Page 67;
"In an attempt to
further establish the underwater "tunnel" mentioned by
the witness, it was learned that this "tunnel" was not
of solid rock as we think of a tunnel, and it did not have any
projecting stalactites or stalagmites as already mentioned by the
witness. He could not describe its entrance opening in any frame
of reference known to him, and he had difficulty describing the
walls. They were not of solid finished material like brick or
stone, but were translucent and flowing LIKE FIRMED WATER. The
ships flew in an ''airspace'' that opened in front of the craft as
they proceeded, and may have closed again behind it, and no water
or anything else actually touched the surfaces of the vehicle
itself. The swiftly flowing "water" was close but did
not touch the crystal (windshield) in front of the witness' face.
It appears to us that the
witness is describing a ship-generated force-field of some kind
which separated the mass of the material ahead of it and produced
a capsule of "space" around it in which the craft flew.
The curve in the tunnel mentioned may have been simply a
re-directing of the force-field for a change of vector that was
controlled by the extraterrestrial pilot sitting to the right of
the witness in this small vehicle. This rush of water not touching
the ship has been described by another UFO abductee who was taken
in a spacecraft to an underwater base.
Some pages further- from
"they said that it
is some 4000years since they began to make contact. When they gave
us messages, the people misinterpreted them badly. That every time
they have come to a particular place, they said, the people adore
them as if they were gods. And they are beings superior to us, but
they are still far from the gods that we speak of. Some that they
have are advanced, others are very much advanced. They have much
technical science, but they are not saints though people adore
them as saints. They are preparing now, the things that are
necessary so that we do not give them the reception we did in
other times. It has been thousands of years since they descended
last. The people then adored them and said that they were saints
come to Earth.
HYPNOTIST - Continue.
FILIBERTO - There they
demonstrated much technical science. They told me, "Look what
is going to happen there. We have no intentions undesirable with
you, but we want to help you and you will become more advanced.
But when we have given instructions to anyone and we have made
contact with them to give them knowledge of these things, they do
not believe it. That in general they say that we are of forms very
distracting, and that has been the drawback of the terrestrains.
Because we do not prefer the ones over the others and in each part
of the world are distinctly different races, they each seek
superiority and believe us more knowledgeable (and seek to use us).
They said that they have classes also, but that of the classes,
those with the lesser intelligence or less scientific technology,
could still be masters to teach thousands of years more knowledge
than those of Earth. HYPNOTIST - Continue.
FILIBERTO - They showed
me and said, "Look at what I have here in front of me,"
and they had kind of a stone. That stone was activated by means of
a reflection of light. That mirror of light was capable of burning
whole cities and great territories. They said the forces of
Earth could have vast arms, but only one ship of theirs was
capable of destroying them all. But they do not intend to
cause harm because they do not want us to fear them. If we don't
move forward, they will use more forceful demonstrations. But they
are going to have to give a lesson to humanity to be able to save
the rest of the world. They cannot advise us on great catastrophes
or great things that are going to happen.
They also have special
equipment, or something like that, they told me, that is like an
electric battery, like a light that they call... I do not remember...
but they said that it is the fourth ascendency above laser rays,
that they used thousands of years ago, on Earth, laser rays and
that they want to have now an access before we finalize this
stage, this lap that we are now beginning, a stage that I
interpreted as if it were years. In a short time they intend to
have important demonstrations.
They told me that the
distinct forms of religions, that we use, for a great part are
dominated by people who seek aggrandizement, that develop into
personality cults and gain power and abundancies of many things.
They say that we terrestrians need a religion, but a distinct
religion (personal), not in groups and the things that they are
doing, and that each one within themselves symbolize the same God.
They say that the head, in these moments can perform good works,
but he has around him men of lesser intentions that apparently
come from the intelligence of cosmic space, or as we call it, God.
But that all these things are with a tendency to aggrandize which
is definitely a bad system. I interpreted what they wanted to call
bad as the devil. And that the head is trying to accomplish
certain things, is trying to come down, is trying to humble itself
but is trying to clean up the things that it has around it. I
interpreted the head to be the Pope of the Catholic Church. They
reprehended me strongly because I did not complete with them, the
mission that they gave me. I told them that I had tried to
complete in part the mission but that the people would not believe
me. Then they told me that for those ones they have prepared this,
so that the people will believe. And the people will believe.
Because they have to believe. They don't want to take hard
measures with anybody, but they are going to do what they have to
do. After much time... (inaudible).
HYPNOTIST - Sleep soundly
and continue talking loud and clear.
FILIBERTO - They showed
me important things. Things that they can make appear and
disappear in front of one's eyes, that not only their ships can do
this...(illegible). They informed me also that we have to be
careful because other places that do not pursue the same
objectives, are making themselves as angels. They
are not as advanced as the good ones but they are much advanced
and are very important and they told me, if those pursue bad
objectives against us, they could do two things. They could
destroy this planet with the same arms that this planet has,
without using any of theirs, or on the contrary, transport away
our great armaments in one operation, that for us terrestrians
would take no more than 20 minutes of our time. They could make us
disappear into pieces in 20 minutes, or in the same 20 minutes
leave us with no armaments capable of destroying anything because
they can be visible or invisible as they choose.
combustible do they use for this? FILIBERTO - They did not tell me.
HYPNOTIST - Speak loudly
and clearly.
FILIBERTO - They could
appear, being at our side and we didn't see them, but if they
like, they can leave us at once. They have around the world, or
better, of our planet, at this time, since some years ago having
conducted experiments, 81 begotten beings (half extraterrestrial
and half terrestrial) living on Earth. Most of them have completed
missions while others are still little. But there are many of them
who have completed missions of great importance.
HYPNOTIST - And why did
they tell you all these things? For whom did they tell you?
FILIBERTO - Precisely for
my test, to see if I was a proper messenger for when things begin
to happen. Because others will come who will also make the
announcements but the people will not believe them. To help make
them believe the others when they appear.
occasion did they mention what things are going to happen?
FILIBERTO - I asked them
about that, for some things. HYPNOTIST - And what did they say?
FILIBERTO - Among other
things, there will disappear, here precisely on Earth, great
portions of land and whole cities VIRGILIO - When?
FILIBERTO - They said in
a short time. It is not that they are going to do anything, but to
see if they could prevent, at least, a little and save some
numbered millions of people.
(comment rune; a lot of
such warnings came forth thru different spacecontacts in the
50-60-70ths, so apparantly they saw how a heavy karmic wave was
ready to strike in those timeperiods, but seemingly a new wave of
love energy was transmitted to earth from some helping planets in
those years- and higher developed children incarnated here, which
made it possible to delay, and may be soothe the karma some time….)
VIRGILIO - Two or three
FILIBERTO - All of the
things that we have been saying, and all the things that are to
come soon.
HYPNOTIST - Continue
sleeping soundly but you will continue relating rapidly and
strongly all that has passed since when your car broke down, that
was where we began . . . Continue rapidly.
FILIBERTO - That part I
have already told to you.
HYPNOTIST - Have you
already regresses, or have you not regressed?
FILIBERTO - I still am
where I was presenting something (seen) in an apparatus that looks
like a television from here, from Earth. Those terrestrians who
are going to be destroyed, or better, that are going to become
great or immense lakes or parts of the sea. There is another city
very distant which will also become ocean or a lake of importance.
HYPNOTIST - In America or
in Europe?
FILIBERTO - The city is
called... the capital of Mexico! HYPNOTIST - Very soon?
FILIBERTO - This will
happen in a little time. They are not going to do this. They
always say with emphasis, "We didn't do this, we want to
prevent these happenings." When I asked them if they could do
something they said no, that the inhabitants of those places have
been abandoned. Because there is something, there is something
that is... (silence)...
(yes, a lot of the
warnings that came thru those years, also this about Mexico, have
so long not happend of any karmic reason, but the big question is
whether this karma is removed forever…. R.Ř.rem.)
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