{{Pause=2}}<rate absspeed="-2"><volume level="75"> CHAPTER 29 {{PAUSE=1}}Danger to Cities {{Pause=2}}<rate absspeed="-1"><volume level="50"> <voice required="name = IVONA 2 Joey">[Translated from notes made in November 1975] Further continuing the discussion described in Chapters 27 and 28, Lya describes a new danger for our great cities as a result of our crowded populations and our lack of control of the industrial technologies. <voice required="name = IVONA 2 Salli">"Nevertheless, the Earth human must take care of himself because the heat will asphyxiate the great cities who have a large thermic surface for the accumulation of noxious gases. This also is a danger. The condensation of said gases could come in a moment. On other worlds of equal terms of civilization to yours, they remove or they neutralize all kinds of poisonous gases... " <voice required="name = IVONA 2 Joey">"That's it Lya, one theme aggravates another, until it seems that you want to wrap me in a halo of wisdom for intensive knowledge, as if the time was about to terminate before I know it. How difficult it is to understand all that you have invited me to meditate upon." That frequently was too much for me... . Many times I was left without absorbing the flow of her wisdom teachings. Lya was the teacher and I the smallest of her students... I also felt it hopeless to try to correspond in her discussions... I wanted to show her that I understood all that she said, but I did not want to seem false. She knew to what measure I assimilated all that she said. She could not allow falsehood and I must not fake my position. {{PAUSE=2}}<voice required="name = IVONA 2 Raveena">