…."the ship appeared from behind us as
we stood there. It made a turn at about 60 to 80 feet altitude
above our heads, descended and hovered just above the ground,
without touching it. It maintained like a foot of altitude above
the ground without any type of landing gear, tripod, wheels or
anything. We could hear a sound that didn't seem like it should be
coming from a ship so large. We could see that the ship had like
two levels or stories, one level a little smaller below and
another larger one above. I (Iris) stayed in the lower level and
did not see above."
"Iris saw the ship arrive. She took out a
cigarette and lighted it, very naturally. I told her I didn't
think she should do that because they might not like it. Then she
did not know what to do with the cigarette. In comparison I would
say that the ship was a little larger than a truck or autobus,
though of a very distinct form. We entered (the ship) up a ramp
about eight feet long. We could see inside but nevertheless, it
gave me the impression, or better, the sensation that my body
passed through the body (transparent material, like glass) that
was there. It was like I was going to collide with something but
passed through It was like a window of crystal, which upon passing
through, we felt a distinct atmosphere, almost like we were out of
this world! I felt myself floating. I felt like my body did
not weigh anything. My thoughts and ideas were of great intensity.
When I looked back outside through the 'door,' it seemed as if it
were a division between two worlds, very distinct and
Referring back to the extraterrestrials, they
gave me the impression that there was not much physical difference
between them and us, despite the fact that I had not seen them
without those suits. They all looked to be of strong
constitution. I got the bright idea that they covered their
whole body, head and face with something as a protection for the
walking ones that surrounded us, and it was that that made it
difficult for me to see well their configuration."
They were dressed in a suit of very special
brilliance. It was the color of silver and reflected the lights
around them. (Iris) They were not very tall. They were shorter
than Filiberto and seemed to be light in weight. I saw four of
them among whom there was a woman. I was only aware of this
because of the form of her tightly fitted suit. The suit
covered her whole body, and hands and feet, leaving only an
aperture for the face, and it came down and covered half of the
forehead. On the right side of the head for where the ear should
be, they had a bulge in the suit like an audiophone, but inside
the suit. From the nape of the neck to the bottom of the back near
the waist, they had five cables or flexible transparent tubes,
which did not impede their movement. Besides this they had other
buttons and controls on the breast of the suit that could be
operated by the alien being."

"The face was normal, much like ours, but
the eyes were elongated and had eyelashes like ours. I could not
see the eyebrows. Either they were covered by the suit or they did
not have any. The nose was smaller and a little flattened. The
mouth was large and long without having much lip, or rather the
lip was quite fine. They opened their mouth to talk but I could
not hear their voice. The face ended in a small light beard."
"On the suit, on the right breast, they
had an emblem made up of a serpent in the form of an 'S' or maybe
more like a 'Z' with rounded corners, with a wide 'X'-shaped cross
lying down underneath. I could not see their hands because they
were covered by the suit extending down over the fingers like a
glove. They sneezed constantly. (They later explained that the
sneezing was caused by the near presence of human beings.)"
Iris Cardenas is still talking.
"Inside the ship there was a sound
something like that of parrots, a great number of parrots. I could
hear them perfectly but I could not see them. They must have had
several cages for them installed in this ship. (Iris did not
connect the parrot sounds to the beings at that time. As an
afterthought one wonders if that might not have been the language
of the beings themselves.)
"The extraterrestrials paid a great deal
of attention to my painted nails, both fingers and toes. I was
wearing sandals at the time. They looked at them constantly, my
painted nails, that is. There was only one that spoke to me. He
communicated mentally because I could not hear his voice. He spoke
very fine and delicately to me. I felt very well with them, they
did not frighten me. It seemed like I was floating and I felt very
tranquil. Instead of feeling afraid and wanting to run, I, on the
contrary felt peace and tranquility."
"At a point I asked the one who talked to
me if he would permit me to touch him. I was like St. Thomas in
wanting to see for myself before believing and I wanted to touch
him. He (the extraterrestrial) said to me, yes, that I could. He
raised his right arm and I could see that he had a body under the
suit. The suit material seemed to have a soft scaly texture."
"In the lower level of the ship where I
remained the whole time, there was a small cabin full of
televisions in rows, one alongside another, many in double banks.
There was a narrow seat with a high back, as if it were for the
captain of the ship. It was very prominently placed. This seat
rotated. There was another seat in which nobody was sitting and
they seated me there. On that floor around me there were many
small lights. When I sat down I observed the lights around my seat,
which began to brighten in different colors. The white light to
which we had become accustomed went out and I couldn't see it any
more. The lights were clear and brightly transparent, such as
nothing that we have here. The floor was made of a very strange
material. It was not plastic, but it was a smooth flat material.
It was of some kind of material completely unknown to us. Also it
had various levels of elevation. I didn't see any walls as such.
Everything was covered with apparatus or was 'windows.' Inside the
ship one had the sensation of not standing on the floor, but more
like he was floating. For the whole time I was there, some twenty
minutes, I was conversing with them, but in a form very strange,
not like I am talking to you now. The one who talked to me was
sitting in the high seat in front of me, and as he spoke he looked
at me intently. Filiberto was standing at one side on foot, though
in a moment they took him to the upper level in the ship."
"They, the extraterrestrials, walked very
rapidly there inside the ship. You would see them there and then
almost immediately they were here. The one in front of me smiled.
They had a language of their own which they used to communicate
between themselves. It sounded to me like they were talking in
some kind of Arabic dialect. I did not understand them. They were
very small. They smiled at me as they were saying, 'Be calm,
nothing is going to happen to you.' In the conversation that I
carried on with the one seated in front of me, in the high seat,
he talked of LOVE, UNIVERSAL LOVE. He told me much about universal
love. He said that they came on a mission to Earth and that they
selected any person for contact simply by accident of time and
place. These persons were subjected to a series of tests. If that
person felt LOVE toward them, then they often continued the
contact. But if, on the contrary, they did not feel any LOVE they
did not contact them again."
"They allowed the contactee to say that he
had seen them (the extraterrestrials) without interfering with his
memory. He said that they did not come to harm us and that they
are messengers. They told me that this is the only way they can
come here to Earth, without causing fear or panic. Many for this
reason have been contacted only once. If the person contacted does
not feel LOVE, or if he does not report his experience, or does
not respond to the needs of others contacted, then they leave him.
For that reason, they told me, there are here on the Earth, many
who have been contacted only one time and no more. But if, on the
oth~r hand, a person contacted comes to know them and does not
fear, they often continue contacting him. At the same time they
are studying the people. They bring many messages. For example:
Cancer can be cured. They told me that the time
has come. They are going to tell us with what we can cure cancer.
It will come from a plant, the sap of a plant. Also they told me
that we must make our lives more healthy. They say that we are
very contaminated, that we do not have here a very healthy life.
They do not want from us any goods of the Earth. They live more
naturally than we do, and the suits and the tubes installed in
them is to protect them from the contaminating Earth elements.
They control everything with the power of the mind which, they
told me, was of extreme importance. At a moment in the
conversation I asked them, 'Why did you select my husband for this
problem?' And they responded that any person here in the universe
could be selected. Right now is a period of expe4mentation, but
later, there will be millions who will see them. They do not want
to endanger humanity. They come here to help us. We are super
backward in everything, they say.
"There exist other planets much advanced
over us. In 1993, we Earth people will make contact with other
planets ourselves. There we will be able to see the life and the
advancements of the other planets."
Then Filiberto Cardenas spoke to the
investigators. "I can not repeat all that they told me aboard
the ship, but they reaffirmed that they came to planet Earth to
aid us in all they could, and very especially in all that related
to health. They ratified their universal love concept. They do not
come to endanger nor to conquer us, nor do they want to be
recognized as saints or saviors. This has happened before. They
say that they are beings of other dimensions, of other worlds, but
that they are not gods, and they do not want to be considered such.
They do not want to be attacked. They are wanting me to be one who
talks to the public about these messages, messages designed to
prepare for the coming of them on Earth. These messages have been
given to six other people of Earth who have been contactees of
this kind or will be contacted soon. I do not know for sure
whether these over six are abductees or whether they are being
contacted mentally to receive the messages. I have the impression
that some are abductees, having the opportunity to see and feel
directly the same as I."
"Among the things that I was told was an
assurance that women will rise to important positions in our
society. It is to be
that many women throughout this Earth will rise
to high positions in politics as well as in business. There will
be a tendency to defer to and to vote for women in those positions
with the hope of a change, and to see if the world can grow up.
This tendency, the extraterrestrials see in the very near future."
"When they come to make definite official
contact with us, the illnesses will be something of the past. The
sick will be cured easily. The state of anxiety, our preoccupation
of mind, is precisely for the moment of evolution in which we are
living. In actuality this is one of the worst illnesses. The
excessive preoccupation with material existence, without feeding
the spiritual, produces the immense majority of the illnesses.
Preoccupations such as fear of illness in us, produces illness.
Fear that something will occur produces illnesses, and fear in
general, of many things, produces premature aging. They told me
that we, in a period very near, and after their coming, will
undergo radical changes. Some people who already have been
contacted, and who possess certain powers, could live easily more
than a hundred years. Perhaps even to a hundred and ninety years.
At first certain people with psychic faculties and strong spirits
capable of assimilating knowledge and controlling their emotions
could live even up to three hundred years."
"They possess great destructive power
through their scientific advancement, but they told me that they
have no desire to destroy us. They live looking for and giving
LOVE. The Pope who is now in the Vatican (Pope John Paul) is one
of those contacted by them. The function of this Pope is to
evangelize throughout all corners of the Earth, or at least that
is what he is trying to do. What the Pope is going to do, what he
has done, and what he is doing is of great importance."
"After my abduction I received the help of
distinct religious groups, and all of them asked me, what is the
message for humanity. And they all were pleased when I told them,
but more so that the extraterrestrials spoke of universal love.
The pope is one of those most greatly worried about the lack of
love at these times in this world."
"I believe at this time that those who
believe in God do not have to look in others or elsewhere for Him
but within themselves. If they have faith, God is within them.
Christ is within every person. Here is where you have to look for
it. The Pope is a beacon of light for humanity. Not only for
Catholics, but for all, including the atheists. Those who desire
to have a change in the world should heed the gestures of the
"Before this I worked excessively, working
with the logical
aspiration that any person could achieve a good
social position. I must confess that I did not dedicate enough
time to the questions of spirituality and aid to less fortunate
people. Or rather that I gave a little love to all those people
who did not need it. I believe that the whole world must begin to
give more LOVE. Not only to the man in the street, but to begin
with your parents, your children, your families and friends. LOVE
must begin in the family, which is the base of our heritage, and
radiate out from there. I ask of all who hear me that they give
more time to LOVE that inspires love in humanity. This is how we
will achieve our majority sufficiently great in this system in
which we are living at this time."