"My Venusian friend expl that the
kind of up and down evolutionary movement that has occurred on
earth, does not conform to normal civilisations pattern for
progress. On our planet, creative energy has been grossly
misdirected, as opposed to the positive directions it normally has
taken elsewhere in the universe…."
Spiritual teachings
*Book says he got education on these things
and "…the feelings
transmitted to me have no corresponding translation into verbal
-They is aware of the existence of higher
and greater orders of consciousness that they believe exist apart
from any particular reality or dimension. They referred to God as
the infinite CREATIVE ENERGY FORCES ever present throughout the
infinite of the physical and non-physical universes.
"The great energy forces express and
demonstrate themselves through nature and through humanity. Nature
is this energy force manifesting as the substances and elements of
the earth. Humanity is the personification of this great energy
force externalised as human, plant and animalforms. Ideally all
forms shall inherently cooperate with one another to maintain
balance and harmony for all.
"All forms, regardless of their
nature, are created and considered equal by these great energyforces.
Only through ignorance does mankind introduce division and
classification among forms, for such does not exist. There is no
form capable of being superior to another, since all forms are
interdependent upon one another for existence. Forms cannot and
do not judge each other in this respect. Only mankind on this
planet, seeks to divide and classify everything he comes in contact
with, placing them in some kind of order or category or family.
He profoundly concludes that upon carefully
scrutinizing biological manifestations, that in time, on particular
species eventually evolved to another, resulting in a set pattern of
physical evolution. Thus, the hypothesis of survival of the fittest
is formed, and widely accepted. This is highly erroneous. Each man
bases his theories totally on objective, physical observation, which
will give him half answers at best. Physical manifestations such as
plants, animals, and the like, do not evolve form on another.
Consciousness alone evolves from one
another. There is not such thing as survival of the fittest,
since all Consciousness exists permanently and fully co-operates. Only
Consciousness evolution exists."
Consciousness evolves, not species. Thus
upon physical creation, all existence evolves through patterns of
It is coming together, or merging,
through many birth and death cycles, that consciousness combine
acquired experience to then physically manifest through a new and
different life form. This is not any "upward" or
"downward" movement of a predetermined scale as in Darwin
evolution, but rather an outward path, which flows in all
These newer life forms, after a life cycle
of experience and expression, then combine their acquired knowledge
and exp.with yet another consciousness to then manifest as an even
newer and more complex lifeform. Physical forms are created for
consciousness to express through while physically actualised within
a time-continuum, in other words - a 3dim reality.
"…our bodies are perfectly designed
for our consciousness to function and express through.
"As we experience and progress
spiritually through evolution, a new and higher quality of
technology and consequently a higher quality of life will be
available to us.
My Venusian friend said that ideally, on
other planets populated by human beings, the knowledge and
application of powerful energy sources, such as nuclear, is not
discovered until the culture has attained a spiritual level of
awareness that will allow them to utilise such a force for peaceful
and progressive means.
Unfortunately, on earth, here is a
wide gap between technical achievement and social and political
accomplishments. My friend went on to say that people of earth would
definitely not be allowed to take their weapons of war and
destruction to other planets. Our desecration of humanity and nature
will be restricted to our own planet. However, I was told that an
all out nuclear holocaust would not be tolerated because the
resulting effects would be disastrous to the welfare of neighbouring
planets, as well as the entire solar system.
"…many people on Earth have a
distorted view what truth really is. Truth is actually not dependent
upon our 3dim physical world. It is indep.from all that is physical,
so we cannot see truth. It is simply EVERYTHING THAT IS!! Truth
can be a feeling deep within us. However, feelings can easily be
distorted by our limited beliefs. Our feelings can surface to our
conscious mind as unclear, perhaps garbled messages.
Regarding our destiny
…"..we and only we ourselves, create
the very world situations in which we cope (live). The life
experience is the greatest teacher. Life instructs. It teaches us to
learn and profit by our shortcomings and triumphs. In this, there is
no need to harbour guilty feelings or to worry about divine
retribution. There is noting to be ashamed of when we learn and
accept the lessons of the life-experience. This is all a part of the
growing process of evolution. Our future welfare, or destruction, is
entirely up to us, and us alone. We create our own world. We form
our own reality.

…the vast abundant supply of energy that
maintains and protects our planet and our solarsystem, does not just
dissipate when the system eventually declines and goes out of
physical existence. Such energy is constantly being transferred
from one universe to another - from one reality to another, through
conduits or "holes" in space (picture above). The
"old" energy is, by this transformation process,
collected, reenergized and redistributed within another adjacent
universe. Energy is recyclable in this regard. Celestial systems
may appear to die as astronomers’ view them through their
telescopes and recording devices. But what is actually taking
place is that the systems' energy is slowly being returned to yet
another system, to be born again…
Thoughts form matter - matter
does not form thoughts.
*Upon many, many birth and death cycles,
the human consciousness acquires and gains whatever experience is
necessary to then evolve to higher, or even more different levels of
physical expression, by then being able to leave on planet and be
born on another. Thus the person chooses to be in the company of
comparable and compatible consciousness. This is similar to
comparing the levels of development on Earth to say, that of Venus -
however for the most people, there can and may be hundreds or even
thousands of planets, or levels of existence (lifetimes) between the
two cultures. This is part of the plan for universal progress (that
will be further discussed in another chapter)
There are infinite levels of being to be
experienced where physicalness is total unnecessary and would in
fact be a great drawback.
(He underlines that exact dates was not the
point and billions of years is compressed into the story in the book
he says. NB; on this theme came much more details in the australian
contact in-87 to "Thao"
+ the Semjase-contacts and some other, partly divergent, details came
"there" - it must be up the the "cosmic student to draw
one's own conclusions!)
Over the many billions of years comprising
a plants life cycle, there are certain intervals when the planet
becomes suitable for the sustaining of life forms, such as plant,
animal and human. Plant and animal life generally manifest prior to
human intervention. This has something to do with various
conditions, such as geological and atmospheric and others, being
conductive to their entry into physical being.
As Rampa
similar said – book describes a time, billions of years ago, when the
Earth was a veritable paradise of flora and fauna. Vast emerald-blue
oceans abounded. Dense, lush green forests and grassy plains covered
much of the sprawling continents. The soil was rich and fertile.
This paradise was colonised by volunteers
from spacepeople. But ..."...and unsuspected and unsettled
geological condition happened. The planets continents were not quite
fully formed, when they arrived, and they knew some of the
problems here."
So after some time they had to leave. But
many mill.years later, the Earth became more stable, but internal
fight arose between some of the settlers, on land rights and
material possessions. An ideological split happened, and the
majority left by the spaceships. Those behind on Earth, then began
exploring the rest of the Earth, and -became nomadic. But it seems
they had no high-tech, but had to live as farmers or agrilculturals.
And gradually they began hunting, and ended at last back as
"..at that period of time on Earth –
there were perceptive creatures living on most of the continents,
that could be charaterized as a human-animal species. Amazingly –
these highly developed animals possessed physical traits shared by
both human and animals. Fx- some breeds stood erect, while some
crawled about on all their fours. Most were completely covered to
some degree with body hair." (yeti is mentioned)
On age of Earth the man from the higher
levels of V.said it was
more than ten billion years old!!
In the Pacific Ocean, was a continent –
which was connected to other portions of land where today is
California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Plus new and western
Mexico + portions of central am.+north of s.am (peru-columbia). This
was a large complex of islands which extended well into the ocean.
Mythology labels it LEMURIA – and more to the west was a
sisterisland called MU. The planet did not resemble the Earth we
know today. Fx was the poles diff.located+another tilting. Hundreds
of 1000s y back.
The lemurians could generate their
electrical energy from the atmosphere. Their scientists solved their
problems by allowing their intuition and intellect work together.
They had flying crafts that were atomic
powered- in conjunction with electro-magnetic drive.
At a time, when moral had degenerated - a
smaller atom war happened between the smaller island MU and the main
Lemuria, where 20millions dead.
Some fled from these wars to higher places
as California, Mexico and central-am.+west southAm. Those became the
forebears of later civs.as Aztecs, Mayans, Incas. Others to china
– high in central Asia.
These wars came just before these islands
sank down under ocean. And these earth-changing powers lifted up the
continent of Atlantis.
"The realm of Atlantis occupied a
period of time encompassing some one hundred thousand years. There
were different ruling classes. Atlantis was on the peak of cultural
some fiftythousand y ago, where 50millions lived there. The majority
of the E’s population lived in A.at the time of its cultural peak
acc.to this Venus-contact.
The Atlanteans eventually developed
advanced weaponry and built arsenals of laser guns – which could
shoot deathrays. The Atlanteans progressed much faster than we did,
as they did not make use of the wheel for transportation.
"Actually – our use of wheels has severely hampered our
progress in the field of transportation.
They lived for average of 150-200 years –
some up to 300. Most common people had sailing ships, while the
floating crafts were controlled by the gov.

The scientists directed construction of
huge stone pyramids over energypoints. Pyramids assembled by the aid
of levitation devices. Such levitation devices were in use at that
time for the purpose of moving heavy objects. They were mechanical
in function and operated on the principles of ultrahigh frequency
sound vibration, which were emitted from the metaltubes of varying
lengths. Looked like organpipes. Sticking at them, an object would
become buoyant. The object could be directed from one place to
another by regulating the pitch of another barrel...These sounds
were not audible the human ear"
"..the shape and mathematical
config.of the pyramid was perfect to collect and intensify the
ever-present Electro-magnetic energy – as they were built over
energy-intersections, where unlimited amounts of energy could be
channelled inside and stored for use. They were used to convert
electromagnetic energy into useable energy. The pyramids
accumulated, stored and intensified energy. When needed, this energy
was released in acc.with the laws of soundvibrations and lightwaves.
Situated in the apex of the pyramid, was set in place a huge, clear,
crystalline capstone. This natural crystal acted as a catalyst and
was utilised as a SPIGOT by which energy could be drawn up from the
pyramids interior, be released and directed wherever needed. This
was accomplished by beaming, or reflecting intensely concentrated
light rays. A major use of this energy, was to later charge the
floating, self-levitating craft that were developed"
"...as time progressed in the history,
certain political and religious factions took it upon themselves to
gradually at first – and later by force – to commandeer this
energy for their own selfish and destructive use. These sinister
groups also took possession and total control of the floating
crafts. These self-fashioned dictators soon held their power over
heads of their fellow citizens. They took every opportunity they
could to dominate the masses, and subjugate them under the penalty
of imprisonment or even death. They had the knowledge of building
the floating crafts and the (negative) use of pyramid energy. They
kept this information strictly to themselves.
Eventually – during A’s later years,
the DARK forces had slowly gained almost total control over the
entire continent and its accompanying out-islands. This take-over
and enslavement, was thousands of years in the making. But volcanic
eruptions started and over years the tremors became strong. At a
point, the island-chain with its main continent, was literally
reduced to a group of smaller islands by a very violent earthquake.
This and other circumstances resulted in the final destruction of A.
Last happened ca 10k-years BC. 95% of the people there was gone. But
the elite who were in control of the high-tech, boarded airships and
went to diff.places on E."
"EVIL" (some extracted things)
"-what we consider to be evil is the
perversion or distortion of "good". Nothing is created
bad. We can choose to be bad or evil, by our free will or
"What we consider evil is a force
which is manifested by those who have temporarily "lost the
way". Through voluntary education, one uses his free will to
return to a positive state of being."
"…i was informed that presently
(1981?) on Earth - there is a well orchestrated world-wide effort by
people manifesting negative forces for the purpose of gaining
control of the minds and bodies of their fellow human beings -
namely, most of us, for their selfish and materialistic gain. (page
106 - and this dark force is much more being revealed now in the
aftermath of 911 - where we see more and more of the "real
demonic" forces that allegedly have planned the whole "so
well" - as they try to blame all on the muslims and so get
hatred against them. Not SO difficult today to fellow the track back
to the real "intelligentCIA" + a spesific land in the
mid-east which plays a mainrole in showing the effects
of state-egoism and world-manipulation - regarding
The Venus-contact talked about an entering
into a slow tilting of the axis, and so geological and also
weatherchanges - where ALL exist.lifeforms will be affected.
Insted of the warming of the earth- they
said we were entering a new type of iceage. Much land now underwater
would rise, out of volcanic activity. Land now dry, will sink. This
will cause the polar-ice to shift - first the old to melt as happens
now. This will change the weatherpatterns over hundreds of years.
The rising land with much water in, will make much evaporation, and
a cloudy firmament will be. The CO2 will increase.
This will make a form of filter against
direct sunlight, which is harmful to life -and will make the ageing
to slow down.
The venus-contact also said that as we now
have only one moon, this was an "unbalanced condition" for
earth - but no more expl.given.

Sao Paulo
His space-contact also told him of some
spacepeople that took an enterely earthly warship for the purpose of
using it in a "space/cosmic museum" on a far planet!!
This happend in nov-1951. The battleship
SAN PAULO of Brazilian nationality, was sold to a british marine
salvage company and was to be towed to england from brazil by 2
tugboats. It was a ww1 vintage-ship. A storm happend, by the Azores,
and the whole 20k-ton ship disappeared w-o a single trace!! All
thought it sank. But book claim the spacepeople that created this
storm as a diversion for the tugboats. In fact a small mothership
descended and took up the whole battleship, by electro-magnetic
After the storm, the tugboats men was
confused when the ship was gone! There was ONE man aboard when it
was taken, but book claims he had agreed to "go with it"
-in an agreement done before on a psychic level, and was done long
in advance of this happening.
The V-man said he could read about this in
a magacine he said his parents had in their home. And just so - he
found the mag.where he said it was. In was in feb.57 issue of
PAGEANTmagasine, -article
"missing- one battleship".
But he wondered how his mother could have just THAT OLD
mag.still in -62 when this shall have happend.
