This menu contains diagrams corresponding to the text in the menu
This part of the base describes alien technology with Earth components. The aliens themselves often use other constructions
with components not existing on Earth. The constructions described on this base will give good examples on how the alien
technology works. Some of this constructions will work if they are build. Others need attachments not described on this base to
work properly. This attachments can be received by telepathy from the space people, or it must be done research to find them.
The construction examples on the base is also ment as hint for futher research. Most of this information was received during the
80s by telepathy from the space people. A little part of the information was received in the beginning of the 90s using the same
Wavecondition in a spheric spacecraft.
Vektordiagram for spheric spacecraft.
Kurv over hyperdrive system in a spheric spacecraft.
Block diagram over the propulsion system in a interstellar spaceship.
Block diagram over the propulsion system in a spheric spacecraft.
The housing of a orgondriven spacecraft.
Diagram over orgonbased spacecraft.
The energisystem for a starship.
The propulsion system for orgonbased spacecraft.
Description of a interstellar spacecraft with heterodynic hyperdrive type B.
Spectrumanalyzer diagram of multispectral universalwave transmitter.
Termic methode for receiving of faster than lightspeed waves.
Energystring diagram for channelling crystals.
Modulation kurve over the marking voltage to a pyramidal transmitter for faster than lightspeed waves.
Antenna for multispectral universalwave transmitter.
Receiver for faster than lightspeed waves based on pyramids.
Radiaton diagram over antenna for multispectral universalwave antenna.
Faster than lightspeed transmitter based on crystalpyramid.
Faster than lightspeed transmitter based on crystalpyramid 2.
Interstellar telephone.
Receiver for faster than lightspeed waves based on lightinfluence.
Pyramidale communication Sirius-Earth.
Crystal position diagram for Hyperspace Wavepattern Receiver based free oscillation influence.
Antenna for converting av radiowaves to faster than lightspeed waves on energyplain 2.
The elektromagnetic spectralspreding in a universalwave transmitter whitout thj he converter unit in the top of the antenna.
Mecanical system for choosing planets for Hyperspace Wavepattern Transceiver/Receiver.
Mecanical system for choosing planets seen from abou (for Hyperspace Wavepattern Transceivers og Receivers).
Light-system for Hyperspace Wavepattern Transceivers/Receivers.
Electronic system for choosing planets for Hyperspace Wavepattern Transceivers/Receivers.
Light based oscillation detector for Hyperspace Wavepattern Receiver.
System for choosing planets for Hyperspace Wavepattern Receiver/Transceiver based on use of crystals that physicaly orginates from the planet yuo shall conect to.
Interstellar television 1.
Interstellar television 2.
Telephonesystem Pleiades/Earth.Exchange unit Earth side.
Telephonesystem Pleiades/Earth.Exchange unit Pleiad side.
Teleportation network. How to get in prosedyre.
Teleportation network. Eksample over the structure of the net.
ITM illustration.
The subatom.
Max konjuktion Sirius-Earth.
Overview over dimension 5.
Ecliptic angle 2.
Ecliptic angle.
Dimensions overview 1.
Stellare communicationlines 2.
Stellare communicationslines.
Dimensions overview 2.
Dimension overview in the ulbutrasic coordinatesystem.
Description of the most favorable time for communication between Sirius and Earth.
Description of the superuniverse.
Memory crystals.
Overview over ITM based defence against nuclear weapons.
ITM based saltwater to freshwater converter with power suply.
Videocamera crystal.
Antigravitation pump.
Transformationchamber for teleportation device.
Overveiw over and coolingsystem for timemachine.
How to make metals by use of ITM processes.
Illustration over principle for ITM based protection against nuleare weapons.
Gateway for interdimensional transport.
Overview over timemachine.
Overview over an energicrystal.
Description of ITM based cleaner for polutions in the nature.
Cable for conducting energies that travels faster than the speed of light.
Diagram over copy machine that copy solid things.
Multistructural ITM crystal.
Cable that conduct energies that travels faster than the speed of light 2.
Teleportation machine.
ITM based protection against nucleare arms.
Astral camera system 1.
The energy channels in an multistructural energy crystal.
Supercomputer based on SATPRAI technology.
Astralcamera system 2.
ITM based saltwater til freshwater converter.
Diagram over the computerprogram for controlling a teleportation machine.
Illustration over system for wireless transmission of water.
Transmitter or sending water wireless.
Receiver for wireless reception of water.
HSP phase amplifier (ENCRYPTED).
ITM modulator diagram 2 (ENCRYPTED).
Description of modulator tube for ITM (ENCRYPTED).
Description 3 of ITM modulator (ENCRYPTED).
Descritions of different types of ITM modulators (ENCRYPTED).
UHF crystal influence.
Example, transmutation experiment.
Antigravitation exsperiment 1.
The Towsend Brown principle for antigravitation.
Overview over researceunit for magnetic marking.
Eksempel på metallurgiske prosesser generert ved SATPRAI prinsipper.
Connection diagram for UHF SATPRAI.
Connection diagram for UHF SATPRAI ITM experiment.
Elektro acoustic SATPRAY marking.
Acoustic marking of SATPRAI crystals.
Simple system for antigravitation.
Use of SATPRAI technology in chemical processes.
Multilayer orgon accumulator.
Serial connection with several orgon accumulators.
Orgon accumulator with receiving fins.
Orgon antenna (receiving).
Orgon accumulator with point shaped receiving fins.
Coil for medical equipment.
Wirediagram for markingunit who belongs to a medical sonde.
Medical equipment who are based om magnetic marking in combination with crystal technology.
Medical sonde.
Description on medical ITM sonde.
Principle for medical sonde.
Receiver unit for energies that travels faster than light in treatment system.
Probe in universalwave based treatment system.
Overview over universalwave treatment system.
SATPRAI based AIDS healing machine.Treatment chamber seen from it's side.
SATPRAI based AIDS healing machine.Connections of wires to Crystals.
Geometric constellation for SATPRAI based AIDS healing machine.
Frequency tabel 1 for SATPRAI based AIDS healing machine.
Frequency tabel 2 for SATPRAI based AIDS healing machine.
Overview over SATPRAI based AIDS healing machine.
Block description over UHF part for SATPRAI based AIDS healing machine.
Lightcontrol system for SATPRAI based AIDS healing machine.
Spheric illustration for SATPRAI based AIDS healing machine.
Last updated 17 March 1996.