The refuge of Digne.
From any side you see this tentacular case, one
fall on complicated things, expensive and hard to prepare. The text of
the first day on Earth gave some indications which could help to
localise the cave where the first group of Ummits would have lived in
1950. They precise that this cave would still exists and that they
stored there the devices of the first expedition. They propose to give
them the earth authorities, the day they will reveal there presence on
our floor. The Ummits give a certain number of points visible from the
entry of the excavation.
It was said to be located in a foothill, not
far from the White Horse mountain. From there one could see two rivers,
the "Bléone" and the "Bès", the houses of "la
Javie" village, Digne and its old cathedral, a rail road. Not far
from this refuge were growing some plant species called Valeriana Celta
and Erica carnea.
Fitted with these information, we did different reconnaissance, by foot.
The UMMO affair is very stimulating for the intellect, but also very
good for health. I would have never done so many walks in the mountains
than to try to localise this damned refuge. In some years, Jean-Jacques
and I we have climbed all tops of the region, one after the others,
included this famous White Horse mountain, with its two thousands meter
We were leaving with a picnic and Jean-Jacques
was often walking with his basset hound, Nestor, deceased today. The
problem was not to loose the very undisciplinated dog.
The task was complicated while Jean-Jacques made a little translation
error. The text talked about the "vieja iglesia romana", what
he translated with old romanic ( Norman ) church. But at Digne, there
are two religious buildings, including effectively an old romanic church,
located at the border of the city.
In order to see it, we had to venture on the flanks of the White Horse
mountain, what made us going quite high. But this was not coping with
the information concerning the flora, which was also notified. The
Ummits said to have found some winged insects (flies). The place we were
exploring was to high for flies to live there.
We had the impression to live a story of Jules Verne and we had a lot of
fun. But time went by and we had the impression to turn over and over.
Then I read again the texts.
- Tell me one thing, Jean-Jacques, what means romana, in Spanish ?
- Romanic, I think.
- In the dictionary, I see this means roman.
- I made then a big mistake. This is the other church, more recent, the
one which is in the centre of the village. But this sent us in a
dead-end: this church in on the bottom of a hollow, like the town of
Digne, which is belted with hills. I do not see from which place one
could see it and also all other indicated points.
- To clear that up , we just have to climb on the bell-tower.

The priest was quite reluctant. He asked us why
we wanted to climb on his church. We of course could not tell him we
wanted to localise an extraterrestrial refuge. I do not remember what
for excuses we invented then, but he finally gave us the authorisation.
From up there we a had a surprise. There is effectively a hill, the
crest "moreover la Blache", which was visible, between two
others, like through the sight of a flint.
The day after we took our rucksacks and assaulted this place, which had
escaped till then to our investigations (we almost had climbed all other
tops). From up there we had the confirmation that all the indicated
points were visible, and also the Roman cathedral, as follows:

Fig. 9 : The cathedral of Digne and some houses in the background,
as they may be observed from the top of the crest "moreover la
Blache" (photo).

Fig. 10 The crest "moreover la Blache"
seen from the roman cathedral of Digne.
The Ummits texts were saying the truth. Whoever
the author of the document was, this way only someone who knew perfectly
the topology of this region. Another information confirmed the
identification of the place.
A text says that the vessel has "re-materialised" itself,
after a voyage in the "hyperspace" (we will evoke this aspect
later, the travelling mode of the interstellar vessels) in a point
situated at 13 km of Digne and at 8 km from la Javie. This was giving
two circles which were not fitting. But, by getting more detailed
reports, we learned at which altitude the machine had reappeared. It
seemed logical it had started to fly down vertically. I did some
calculations and found perfectly the coordinates of the crest "moreover
la Blache". See figure 11.

Fig. 11 : Schema of the fly of the vessel on the
crest " moreover la Blache", in february 1950.
road to Digne.
The localisation of the landing point and the
surroundings of the cave was however not precise enough so that we could
keep on our researches. We could not dig anywhere. God knows if this
rotten cave even exists.
(well, be sure that the
international secret servises have long ago located this spot and made
all traces hidden for normal people to research - as this info on
visitors from space is the most important theme to hold secret, so
that people are prevented from getting PROOF for this - and some
alternative thoughts from this slave-society on our earth, where the
money-people rules everything. rø-remark)

*************The Digne area where
the Ummits landed and hide.
How do the Ummits text looks
The contact between UMMO and the
Earth would have been taken, according to the documents, in two times.
After receiving the radio-message, in 1949, the Ummits would have
fraught a vessel immediately and would have travelled towards our
solar system.
The reader has the right to wonder
"how are these people doing to travel over the fantastic distance
of fifteen light years, with MHD (magnetohydrodynamic)?".
Legitimate question.
The vessels would be fitted with two types of propulsion, completely
different. When they fly in our atmosphere, they would use MHD. But
this system is full inefficient in space. First there is no fluid on
which the vessel may act, second the distances are of another order of
magnitude. Moreover, the "light-barrier" forbids to travel
in our Universe at a speed over 300,000 km per second. This would be
in opposition to the Special Relativity.
(all this is on travelling in
another dimension is described in the KOLDAS
material - and to some degree in swedish from the
contactwomen shannie west
- but there in a more "childish way" - rø.remark)
In fact, if one consider there is
only one Universe, we found an impossibility and the authors of
Science-Fiction who speak of "propulsion over light speed"
are wrong. The Ummits texts from 1967 give two ways of getting rid of
this difficulty : there would not be one Universe but two. This idea
it the basis of all my theoretical articles, reproduced at the end of
this book. In the second fold of the Universe the light speed would be
fifty times higher. It would be sufficient to go from one side to the
other, as we would take the underground subway. They just had to come
back in our fold when arrived at destination. This ratio between the
two light speed values would vary along the time.
So, the gain in time would depend of some "meteo-cosmical
conditions". The Ummits evoke this phenomenon by speaking of
large hyperspace folds. Before leaving, they have to be sure that the
conditions are as best as possible, so that the time of travel is not
According to the authors of the documents, in 1949, would not have
been so favourable, but the Ummits, very curious, would have however
sent some people to visit the place, taking the occasion of one of
these "hyperspatial windows". Even with their powerful
optical observation systems, through such a distance, they could not
have identified clearly all the planets of the solar system. Jupiter
had been well localised, but they were not sure of the number of
planets, more little, with overlapping signals.
The vessels, after "rematerialisation"
in the neighbourhood of the solar system, would have first explored
Neptune and Mars. At this distance from Earth, they would have
received lots of emissions from the blue planet, what would have
confirmed the presence of intelligent life. They would have stayed in
orbit at an altitude of 350 km, and would have done the first bearing.
They could then analyse the composition of the atmosphere and
establish that it was very near theirs. Despite the large cloud cover,
over the continents, they would have identified some straight shapes.
They would have taken them for canalisations (it was in fact roads an
rail roads 1: ).
The texts in italic are the reproductions of some parts of original
More on their first landing
The first terrestrial flying machine
detected was a plane, observed at vicinity of the Bahamas. The picture
was zoomed, enhanced and analysed with curiosity. The descent went on
and new pictures were taken, corresponding to urban centers, forests,
and floating structures 1;. The first photographs of humans were done
vertically from the Swiss agglomeration of Montereau.
The vessel would have then taken some altitude and all these
information analysed. Thought the pictures of human were relatively
fuzzy, the differentiation of two genders could have been established
on the basis of the presence, for certain individuals, of important
The pictures were not good enough to give details on clothing. We
discovered however the correlation between the gender and the length
of the hairs: women had a more abundant scull pilosity.
The presence of pipes, emitting some dark coloured aerosols (factory
chimneys) was a clue for us. The spectral analysis revealed it emited
some combustion residuals of hydrocarbons. This technology never have
been used on UMMO 1<, and we believed that this products were there
to increases the components of the atmosphere, facilitating the
breathing. This hypothesis was correlated by the observation of such
cylinders in the mouth of some individuals, spitting out some chemical
But not all inhabitants, particularly children, were equipped with
such devices , what puzzled us even more.
We were stupefied by the richness
and the variety of radio signals we could pick up and we asked
ourselves what language were speaking the peoples of the Earth. Among
this jumble we detected signals similar to those which had induced our
coming on Earth 1= and we deduced this must have been a common
language to all Earth inhabitants.
The things became complicated, as flying over North America we picked
up signals corresponding to TV broadcasting that we could not decode
and that we understood as spoken languages, what increased our
confusion. Comparing the signals corresponding to Morse, to the radio
broadcasting we concluded that the inhabitants of this part of Earth
were speaking three languages.
The Ummits would have gone back home.
Fitted with these few information they would have decided to settle on
Earth a little group, with the mission of digging a underground refuge
and to explore the planet with some miniaturised probes, waiting for
the bearing.
According to the texts, they overestimated fully our technical
capacities and had foreseen the case where these six persons would
have been captured by the men of the Earth :
A group of six of our brothers had
been selected to establish the first vanguard on this new planet,
composed of four men and of two women. All of them learnt some
fragments of the different "languages" picked up, ignoring
completely their signification.
The group would have been composed
of six persons, four men and two women. Among the men was a specialist
for biology of 31 years old, a psychobiologist (18 years old), a
specialist in communication (78 years old) and a sociologist (22 years
The feminine team would have been composed of a specialist for matter
structure (22 years old) and an expert in pathology of the digestive
system (32 years old).
Let the author of the document, who, if one believes him, would have
belong to the first expedition:
- Concerning the most favourable
moment for the start, we had not much chances. We were in the end of
1949, in terrestrial time. We foresaw that some years later the
conditions would have been much better, but with a very bad
probability. The departure decision was taken anyway. But effectively,
If we could have start in 1952, our trip would have last only two
Our group was bringing a welcome message, written by the authorities
of our planet, that we would have given the Earth authorities, in case
of our hypothetic interception. This message had been written on a
plate made of an alloy of iron, carbon and chrom-vanadium. This was a
mixture of ideograms showing human gestures and human attitudes,
combined with geometric figures, that an Earth-scientist, we thought,
could have easily interpreted and that would have been a starting
point for the communication between our two ethnic groups. The
equipment we brought with us was quite complex, with a reduced volume.
Arriving in the Earth proximity we had no idea about the plant
morphology and animals we would find there. We knew that the
intelligent message we received could only come from beings with human
shape 1?, but we did not know, given the great variability of species
in function of biogenetic laws, like what these people would look
like. Without data on the planet geophysics, which determine the
evolution profile of leaving species and whose law we know quite well,
we did not know if our immune system could stand the bacterial
In prevision of such an eventuality we were
clothed with a artificial epidermis, completely different of the
clothing used by the terrians, which allows the sudation without
letting chemical and biological products to get in. Near our natural
orifices a series of devices had been placed, adapted to each organ
function. Some capsules placed in our nasal fossae assured our oxygen
alimentation from the transmutation of pure carbon. Our eyes and
mouths were well protected. Our alimentation was given by a device
located in the lumbar region and which could push the food through two
pipes. The first brought some solid food, with the help of mechanical
cilium, to a hole ending on our inferior lip. The food were contained
in some capsules that our spittle could liquefy. This system was
controlled by coded signals from the eyelid (it was enough to blink
several times with the eyes, with a code) The second pipe was bringing
The water was obtain mainly from
the recycling of our urine after purification and enriching it with
chemicals components. A rectal probe decomposed our stools in basic
chemical elements. One part of those were gasified and transmuted into
oxygen and hydrogen to synthetize water and compensate the loss to
sudation. The rest was transmuted into helium, flowing outside. When
we equipped so ourselves, the equipments are first put in place and
the artificial epidermis is sprayed all over the body. We move
perfectly free and we can evolve without risk in a biologically
hostile area. Such an equipment may be completed with a new layer of
metallized plastics, enforced with tiny meshes, which allows to move
in the space vacuum when we visit, for instance an asteroid with no
atmosphere. This clothing is then more rigid but do not handicap our
movements. In addition to this individual equipments, we had brought
with us some device to synthestize some carbonhydrats and other
components of our basic alimentation from the gas elements of your
planet, in case it would be impossible to ingest yours. We had some
apparatus to record pictures and sounds, geologic probes as well as
some devices to prepare our defence. This setup was completed with a
whole set for making numerous measurements on the floor of your
planet. We ignored all the detection devices and remote control you
may own.
We had recorded your
decimetric waves 20 and we knew that those could be used to localise
us. In case where we would not have been detected during our landing,
we had the order of building an underground observatory and to start
from there the study of your planet. It was impossible for us to
foresee the way the situation would evolve, and which point the
observation of the psychological and social structure of Earth would
reach. The three vessels composing the vanguard fleet , with each
twelve passengers on board, materialised them selves at 7338 meters
high over the chosen landing site, in a semi wild region, this means
were people rarely go, but where we could, with good optical
instruments observed the behaviour and habits of the inhabitants of a
peaceful city in the south of France. They performed their descent
night, the 24th of March 1950, at four in the morning, with a quite
cloudy weather. The infrared cameras gave a first picture of the
surroundings. No human beings could be detected.
We checked the floor looking for eventual underground
habitations, but this test was negative. The feet of our vessels took
contact with the stony floor and the six expeditionaries went out
through some trap-door to take contact with the floor of this planet. We
immediately began to dig a gallery by melting the stone and
transmuting it into nitrogen and oxygen. In the same time some
parts of the materials found there have been transmuted to transformed
in extensible arch structure made of magnesium and aluminium. But this
activity was requiring quite a lot of energy. Along the time, as our
work went on, the clouds went away and the sun began to rise.
We were worried by the idea that the natives could have detected to
some distances the steam clouds going up. Happily no inhabitants of
the region noticed anything, and in the morning our work was achieved.
Some food supplies were stored in the refuge, giving an autonomy of
one year, and those who went back home said goodbye to our six
brothers who would then live on this unknown planet. The chief of our
expedition, with 36 persons, remained anxious. He was worrying that
the space window which had allowed the travel could close, shortly
that the space would unfold suddenly 21. Eventually, the six
expeditionaries observed the vessels flying rapidly up to an altitude
of six thousands meters, and dematerialised 22 after having heated
their surface to incandescence, not to bring home some unknown germs
from the twin Universe and from the planet they were originated. As
the day began we could observed the surroundings quietly, staying
hidden. We knew mostly nothing about the customs of the Earth
In the previous weeks we had done many reconnaissances
with the help of automatic probes and we had obtained lots of pictures,
which remained not understood. In our devices, we had no equipments
allowing to catch TV broadcasting, what would have been very useful.
On the other side we could receive the flow of radio emissions coming
from the whole planet. We began to decode the local languages helped
by our computer, but the linguistic diversity of your planet seemed
This part of the texts requires a explanation word. According to the
reports, UMMO would not have known the phenomena called drift of
continents. On Earth, this is responsible for the fragmentation of the
initial continent: the Gondwana, and for the reliefs. When the
continental plates hit each other, this created folds we call
mountains. The Himalaya corresponds to the telescoping of India, which
has went away from south Africa and which met Mongolia. The Alps
corresponds to the movements of the Italian peninsula, which came
rapidly into the rest of European continent. Just look to a map to be
convinced of that. If on Earth, the magma became stable 23 and that
the movements of tectonic plates ceased, the erosion would let our
mountains disappear in some tens of million years. Our continents
would become flat as our hands. Any geophysics specialist would
confirm that. UMMO would not have and mountains (neither oceanic deeps),
only some rests of vulcan very eroded. The Ummits gave us by the way a
map of their planet:

Fig.12 A map of
the UMMO planet.
As indicated in the documents, the
big lake, in the middle-right,named AUVOA SAOOAA24, would have a
surface of 276.000 km2 and would correspond to an ancient meteorite
impact. Some planets would have been deeply marked by such traces. The
hidden face of the moon, explored by the Sovietic union, presents in
its centre a huge impact which occupies an important part of its
surface. On the Ummits planisphere, the circular reliefs would
correspond to old vulcanoes, but would be very eroded. Nothing to do
with what we found on Earth. The sinus lines would be rivers,few
kilometres large. The little spots show agglomerations (27% of the
population would live there). We tried to reconstitute approximately
the look of this planet, starting from this planisphere:

Figure 13 : The UMMO planet
( reconstitution based on the planisphere).
No one can say if these information
corresponds to reality or not. But if one suppose it is the case, here
is what the Earth expeditionaries would find there. On one half of the
planet, we would find a unique continent and on the other a vast ocean.
The surface covered by the oceans would be equal to 62% of the one of
the planet. its radius would be about 7250 km (against 6400 for the
Earth). Titanium would be abundant in the floor, with the form of
minerals 25. The gravity would be stronger. If we went on UMMO, our
weight would increase of 20%. Inversely, the Ummits, when they walk on
our floor feel lighter. The earth is slightly flat on its poles,
because of the centrifugal force coming from its rotation. On UMMO,
that would be the contrary. The altitude on the poles would be 15 km
higher than on the rest of the planet. The Ummits explain that by the
fact that the magnetic field on UMMO 26 is quite strong (thousand time
bigger than the Earth field, 500 Gauss against 0,4 Gauss).
The climate would be relatively cold,
continental, with big temperature contrasts. The inclination of the
rotation axis of the planet is 18% instead of 23% for the Earth. The
seasons would be less pronounced. But can we speak of seasons went the
planet turn around its star in two and a half terrestrials months. The
local sun, the star Iumma, a dwarf of class M, would be less hot than
our sun, and UMMO would have a smaller orbit 27. The planet would have
no satellites, no moons. The nights would be then very dark and much
colder than ours, even at the equator 28. The night temperature would
not go over zero (in degree centigrade). The star Iumma emits (like
all other stars) a stellar wind, intercepted by the magnetosphere of
the planet, very strong. The result would be some permanent and
spectacular aurora borealis. Believing them, the Ummits would not stop
to stare a the sky, draped with huge coloured scarves, which would be
a marvellous phenomena, instead of moonlight.
The vulcanic activity on this planet
would have been replaced by emission of methane and panthane
subcrustals 29,which would get inflamed at the contact of the air.
These gas would be emitted along vast crevasses, and projected to
altitudes from some hundred meters to six kilometers. The texts give
some precision:
- These fissure are permanently
surveyed. Some spheres full of chemical components and instrumentation
are projected all three minutes in the bluish burning curtain where
they expose like fireworks.
One would find on UMMO some
meteorological phenomena similar to the one of our planet, with
violent sand storms, in some desert regions, which would erode the
stones. The fact that the continent is vast, avoids the oceanic mass
to perform a regulation of temperatures and pressures. The night
temperatures would be low and the wind frequents and violent, running
on the continent, finding no natural barriers on their way. This would
explain, the aerodynamic shapes of emerged buildings we will see
later, and their property to retract in the floor. The primitives
housings would have been, according to the texts, underground. The
vegetation, quite different from the one on Earth, would be abundant.
The trees, in average much higher than those of our planet, could be
compared, they said, to our sequoias. They would have powerful roots
and impressive trunks, to resists to the violent winds.
The Ummits said to have been
extremely surprised by the altitude and the aspect of our mountains,
covered with snow. They would have arranged on their planet some sort
of entertainment park where the inhabitants (two billions) could
admire the curiosities of our Earth, with a reduced scale of course.
The absence of natural impassable bariers would have contribute to the
reduction of the number of animal and veggetal species. Furthermore,
the intense protection of a planetary magnetic shield, due to a
stronger magnetosphere, would have attenuated the mutation effects2:
of the solar rays. All that seems effectivelly quite coherent.
When one imagine the evolution of life on another planet, the
scientist have to make a lot of speculations. Our observation methods
can't detect any planet other outside of our solar system.
(today (2005) they claim they have -rø.remark)
Nevertheless, the numerical simulations on computer have shown that we
should find numerous planets in our galaxy, with small dense planet,
like Venus, the Earth, Mars, made of heavy materials, and some big
planets outside of the solar system, made of light materials2;. If a
planet is located to the right distance from its sun so that water is
not in a solid state (MARS) of gaseous state (Venus), the live may
appear and evolve there.
The scientists give the same value
as the Ummits concerning the possible number of systems housing an
organised life in our galaxy: one million. Same number as in the Ummit
texts of 1967.
The Ummits indicate what could be
the fork concerning the planetary parameters which allow, not the
appearing of life, but the emergence of humans from a primitive life:
Surface temperaureof the star :
between 4552 and 6160 ° K
Exentricity of the planetary orbit: between zero and 0,1766
Day length: de 16 h 30 à 84 h
Superficial planetary temperature:from 32°C to 46° C
Planet mass: from 2,65 1027 g to 1,2 1028 g 2<
In the atmosphere near the ground:
18 % oxygène minimum
65 % nitrogen minimum.
Intensity of cosmic rays:
under 0,48 nucleons / cm2 / s
As the Ummit sun would be colder,
the planet would have a smaller orbit and the Ummit year would be
shorter: about 2.54 terrestrial months.
Let's come back to the text which
evokes the first contact with the Earth. Because of the lack of any
natural barriers, there would be on Ummo only one ethnic groups and
only one language. Apparently, this must be the case of the different
planets that our guys would have visited, while they thaught at the
beginning that the men of the Earth were all speaking the same
language, horribly commmmplicated.
- Seeing the pictures brought back by our probes, we
were very amazed to discover that the skin of people seemed to vary
from a region to another. Whe supposed that the people of the Earth
covered their skin with pigments in a ritual way, or to protect
themselves from some diseases. Later we discovered with stupefaction
that a set of ethnic groups were cohabitating, each one owning a
peculiar language. We immediatly thought that this would simplify our
infiltration in the terrestrial social net, without having assimilated
the languages and the customs, pretending to be from foreign country.
Rather quickly, the computer gave us the first linguistic elements
allowing to decode the language of the local inhabitants.
Walking some
hundred meters away from our refuge we discovered a heap of stools,
surrounded by some animal which flew away as we came2>, Laying on a
printed piece of paper, that we brought back in our underground. We
tried to decode the ideograms which where printed on this document2?.
Today this object, which is the first we discovered on Earth, is on
Ummo, where it has been conserved with special techniques to frezze
with care the parts with different temperatures , depending from the
material. One of us suggested that this could dorrespond to a ritual
action of someone who wanted to show his reprobation againts this
written document30. A photography on the document showed the way the
people were clothed.
Helped with these informations we sewed some
synthetic clothes, copyng the picture. We had no idea what button
could be used for, and we pictures them with clear flakes. Fitted with
this appoximative disguismement we ventured far from our refuge, but
we realised rapidly that our clothes where anachroniques and we went
back precipitely in our underground. This is a chance we have not been
detected with such outfits. As a matter of fact the pitcture was
related to a theater play which has been given in the capitale 31. The
first human beeing we met was a young schepherd, named Pierre, aged
then of eleven and, which was warding some unknowm mamals with horns
He was in a widow, sligthly in the lower down.. As we had the sun
in the back he used his hand as protection. We thought this was a
salutation sign and we did the same gestures. The young scheperd
saluted us in a shy way and went away with his herd. Worried by this
meeting we decided to go back in our refuge and we place some defence
and monitoring devices in the surroundings. But nothing moved during
three days. Le child came back the day after, amazed of this encounter
with people with tight clothes, and he was decieved not to meet them
again. We observed him from our refuge we we dared no going out33.
24th of april we made a house-breaking on a farm of the neighbourhood.
We anesthesiated its inhabitants: a couple, their three children and
some spanisch workers, the dog which began to bark. Then we penetrated
in the building and gathered quickly some samples. Have been taken
away: some clothes, identity cards (from which we could make very good
falsifications), some pencils, an hygrometer representing the Blessed
Virgin, keys, stamps, a groups of letters and unpayed bills, books
about the breading of cows, the notice of a tractor34, a children
encyclopedy, a roll of hygienic paper, a clock, some bulbs, the
electric-light meter (that we removed from the wall wher is was fixed),
some switches, drugd, six pairs of shoes, a radio, the school bag of
one of the children, a bottle of lemon juice, two potatoes, a wall
calender, a soap, a cutter and an oil burner35, and all the money we
could find, 70000 french francs36.
One may imagine the stupefaction of
the farmers after the raid operated by the Ummits in their home.
My friend Jean-Jacques Pastor,
living in Digne, what facilitated our researches in the region. After
nosing about everywhere, we had some information from a hairdresser
who told him about this strange story. He remembered having seen the
members of a family of the surroundings, the Violat, who went down
once to the village to deposit a strange complaint to the police
office. Arriving there, they were all bare-feet !
Jean-Jacques was quite amazed while
the coiffeur, remembering the sayings of the familly chief, gave
pratically the whole list of stolen object written in the Ummits
document. The Violat believed then to have be robbed by fools.
One may read in the Ummit texts, that they would have taken some
samples of diverses secretions on the sleeping bodies : spittle, sweat,
and some genital secretions. According to the texts, the olfaction
would play an important role for them. Altough humans, thay would have
olfactive capacities as accurate as the one of a dog, this means they
may recognise thousands of different smells. This sense would play an
essential function in the identification on another person, much more
than vision. So, landing on a unknown planet, their first worry would
have been to prepare some parfumes imitating the human odours, in
ordrer not to be detected by the men of the Earth, thinking they would
have the same capability on this point.
If the Ummits were really as they
described themselves, and if they were correctly clothed, they could
enter any public place without beeing noticed by the terrians. On the
contrary, a dog could not be fooled and would began to bark furiously
against these beeings looking like humans but having a completly different smell.
Jean-Jacques found quite quickly the farm of the Violat. There was
still the tractor, made in Spain, in the shed, from which the Ummits
said to have stolen some parts. We tried, of course to talk with the
farmers, without success. In this region of mountains, people are
generally not very chatty. Moreover, the Ummmits said to have
indemnified them in 1952. A very good resaon to say nothing.
Completing the story, the father Violat, dead today, would have built,
near Aix-En-Provence a superb villa. Detail: the balconies were
plastered of stars in forged iron!!
After this first operation, the
Ummits concluded:
This allowed us to get information
of the clothing and to prepare some more credible garments. We could
then take contact with the young schepherd, which took us for
foreigners 37. Our linguistic knowledge could grow very quickly. The
child never talked of this encounter to his father, afraid that he
would forbid him to speak again with these unknown people.
We could not, unfortunately, identify this schepherd, which must be fifty five today. Nothing
says that he still lives in the region.
english language