet, delvis materialiserte
legemer kunne gå rundt blant tilhørerne i enten sine eteriske, og sett fra
vårt jordiske plan- florlette legemer, eller for kortere tidsrom å være
helt materialiserte, slik at de kunne tale vokalt. Og på flere
forskjellige språk faktisk, som de hadde brukt mens de ”levde” på
det fysiske planet.
Harris har som mediets kone, skrevet boken om deres liv som viktige
budbringere for en ny tid- der bevisstheten eller rettere; KUNNSKAPEN
om livets fortsettelse i andre plan eller ”verdener” -gradvis skal
bevisstgjøres for massene.
Harris ble ført sammen av tilsynelatende tilfeldige impulser i
England for ca 100 år siden, og de på andre siden styrte dette
”prosjektet” som var viktig for visse grupper av søkende sjeler.
Men det dukket noen ganger opp folk som slett ikke forsto dette med
materialisasjoner, og livets fortsettelse. Folk som skulle bevise at
slike ting bare var løgn og bedrag.)* En gang på en seanse under en
reise til syd-afrika tidlig på 60tallet, angrep et par journalister
de materialiserte mennesker. Disse ”eksisterte” kun fordi de kunne
låne energi eller eterisk stoff fra mediets (åndelige-) kropp. Og
dette angrepet skadet derved mediet - Mr.Alec Harris - mer enn de
materialiserte former. Etter dette ble mediets evne til å være
redskap for slik materialisasjoner i den grad svekket, at han aldri
mer klarte å fortsette med disse
eksperimenter slik som før dette skjedde.
mer om faren ved
slike "angrep" fra skeptikere - angrep på de materialiserte former;
i utdrag fra Martinus-boken - småbok 22- 'den sekundære og den
primære opstandelse' - se utdrag om det
aller nederst på siden her.
som dette er et resyme av,
kan leses online på engelsk – bl a her
They Walked Among Us',
is the full story of how a young man, sceptical of all things
psychic, became one of the world's most brilliant materialisation mediums. Alec and Louie Harris were married for
46 years and 40 of those years, until Alec's passing in 1974,
were devoted to bringing, as the Rev George May says, 'hope,
comfort and enlightenment to countless people'. Louie tells here
of the development of trance, direct voice, healing and, after 6
years' work with their Spirit team, solid form materialisations
in red light. Included are wonderful accounts of families
reunited across the 'veil of death' and old friends conversing
in many languages unknown to Alec. Nine of the Spirit team are
shown in the book, and in colour on the back cover, in drawings
and paintings done by Alec Harris. His son, Bradley Harris has
affirmed that his father's hand appeared to be controlled as he
drew them and the pictures are as he, Bradley, remembers the
Spirit Guides when they materialised. continues with more on
this man/book below |
Michael E. Tymn ved Academy for Spiritual and
Consciousness Studies, wrote this about Alec Harris |
Dr. Bernard J. F. Laubscher, a highly-respected
psychiatrist, anthropologist, and psychical researcher from South Africa,
witnessed some amazing phenomena during his many years of psychical
research, which spanned most of the 20th Century, but it is unlikely that
any of it exceeded what he observed with Alec Harris, a British
materialization medium.- picture below
Dr. Bernard Laubscher
sat with Harris during 1965 and witnessed a number of full
materializations. He described the sitting in his 1969 book, In Quest of
the Unseen. Harris, who spent most of his life in his native Wales before
moving to South Africa in 1956, discovered his mediumistic gift in 1932,
at age 35, but he did not develop the ability to produce materializations
until 1940. ”
After having the opportunity to thoroughly inspect the room and rule
out trap doors or other possible means of fraud, Laubscher sat with eight
other people, including another doctor, an engineer, and some businessmen,
and their wives, in a half-moon circle in the room, which had only one
door and was locked behind them. Harris sat in a corner in a curtained-off
“cabinet” in which there was nothing but a chair.
Because ectoplasm is sensitive to white light, the séance was
conducted under several red lights and Laubscher could easily distinguish
the faces of the other sitters and detect any movement in the room. After
a while, the curtains, which permit the ectoplasm to condense, opened and
Laubscher could see the Harris in his chair apparently in a deep trance
and unconscious of all around. “Then a white cloudlike column formed
within the opening of the curtains and began to assume the outline and
figure of a person,” Laubscher related. “It occurred to my mind that
unseen hands were covering an unseen personality with some doughlike
substance, namely ectoplasm, drawn from the medium as well as ourselves.””
Dressed in flowing garments and a veil, all of ectoplasm, the figure
moved and spoke in a female voice. “She moved among us and appeared
quite solid and was recognized and greeted as the deceased mother of Mr.
Harris, the medium,” Laubscher continued the story. He recognized that
the skeptic would believe that Alec Harris was impersonating his mother or
that a confederate had been smuggled into the room, but said that neither
was a possibility, mentioning that he could see Harris in the chair and
that the red light permitted him to any movement.
After she spoke a few words, the woman disappeared and a fully
materialized male spirit appeared. “Speaking quite distinctly, he moved
freely amongst us, inquiring after our well-being with words of comfort
and good wishes,” Laubscher went on. “Then, turning round, he vanished
slowly into the floor.”
A short Cockney man then materialized and spoke. He walked up to
Laubscher and permitted him to touch his nose. Then a spirit known for his
healing powers appeared and was greeted by others in the room who were
familiar with him. “His materialized body was draped in free-flowing
veils of ectoplasmic chiffon-like material,” Laubscher noted. “The
whole effect was most ethereal and beautiful…But the most amazing
spectacle of all, concerning this being, was the radiation of luminosity
from the solar plexus in an area of about twelve inches in diameter. It
was a light in the nature of radiance like phosphorescence shining without
heat or without any known source. It seemed to be pulsating.”
H The spirit walked from sitter to sitter, holding the hand of each
person. When Laubscher held his hand, he further observed the light and
felt a radiating sensation from the spirit’s hands. After the spirit
spoke to everyone, his form also evaporated into the floor as he
approached the curtain.
A small boy of about 10, named Sonny, then materialized and walked
about the circle. He was followed by a tall Red Indian with a majestic
appearance known as Black Feather. Both Laubscher and the other physician
were allowed to examine Black Feather thoroughly. They counted his pulse
rate and felt his naked chest. Black Feather told them that he was there
to prove to them that spirits could condense ectoplasm until it was flesh
and bone. “This solid being with a clearly defined personality, who came
to give Dr. Williams and myself a demonstration of how ectoplasm could
perform miracles by means of laws manipulated by thought, stood there
before us and then melted away into the world which our physical senses
could not penetrate,” Laubscher wrote, noting that Harris was clearly
visible the entire time and there was no way that he could have been
impersonating spirits as the skeptics claim.
A girl of about five years also formed in front of them and roamed
about the circle, not speaking or responding to questions from the sitters.
She was followed by a tall woman. The girl embraced the woman and then
both vanished before the eyes of the sitters. Several other spirits
materialized and one of them gave a demonstration of how ectoplasm could
be used. “…we watched a small white mass forming about three feet in
front of me,” Laubscher described the scene. “It gradually rose higher
and higher and, growing broader, assumed the shape of a marble column. It
rose to about seven feet or more, a plain white column. Then it gradually
began to shrink towards the floor until nothing visible remained.”
Laubscher stressed that fraud, self-deception, or any other illusionary
explanation was out of the question. As he understood the materialization
phenomenon, the invisible astral or soul body would reduce his or her
rates of vibration to attract to them sufficient matter energy to produce
ectoplasm. The thought forms of their former selves would then mold the
ectoplasm to give the replica of the former body.
Harris died in 1974 and his death may have been hastened by two
reporters flipping on the lights in an attempt to “unmask” him during
a séance. The disturbance left Harris sick and weak for some time. His
biography, They Walked Among Us, was authored by his wife, Louie Harris,
and published in 1980. In the book, Louie Harris mentions that Mr. A. G.
Fletcher-Desborough, a professional stage illusionist, attended a séance
and had several of his loved ones, including a deceased brother,
materialize. He then wrote about his experience for the Liverpool Evening
Express. “No one there knew I had a brother,” Fletcher-Desborough is
quoted from the article. “So who learnt his name, and that he hobbled
when walking in life? There certainly could have been no deception in this
Then Fletcher-Desborough’s third son, killed on the battlefield in
1916, emerged from the cabinet, walked to Mrs. Fletcher-Desborough and
embraced her. “He turned to me after embracing his mother,”
Fletcher-Desborough continued, “and put his head against mine. I
recognized his voice.”
In 1952, T. J. Haarhoff, professor of classics at the University of
Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, sat with the Harris circle
and had a spirit materialize and speak to him in ancient Greek, a language
which Haarhoff understood but of which Harris knew nothing. Haarhoff noted
that modern Greek is pronounced differently than the ancient Greek and
this materialized spirit clearly pronounced them in the ancient Greek
language. “The ectoplasm which issues in abundance from [Harris’] body
and which the etheric entities use to make themselves visible, streams
like a mist and assumes all sorts of shapes yet can be compacted into
something absolutely solid while the power lasts – and what amazing
power it is!” Haarhoff is quoted from an article in Psychic News.
Putting “T. J. Haarhoff” into a recent Google search yielded a site
called “Beachcombing’s Bizzare History Blog,” where it is stated
that Haarhoof (1892-1971), a “gifted classicist and Afrikaner, believed
himself to be in communication with several spirits of dead luminaries
from the ancient world,” including Heraclitus and Virgil.
Ernest Thompson, the editor of Two Worlds magazine, sat with Harris and
reported that 15 spirits materialized before him. They came in all sizes
and shapes, including an American Indian who stood seven-feet tall.
Thompson described the process: “First of all, there appeared what
seemed to be a white rod which thrust itself along the floor from under
the cabinet curtains. It moved as if it were alive and stopped about a
yard in front of the curtains. The end began to enlarge into a ball until
there was a mass of moving, pulsating ectoplasm about the size of a large
stone. It became elongated vertically until it was the height of a human
being. Gradually, as if it were being sculptured, there appeared a face
and then a head. Soon the form was completely human, clothed in
ectoplasmic draperies.
“The materialized spirit began to walk about the room and was able to
speak to us. As the power waned we saw the spirit dissolve and collapse
into empty space.”
Michael E. Tymn has written/collected a book on many soldiers from
WW1 - telling back throught mediums - of their new life -
here a powerpoint made as intro to this book
another form of materialization of "Diana- claiming from
From the book 'THEY WALKED... (audio)
The Spirit team know the best way of working
Alec always disliked having to go into the cabinet and sitting
apart from the rest of us. "Why can’t I sit with you?"
he protested, one night. "Why must I always sit in that
wretched cabinet?" I explained that was what the Guides had
requested: "It's the way they want to work," I said.
"Well I want to sit with the others," he
grumbled. He seemed so put out and discontented with the present
arrangement that I thought "Why not? Let’s try letting him
sit with us in the circle tonight and see what happens."
So we all sat round in a complete circle, I with my back to the
cabinet, while Alec sat by the wall, but close to the cabinet, eyes
closed, in trance. We opened the circle as usual, and I found myself
wondering what, under the present conditions, could possibly happen.
Suddenly the cabinet curtains parted behind me, and I could see my
little Guide, Fiji, standing beside me. I thought, "It works
just as well without Alec being inside the cabinet! I’m so glad
for his sake."
So we all sat round in a complete circle, I with my back to the
cabinet, while Alec sat by the wall, but close to the cabinet, eyes
closed, in trance. We opened the circle as usual, and I found myself
wondering what, under the present conditions, could possibly happen.
Suddenly the cabinet curtains parted behind me, and I could see my
little Guide, Fiji, standing beside me. I thought, "it works
just as well without Alec being inside the cabinet! I’m so glad
for his sake". Fiji was smiling and made as if to step into the
circle of sitters when her little form just seemed to close up. It
crumpled up and fell to the floor like an empty sack.
Quickly, an ectoplasmic arm, or rather a rod with a forked prong
on the end of it, protruded from the cabinet and lifted the
entranced Alec with his chair into the cabinet. I was so taken by
surprise that I could only gape! When I recovered from the shock of
seeing Alec removed from our midst, I realised that the Guides were
displeased with the new arrangement which interfered with the
conservation of the power. They had tried to oblige us by
materialising little Fiji, but she could not hold the form as she
was unable to draw on any concentration of ectoplasm. Without the
enclosed area of the cabinet the energies were easily dissipated, so
they had to put the medium back where they wanted him. It certainly
was a spectacular though frightening way of doing it.
After Alec had done this disappearing trick I glanced down at the
floor in the centre of the circle of sitters and saw, what I thought
was Alec's handkerchief lying there. I bent and picked it up. As I
did so I was horrified to hear a groan from Alec inside the cabinet.
At the same time I realised that what I was holding was a piece of
his ectoplasm, moist, and rather solid, and I hastily put it into
the cabinet, where I knew it would be returned to Alec's body.
The experience left me shaken. The Scientist's voice then gave me
a firm rebuke. "Let that be a lesson to you! You must never
touch anything without first asking permission as this has a
deleterious effect upon the medium." We bore that in mind in
future, and were always meticulously careful after that.
The dog in need of healing
Wogs was a strong healthy dog and a fine swimmer. Nevertheless,
when he was five years, he contracted a virulent skin disease which
covered his whole body from head to tail. Despite prolonged and
dedicated treatment by a competent vet, it failed to respond to all
medicaments. We were advised to have him mercifully put to sleep. I
was loath to terminate the life of our dear friend. I would lie
awake at night enduring much heart-searching, trying to decide what
was best for Wogs. One Tuesday, the dog's condition seemed to have
deteriorated, and he was particularly unhappy. He would not let any
of us go near him. When we had our circle that night the Austrian
Doctor came out of the cabinet and spoke to me, "I hear your
little dog is not well."
I told him how very worried I was about our pet. The Spirit
Doctor turned from me and went towards the door, as if to open it. I
was immediately concerned, knowing that Wogs' temperament was
extremely tetchy that night because of his distress and pain. I
wondered how he would react to the presence of a Spirit being beside
him. As if reading my thoughts, the Spirit Doctor turned around and
said, "Don't worry about the dog. We have attended to him."
He then opened the door, and we could see Wogs stretched out on the
landing. The Doctor went out and bent over the animal. It was a long
way for a materialised Spirit to be from the cabinet, but this did
not seem to deter him.
It was a moonlit night, and the pale beams of light streamed in
through a landing window touching the Spirit’s robes with silver
so that they seemed to shimmer and glisten as he worked on the dog.
He remained thus for a couple of minutes bent over Wogs. He came
back into the room and said, "Your little dog will be quite
well." Then he calmly returned to the cabinet.
The next morning we found that all the suppurations had dried up.
Within the week there was healthy skin covering the little body, new
hairs were starting to grow, and Wogs was a different dog. He was
never troubled again with this distressing complaint.
The Spirits speak in different languages
In 1944 we had a most unusual visitation from Spirit. A tall,
extremely thin man materialised. He left the cabinet, walked to the
end of the room where there was an extra chair, and seated himself
on it. The figure spoke to us, quickly and urgently, in a tongue of
which we had no knowledge. I dearly wished that I could understand
the words and phrases that fell from his lips.
Unexpectedly, a young Belgian man, sitting on a chair near the
materialised Spirit, suddenly spoke up saying that he was a linguist,
and that he understood what was being said by the Spirit in the
chair. Conversation flowed freely and easily between them. They
switched into several different languages, and still conversed with
one another with ease. Alec was certainly no linguist. English was
the only language he knew. This was a very evidential point in
favour of the authenticity of his mediumship. No medium could get
away with a situation such as this, unless of course he was a fluent
It appeared, from the conversation that took place, that the tall
thin materialisation was an Austrian Jew who had been a university
language teacher. He had been rounded up by the Germans, along with
others of his race, and interned in the much dreaded Belsen
concentration camp in Germany, where he had been submitted to the
most ghastly torture. The last diabolical session of Nazi sadism
went far beyond his endurance. Mercifully he died while undergoing
the ordeal.
Leaving his broken, emaciated body and tormented mind had been an
overwhelming relief. Yet he still suffered bouts of mental torment
when memory flooded his mind with pictures of the horrifying
atrocities committed on defenceless men, women and children for no
other reason than they had been born Jews. After talking for some
time the man seemed relieved of some of his tension. He rose from
the chair, quietly returned to the cabinet and vanished from sight.
Rohan emerged and explained that the Guides had purposefully
brought the teacher to the circle in an attempt to erase the
suffering that still lingered in his mind. We sent him on his way
with our blessings and promised to keep him in our thoughts.
At this same circle was a man I did not much care for. As he came
with a group, I did not question his being there. I knew the group
held themselves responsible for all newcomers they introduced. As a
precaution, I placed him at the back of the circle. A Hindu came for
this man, and pointing at him said, "I belong to you."
"How can you belong to me?" this sitter asked
sarcastically, but the Spirit was not disconcerted. "I became
attached to you when you lived in my country," came the calm
reply. The Spirit then commenced to speak to him in Hindi. This
seemed to make a profound impression on the rather unpleasant
sitter. He suddenly became quiet and thoughtful.
Afterwards, when the circle was over and we all met in the lounge
for tea, he came up to me and said, “Mrs Harris, I am a police
officer. We know about your activities. I thought I would come along
and see what it is all about. Frankly, I am amazed at what I have
witnessed here tonight. First, that Austrian communicator spoke five
different languages!”
"You counted them?" I enquired, surprised. "I
counted them, yes. There were five. Then this Hindu chap coming for
me. No one knows that I spent many years in India," he said.
"This fellow spoke the dialect of the place where I lived.
Fantastic! Quite unbelievable! I just can’t understand it."
He shook his head, still puzzled.
"I'm glad you were impressed," I smiled. "Rather I
should say that I am happy you believe it all to be true, and not a
fake." "A fake," he exploded. "How could it be?
What about all those Spirits forms who were recognised by people in
the circle? No, this is the genuine thing all right," and he
nodded vigorously.
I was relieved we had convinced the police. That was quite
something. I felt sure our beloved Spirit friends had known of the
officer's intentions, and specially arranged manifestations to
enlighten and convince him. Otherwise he might have proved to be
difficult for our circle in the future.
the book to be read online:
or audio
E. B. Duffey, Heaven: Revised. London. (Original work
published 1889)
One of the greatest sources of afterlife information ever
was the British -
direct voice medium LeslieFlint (1911-1994). | hans
liv på norsk litt lenger ned under her
book pdf.
His seance sessions were well documented and recorded. During
any seance, voices would resonate out of thin air around the
Throughout all the decades of his mediumship, no one could find
any evidence of fraud or any sort of trickery. Leslie Flint was
perhaps the most tested and verified medium who ever lived.
According to his book, Voices in the Dark, Leslie Flint himself
once said, "I think I can safely say I am the most tested medium
this country has ever produced... I have been boxed up, tied up,
sealed up, gagged, bound and held, and still the voices have
come to speak their message of life eternal."
Leslie Flint was perhaps the most tested and verified medium who
ever lived. Read his book, Voices in the Dark, to
download here as a "heavy pdf-file" -because this is in a format
like scanned pictures, not gone thru a txt-req.program/ocr-program,
so it will take a time to download it:
see also this/much more on this medium, Leslie Flint, as an intro; and
boken fås også på svensk; 'Röster i mörkret'
link var (som ikke lenger ser ut å være aktiv i -21 - så prøv heller
(eller svensk lydbok utdrag og hele i lyd her )
eller prøv bruktsøk på denne boken)
pris var ca 130,00 kr pr 2013
Det världsberömda mediet Leslie Flint berättar här om sitt
sällsamma liv och sin unika förmåga till “direktröst”, dvs.
röster från den andra sidan kom och förmedlade sina budskap
genom honom.
Flint ble født i London i 1911 og nådde toppen av sin
berømmelse fra 1930 til 1960. Moren hans overlot ham som
lite barn til hans bestemor, som ikke kunne skrive, og
der han vokste opp i stor materiell fattigdom. Flint
hadde hatt sett ’sin første astral-besøkende fra andre
siden’ i en alder av syv da hans døde onkel viste seg
for ham i hans hjem. Dette skjedde sommeren 1917,
skriver han sin memoarbok.
(link to download
the book i txt-format. +sv.). Hans bestemor trodde
ikke på ham, da han fortalte om sine syn av disse ’besøkende’-
så han holdt tett om dette videre.
Han var
ikke noe skole-ess, men likte heller de pratiske fag,
der hans formingslærer ble en farsfigur for ham, da han
jo var vokst opp uten en far. Eneste adspredelse som
barn ble ellers noen kinobesøk med sin bestemor.
I sin
senere barndom jobbet han nettopp som kino vakt og som
kirkegårds- gartner /graver.
gjennomførte sin første seanse i en alder av 17 år. Ved
den tiden hadde han tenkt nøye gjennom dette om de døde
lever videre. Men han ville VITE og ikke bare TRO,
hvilket besøk i flere lokale kirker stimulerte ham til.
En notis
om et møte i en lokal teosofisk gruppe, tiltrakk hans
oppmerksomhet, men bare noen få kom på møtet. Men han
gikk til møtet der både trance og klarsyn ble
demonstrert. Bl a snakket en mann med dyp stemme gjennom
en kvinnelig medial. Senere ville ”andre siden” gi en
melding til nettopp ham selv!. Det var hans tidligere
elskede og tidlig avdøde lærer som ga ham et budskap som da
overbeviste ham om at kontakt til andre siden faktisk var mulig.
Og mediet sa også at ham selv ville bli – etter hvert - et kjent
medium! Samme budskap fikk han også i et brev – der et
medium i tyskland ba ham åpne seg og begynne som
medium, for de som ville nå gjennom og gi noen budskaper fra
andre siden.
Slik ble
det da også gradvis åpnet opp, og et av de første trinn
i dette var at han falt inn i ”ubevisst/sovende” transe,
der andre siden talte klart gjennom ham.
senere kom han ut for en latterkrampe i en slik
”sitting- krets”, hvilket medførte at han ble ekskludert
fra kretsen, og med dette tenkte han å avslutte sin
mediale vei. (ut kap.3)
sa han opp kirkegårds-gravejobben, men fikk snart ny
jobb på kino i St.Albans.
En tid deretter
var han danse-instruktør, men hans faste
dansepartner-dame ble sjalu på henne han bodde på hybel
hos, og som også var tilknyttet samme seanse-gruppe, der
de fra andre siden tok kontakt iblant. Han måtte derfor
bryte med denne sin dansepartner som han dog hadde hatt mye glede av,
men samtidig vokste hans evne til å formidle eller være
redskap for den meget sjeldne ”direct-voice” mediale kontakten
til andre siden.
merket for eksempel at da han var på kino, ble han
beskyldt for å sitte å småprate, enda han var helt taus.
Det som skjedde, var at der han selv og flere personer
var samlet i en avslappet atmosfære og ROMMET VAR
MØRKT, der kom disse ”stemmer” lett gjennom,
hvilket han ikke selv styrte bevisst. I mørke rom - der
mange slik var forsamlet, kunne det lånes eller ”tappes”
små mengder eterisk livskraft fra de forsamlede )*, og med
dette kunne de fra andre siden, materialisere
stemmebåndene, som det kunne formidles budskaper
eller les utdrag på
*)hvordan og hvorfor dette skjer er beskrevet i
første delen av denne boken:
eller hør de 2 første lydfiler av denne på
lærte her at det fantes flere nivåer av ’etter-livet’ –
og at de lavere ikke nødvendigvis var å stole på.
Han ble
altså kjent for å kunne ha kontakt til døde, kjente
folk, og spilte ofte (etter hvert) inn sine sesjoner i
lydopptak. Han hevdet at hans åndelige medhjelper,
Mickey, - var sjelen/den fin-fysiske (åndelige) kroppen
til et barn som døde i 1910, og som var med å "kople opp" forbindelsen fra andre siden. (mer)-
mer i lyd
Flint var militærnekter og tjenestegjorde som ikke
stridende i andre verdenskrig.
Han ble
sammen med andre mil.nektere sendt til en camp for disse
Ilfracombe, men fikk permisjoner, og under den
første av disse så giftet han seg. I denne permisjonen
var han igjen med i sin mediale gruppe, og de
understreket sterkt at de gjorde ALT fra andre siden,
for å sørge for at ”ingen skulle bli gående i forvirring
etter sin død” - når de forlot sine kropper på
slagmarken i denne grusomme krigen.
første offentlige seanse av Flint var i 1955, like etter
at han dannet foreningen kalt ’Temple of Light’.
Flint var en ivrig fan av den ital.
Stumfilm-skuespilleren Rudolph Valentino og kjøpte det
eneste kjente eksemplar av opptak fra The Young Rajah.
Flint ble etterhvert velstående og bodde i et
herskapshus på Westbourne Terrace nær London Paddington
stasjon. Huset hadde vært tidligere okkupert av
skuespilleren George Arliss.
Stilen av hans
Når de tok del i seanser med Flint, ville deltakerne
rapportere å høre stemmene til de døde som omgav dem i
rommet. Flint utførte dette også som bundet og kneblet –
dette da i et forsøk på å bevise at det ikke var ham
selv som brukte sin egen stemme. Ved flere anledinger
ble han filmet med kameraer som tok opp ”uten
lys”/infrarødt – for å bevise at han selv ikke brukte
sin egen stemme. Han forklarte at han var i stand til å
frigi ”ectoplasma” ('od-energi' eller 'A-stoff' som Martinus benever det )– og utfra denne lettformige materie kunne
hjelperne på andre siden materialisere stemmebåndene,
som de snakket gjennom eller med.
Og Flint
insisterte alltid på å utføre sceansene i totalt mørke,
slik at seanse -'sitterne' ikke var i stand til å se ham
under forestillinger. Han kunne også noen ganger utføre
dette inne i et avlukke eller ’et skap’. Dette hadde med det eteriske stoffet å gjøre, som ikke tåler
det fysiske lysets strålings-frekvenser. (mer om dette i første deler av denne boken)
Blant de som Flint hevdet å ha kontaktet var bl a :
Helena Blavatsky
Frédéric Chopin
Winston Churchill
Arthur Conan Doyle - om ham på
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle kommer tillbaka (pdf-link)
Elizabeth Fry
her i lyd om dette med DIREKTE STEMME mediale sceanser, eller samme i tekst.
more on link here about how these 'live-speaking-contacts' happen.
more on youtube on him
(Flint svensk lydbok utdrag og hele i lyd her )
fra del 3- kap.7 av småboken
"Den sekundære og den primære opstandelse" af Martinus
materialisationer er så sjældne og kun
forekommer i
intime lukkede kredse eller cirkler
ovennævnte cirkler er så intime og lukkede, så fremmede meget vanskeligt får
adgang til seancerne, skyldes det den omstændighed, at materialistisk
indstillede skeptikere har tendens til, i misforstået nidkærhed efter at
"afsløre bedraget", at gribe i de materialiserede skikkelser eller ånder,
hvilket kan være overordentligt farligt for mediet, da åndens
materialisation netop består af mediets A-stof og øvrige psykiske materiale,
som midlertidigt er udlånt til ånden. Hvis dette materiale bliver udsat for
vold under materialisationen, ødelægger eller hindrer det ikke blot åndens
koncentration og A-kraft i at komme til udfoldelse, hvorved
materialisationen bliver umulig, men mediet kan også ved en sådan brutal
indgriben komme alvorligt til skade.
Sagen er nemlig den, at når der først er opstået en forbindelse og
fuldkommen kontakt imellem åndens A-kraft og mediets A-stof, kan
materialisationen efterhånden blive af et sådant omfang, at den til en vis
grad kan bevirke en begyndende dematerialisation af selve mediets fysiske
legeme. Dettes celler begynder da at opløse sig i A-stof og bliver derved
tilgængelig for åndens koncentration og A-kraft og opgår som materiale i den
ny materialiserede skikkelse.
Under en sådan seance er en del af mediets fysiske og psykiske legemes
partikler altså placeret i den materialiserede skikkelse. At mediet derved
kan svæve i den frygteligste livsfare, hvis ikke der er foranstaltet behørig
beskyttelse under seancen imod uvidende menneskers brutale indgreb, er
selvfølgeligt. Hvis det af mediet udlånte legemsmateriale kommer i uorden
eller bliver iblandet fremmede kræfter under seancen, vil det ved
tilbagematerialisationen til mediets legeme udvise en tilsvarende uorden.
samme grad som cellerne eller materialet her ikke befinder sig i sin normale
struktur eller organisation, i samme grad vil mediets legeme de pågældende
steder udvise beskadigelse. Materialisationsseancer er derfor ikke noget,
man kan lege med som en behagelig underholdning. Det er en meget alvorlig
proces, som absolut kun bør foregå i overværelse af virkeligt kyndige og
forstående personer, der er indviede i alle faremomenter.
var utdrag fra småboken nr22 og dette over er også samme innhold som artikkelen på link under
mer om dette tema med hvordan den andre
siden kan gripe inn på dette "vårt nivå": |
her skytes inn dette
tema, oversatt ca.fra 30% inn/ned i boken
Communication with The Spirit
World of Johannes Greber
(det som foranlediget dette var spørsmålet om
hvordan kan
"døde" påvirke/flytte på den fysiske materie,
når de tilsynelatende ikke lenger er i fysisk kropp,
jf. progr. som
Åndenes Makt og
Det okände.)
(oversatt fra
på både mp3- lydbok, og nederst der, er
pdf-lese-utgaven av den engelsk oversetttelsen, samt
ren-txt, av denne samme bok. Norsk link under)
LIVSKRAFTEN eller "den Od-iske
"På grunn av deres forskjellige naturer, kan ånd og
materie ikke virke direkte på hverandre. Ikke engang
din egen ånd er i seg selv (direkte-) i stand til å
aktivere et lem eller organ i kroppen din.(Han, den
åndelige guiden/kommunikatoren på andre siden som
taler dette; 'Ikke engang jeg som har tatt denne
gutten "i besiddelse" (som komm.redskap) , kan få
kroppen hans til å sitte opp eller heve hendene
eller produsere en lyd med hans taleorgan ved
min egen innsats alene). For å gjøre disse
tingene krever din egen ånd så vel som jeg,
også en kraftstrøm.
"På samme måte krever funksjonen av en maskin,
en konstant tilførsel av strøm, eller energi fra
damp - hvis maskinen skal fungere. Hvis forsyningen
mangler eller er utilstrekkelig, står maskinen
stille, stopper opp.
"I vårt tilfelle er ånden maskinisten.
Maskinen er kroppen eller materien, stoffet.
Hvis stoffet/materien skal settes
i gang av ånden, er det nødvendig med en kraftstrøm.De
gamle lærde, kalte denne kraft- strømmen i
menneskene for 'Sjel', adskilt og forskjellig fra
'ånd' og 'kropp'.
Dermed lærte de ganske riktig, at mennesket består
av ånd, sjel og kropp.
"Bibelen kaller denne 'strømmen' eller 'vital
energi" for "livets ånd" ... ("og Gud pustet
inn i mennesket livets ånd; Slik ble mennesket et
levende vesen. 1. Mosebok 2: 7)
Dagens forskere (dvs i gamle dager, nå- vet nok
ingen vanlige leger hva man snakker om dersom man
kommer inn på dette. rø-anm.) - kaller
denne livs-strømmen i mennesket for od- kraften.
Denne "ods- eller livskraft eksisterer i og rundt
alle ting som er "skapt av Gud".
Hvert menneske, hvert dyr, hver plante, hver stein,
hvert mineral, alt vann, hvert himmellegeme, enhver
ånd og alle andre eksisterende ting har slik en
"odisk kraft", dvs det som kan sees av enkelte klarsynge som 'auraen'.
Det er ingenting grov- materielt, men er åndelig og alltid
forbundet med en ånd. Det er livets åndens
livskraft, som derfor alltid dens "transportør".
Derfor; hvor det er liv, er det od, og hvor det er
od, er det ånd. Siden denne ods-kraften eksisterer i
og rundt alle ting som er "skapt av Gud" og derfor
alltid forbundet med ånd, følger det at det er en
ånd i alt skapt.
"Det høres nok utrolig ut for deg, men dette er
sannheten."Enhver ånd knyttet til en materiell kropp
har først og fremst den (fin-)odiske kraften som
kreves for sin egen eksistens som ånd, og så
tilstrekkelig ekstra odisk kraft for å indusere liv,
vekst og aktivitet i den jordiske kroppen.
For å gjøre bruk av et utilstrekkelig jordisk
et lokomotiv krever en viss mengde dampkraft for å
sette seg selv i bevegelse, og en viss mengde ekstra
damp som gjør det mulig å trekke vognene som er
koblet på det. Vognen som er koblet til din ånd er
kroppen din, og til kraft for denne, trenger ånd en
særlig ekstra odiskraft.
Den ods (eteriske-)livskraft som er beregnet til
('drift av') kroppen, adskiller seg imidlertid fra
den som er beregnet for (drift av-) ånden, siden alt
som skal påvirke materien må assimileres og
tilpasses den til en viss grad.
Derfor er "od" av det jordiske legemet, mindre
åndelig enn for den ånd som bor i dem."
Den fysiske od ligner deres jordiske kraftstrømmer
(kraft/magnetlinjer), som verken er rent materielle
eller rene åndelige. Deres sanne natur er ukjent for
dere, selv om dere opplever deres effekt på daglig
For å lede deres jordiske kraftstrømmer, bruker dere
materielle ledere/kabler, som er beregnet på å lede
en strømmengde som er tilpasset deres last, behov.
Dere har maskiner og utstyr av alle slag, og
fabrikker, hvis drift krever strøm av en viss
styrke. Hvis strømmen er for kraftig, vil den
ødelegge utstyret. Hvis den er for svak, stopper
"På samme måte strømmer den odiske strømmen i alle
fysiske vesener, via ledere, gjennom hele kroppen,
med alle dens fantastiske systemer, som dere kaller
organer, - med den nødvendige styrke. Hvis strømmen
har en for kraftig styrke på et gitt organ, vil det
skape forstyrrelse. Hvis den er for svak, vil
organets funksjon opphøre.
Blodet er leder av ods/livs-kraften. Hvis
lederen blir ødelagt ut av tap eller nedbrytning av
blodet, stopper ods-strømmen også, akkurat som
kraftstrømmen stopper når (høyspent-) ledningene
deres blir skadet av ytre ting eller ved korrosjon.
Fordi blod er leder for ods-kraft, er dermed fysisk
liv umulig uten blod, og i Bibelen kalles blodet for
"livets opphav ": "the seat of life" (5. Mosebok 12:
Den fysiske odskraft er ikke skapt av den respektive
kropps ånd,men er avledet fra føden/maten som bli
tatt inn i kroppen.
(slutt utdrag/oversettelse av
denne interessante
bok om temaet.
Lydbok eng.av samme. Og norsk oversettelse av samme bok finnes også
*lydbok av samme på norsk og delvis dansk
og denne boken forklarer hva som skjer når den eteriske energi- i boken kalt OD-energien,
blir samlet og materialisert synlig på dette grovfysiske planet kalt
"jorden", særlig ut fra de gamle-testamentiske tilsynelatende
'diktninger', som altså Greber får en ånds-vitenskapelig forklaring på.
Siste halvdel av denne boken er ikke så interessant i mine øyne. Rø.
seance with the Medium
Florence Cook a Spirit formation almost fully materialised.
the very fine see through ectoplasm at the edges, gossamer like.
<more info by clicking the picture. Audio, on this case here
og txt: From the book, There Is No Death, written by Florence Marryat.
on the after-life from a fantastic good book on the theme.
(or life between physical incarnations life) on the
fine-matter levels/ astral levels of Earth.
This is the story of the "spirit" of a 20 year old British
soldier (James Legget) who died in the battle of the Somme in
ww1. Legget - faced with insurmountable technical
difficulties - contacts Turoff, a psychic surgeon living in
the UK, to ask his help in communicating the story to us.
At first Legget is not aware that he has died, merely that
his pain - and his wound - have gone. He finds that he is tethered by a cord-like structure attached
to a dark lump on the ground. It's not until two of his
comrades appear and, ignoring his entreaties for help, carry
off the lump - dragging him with them - that he begins to
suspect that something is wrong. (this is the "silvercord" or
the etheric energyline that conects the coarse/physical body
to the astral, and this take some time to loosen/break when
dying young and life-stong)
To his surprise, he finds that death has not severed his
connection with the military. There are astral officers, and
astral barracks where he and many others are taken to recover
from the trauma of their recent decease. Soon his spirit guide
- an oriental called Chan - makes his appearance and
introduces him to the wonders of astral living, including
battles with dark entities who are (were) instrumental in
encouraging the inhumanities inflicted in two world wars upon
so many on the physical plane.
Legget learns that commuting is easier on the astral plane
- "where man thinketh so is he" you might say. He's also shown
two ways of cleansing the Aura . At one point he attends a
lecture, given by an astral philosopher, which throws new
light on the subject of reincarnation and which he, Legget,
remembers verbatim.
introvideo on youtube | book-extract
| all
this 'Turoff-book' pdf
some similar to the 'Turoff book' is this book Afterlife
else this timeless wisdombook:
INITIATION -author/taken
down though Elisabeth Haich, to
download in pdf on:
audiobook mp3 of this up english

om boka denne boka; INNVIELSE på norsk-mp3
more on LESLIE FLINT down below
Alec Harris: Die
Geschichte eines groβen Materialisationsmediums
Erstmals liegt hier in deutscher Sprache ungekürzt die Geschichte
eines Mannes vor, der zu einem der großartigsten
Materialisationsmedien seiner Zeit wurde, nachdem er in seinen
Jugendjahren alles Paranormale skeptisch beäugt hatte: Alec Harris.
Zunächst erschien im Original eine geraffte Fassung unter dem Titel
"They Walked Among Us", und erst 35 Jahre später, 2009, gab es "Alec
Harris" auf Englisch zu lesen.
Alec und Louie Harris waren 46 Jahre verheiratet, und 40 Jahre
davon – bis zu Alecs Ableben 1974 ― widmeten sie der Arbeit mit der
Geisterwelt. Sie brachten, wie Reverend George May schrieb, "zahllosen
Menschen Hoffnung, Trost und Erleuchtung", denn bei ihren Séancen
materialisierten sich teure Verstorbene. Louie, die 1989 starb,
erzählt in dem Buch, wie Alec allmählich zum Trancemedium wurde, das
Direktstimmen von Verstorbenen produzieren konnte und mit Hilfe von
"drüben" auch Heilungen bewerkstelligte. Nach sechs Jahren
intensiver Arbeit kam es endlich zu Vollmaterialisationen von
Verstorbenen im roten Licht.
Ergreifend sind die Berichte von Teilnehmern, die durch den "Schleier
des Todes" hindurch mit ihren Lieben für kurze Zeit vereint wurden.
Andere Geistbesucher kamen und konferierten in fremden Sprachen, die
dem Medium unbekannt waren.
Neun Mitglieder des "Geisterteams", das Alec und Louie Harris
half, sind auf dem hinteren Umschlag des Buchs abgebildet, wie sie
das Medium selbst porträtierte. Sein Sohn Bradley Harris, Zeuge bei
vielen Séancen, bestätigte, dass die Geistführer so aussahen. "Alec
Harris" ist ein packender Bericht über das Leben zweier mutiger,
außergewöhnlicher Menschen, die Trauernden so viel Trost spendeten.
Seine Botschaft lautet: Der Tod ist nicht das Ende.
Die hintere Umschlagseite des Buches
Zunächst in einer verkürzten Fassung in englischer Sprache als
They Walked Among Us veröffentlicht, liegt uns nun, dreißig
Jahre danach, in gedruckter Form die ganze Geschichte eines Mannes
vor, der erst alles Paranormale skeptisch betrachtet hatte und
später eines der brillantesten Materialisationsmedien der Welt wurde.
Alec und Louie Harris waren 46 Jahre verheiratet, und 40 dieser
Jahre – bis zu Alecs Tod im Jahr 1974 – widmeten sie der Passion, "zahllosen
Menschen, die einen geliebten Menschen betrauerten, Hoffnung, Trost
und Erleuchtung" zu spenden, wie Reverend George May schrieb.
Louie schildert hier, wie Alec zum Trancemedium wurde, wie sich
Direktstimmen meldeten, Heilungen geschahen und wie nach
sechsjähriger Arbeit mit ihrem Geistigen Team in rotem Licht
vollständige Materialisationen möglich wurden. Der Erzählung
beigegeben sind Berichte von Familien, die über den "Schleier des
Todes" hinweg vereint wurden und von alten Freunden, die sich in
vielen verschiedenen Sprachen unterhielten, die Alec nicht geläufig
Neun Mitglieder des Geister-Teams sind auf dieser Seite
abgebildet, wie sie Alec Harris in den 1950-er und 1960-er Jahren
gezeichnet und gemalt hat. Sein Sohn Bradley bestätigte, dass die
Hand seines Vaters augenscheinlich kontrolliert wurde, als er die
Porträts anfertigte, die im übrigen nach Bradleys Erinnerung genau
so aussehen, wie die Geister bei den Séancen materialisiert
Die Arbeit wächst – und unser Geisterteam
Nach und nach arbeiteten diese Zahnräder in der Gestalt
freundlicher Geistführer reibungslos und wie geölt zusammen. Wenn
einer auftrat, stellte er sich vor, erläuterte den Grund seines
Hierseins und widmete sich methodisch der Aufgabe, Alecs Medialität
weiter zu entwickeln. Jeder nächste Schritt erfolgte zu seiner
angemessenen Zeit. Nichts wurde überstürzt in Angriff genommen.
Selbstverständlich wuchs mit der Ankunft der neuen Führer unser
Vertrauen in unser Helferteam außerordentlich.
Eines Abends meldete sich eine ruhige, sympathische Stimme mit
den Worten "Ich bin Rohan“, und wir waren sehr glücklich, einen
weiteren Geisterfreund willkommen heißen zu dürfen. Das warme Timbre
dieser neuen Stimme begeisterte mich: Sie strahlte so viel Liebe,
Frieden und Harmonie aus. Ich fragte ihn, was er in seinem
Erdenleben gewesen sei. "Was ich war", kam sanft als Antwort, "spielt
keine Rolle. Wichtig ist, was ich bin und für welche Arbeit ich
hierhergekommen bin. Das beschäftigt mich am meisten. Ich bin hier,
um euch darin beizustehen, der Welt die Wahrheit über das Leben nach
dem Tod zu verkünden. Meine Arbeit besteht darin, der Menschheit zu
einem besseren Verständnis dessen zu verhelfen, was als Tod bekannt
ist. Von heute an", fuhr er fort, "werde ich mich immer in der Nähe
des Mediums aufhalten, um ihm zu helfen und ihn zu beschützen, um
seine Anstrengungen und eure entlang dem verfügten Pfad zu
lenken."Rohan versprach, in Zukunft bei jedem Zirkelabend anwesend
zu sein. Er war es, der als erster die Teilnehmer begrüßte und ihnen
am Beginn jedes Zirkels Hinweise gab.
Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass Rohans schöne Stimme auch zu einer
schönen Gestalt gehören müsse. Diese Vermutung stellte sich später,
als wir Ganzkörper-Materialisationen erreicht hatten, als richtig
heraus. Rohan war ein innig geliebter Geistführer und wurde von uns
allen im physikalischen Zirkel im höchsten Maße geschätzt.
Als Konzession an Alecs Abneigung, im Kabinett zu sitzen, wurde
ihm gestattet, daneben und etwas abseits von uns anderen Platz zu
nehmen. Christopher sagte uns, wir sollten die Trompete außerhalb
des Kabinetts aufstellen. Wir taten, wie er uns geheißen hatte und
waren sehr sicher, dass es Stimmenphänomene geben würde. Doch
sollten wir enttäuscht werden. Einige Wochen lang weigerte sich das
Sprachrohr, sich auch nur einen Zentimeter zu bewegen, von
irgendeinem Flüstern daraus ganz zu schweigen. Während wir noch
debattierten, was nun zu tun sei, wurden wir mit neuen Anordnungen
konfrontiert. Man wies uns an, beim nächsten Dienstags-Zirkel die
Trompete in das Kabinett zu legen. Leider vergass ich das und legte
sie wie zuvor außerhalb hin. Kaum hatten wir angefangen, erhob sich
die Trompete selbst und schwebte eigenständig ins Kabinett! Später
kam der fällige Vorwurf von White Wing: "Faithful, du willst Stimme.
Du musst alle Anweisungen ausführen, wenn du Erfolg willst. "Es war
offensichtlich, dass die Führer nie vergaßen, was bei den vorherigen
Sitzungen geschehen war. Sie wollten, dass man ihnen gehorche. Bald
wurde ich zu einem richtigen Hauptfeldwebel, der darauf hielt, dass
die Anordnungen peinlich genau befolgt wurden.
Um diese Zeit kam ein reisendes Medium nach Cardiff. Ich wollte
gern Alecs sinkendes Interesse an dieser Art der Medialität wieder
beleben und dachte, mit Erfahrungen aus erster Hand könne dies
gelingen. Also nahm ich am Theater einen Abend frei. Murdo, Betty,
Alec und ich besuchten eine der Stimmen-Séancen, die angeboten
Die Prozedur lief nicht anders als bei uns ab, außer dass neben
der Trompete noch verschiedene Spielzeuge, Waldhörner und Tamburine
herumlagen, die mit Leuchtfarbe gekennzeichnet waren. Offenbar
sollten sie alle beim Zirkel von Geistwesen bewegt, gebimmelt oder
geblasen werden. Da wir noch nie bei einer solchen Séance
dabeigewesen waren, herrschte große Vorfreude. Es war dann jedoch
nicht so spektakulär, wie wir gehofft hatten. Echte Direktstimmen
gab es keine, nur Stimmen durch den Mund des Mediums. Einige
kleinere physikalische Phänomene traten auf. Faszinierend fand ich
das schon, weil das Medium keinesfalls dafür verantwortlich zu
machen war. Es war durch Murdo und andere vor der Sitzung gut
festgebunden worden.
Dann sagte der Führer des Mediums, er wolle mit der "Dame am
Fenster" sprechen. Da ich der einzige weibliche Teilnehmer in dieser
Position war, amüsierte es mich zu sehen, dass viele andere Damen
auf diese Ankündigung reagierten. "Nein", wehrte der Führer ab, "ich
wiederhole, ich will die Dame am Fenster." Ich antwortete also, und
er deutete an, dass ich die Person sei, die er gewollt habe. "Lady",
sagte er, "Sie haben in Ihrem Heim jemanden mit weit größeren
Kräften, als es das Medium besitzt, dessen ich mich heute bediene."
Ich dachte: "Er kann nur Alec meinen, aber kann ich ihm vertrauen?"
Wie als Antwort auf meine zweifelnde Frage sagte der Führer: "Hier
bei mir ist ein großer Häuptling, ein nordamerikanischer Indianer.
Von ihm stammt diese Botschaft. Er verlässt sich auf Sie, dass die
begonnene Arbeit zu Ende geführt wird. Er fragt: ‚Willst du mir das
versprechen, Faithful?' "Ich war erstaunt, dass White Wing bei
diesem Zirkel anwesend war und gab meine klare Einwilligung. Indem
er den Namen verwendete, den er mir beigelegt hatte – Faithful –,
konnte es keinen Zweifel daran geben, dass es sich um ihn handelte.
Dass er sich durch ein Medium meldete, das nicht Alec war, bedeutete
einen weiteren Beweis dafür, dass es ihn gab (wenn es dessen bedurft
hätte), vor allem weil dieses Medium uns ebenso unbekannt war wie
wir ihm.
Nun folgte eine Demonstration physikalischer Phänomene. Glocken
läuteten, Tamburine rasselten, Gegenstände glitten in der Luft herum
und um uns her, und wir wurden von unsichtbaren Händen berührt. Es
war ein wunderbares Erlebnis. Ich hoffte, dass Alec ähnlich empfand,
aber er war unbeeindruckt und schimpfte nur über "all diesen Unsinn".
Er behauptete, dass wir nichts gesehen hätten, was nicht auch ohne
die Hilfe einer Einwirkung aus dem Geistigen Reich zustande kommen
hätten können. "Alec!" rief ich aus, schockiert von seinem
Skeptizismus. "Wie kannst du so etwas sagen? Was ist mit der
Botschaft von White Wing? Wie konnte das Medium wissen, dass er mich
immer Faithful nennt? Bitte, wie erklärst du dir das?" Ich forderte
ihn heraus. Alec konnte das aus seiner Sicht nicht erklären, bestand
aber darauf, dass die Phänomene mit physischen Mitteln erzeugt
worden sein konnten. Betty und Murdo beteiligten sich und
widersprachen Alec. Der Streit wurde hitzig, aber Alec gab nicht
nach. "In Ordnung!" stieß er hervor. "Ich sage euch was: Ihr bindet
mich, und ich zeige euch, dass ich alles das tun kann. Die Geister
werden es nicht sein, die die Dinge hin- und herbewegen! "Ohne
Vorwarnung fiel Alec plötzlich in Trance. Die hohe Stimme unseres
fernöstlichen Führers Chang richtete sich an mich: "Kleine Lady",
sagte er, "mach es so, wie Medium sagt. Bei eurem nächsten Zirkel
bindet ihn fest. Er wird eine große Überraschung erleben. Ihr werden
alle große Überraschung erleben, großen Schock." Chang schien sich
zu amüsieren, fuhr dann aber in ernstem Ton fort: "Ärgere dich nicht
über Alec. Er hat die Gedanken von anderen aufgenommen und sie als
eigene gesprochen. Nicht seine Schuld. Das ist nicht, was er selber
denkt." Er schwieg einen Augenblick, als müsse er nachdenken und
ergänzte dann: "Du tust wie er sagt. Binde ihn und schau, was
Die Polizei schaltet sich ein – Fünf
Sprachen in einer Séance!
An diesem Zirkel nahm ein Mann teil, für den ich nicht viel übrig
hatte. Da er mit einer Gruppe kam, nahm ich an seiner Teilnahme
keinen Anstoß. Als Vorsichtsmaßnahme setzte ich ihn jedoch in die
hinterste Reihe. Für diesen Mann kam ein Hindu, der auf ihn deutete
und sagte: "Ich gehöre zu dir." "Wir kannst du zu mir gehören?"
fragte der Teilnehmer abweisend, was den Geist aber nicht aus der
Fassung brachte. "Ich war bei dir, als du in meinem Land lebtest",
kam selbstbewusst als Antwort. Der Geist sprach dann auf Hindi mit
ihm. Das schien den ziemlich unsympathischen Teilnehmer tief zu
beeindrucken. Er wurde still und nachdenklich.
Später, als der Zirkel zu Ende war und wir alle beim Tee im Salon
saßen, kam er zu mir und sagte: "Mrs Harris, ich bin Polizeioffizier.
Wir wissen von Ihren Aktivitäten. Ich dachte, ich komme einmal
vorbei und schaue mir das an. Offen gestanden bin ich erstaunt über
all das, was ich heute Abend miterlebt habe. Dieser österreichische
Kommunikator sprach ja fünf verschiedene Sprachen!""Sie haben
mitgezählt?" staunte ich. "Ja, ich habe sie gezählt. Es waren fünf.
Dann dieser Hindu, der für mich gekommen ist. Niemand weiß, dass ich
viele Jahre in Indien verbracht habe", sagte er. "Dieser Bursche
sprach den Dialekt der Gegend, in der ich lebte. Fantastisch! Ganz
unglaublich! Ich kann es einfach nicht begreifen." Immer noch
verwundert, schüttelte er den Kopf. "Ich bin froh, dass Sie
beeindruckt waren", lächelte ich. "Oder sollte ich sagen, ich freue
mich, dass Sie dies alles für wahr und nicht für Betrug halten." "Betrug?"
fuhr er auf. "Wir wäre das möglich? Was ist mit diesen ganzen
Geistformen, die von Leuten im Zirkel erkannt wurden? Nein, das ist
echt im besten Sinne", bekräftigte er und nickte energisch. Ich war
erleichtert, dass wir die Polizei überzeugt hatten. Das war schon
etwas. Ich war gewiss, dass unsere geliebten Geistfreunde über die
Absichten des Offiziers im Bilde gewesen waren und besondere
Phänomene arrangiert hatten, um ihn zu überzeugen. Im andern Fall
hätte unser Zirkel eine ungewisse Zukunft gehabt.
Ein Großvater materialisiert sich und
drückt seinen Enkel ans Herz
Unser Enkel wurde von Reverend George May getauft und erhielt den
Namen Anthony Samuel Alexander. Die Tauffeier in der
Spiritualistenkirche Park Grove war beeindruckend. Der Priester May
hielt das winzige Bündel in seinen Armen, sagte, dass der geistige
Name des Jungen Harmonie sei und dass er diese überallhin bringen
werde, wohin ihn sein Pfad führe. Das war eine wirklich liebevolle
Wie gewohnt hielten wir am folgenden Dienstagabend unseren Zirkel
ab, allerdings früher als üblich: Ich hatte das
Prince-of-Wales-Theater nach 15 glücklichen Jahren verlassen, denn
ich konnte auf Engagements bei der BBC und weitere freiberufliche
Aufträge bauen. Wir konnten nun zu einer günstigeren Zeit sitzen,
und Doney konnte dabei sein. Sie wollte das Baby nicht aus den Augen
lassen, und so brachte sie es zum Zirkel mit.
Unser Abend fand im Wohnzimmer statt, das ein stattliches
Erkerfenster aufwies, und in dessen Aussparung stellten wir das
Kinderbettchen. Dann fingen wir an. Während wir sangen und redeten,
schlief der Säugling, weil ihn die Führer offensichtlich schlafen
ließen. Es materialisierte sich Sam Peimer, ging zu dem Bettchen,
hob sanft das Baby hoch und hielt es im Arm, und unerhört stolz
sprach er über seinen Enkel. Es war ein außergewöhnliches Ereignis,
den Geistgroßvater zu sehen, wie er seinen irdischen Enkel betreute.
Wir sahen vor unser Augen, wie nahe uns unsere Lieben sind, für alle
- Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten
- Verlag: Saturday Night Press Publications
(23. Januar 2014)
- Sprache: Deutsch
- ISBN-10: 1908421096
- ISBN-13: 978-1908421098
- Größe und/oder Gewicht: 21.6 x 14 x 1.5 cm
PRICE: £12.00 in 2015 or ebook;
Auch von, und
auch sehen an dieser tema :
The Mediumship of Leslie Flint
'I need no trumpets or other paraphernalia. The voices of the dead
Speak directly to their friends or relatives and are located in space
a little above my head and slightly to one side of me. They are
objective voices which my sitters can record'. Leslie Flint. (1)
more on link here about how these 'live-speaking-contacts' happen.
A full and very readable account of Leslie Flint's life and mediumship is to be
found in his autobiography, Voices in the Dark. Writing in 1971, Leslie begins by
advising the readers: 'In spite of a childhood which would give any modern child
nightmares, or perhaps because of it, I have reached the age of fifty-nine without
falling prey to neurosis, psychosis or even the screaming meemies. I am a happy
When Leslie's unmarried mother realized that she was pregnant, she left the
home shared with her widowed mother in St Albans, and gave birth to Leslie in a
Salvation Army home in Hackney, in 1911. On returning home, she married
Leslie's father. However, the marriage was unsuccessful; Leslie's mother enjoyed
the 'bright lights', while his father 'drank most of his wages and put the rest on
horses which never seemed to win'. When war broke out in 1914, Leslie's father
was one of the first to enlist, 'simply to get away from the domestic hell he lived
in'. From this time onwards, his mother would go out each evening and deposit
the young Leslie with the wife of the local cinema manager; therefore, each
evening, he would spend his time watching whatever film was being shown. This
situation came to a sudden end when Leslie's mother eloped with one of her
many admirers and Leslie reports that she 'disappeared from my life'. He was
then brought up by his grandmother who could not read or write, and took in
washing to feed the extra mouth that she had taken in.(3)
Leslie relates his childhood ponderings regarding God and the afterlife, and
records his bewilderment when hearing of a boy who attended three Sunday
Schools. On realizing this provided the boy with three Christmas treats, 'a magic
lantern show followed by a glorious feast of jam sandwiches, ice buns and cakes,
with lemonade to drink', Leslie promptly did the same and notes: 'I felt vaguely
sinful, but quite determined to repeat the maneuver the following year'.(4)
It was during this period when Leslie had the first realization of his psychic
abilities. He saw a soldier who then 'vanished', and on being later shown a
photograph of his uncle who had been killed, he told his aunt and grandmother
this was the same person whom he had seen. But the response for saying this,
as Leslie recalls, was 'I got a good clout from Gran'.(5) After a similar experience,
he, somewhat wisely, said nothing about the people that he saw and invariably
disappeared. Shortly after reaching thirteen, he left school and worked as a
gardener in the local cemetery.
Leslie recalls that it was a conversation in the cemetery potting shed between his
atheistic, Darwinian boss, and a man who had become 'saved' through the
Salvation Army, that aroused interest in the purpose of life. Leslie sided with the
latter and told him of seeing his dead uncle, but his boss warned him that such
talk would cause him to end up in the lunatic asylum. Time went on although this
exchange remained in Leslie's mind and his work in the cemetery prompted him
to think that death might indeed be the end of personal existence. Becoming
increasingly anxious about the question, Leslie began to enquire at different
churches but was left unsatisfied; he then saw a notice about a meeting of the
local Theosophical Society and decided to attend. Unfortunately on doing so, and
listening to the guest speaker, Leslie says that 'most of his discourse passed
right over my devoted head'. Nonetheless, the speaker mentioned the subject of
life after death, but warned the audience to avoid Spiritualism and the activity of
communicating with the dead. Leslie was fascinated by such an idea: 'Obviously
my next step was to find these Spiritualists'. Leslie kept asking people about how
he could find Spiritualists, but due to the negative response, he came to the
conclusion that he was trying to infiltrate 'some sinister secret society'.(6)
It was only when his boss was in the midst of another tirade against the concept
of survival, that Leslie discovered that the local Spiritualists met at the local
Friends' Meeting Place. Leslie went along and Mrs. Johnson, the medium,
referred to a Mr. Lewis; before his death, he had been Leslie's art teacher and
someone who had become a father-figure to him. The medium described him
accurately, and went on to refer to Leslie's guide. In view of what he was being
told, Leslie began to become confused: 'He was a Guide, said Mrs. Johnson, and
he was not really an Arab, he was someone dressed as an Arab. This seemed to
me to get more involved by the minute'.(7)
The experience baffled Leslie and he therefore continued to attend the meetings
to investigate the matter further. In doing so, he often became angry at the
blatant 'fishing' by some mediums, and the gullibility of those present. Those who
claimed the 'messages unclaimed by others', whom Leslie called the 'Body
Snatchers', at least provided some amusement for him. During these meetings,
he nevertheless received messages, including a number from 'the young Arab'
and the call to develop his own mediumship.(8) One of those who was present at
the meetings invited Leslie to her home circle and he agreed to attend. This was
followed by the receipt of a letter from a woman in Munich who said that
someone calling himself Rudolf Valentino had made himself known in her circle.
He had asked that a letter be sent to Leslie, supplying his address, saying that he
must develop his mediumship; the communicator added that he had being trying
to communicate this request through various mediums whom Leslie had seen,
but without success. Leslie therefore wondered if Valentino could possibly be 'the
Arab who was not really an Arab': Leslie knew of the actor through his cinema
attendance and that Valentino had appeared in different films as an Arab. Leslie
replied to the writer and asked whether the communicator could make himself
known in a convincing way.
In the meantime, Leslie began to attend the home circle to which he had been
invited. This consisted of table-tipping, and one of the messages received was
from someone calling himself Valentino, and it, 'was exactly the same message
contained in the letter from Munich'.(9) The circle members were delighted with
what had occurred and asked Leslie to return. Leslie left promising to do so,
although doubts began to appear but he received another letter from Munich with
another message from Valentino saying that he wanted Leslie to persevere. It
was the distress of a widow that he later saw at a funeral in the cemetery that
prompted Leslie to return to the circle. He did so and it was highly successful with
Leslie becoming entranced and several communicators speaking through him to
some of those present.
The circle members thanked Leslie for making this possible and told him that one
of those who spoke was Valentino, who once again said that Leslie must
continue with his development. Unfortunately, despite this momentous advance,
Mrs. Cook, the medium who organized the circle, claimed to have an Egyptian
high priestess as a guide, called Shu-shu, and at a subsequent circle meeting,
Leslie's downfall occurred. Leslie's account was that: 'Shu-shu said she would
demonstrate through her medium one of the rituals she used to perform when
she was a high priestess in the temple of Isis...Mrs. Cook was...broad in the
beam and her bosoms were of Earth Mother proportions...She gyrated her hips
and weaved her arms, the while chanting what sounded gibberish to me but was
acclaimed enthusiastically by the others as ancient Egyptian. The bounteous
bosoms flopped alarmingly as the dance grew more energetic...the arms kept
weaving like the tentacles of a busy octopus. I wanted to look away...but try as I
might my eyes were glued to the spectacle'. At this point Leslie could not stop
himself from laughing, 'until the tears streamed down my face'. Not surprisingly,
when the meeting ended, Mrs. Cook suggested that Leslie did not return. Leslie
departed, having made up his mind to 'have nothing more to do with
After having given up his job in the cemetery, Leslie secured employment at the
local cinema. Unfortunately, this came to a premature end when he managed to
extinguish its electricity supply, and he consequently became unemployed. On
being offered work as a barman in Barkingside, he duly accepted the offer and
also occupied himself with dancing, a pastime that he had taken up while in St
Albans. However, his mind returned to the messages from Valentino and after
much thought, he decided to return to St Albans to try and develop his
mediumship; he did so and took a job in a tailor's shop. In the case of his
mediumship, no progress was made until he met Edith Mundin, a member of the
local Spiritualist church, who invited him to her home circle. Leslie began
attending the circle, and many weeks passed with no obvious development in his
mediumship. This was until one night when he fell into trance and a number of
communicators spoke through him, including Edith's late husband. Further
development occurred with him becoming clairvoyant when he could describe the
next-world visitors. by this time, Leslie was not only being kept busy with his
mediumship, but also with his dancing and developing a friendship with Edith. At
this point, Leslie recalls, 'my development as a medium was entering its last and
most important phase'.(11) He had already noticed that he could hear voices
near him, albeit only a few words; when this happened during a film that he was
watching at the cinema, he realized this was not his imagination as, 'other
members of the audience could also hear them because I was constantly being
told to shut up or thumped angrily on the back by those sitting behind me...This
happened so often that I had to give up going to the cinema altogether'.(12)
After moving into Edith's home as a lodger, Leslie had a quieter and happier
environment in which to develop his mediumship and the voices became clearer;
furthermore, much to Leslie's delight, becoming entranced was no longer
necessary. Torn between his desire to become a professional dancer or to
continue the development of his mediumship, he chose the latter. He soon
discovered that he had made the correct decision as it was not long before
Valentino was making himself known at the circle; his voice being audible to all
those who were present. At this time, Edith decided that Leslie should train
himself for public work. His first public demonstration at a local Spiritualist
church, while in trance, was a success. Edith and Leslie then decided that his
ability for independent direct voice mediumship should be made available for
others and a church should be opened where this would be possible. After Edith
and Leslie saved all the money that they could collect together, the day came
when they could advertise services at their Watford Spiritualist Mission: the
church was in fact an unfurnished room over a shop with a few dozen chairs. For
his own living costs, Leslie began to give sittings in Edith's house, but aware
there were people who could not afford the one guinea fee, he began an open
circle one evening a week at the Mission. Many of these circles produced
startling evidence; one being when a local woman, who had been murdered,
communicated and gave a considerable amount of information about herself and
the circumstances of her death. The circle members scanned the news reports
in the local newspapers and information that she had given was subsequently
confirmed as being correct.
Noah Zerdin, one of the founders of the Link Association of Home Circles,
attended one of Leslie's circle meetings and warned him of the danger of
allowing simply anyone to attend these. He supplied further information about the
dangers and problems, and it was agreed that Leslie sit in Noah's home circle.
Of his meeting with Noah, Leslie recalls: 'I had been moved by his burning
sincerity and the compassion which urged him to share his own conviction with
as many people as possible'.(13) Leslie continued his work in the Mission, and
while sitting with Noah's circle, the quality of the voice phenomenon improved. By
this time, Mickey was Leslie's guide and worked with the developing medium to
facilitate the voices. In view of Leslie's continuing development, Noah Zerdin and
the Committee of the Link decided to hold a large demonstration in London on 16
May 1935, at Bloomsbury's Victoria Hall, with Leslie as the medium. Leslie
recalls his deep fears about what faced him, although the voices of
communicators were heard despite his considerable apprehension. However, it
was found that the light was causing difficulties and after Leslie was shielded
from these, the voices improved. Noah suggested that Leslie use a cabinet at
demonstrations in future, with a microphone on the outside.
The next significant event in Leslie's life was deciding to move to Hendon, this
being made possible by renting the property from one of his sitters. And so,
Leslie, Edith, Owen (Edith's son) and Rags, the family mongrel, moved to
Hendon and another phase in Leslie's life was about to begin. At the new
location, Leslie's mediumistic work was now undoubtedly a full-time occupation.
He continued to work with the Link and give demonstrations in some of the
largest halls in London to which coaches full of people would come: 'The voices
came and addressed friends and relatives in the audience to give their proof of
continuing existence and many thousands were given conviction and their lives
changed for the better'.(14) Some examples of the evidence given in Leslie's
public demonstrations are detailed by H. Porten.(15)
In addition to this activity, hundreds of letters were being sent from all over the
world to Leslie about his mediumship. At this time it was also attracting attention
from those interested in testing the phenomena. One of these was Dr Louis
Young who had been a frequent sitter together with his wife. He had tested, and
exposed, many mediums in America and was anxious to prove the genuineness
of Leslie's mediumship. Leslie remarks: 'The tests he conducted with me made
fraud impossible'.(16) One of these was filling Leslie's mouth with coloured water
for the duration of the séance while the voices manifested themselves and spoke
to the sitters.
In addition to the independent direct voice phenomenon, Leslie's mediumship
was able to facilitate materializations who participated in the events of the
séance. In a dim red light: 'These materialisations were quite firm and solid and
they could be felt as well as seen. They would move round the circle and
sometimes they would speak to the members'.(17) Despite this success, it was
discovered that materializations diminished Leslie's independent direct voice
mediumship and it was decided to concentrate on the latter. Although his
mediumship was clearly developing, he admits that it was not always successful;
there would be occasions when sitters would sit in the dark for an hour or so, and
nothing would occur. One of the many examples of Leslie's successes was when
Shaw Desmond, an Irish novelist, attended a séance. Shaw was accompanied
by a woman, although Leslie did not know the names of either sitter. Shaw's son
spoke to his father at length, and Valentino spoke with the woman sitter and had
clearly known her at one time. It later transpired that she had indeed known him:
during the séance she had asked where they had last met and she later told
Leslie that the communicator's reply was quite correct.
Furthermore, she advised Leslie that Valentino was passionately interested in
psychic matters and used to spend much time discussing the subject. Leslie was
also tested by The Confraternity; he refers to these people as 'a group of brave
clergyman', i.e. they accepted the possibility of communication through
mediumship.(18) Leslie's sitters also included those from the royal household. A
sitting was booked by a 'Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Smith', and good evidence was
supplied, e.g. one of the women spoke with her late husband. After this, another
communicator spoke and it transpired from this that the two sitters were attached
to the royal household. By virtue of their visit, Leslie gave a sitting to John
James, who was steward to Princess Louise at Kensington Palace. James was
so impressed with the evidence, that he arranged regular sittings with Leslie to
be held every month. James then received various messages from different
communicators that were duly passed on to those members of the royal family
for whom they were intended (Leslie comments that he waited until all those
concerned had died before giving this information.(19)) It was not long before
Leslie was invited to Kensington Palace to speak with the Princess. On arriving
at the Palace, they had a lengthy and pleasant conversation about survival and
the afterlife.
Shortly after this time, various countries were becoming caught up in the Second
World War and Leslie noted that he began to have problems with his
mediumship, and he was advised the reason was because 'the atmosphere
surrounding the earth was so filled with fear'.(20) As other mediums during this
bleak time, Leslie worked to provide assurance of survival to those who had lost
their loved ones in the fighting. As Leslie heard more and more communicators
express their bewilderment and distress at suddenly being thrust into the next
world, and seeing the grief of those who mourned, this caused him to reflect. The
result was: 'I made up my mind that when the time came to stand up and be
counted I would be a conscientious objector'.(21)
Leslie continued to give sittings, but eventually the time came when he had to
explain his refusal to fight. Standing before the panel, Leslie explained that he
was a Spiritualist to which one of the panel, whom Leslie described as being like
a 'petulant walrus', retorted, 'This fellow's a crank of some kind'.(22) After much
intense questioning, the President asked Leslie to provide a brief account of his
beliefs, which he duly did. While Leslie affirmed his refusal to kill, he stated that
he was fully aware that the war effort against Nazism was a struggle against evil,
and he would gladly assist his country - but he would not kill. It was agreed that
Leslie would be called into a non-combatant role in due course. It was not long
afterwards that Leslie was called up and went to lfracombe to undergo training.
On his first leave, he returned home for a sitting arranged by Edith. During this,
an air raid began and many people were killed nearby. Leslie recalls: 'Mickey at
once returned to speak to us...He went on to say that hundreds of spirit people
were already at the scene of the disaster to help the victims over the border
between this life and the next....That evening, he talked to us very seriously and
as he talked his treble boy's voice changed its timbre and became more adult,
more cultured, more resonant'.(23) After the séance, Leslie proposed to Edith
and two days later they were married.
On returning to barracks, Leslie's presence caused upset as one of the other
non-combatants, a Christian, refused to sleep in the same hut 'as a
necromancer'.(24) However, not all of Leslie's colleagues adopted this stance. It
was reported how he held circles for fifty of his army colleagues on a regular
basis although, 'they have to take it in turns to attend séances because there is
not enough room in the hut for them all'.(25) On one occasion when Leslie's
colleagues asked him for a demonstration of his mediumship, he did this, and a
sister of one of the men began to communicate; however, this was abruptly
ended by a sergeant barging in whereupon the ectoplasm rushed back, causing
Leslie considerable discomfort. He then recalled Noah Zerdin's warning years
before and decided never to hold a séance in such circumstances again. After
moving to a new camp, Leslie felt guilty about his non-combatant role, and
volunteered for bomb disposal duties and was moved to Cardiff. When local
Spiritualists discovered that he was nearby, they asked him to give sittings and
he says that: 'it was a joy to experience again the satisfaction of giving help and
reassurance to those in need of it'.(26) After a while, the bomb disposal unit was
disbanded and Leslie returned to London to undertake different work. He was
therefore able to resume regular séances both at home and elsewhere. In these,
excellent evidence was forthcoming, some of which related to parents hearing
from their children who had been killed while fighting in the war. The next stage
in Leslie's life was, as he says, 'rashly' responding to the call for miners. After a
period of working underground, he laboured at Liverpool moving crates to be
shipped out of the docks to the forces overseas. There he remained until V.E
The war having finished, regular séances resumed and at one, Air Chief Marshal
Lord Dowding was present. During this, Mickey made himself known and
mentioned a young airman wishing to speak. He did so and gave his name as
Peter Kite, his address and a message for his parents: he was particularly
concerned about his mother as the distress of his death was causing her ill-
health. He then mentioned that he knew Mr. Turner, one of the sitters, and told
Mr. Turner that he had visited him for dental work. Leslie remarks: 'None of the
other sitters knew Mr. Turner was a dentist nor did they know his name. Mr.
Turner said he remembered Peter Kite coming to him for treatment...but he did
not know he had been killed nor even that he had joined the R.A.F.'(28)
The airman's parents were contacted and invited to a séance. Arthur Conan
Doyle was the first to communicate and took the opportunity to explain to the
parents what had happened to their son, as they had no knowledge of the
subject. The son then spoke and referred to practical jokes that he had played on
them before his death and what he had seen them doing since that date. Leslie
recalls: 'For close on forty minutes the voice of Peter Kite went on piling
evidential detail on detail, details trivial in themselves but in the aggregate giving
his parents incontrovertible proof of his identity and his continued existence'.(29)
One of Leslie's sitters, a Mrs. Barrat, was so impressed by the evidence that she
received about her son who had been killed in the war, that she arranged and
paid for sittings for other mothers who had suffered similar losses. On one
occasion, one of these women did not arrive and the séance had to begin without
her. A young man's voice then communicated and asked for his mother, and Mrs.
Barrat recognized the speaker as the son of the woman who had not arrived. He
then told the sitters that his mother's train had been delayed and she was sitting
outside the séance room. It was explained the door could not be opened as this
would allow light inside. Leslie relates how: 'Then a wonderful thing happened.
As a rule the voices...speak from a point above my head...but as this spirit spoke
his voice moved right away from me across the room to the door where he called
loudly for his mother, From outside the door the mother answered him and the
dead boy and the living mother talked together through the door'.(30) Another
example of Leslie's spectacular mediumship shortly after the war was when
Edgar Grant attended a séance and spoke with his wife, 'for some minutes in a
perfectly ordered and natural manner'. After this, he recorded that: 'I then felt
fingers take my pen and notebook from my hand and heard the pen moving
across the paper'. On examining this, he declared the 'writing obtained at the
séance and his wife's normal handwriting [before she died] is indisputable'.(31)
Leslie mentions how he was anxious to provide quality demonstrations to the
public. In one at the Kingsway Hall in March 1950, Leslie was able to provide
marvelous evidence of survival when a young man referred to his death by
suicide, giving details of this. Mr. Shead, a member of the audience recognized
the communicator, a son of a friend, with whom he had only met a short time
earlier and had mentioned his son's suicide. Shead later said the information
given by the communicator, 'had been the same, almost word for word, [as] told
by the father'.(32) This demonstration also saw various other communicators
recognized by members of the audience, including instances of sons who had
died in childbirth or killed in the war, with their mothers.
The pressure of the public demonstrations had an effect on Leslie's health. In
one article headed 'Voice Medium Collapses at Public Séance', it recorded how
Leslie had 'collapsed and had to be carried from the platform': this was at the
Kingsway Hall in July 1950.(33) Nonetheless, Leslie was still able to
demonstrate his mediumship and at one large public séance at the Kingsway
Hall, he used a specially-designed cabinet. This was seven feet high and four
feet square. The cabinet was covered in tarpaulin and the audience could
therefore see all that was happening in the area outside. In this demonstration,
various communicators spoke and convinced their loved ones in the audience of
the continuing existence.
It was interesting to note how they confirmed what is repeatedly stated by
communicators, i.e. they are 'more alive than ever'. In the case of Jim, a boy,
who spoke to his mother, he confirmed that he was still very much alive; Mickey
interrupted and said to the mother: 'Jim's a darned sight more alive than you are
lady, I'll tell you!'.(34)
In the course of time, Leslie received so many requests to demonstrate his
mediumship, that a committee was formed to deal with the administration and
other related aspects. One of the members of the committee was the Rev’d
Drayton Thomas, who had, through his tireless efforts, gained excellent evidence
of survival through the medium, Mrs. Gladys Leonard, and had also served on
the SPR Council. He was aware that some were suggesting that Leslie heard the
voices clairaudiently, and then gave the messages himself through his own
mouth. Thomas therefore arranged a test, details of which were reported in
Psychic News (14 February, 1948); in this, a strip of elastoplast was placed over
Leslie's mouth with a scarf then being tied over this, with cords being used to tie
his hands and restrict head movement. In this situation, the voices were heard
and 'Mickey emphasized his ability several times by shouting loudly'. At the end
of the séance, with twelve people present, the cords and plaster were intact and
had not been disturbed.
A further test was conducted in the presence of Dr West, the SPR Research
Officer; after Leslie had his mouth firmly taped with the position of the plaster
marked with a pencil, and his arms strapped to the chair, the voices manifested
themselves and both Thomas and West held a conversation with the
communicators. Leslie found the experience to be extremely uncomfortable, i.e.
having great difficulty in breathing, and he had to cancel appointments for the
next few days in order to recover. However, West then advised Leslie that as one
of the plasters was not in line with one of the markings when the test ended, he did
not view the experiment as conclusive: West took responsibility for not taking
sufficient care in fixing the plaster.
In view of the discomfort experienced, and the unsatisfactory manner in which
the test had been conducted, Leslie, understandably, declined West's invitation
to submit yet again. It appears that not even Leslie was allowed to escape the
muddled and bungling efforts of researchers, many of whom, throughout much of
the history of physical mediumship, have continually requested 'more' due to their
lack of care and attention. In time, Leslie discovered, much to his distress, that
while he originally thought that by demonstrating his mediumship to scientists
and researchers, they would therefore join the chorus of those proclaiming
survival, this was not to be: 'All too soon I learned the hard way that many of
those who call themselves researchers have immutable values of their own
which preclude belief in...the possibility of life after death'.(35)
In an attempt to provide irrefutable evidence of Leslie's mediumship, the Rev’d
Drayton Thomas contacted an electronics expert who had an interest in psychic
matters and provided various devices to use that would verify the voices were not
coming directly from Leslie. In the presence of experienced researchers, Leslie
underwent tests in which his lips were sealed with plaster, a microphone was
attached to his throat, and there was an infra-red telescope that allowed the
researchers to monitor the events in the dark; furthermore, Leslie's hands were
held by the sitter on each side of him. Leslie reports that the result was: 'Voices
spoke at many of the tests under these conditions and on more than one
occasion a researcher viewing through the infra-red telescope was able to see
the ectoplasmic larynx through which the discarnate speak forming on my left
side some two feet distant from me'. One of the researchers later wrote to Leslie,
confirming what had happened and saying this had been 'impressive'.
The actual content of Leslie's independent voice mediumship was itself indicative
of the external sources responsible: as he points out, 'literally thousands of
different voices...speaking in different dialects, in foreign languages unknown to
me'. And this was apart from the 'mass of personal detail and reminiscence'.(36)
The success of tests made on Leslie is noted by Guiley: 'Flint was extensively
tested - he called himself "the most tested medium in England" - but no evidence
of fraud was ever found. The most dramatic test was done in London and New
York in 1970. Flint's lips were sealed with plaster, and a throat microphone
showed no evidence of use of his vocal chords, despite the manifestation of
ghostly voices'.(37) Leslie corroborates this when he says: 'I have been boxed
up, tied up, sealed up, gagged, bound and held and still the voices have come to
speak their message of life eternal'.(38)
Notwithstanding, we nevertheless learn an important lesson here, relevant at this
time. Leslie graciously submitted to being monitored through infra-red apparatus,
apart from a host of other modes of tests, and while no evidence of fraud was
evident, the tests had little or no effect on scientists and sceptics, and added
nothing meaningful to the field of knowledge. Yet again, this provides an example
of how the filming, recording and/or monitoring of mediums has no value, and if
anything only serves to minimize the phenomena.
The full scope of Leslie's mediumship is surely demonstrated by the judgments
given by other mediums. Jessie Nason, who supplied so much excellent
evidence to so many people and appeared on British national television to
demonstrate her ability, attended a séance with Leslie in 1965. After receiving
remarkable evidence for herself and witnessing this occurring with others, she
declared Leslie's séance as 'fantastic'.(39)In 1970, Leslie spoke to the Spiritualist
Task Force and referred to how physical mediums had been 'hounded out' of
Spiritualism. When asked why he had not suffered the same fate, he replied with
his usual dry humour, saying, 'Perhaps I'm a little more intelligent and a little
more careful'. He also remarked on one sad fact that still prevails nearly forty
years later: on commenting on how much effort and time he had devoted to
developing his mediumship he remarked on how, 'You have to find self-
sacrificing sitters. And believe me, I haven't found many among some
Spiritualists'. He also spoke about the dangers that sometimes exist and recalled
how someone had once turned on a light while he was in trance and he was 'ill
for weeks afterwards'.(40)
Leslie's mediumship resulted in him traveling abroad and this clearly had no
effect on the quality of the evidence supplied. One example was the séance at
the W. T. Stead Centre in New York when Mickey announced that a Carl
Schneider wished to speak. None of the sitters responded, but Mickey was
adamant there had to be someone there who knew him. One sitter, a Robert
Bolton, spoke up saying that he knew Schneider, but believed that he was in fact
alive. The communicator nevertheless spoke and said that he had died a year
earlier; moreover, Bolton recognized the voice as Schneider's. The following day,
Bolton telephoned the number that Schneider had given him at an earlier time,
and was told by the person answering that Schneider had died a year earlier,
having committed suicide. Bolton was so impressed by the evidence that he
wrote an account of the experience in Psychic News. Leslie then left New York to
give successful séances and visit Chicago, Los Angeles and Hollywood; during
which time he was entertained by Mae West and her husband, and visited
Valentino's grave and placed flowers there.
Demonstrating that the pain of losing a loved one is still very much present,
despite an intimate awareness of survival, Edith's death after a lengthy
deterioration in health caused considerable heartache for Leslie. He recalls that
after the funeral: 'A wave of desolation swept over me as I realised I had yet to
come to terms with the loss of her physical presence...I wondered if I could go on
living in a house filled with memories of past happiness'.(41) Following this, Leslie's guides told him that he would soon be moving into a flat in central
London, and despite his doubts, a few months later he was there.
It was at this time that Leslie became anxious about the pressure being placed
upon him and he decided to retire from public work. He then gave all his energy
to private séances that continued to be successful, and often eventful; one was
when a Mr. and Mrs. Newton attended and Leslie was perturbed that they had
brought an Alsatian dog with them as he did not allow animals in the séance
room; but he then suddenly realized the dog was not physically present. When
the séance began, Mr. Newton's father communicated and said that 'Rex' was
with him and his wife. Leslie records: 'At this point to my surprise and
embarrassment I heard Mr. Newton sobbing'. It transpired that Mr. and Mrs.
Newton had once had an Alsatian dog called Rex, and Mr. Newton was deeply
distressed by the circumstances in which the dog had died. Of the séances, of
which there were a number, when this type of evidence arose, Leslie states: 'I am
convinced that the love we give to our animals on this side of life lifts them on to
a higher plane of existence...and that when we die we shall find them waiting to
greet us'.(42)
Leslie mentions the many séances that he conducted for George Woods and
Betty Greene. In these, a positive wealth of information about the post-mortem
existence was revealed. A wide range of people communicated and no matter
what their background had been, their statements had remarkable uniformity.
This was made apparent with one communicator, Rose Hawkins, who had been
a street flower seller before her death and had an 'earthly voice, strident,
cheerful, with a Cockney twang even more pronounced than Mickey's. She said:
'You want me to describe our world in your material language! I don't know which
way to start. I suppose if you could think of all the beautiful things in your world
without all the things which aren't pleasant, you'd 'ave a vague notion of what it's
like...The only things you get 'ere is by character and the way you've lived your
life and how you've thought and acted'.(43)
In view of the valuable information imparted when the two were there, Leslie
admits: 'I began to look forward more and more to my sittings with George
Woods and Betty Greene'.(44) Details of some of these were detailed by Neville
Randall in his book, Life After Death, that makes truly fascinating reading as it
records much of the detail provided in a number of these sittings.(45) The work of
Woods and Greene became public news resulting in Leslie appearing on
television, and having the opportunity to expound the reality of everlasting life
and the possibility of communication between the two worlds.
A number of communicators joined the Woods/Greene séances attempting to
undo the wrong done in their earthly life: one was Lord Birkenhead who, having
died, realized the immoral nature of capital punishment that he had once
supported. Leslie records how he 'spoke eloquently and urgently for almost an
hour on the necessity for the total abolition of the death penalty'.(46)
Another communicator was George Bernard Shaw. When the tape of his
communication was played to the writer Laurence Easterbrook, O.B.E, who had
known Shaw for a good number of years, he declared: 'I found the G.B.S.
recording interesting indeed. The more I think about it, the more impossible it
seems for none but himself to have been responsible'. When the tape was played
to George Bishop, the dramatic critic of the Daily Telegraph, who was a close
friend of Shaw but also someone who had no interest in the paranormal, he
agreed, 'The mind and the mood are Shaw's'.(47)
One person who communicated and is well-known to Spiritualists was Dr Cosmo
Lang, who had been Archbishop of York and had suppressed the report of a
church commission investigating Spiritualism; he voiced his regrets regarding his
behaviour. A tape of his communication was played to Conan Shaw, who had
known Lang and he stated: 'Yes, I have every confidence it is Dr Cosmo Lang
who is the communicator as he claims to be on the tape'.(48)
The Rev’d Allan Barham, a member of the SPR and Churches' Fellowship for
Psychical and Spiritual Studies, wrote about Leslie and states: 'I have been
present many times at a Leslie Flint sitting, when voices have spoken which have
been recognised as the unmistakable expression of the personality of someone -
a relation or friend - who has died'.(49) It was in fact Barham, who played the
Shaw tape to Bishop, as mentioned above; he reports that after listening to it,
Bishop 'was deeply moved'.(50)
Despite the well-known personalities who communicated through Leslie, he
continued to provide evidential séances to 'ordinary people'. One such instance
was when a Mrs. Dunk attended and Robin, her son who had died in a car
accident in 1968, communicated. She noted how he continued using a term of
language about which she always corrected him before his death. He gave a
considerable amount of personal evidence about what had happened in the
family since his death, even thanking his mother for 'the two roses bushes she
had planted in his memory'. Mrs. Dunk's own mother also communicated and she
reported how the voice was 'unmistakable'.(51)
Following the usual Spiritualist tradition, Leslie held Christmas tree séances.
One, that took place in 1972, was described by a sitter, who recounted the usual
dry humour that occurred, e.g. when Leslie asked Mickey to hurry up, the guide
replied: 'I wish you'd shut up!' A number of children were able to communicate
successfully and it was noted 'the voices seemed to be manifesting directly
above the Christmas tree. Occasionally they moved as the spirit children
examined presents' and that, 'the children's different personalities were marked'.
Then, 'towards the end of the séance, presents on and under the tree were
thrown about the room. Though the proceedings took place in pitch darkness,
nobody was hit'. Noteworthy was the fact that 'Leslie was heard coughing several times while the voices spoke. As Mickey said, "We've been having
trouble with old Flint lately"'.(52)
A number of NAS members have also related their experiences when sitting with
Leslie and provided a fascinating insight into the marvelous quality of his
mediumship.(53) One of the accounts reveals something of the extent of Leslie's
abilities: George Cranley describes a Christmas party when numerous children
spoke, each with their distinctive personality, although this resulted in two of
them arguing over one of the toys: 'Mickey would break in saying, "Ere, pack it in
you two" so that three voices would be heard simultaneously'.(54) The NAS
Newsletter has also featured a lengthy interview that took place with Leslie in
1993 concerning his mediumship, and mediumship in general.(55)
Leslie died on 16 April 1994: previously the Vice-President, he became the joint
Vice President (in spirit) of the Noah's Ark Society with Noah Zerdin who
accomplished so much in directing Leslie's course. A tribute to Leslie appeared in
NAS Newsletter, No. 47, (56) and it is surely fitting to conclude with the words
included in this: 'For many, Leslie had the quality of a Columbus, opening for us
the portals into a new world that gave hope, that enlarged our vision of life, and
deepened our values...He was a rare soul, who served us well'.
book to read
(1)L. Flint, Voices in the Dark (London: Macmillan, 1971), p.9.
(2)Flint, Ibid., p.9.
(3)Flint, Op. Cit., pp.10,12.
(4)Flint, Op. Cit., p.14.
(5)Flint, Op. cit., p.15.
(6)Flint, Op. cit., p.25.
(7)Flint, Op. Cit., p.30.
(8)Flint, Op. Cit., pp.32-33.
(9)Flint, Op. Cit., p.35.
(10)Flint, Op. Cit., pp.43,44,45.
(11)Flint, Op. Cit., p.73.
(12)Flint, Op. Cit., p.73.
(13)Flint, Op. Cit., p.85.
(14)Flint, Op. Cit., p.93.
(15)H. Porten, The Miracle on the Wall (Eastbourne: Porten, 1954),
(16)Flint, Op. Cit., p.94.
(17)Flint, Op. Cit., p.95.
(18)Flint, Op. Cit., p.97.
(19)Flint, Op. Cit., p.104.
(20)Flint, Op. Cit., p.108.
(21)Flint, Op. Cit., p.112. (22)Flint, Op. Cit., p.118.
(23)Flint, Op. Cit., pp.125-126.
(24)Flint, Op. Cit., p.128.
(25)Psychic News, 17 January 1942, p.4.
(26)Flint, Op. Cit., p.134.
(27)Flint, Op. Cit., pp.138-139.
(28)Flint, Op. Cit., pp.141-142.
(29)Flint, Op. Cit., p.143.
(30)Flint, Op. Cit., p.145.
(31)Psychic News, 2 March 1946, p.3.
(32)Psychic News, 11 March 1950, p.1.
(33)Psychic News, 22 July 1950, p.1.
(34)Flint, Op. Cit., p.148.
(35)Flint, Op Cit (London: Macmillan, 1971), p.169.
(36)Flint, Op. Cit., pp.168,170.
(37)R. E. Guiley, Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical and Paranormal
Experience (San Francisco, CA: HarperCollins, 1991), p.150.
(38)Flint, Op. Cit., p.169.
(39)Psychic News, 16 October 1965, p.1.
(40)Psychic News, 25 April 1970.
(41)Flint, Op. Cit., p.186.
(42)Flint, Op. Cit., p.190.
(43)Flint, Op. Cit., p.193.
(44)Flint, Op. Cit., p.200.
(45)N. Randall, Life After Death (Ealing, Corgi: 1980).
(46)Flint, Op. Cit., p.202.
(47)Cit., Flint, Op. Cit., p.205.
(48)Cit., Flint, Op. Cit., p.213.
(49)A. Barham, Life Unlimited (Hythe: Volturna Press, 1982), p.43.
(50)Barham, Ibid., p.48.
(51)Psychic News, 10 July 1971.
(52)Psychic News, 23 December 1972, pp.1,8.
(53)NAS Newsletter, No.7, p.9. No.28, pp.24-25. No.29, p.13. No.52,
(54)NAS Newsletter, No.29, p.13.
(55)NAS Newsletter, No.30, pp.12-15. No.31, pp.6-9. No.32, pp.7-9. No.33,
pp.13-15. No.34, pp.22-23.
(56)NAS Newsletter, No. 47, p.25.
NB. This article appeared in the Ark Review of April, May and june -98.