From the book the Crystal Stair by Eric Klein * * **INTRODUCTION TO ASCENSION* * *~ By Sananda~*
Hello. * Nice to be here with you this evening * on this auspiciousoccasion. I am Sananda * here to introduce you to a great adventure inyour lives. I might say to re-introduce you to something * you have knownon some level of yourselves for a very long time. So please makeyourselves comfortable and be relaxed.We will be introducing you to theascension process this evening. The first class is always the mostchallenging for us. There is so much to * discuss that it is difficult toknow where to begin. But with your help in the form of questions, wegenerally end up * taking care of most of the information you need to know regarding the ascension and these times that you are living in.
* * * * * * *These times are quite extraordinary What is occurring now has not occurredon this world before. It is a transformation. There is an incredible amountof growth available. The opportunity to take a quantum leap into higherconsciousness is now here for you. You may have a certain * awareness ofthis in your lives. You may be in your own ways experiencing a quickeningof growth, a heart opening, more light and love in your life, moredesire to know the truth. This is a result of this increased energy that isoccurring. What I am here to talk about, as well as the others who willspeak to you in this series of classes, is the completion, or goal, of allof this transformation. You are not here * on this planet to endlesslygrow and process your emotions. This is part of a larger picture. This isjust part of a growth towards a completion. And now at this time, through aspecial dispensation of the * Father/Creator of the universe and all theuniverses, we are putting out the call to those beings such as yourselves,those Light * Workers and Starseeds, who will be the first to learn aboutthis opportunity to return to their true states of awareness, their trueidentities. This will culminate in the ascension process. * * ** * * *What is ascension? It is a great leap of experience on every level of yourbeing. In general, you could say it is a leap from third-dimensionalreality into a fifth-dimensional or higher state of * consciousness,third-dimensional reality being what you now see and hear and taste andexperience with your senses, all that appears to be solid or having thisdimensionality of solidness. I would like to include in this definition(though they are more fourth-dimensional manifestations: thoughts andideas, emotions, etc.) all of that which is existing in this planetary realm. * You might say that the fifth dimension or higher, the ascendedstate, is a state of increased frequency of vibration. It is as if you havea prism and you shine white light through the prism, breaking it intomany various colors, various wavelengths of light. You could say that the * third-dimensional existence as you know it relates to that visiblespectrum of light that you can see with your eyes, from the violet through the other colors. Ascension is a matter of going beyond this limited spectrum of experience. * * * * * * * * * * *The nature of the universe does not change so much. The laws of physics donot change so much. But you expand and increase your frequency of vibrationand your consciousness to a point where you can see those colors and moveinto those realms that are now invisible to you. So part of the processis an awakening to your potentials, your hidden potentials. They have beenhidden quite well, have they not? You have been using a certain percentageof your grey matter. Some of you are more aware through meditations and psychic powers, but nevertheless you have been existing within a certainlimited framework of consciousness. * So another difference between anascended being and yourselves is that we have a one hundred percent mentalcapacity fully operating in our consciousness. And you have much less. Iwould say you use only ten to fifteen percent. Maybe I will give some ofyou the benefit of the doubt and say that you have used up to twenty percent. Congratulations. But you see, there is a great deal more for youto be aware of, a great deal more for you to experience. And it is very * enjoyable to do so. It is very blissful and peaceful to be surrounded bythis loving presence of the Father continually to feel at one with theCreator Son an ascended being is one who has made that leap, * who has at least attained to the level of awareness of the fifth dimension, who hasgone beyond birth and death, who has attained that state of immortalitywherein consciousness will no longer be broken by the sleep you know asdeath. Neither is there aging. You have seen pictures of Ascended Masters and they look the same pretty much all the time. If you have seen photographs of me (there are a few in existence), I have not changed muchin 2,000 years or for even longer than that. So again, an aspect ofascension is that you will be free of birth and death. You will be free ofall of the limitations of third-dimensional reality* * * *This transformation is not something that is intended to be selective for avery few individuals. It is something which is now occurring on a planetaryscale. It is something that is going to be available to all human beings inthis lifetime, in a very short time. You are hearing about it. You are in the first wave of those who have heard about it, of those who are interested. So this is not something that is an option. For you, only the timing is optional. This is not a new automobile I am selling you that youcan decide whether to purchase or not. I am telling you something that isgoing to occur and is going to happen one way or the other. And it is foryou to align yourselves and to open to the transformation if you wish to beamong the first to take that leap of consciousness. * * ** * * * *So why are you the first? Why are there so few who are ready to hear aboutthis at this time? Why are you so different, you might ask. Why are yourhearts a little bit more open? Why are your minds a little bit more open tothis possibility? It is because you have somewhat higher origins. * Thoseof you who are in this room with me now are what I would classify as LightWorkers or Starseeds. You are, believe it or not, very evolved beings. You are very beautiful and courageous beings. You are among those who chose to leave the ascended state, to come here, to take third-dimensional incarnations many thousands of years ago in order that you might assist humanity in order that you might assist in the transformation of this planet. * It is time for you to realize your origins to some extent, and to begin to appreciate yourselves for who you are beyond your minds andyour personalities, beyond your limited concepts of yourselves. This is whyyou are among the first to hear of this. This is why you are awake to the possibility Many have heard these descriptions of the ascension and for some reason they do not awaken to that. For some reason they are somewhat sleepy or disbelieving. Their time will come. Now it is your time. * So part of what we will be working on together in this series of classes, forthose of you who choose to continue onwards, is the unveiling of your ownhigher Selves, the increased awareness of who you really are beyond yourpersonalities and individual life experiences. You will begin to experiencean expansion of your self concept. You will begin to feel a great deal moreof your true presence, your higher Self, as we do our best to connect youmore strongly with that aspect of yourself We are going to work onintegrating you with that higher Self so that you do not feel separate from God or from your true self, so that you do not feel disempowered orhelpless or lost here in this third-dimensional quagmire you call "planet Earth experience." There are many benefits to this process. Indeed, it is aprocess. So I congratulate you for your openness this evening, for having the courage and openness to come and hear about this. I encourage you toask whatever questions you have about this. This is not an ordinary classthat you are taking. This is not a workshop that will assist you inmanifesting more money exclusively This is a class that is cutting straightto the very essence of your beings. It is very transformational. * * * ** * * *** * *So what is occurring now that is different? Why is this time more powerfuland intense? It is because the Earth itself is undergoing the initialphases of its transformation to the ascended state. The Earth as athird-dimensional manifestation has a, very short time to continue. *There will be incredible transformations of this planet and this solar system that you are inhabiting. All of the atoms and molecules of theEarth, of the solar system, and of every being in existence on the Earthare transforming towards a higher frequency and will soon be in the fifthdimension * experience. This is why this is not an optional experience foryou. If you are inhabiting the planet Earth, know %at you are here at thistime for a purpose You are Light Workers and you have been awaiting thistime. A great deal has happened to you in your Earth lives, a lot of waterunder the bridge, a lot of lifetimes where you were trying our best to beordinary citizens. Sometimes you were persecuted for being extraordinary citizens, Sometimes you were great teachers. Sometimes you were yogisand meditators in your caves. Sometimes you were white witches or my othersort of manifestation, trying your best to do your missions here, to channel the energy of God into the desert like consciousness of the world. You have done a lot. You have been rather successful individually. Yet collectively I would say the change that is intended for this planet has not been proceeding as smoothly or as rapidly as we had hoped when this choice was made by you to incarnate here. So the original plan requires a little bit of a boost at this time. What has happened is that most of theStarseeds have fallen asleep themselves. * This is why the world is sosleepy and why even the Starseeds are sleepy Because there is an aura ofsleep and confusion which surrounds the planet. The light has not brokenthrough fully yet. But it is making great strides to do so. * * * ** * * * * * * * * *So I ask you to open to the possibility of your higher Selves, your owndivinity and open to the possibility that you are ascended beings whodescended at a certain time in history to do the work that you have beendoing. And now it is time; your internal alarm clock has gone off andawakened you. You heard the word "ascension," or perhaps read some information about it, and your internal alarm clock went off Something in you said, "This is for me." It is because you are programmed to awaken.You are programmed for this time, for you knew that no matter what occurred in your third-dimensional lifetimes you * would not be left behind whenthe Hierarchy came to elevate the consciousness and to lift and transform.So now it is time, and you are receiving your wake up calls. You are waking up quite beautifully There is more to do and experience. You willexperience it. I will speak a little bit about the ascension process. Nextweek * Ashtar will be here to speak in more detail within his area ofexpertise. You see, there is a great deal of involvement by the AshtarCommand and the extraterrestrial masters. There are many ships surroundingthe Earth. They are not visible to you because they are in higherdimensions. They are not visible to your earthly radar. They are notvisible to the space shuttles. But let me say the skies are swarming with ascended beings at this time who have been assisting with this work. So what is the process? You have grown accustomed to reincarnational experience - that is, having your soul incarnate into a body and going through a lifetime of a certain number of years, experiencing death, and leaving your body to return again to the Earth. You have gone to some fourth-dimensional areas. There are heavens and hells galore, with many experiences. Yet always you return to the body for this body is theplatform from which your launch will take place into the fifth dimension.This is the intention, let me say of having a physical body at this timeespecially I would say that your ascension will be all but identical to my own. You will not leave your bodies behind and go to a high state ofconsciousness. Your bodies will be transformed also. The molecules andatoms, your sub-atomic particles, all that you are, will be transformed andaccelerated into the fifth dimension. So you do not have to die. Well,that's some good news. Despite the fact that human beings have grown soaccustomed to dying that it has become a common awareness or common belief, I am telling you now: you do not have to die. And you will not. * * * * * * * * * * **The actual experience of ascension involves the lifting of your vibrationalfrequencies, which culminates in the physical lifting of your body in ahigh state of consciousness from the planet's surface into the waitinglight vehicles. And yes, when I attained my ascension, I was lifted intothe light vehicles also. You could say that I went up into the spaceships, if you prefer to view them as spaceships. So your experiencewill be the same as mine, although your requirements will be somewhat lessthan mine were. Fortunately you do not have to go through the trials and tests that I did. What I went through was for all of you and all of humanity You could say that I paved the way for this process. And I havebeen waiting for you for a long time. So I am very excited to see thefruition of all the work we have been doing here for thousands of years.For thousands of years the Ashtar Command and ascended brotherhood have been working. For thousands of years we have been waiting for this time. And we are very happy and excited that our wait is all but over and thatwe will be reunited with those of our family I am speaking of you now and that we will have the opportunity to do some very vital work with the mass of humanity also. So you will be lifted. You may call it evacuation or youmay call it ascension. These terms are related, but the evacuation refersto the * lifting of yourphysical forms. The ascension refers to the experience of making the shift into the fifth dimension and beyond. This occurs shortly after the lifting. It is one process with two phases, you might say So this is available to you. We are making this available. It isabove all available due to the love of the Father for his creation and forall of the innocent beings who are here, who have been here in this world,whose hearts are calling out for more love, truth and light, who have beeninfluenced by darkness and confusion. * So my recommendations to you, ifyou are interested in this process, and this is sounding and feeling liketruth to you - prepare yourselves. Open your hearts and investigate this.Take this course. We will work with you on many levels. We will work withyou intellectually * and do our best to explain within the limitations of speech the information about the ascension. We will also work with you in your hearts, in your chakras, in your awakening, opening, balancing;in preparing you. If it is your desire to be among the first, we will dothis.* * * * * * * * *The current plan calls for, and I might say that it is quite a brilliantplan in my opinion, three waves of ascension. The goal of course, asdifficult as it may sound, is to have every human being on this planetexperience the ascension in this lifetime. It is doubtful this will occur.We are going to do our best to harvest as many as we can * who are ready Therefore, we will have three waves of ascension. The first two wavesbeing, for the most part, the returning of the * Starseeds to their truestates, the reascending of you who are originally ascended beings who havecome here. It is our hope that many of those Light Workers who will awakenwill avail themselves of the opportunity to be lifted in the first orsecond waves of ascension. * The first wave is imminent. It is our hopethat it will occur very soon. The sooner the better, * in my opinion.Those who ascend within the first wave will be given the opportunity toreturn to Earth as Ascended Masters, to walk among humanity teaching andperforming * "miracles," sharing this incredible message, and assisting inthe transformation of human beings. This is ultimately the purpose that youcame here for It is time for you to open to the possibility that you cancomplete your Earth missions and do this work from a higher perspectivequite a bit more effectively than you have been, being as you have beenenmeshed in third-dimensional life and its limitations.* * * * * * * * *If you as a Starseed choose to ascend in the first wave and to do someother service in another area with the Ashtar Command, or to return to yourorigins, this will he perfectly acceptable. As ascended beings you arealways doing some form of service simply by being and showering yourpresence wherever you are. You have come from very many different places,different levels of consciousness, differeat angelic realms, differentstates, and you will have the opportunity to return to your soul familiesand points of origin. If you have not felt comfortable and entirely at homeon Earth there is a very good reason for this. And it is good and it is ablessing that you have not. For it has kept you a little bit more awake and a hit more hopeful of something more. So here is the something more. It iscoming your way on a silver platter with all of our light and all of ourlove.I think I will speak about the Great White Brotherhood and the hierarchy ofbeings that are working at this time. You have heard of the Great WhiteBrotherhood, perhaps. It is a service organization of beings who haveascended. You may have heard of the Ashtar Command or the extraterrestrial Ascended Masters, as you might call them. There is little differencebetween them. The Great White Brotherhood tends to he made up of manybeings who have had Earth incarnations, but not exclusively But those whoare working most closely with you have generally had some Earth experienceand have committed themselves to this particular sphere of activity the Earth, this beautiful planet which is in need of so much assistance. Sothere is an organizational structure, you might say to the work that we aredoing. There is a chaln of command proceeding from the Father/Creatorthrough all of the angelic hosts and creator-gods, spirits, beings. Withinthis Earth sphere of activity I am the supreme commander over all of the Ashtar Command and its activities, and over the Ascended Masters of theGreat White Brotherhood. This is my service. You might say that I am acoordinator of love. There is also a great deal of activity by the angelichosts at this time. Archangel Michael and his legions are here for theprotection and the transformation, and for the dispatching of those darkforces which have taken control of the Earth.So you see there is a great deal about to occur. It has been occurring, butit is going to become much more physical and much more evident. As theEarth undergoes its transformation into the fifth dimension there will bemuch more of cataclysmic experience. The shaking and quaking and volcanic activities of the Earth will occur. Many of the transformations have begun;much flooding has occurred as you know and earthquakes, etc. This willcontinue and it will increase in intensity It is part of the process of the Earth's transformation. It is inevitable. It must occur One of theby-products of this is that human beings will be shaken into another state of awareness. They will begin to question their lives and will begin to bea bit more open. Many of them will. Many of them will resort to a state offear and panic. We are here to "save" as many as we can from the deathexperience and complete the cycle of this planet. It is a very incredibleexperience to be a part of. So tonight I am inviting each of you to takepart in this, to take part in a big way not as an innocent bystander but asan active participant, to return to your masterhood, to return to your God-nature, to take hack the powers you have given away by beingthird-dimensionalized, to reawaken the other eighty-five percent of your brain, to accelerate your atoms, to ascend and to return to that full consciousness you have longed for many lifetimes. I will speak about the requirements for this. Yes, we have requirements. I use the word rather facetiously for compared to the requirements for thosewho have already ascended before this time, they are really rather easyrequirements. First of all it is necessary to have some understanding of God, or some experience of God, to have an open heart towards that aspectof your higher Self. It does not matter so much how you philosophize orview this or label it, but to have an awareness of your Creator your higherSelf. You need to have an openness within your heart, to have an open heartand as best you can to love yourself unconditionally for this is where it begins, and then to love unconditionally all that you see, all that youmeet. In fact, to be a love radiator. Many of you are so beautiful it isredundant for me to speak of this. But nevertheless it is a requirement. Itis not necessary for you to understand scientifically all that will occur in the ascension process. In fact, I do not think that anyone in this room could grasp it without a great deal of education. But there is some information you can study if you wish to understand intellectually how thisoccurs. I will recommend The Keys of Enoch book as a more scientific treatise on the Earth transformations, the ascension process and the roleof the Hierarchy and extraterrestrial masters. However it is not necessaryfor you to understand any more than the limited explanation I have alreadygiven you. It is more of an awareness, more of an expression of love inyour heart, an openness to the process, and above all a desire, a longingto return, a longing to know your true completion and to complete your spiritual growth here on Earth. That's it. You see, it is not verydifficult, is it? In fact, when the first wave of ascension occurs, if you are giving yourself to this process and desiring the ascension, you can have theexperience of ascension even in your sleep. You do not need to become agreat saint or yogi. If you are not meditating now, I would encourage youto begin. If you are, I would encourage you to continue and to focus alittle bit more on this. It is not necessary for any of you to attainperfect self-mastery I don't think that it is going to be possible withinthe time that is left, anyway Know that you are already saints. Maybe thatwill make it easier for you. Know that you are returning to who you trulyare, rather than developing a new aspect of yourselves. Truly you are goingto see the veils removed around your own hearts and consciousness. Iguarantee it. It will occur very soon in your lifetimes. We will take a great stnde forward in our classes. Hopefully we can share this informationand enough of the experience that you will go through any doubts orconfusions. Of course your doubts will arise. You would not be human if youheard this information and did not have some skepticism about it. Iencourage you to ask your questions. Know that there is part of you, yourrational mind or your skeptical natures, which may never believe in this.We will be giving you a great deal of information and experience regardingthe validity of this, though there will always be a part of you which has alittle guawing doubt that it will ever be occurring or that it is evenpossible. Know that you do not need to banish this part of yourconsciousness in order to have this experience. This is the part of youwhich will experience it when it happens. And then you will know Above all,love yourselves. Read the Eagle's Wings material*, as this is verybeneficial.* * * * * * * * * SananadaSo let me open the floor to questions at this time. Please feel free to beyourselves and ask me whatever you desire to ask. This does not mean I cananswer all of your questions. Within this framework of communication thereare certain limitations, but I will do the best that I can.I "'don't have an understanding of what a Starseed or a Light Worker is,nor do I know how to find out whether I might be one or not."I will tell you. You are one. There are many manifestations of LightWorkers and many experiences. There are many Starseeds, or Light Workers asI call them, who are completely unaware of anything relating tospirituality or meditation or ascension. You might say they are in a stateof varying degrees of sleep. This is not a criticism of them asindividuals. It is merely a statement of the power and density that existson planet Earth. The veils are very thick here. If you are not clearwhether you are a Starseed or Light Worker it is not an indication that youare not one, nor is it an indication that you are not going to have theopportunity to be an ascended being. You will have that opportunity One ofthe aspects of unconditional love that is a requirement for this path isthat we stop criticizing ourselves. We all carry within us ways ofcriticizing or judging our behaviors and levels of success. It is time foryou to all love yourselves unconditionally as well as you can, regardlessof how well you are performing against your ideal goals and expected waysof being. So for you as an individual I would say if you can do somemeditation and continue to come to these classes, we will work with you. Ifyou continue through this course you will have quite an experience ofawakening, quite an experience of your higher Self much more than you haveyet experienced. This is our intent and this is our promise to you. Thereis some exploration that needs to be done. It is the wisest course ofaction for any of you who are not quite certain about this, not quite sureof the truth of this. It is wise for you to continue to pursue this, to askyour questions and to make a full and thorough investigation. If what I amsaying is true you have a lot to gain by doing this. And what I am sayingis true."Could you comment on the term 'twin flame'?"A twin flame is your equal and opposite double, or another aspect of yourhigher Self a being which is completely connected with you. Or shall I saya being who had their origins at the same time as you di& You might saythat you were manifested at a certain point into individuality You camefrom a twin flame combination. So if you are the feminine aspect ofyourself there is a masculine aspect, for lack of a better terminology.There is a being that is your ideal mate. One aspect of ascension is thatgenerally you are reconnected with your twin flame at once. It is quitebeautiful. The longing to be reconnected with the twin flame - to have theideal relationship, the -ideal love expression - is a very strong drive inhuman beings. It is the origin of your drive for relationship. At somelevel you are aware that somewhere there must be an ideal relationshipbecause it feels so natural to you. So the twin flame is the perfectrelationship for you, the being that is most completely aligned with youand is in fact part of you on some level. Many of your twin flame essencesare not in physical form at this time. They are working from the ascendedstate. In fact I think some of you have twin flames whom you will bereuniting with upon your ascension. So if you are having trouble withfinding the perfect mate for yourself there maybe a very good reason: he /she may not be here. As you grow spiritually there is something like amagnetic attraction which begins to occur between the twin flames. As theygrow spiritually the magnetic attraction between them draws them togetherat a certain point. If they are not both in physical incarnation, theattraction will be completed when the ascension occurs. That is a book initself That is a little overview of the situation with regard to twinflames. It is quite a beautiful experience.You also have soul families. You will be more and more reconnected withthem as you grow and especially after your ascension. There are beings whowere created at the same time you were, in the same space and in the sameway who have the same characteristics as yourselves. And it is a veryfamily type of feeling to be reunited with these. Most of your families arenot in third-dimensional reality Most of your connections are waiting foryou to ascend, and then you will have a reunification with them. Upon yourascension you will be aware once again of who you really are and of theseconnections. It will be like waking up from a dream and remembering who youare. When you wake up in the morning you may be aware that you have justhad a strange dream. And yet within thirty seconds you are awake and fullypresent in your norm al consciousness and your normal personality This issome-what like the ascension process - that is, you awake from thisthird-dimensional experience to be reunited and reacquainted with your ownhigher Self your own real personality and then this life will be the dream."Sananda, those people who have been our parents in this lifetime or ourchildren in this lifetime, is there a tendency for them to be part of oursoul family?"Not necessarily It is possible, and there is a slight tendency but it is astronger relationship or connection than you might have in your ordinaryrelationships with your parents or children. Although if you are Starseedsor Light Workers chances are very good that your children are also. Sothere is an increased possibility that they are in your soul family It isnot necessarily the case that your parents are Light Workers. Some are,most are not."You said ascension would happen very quickly, and I realize the timeelement is difficult to translate, but what do you mean by 'quickly'?"You are referring to when the first wave of ascension will occur?I would say that it is imminent. Imminent to us may seem like a long timeto you. Sometimes a day can seem like a long time to you in your reality Iwould say give yourselves a time frame from between three weeks from now tofive years from now. It must occur by then in my opinion. There are manyvariables which dictate the timing of this event. It is not in our control,even my own control. I wish that it were. But it is only from the highestsource that the final word will come. We are hoping to collect as manyStarseeds as we can in the first wave. In fact, we are calling the firstwave the "leap of faith." For those of you who go in the first wave willhave little to go on except our channeled messages, your own spiritualexperience of our presence, and your own belief and faith. Those who comein the second and third wave will have some visible experience that it ispossible because they will be face to face with someone who has done italready So it is impossible to give you an exact time, but let me say it islikely that it could occur even this year. I would suggest that your properattitude would be that you are ready to go at any time, but you aremaintaining your responsibilities in your lives and are prepared to stayfor as long as is required. I do not think that it will be more than fiveyears. I think it will be much less than that. My opinion of what the Creator has in mind is that He is waiting until thelast possible moment to gather as many Starseeds as possible into the firstwave, so that there are the maximum number of Ascended Masters returning todo the maximum amount of good, to cover the Earth with Christs. So if ittakes a little bit longer than you hope, it is because, in my opinion, Heis waiting until that last moment. The more who come on the first wave, themore can be saved in subsequent waves, and more will experience this.Again, the first and second waves are primarily going to be made up ofStarseeds. The first wave will undoubtedly be Starseeds, and only the smallpercentage of Starseeds who are awake to this. The second wave will mostlikely be the majority of Starseeds. Hopefully there will be some humanswho are not of that category who will be prepared to go. The third wavewill occur at the last moment, before and during the major transformationsand cataclysms, as you might view them. I will call it the transformationof the Earth's surface. At that point it will most likely not be possibleto sustain life on this planet. All this will likely occur within thisdecade. I think Ashtar can give you more scientific and specificinformation about that. Know that our goal is to lift as many beings aspossible from this world into their higher state of awareness within thesethree waves. The Earth will undergo its transformation. It will become afifth-dimensional entity and afterwards there will be a repopulation of theEarth by beings who are compatible with fifth-dimensional reality So youmight say that no one will be able to be earthlings unless they haveascended."It has come to my attention that a great deal of self healing needs to bedone. I'm having trouble reconciling in my mind how a process likeascension can occur before the selfhealing is done."This is an excellent question. The self-healing that you are speaking of issomething we are going to be addressing dramatically within this verycourse. Let me say that you have an emotional body that has been with youfor many lifetimes. It has borne the brunt of a lot of negativity and fearand confusion. You are all to some extent scarred by this in your emotionalbodies. If you have been working on yourselves, doing your healing andmeditations, you have processed a great deal of it. If you are more new tothis, then you may have a bit more work to do. Yet I would say that thetransformation that is necessary is not something that will take a greatdeal of time. You do not need to be one hundred percent healed and wholeemotionally or spiritually in order to ascend. It makes it easier for youto go through the process. It makes it more enjoyable perhaps, but there isnevertheless the opportunity for you to do so. We can work miracles witheach of you. This is our intention. There were people from the first andsecond classes who did not necessarily meditate very much, but through thecourse of the class they began to meditate and feel a connection with theirguidance, and by the end they were channeling Ascended Masters themselves.This is something that can occur as a result of your interactions with us.We will be working with you - especially if you choose this ascension pathas your goal - quite directly and dramatically and showering you with ourlove and healing. We will be assisting you to release those limitationsthat you have accepted around yourselves - all the pain and suffering thateach of you has absorbed - that to some extent still clings to youremotional bodies and beings. This can be surrendered and released. And itdoes not need to be painful. It does not need to be overly difficult.Though it will be challenging.Let us assume that at the end of this class you feel a commitment topursuing the ascension and to taking this course. You may feel you have alot of work and healing to do. Just do the best that you can to openyourself to this process and to meditation. You can get some guidance inmeditation if you desire. I will help you or others can help you. If yousincerely apply yourself and have that sincere desire in your heart, I donot see any reason why it is not possible for you to go. If you are notgoing in the first wave - if it is not your state to go in the first wave(perhaps you are not quite ready or you choose not to go at that time) -there will be another opportunity that occurs not too far after the firstwave and you can in all likelihood be well prepared by that time. Don'tgive up on yourself and feel that you cannot experience the healing andmake the first wave. You do not know when it will be. I would say torecognize that you are a very powerful and divine being. You have, as allhave, accepted limitations and veils and accepted more of the pain of lifeand the density that exists here into yourself and into your body This willbe released. If you have a sincere desire, it will be released. You can participate in it. A lot of it will be occurring without youractive participation. This is the time when miracles are going to occurThis is not as much of a miracle as you might think. So be positive andmake your choice based not upon what you think is possible for you, butmake your choice based on what you would like if anything were possible foryou. You maybe feeling in your heart that you are not worthy or ready forascension. And yet your heart may be telling you that it would like toascend more than anything in this world. You can choose to relate to thatpart of you which feels you can't do it, or you can choose to relate to thepart of you that knows it wants to. So relate to that part of yourself.That's all you need to do basically You will receive guidance and will beled to various experiences as you were led to this particular channeling.There are no accidents. We are not collecting any dead wood her We are onlycollecting beautiful beings and you are all in that category There will bemore guidance. You can ask whatever questions you desire. You can ask forguidance concerning meditations. You can ask for a private session withthis channel. He would be happy to do so. If you feel you would like apersonalized experience, this is available to all. I am doing my best tocommunicate in this format in a rather general way"The people who over the years have claimed to see spaceships, are theyseeing your ships or some third-dimensional ships?"Let me say that there are other extraterrestrial beings in the Earth'ssphere of activity aside from the divine beings of the Ashtar Command andthe ascended brotherhood. There are beings who are of lesser staturespiritually There are beings who are somewhat neutral in their attitudetowards the Earth, or rather scientific. There are other beings who aredownright negative in their effects upon humanity Their ships are generallyvisible. You may at times see a ship of the Ashtar Command (they can ofcourse materialize in the third dimension where you can witness them). Inthe future that will happen en masse. It is part of the plan. The Earthwill be surrounded by ships visibly during the last stage of the finalevacuation. For the most part we are remaining invisible in the fifthdimension. It is much safer. The Ashtar Command has contacted all the worldleaders. The world leaders have not been very open to exchanginginformation and opening to their presence. For this reason, it is notentirely safe for the Ashtar Command to manifest in third-dimensionalreality The other ships that are here are something that you should be waryof something that you should be rather concerned with in terms of theirorigins. If you see a ship visibly manifested I would not necessarily runup to it and say "Here I am Ashtar, take me." They may take you, but not toAshtar. There are beings that have made alliances with the secretgovernments. They are doing their best to confuse the issues here. The Ashtar Command is more powerful and enlightened and can take care ofthem when the time comes. If you see a spaceship, simply observe it and askyour heart or feeling nature if you feel a Christ vibration. I don't thinkthis will happen, but if you should see a space being, first of all, ifthey do not look like a human being, I would be wary Most of the negativeextra-terrestrials do not look the same as we do. Human beings are themajority of the human creation in the universes. You might say thathumanity is fashioned in the image of the Father. There are other beingswho are not quite as beautiful to look at from your perspective. You wouldbe surprised to know that t}iey are not as beautiful to look at from ourperspective. Some of them have no emotional bodies. In other words theyhave never experienced love. So you can detect them by their emanations.You will all be protected if you simply request to be protected fromanything negative of this nature occurring to you. It is highly unlikely'Are the beings from the Pleiades a good group?"The Pleiadians are of the positive. They are in the alliance of the AshtarCommand. The Pleiadians and the beings from the constellation of Orion arealso positive. The stargate within the Orion constellation is aninterdimensional doorway into other dimensions. It is through this doorwaythat many ascended beings come in their light vehicles."Sananda, is it true that there is a whole population of people in theInner Earth?"Yes. I would not necessarily call them all humans, but there are certainevolvements of beings. They are going to experience the culmination oftheir experience just as humanity does."Would they be considered the Yetis?"No, that's a horse of a different color. These have spacecraft which theyuse to come into the Earth's atmosphere to a certain extent, but they can'ttravel interdimensionally as the Ashtar Command or the more evolved beings.I think if you will ask Ashtar your questions about the space beings hewill be a little bit more informed. I am informed but I do not want tosteal his thunder. Needless to say there are beings throughout theuniverses. This is one galaxy and one universe. There are many universes.There are many dimensions of existence overlapping one another. There arebeings of incredible power and magnificence existing. You might say theEarth exists at one of the far corners of one local universe. It is one ofthe more backward places in the creation. So what you experience by way ofthe Ashtar Command will be quite enlightening and surprising and delightfulto you. As you resume your place in the hierarchy as you experience thebenefits of being an ascended being, you will come into a greaterunderstanding of this hierarchy and of the incredible magnificence andbeauty and purpose of the Creation. You have seen a horse with blinders on?A third-dimensional reality is like wearing blinders, only you might saythe blinders go all the way around. When you begin to open to higherconsciousness, there is a little crack in the blinders and a little bit oflight comes in. You do not fully remove the blinders until you completeyour Earth life and experience the ascension. Then they are fully removedand all of the wonders are made apparent to you. You see, it is veryimportant for you to focus on ascension at this time. It is your next step.It is a chance that is much more than one in a million. It is more like onein a trillion. And you are h4re: you have physical bodies, you are LightWorkers, you are hearing about this, you are very blessed beings. So stopthinking you are limited and that there is something wrong with you. Youare special. You will feel your own specialness more and more."It was suggested in the book " On Eagle's Wings* that we study The UrantiaBook.* Why is this important?"It is not entirely important. It is something for those who are moreintellectually inclined, who require a bit more intellectual proof ofreality and information about the ascension. There is a great deal aboutthe life of Jesus from a more real perspective. In the Bible there is muchmissing. There is little direct mention in the Bible of the possibility forascension for humanity There is a great deal that has been twisted or leftout. So this book has a bit more of the true story and you can read this ifyou desire. It is very thick. It is very difficult reading in a way TheKeys of Enoch* book is somewhat the same. But there are certain beings whorequire a great deal of proof-positive and verification."The last few months I have had feelings like I was dying. It intensifiedover the last two weeks, where I was having nightmares and panic attacksand a lot of things coming up regarding death. Astrologically I'm goingthrough some kind of death. I'm to find a new way of relating to the world.I had problems sleeping. Since I made the decision to come here I've beensleeping fine and have felt better"I think that you are intended to be here and intended to hear about this.If you are having an experience of death it is because your ego istransforming, or "dying," as they say Some people need more of a kick inthe pants to come here. But if you are here, it is no accident. Your higherSelf has been trying to get your attention. It has gotten your attentionand you are here. There is an aspect to this * healing or growth thatsometimes can feel like pain to you. It is because you are attached to yourego, your limited self When your limited self undergoes expansion orhealing, it feels like pain at times. One thing that we will be working onwith all of you - and Archangel Michael will be working on specifically -will be severing your attachments to these limited experiences. He will behelping to cut your attachments to that process that your egos are goingthrough. In fact you will be cutting your attachment to your ego alltogether. The transformation will continue. There is emotional healingwhich will be taking place. It will not always feel painless, but I thinkyou will have a greater awareness of the perfection of it as you becomemore liberated in your experience, as you take on more power and feel thatwhich you are longing for feel it coming from your guides and your higherSelf feel it welling up within your heart, and have a more continualexperience of love. This is very healing. I think this is one aspect youpersonally will appreciate a great deal. So we will be working with you.You may call on me for your emotional healing. I will give you a hint.Anyone here who has healing to go through, especially emotionally if youcall on me I will assist you. And twill come if you call my name withsincerity"Is the ascension process the same as what is described in the Bible as'People will be taken up into the air' especially as described by theJehovah's Witnesses?"Yes, the event that they are speaking of in Revelation is the last wave orthe final evacuation process. The way it appears to occur to the innocentbystander is that the person next to you on the bus has just disappeared.And so it says that two people will be sitting together and one will betaken and the other will not. So this is more in reference to the finalevacuation. It is the same process that you will undergo. You will belifted. The Scriptures of the Revelation are accurate for the most part,though all prophecy needs some flexibility We are reserving the right todo whatever we see fit to save this world. We will not be bound by anyparticular scripture or prophecy although for the most part many of themare quite accurate. It is for all of you to be spontaneous and open-heartedand enjoy the action. There is a great deal of action occurring. You aregoing to have a ringside seat. In fact, if you choose to be AscendedMasters and return in that capacity you will be the cause of a great dealof action. You will be the source of much scratching of heads andsoul-searching by other beings."When you were in a body on this Earth as Jesus Christ, did you evermarry?"No, I didn't. I knew a Mary"I have a friend who insists she was married to Jesus."There are many beings who can feel that connection with me but, formallyno.'Are you with a twin flame now?"My twin flame is existing in another sphere at this time. So we aretogether on one level. We are aware of one another But at the level that Iwork with the Ashtar Command and with you, no. This does not mean that youcannot propose to me if you so desire. I am available for love sessions. Infact it is my hope that you will all make many dates with me."The picture of you that is in this room, is that an accurate picture?"Very close to my fifth-dimensional manifestation, the realm wherein I havea light body; yes, it is close. Wouldn't you like to know what you looklike in a fifth-dimensional body? Let's get back to business."Can you describe it?"I would say that upon your ascension you will attain to a more youthfulage. Most will appear to be of the age of the early twenties ormid-twenties. This will be your appearance for as long as you have yourascended body You will rarely depart from that. Let me also say children ofthe Light Workers who ascend will ascend also, and will be accelerated tothe same age that you are. So I'm warning you now that your parenting daysare oven"Can you define a child?"It is a fine line at a certain point. But there is a fine line within eachbeing where they become fully responsible for their own actions andchoices. This usually occurs sometime in the late teens to the earlytwenties. If you have children that are on the borderline, know that ifthey are still dependent on you, there is an excellent chance they willascend when you do. And the children will be the first to be evacuatedduring the final evacuation. In fact, all of the children of the Earth willbe evacuated first. They are considered innocent beings.So, my friends, I am afraid our time is up for this evening. Know that youwill have many more opportunities to ask your questions. I ask you each, inthe days ahead, to reflect upon what we have shared together this evening.And I hope you will decide to participate in this adventure we have beenattempting to describe. Go within and ask for guidance. Perhaps we can meetagain within your own hearts. This is where you will find the truth. Untilnext time, goodnight.