page164 in book from -77: "DATE WITH THE GODS" (that was about a contact to a 'space-women' looking as "us" i highland of peru i the mid 70s. She said 'they' had bases on jupiter moon Ganymedes. And in a new- 2021 book - is told of visit(s) to those - seemingly - bases, underground. Here a video-interview report from this visit.) ![]() "Yes, the volcanoes contain a great deal of thermal"Is the volcanic energy used for heat as well?" energy, which we use to maintain healthy tempera t ures. Since we have no rivers or oceans, and extreme temperatures, we have no animals on our planet, only mineral, vegetable and human forms of life. In our world we've adapted to this; we don't need animals for food. Besides, eating and absorbing the ananas and a n ionites of animals puts micro-organisms into our systems, creating toxins in the body. That's where you earth inhabitants get your common cold and other illnesses." "I've heard about this; it's the vegetarian philosophy "No, nothing at all like your big cities. We don't use such methods of construction, and our materials are different. We have lots of seismic movement. Earth quakes are natural in a place where there is so much volcanic activity. You people make your cities grow towards the sky. We go several levels underneath. Our structures are in cylindrical form, with one main shaft onto which other cylindrical structures can be interfaced if expansion is required. The additional cylinders are clustered around the main shaft and are connected to it. These underground buildings also function to modify the seismic activity of our world." "What about government? What is your economy like? Who rules?""I know what you mean, but give me a more specific question." "Well, do you have countries?"
"No, we have no boundaries on Ganymede. It's enough to tell you that we need no armies or police. I spoke of this before, so I won't elaborate except to say that it would be useless to have policemen or armies when everybody knows what everybody else is thinking, right?" "Religion on our planet is, in essence, the same"Right. What about religion?" doctrine of love and brotherhood taught some two thousand years ago by a man named Jesus Christ. He was someone very special, a guide. We're going to talk about him more, but not right now. Let's leave him for later when we make a link with Jesus as someone from far away, from another world." "Aren't you going a bit too far with this? Can you "You're so screwed up with this Jesus concept that every time you even hear the name mentioned, your adrenalin rises. Let's be peaceful about all this. I'm asking you to give it a fair chance, just as you did with the idea of UFOs. Remember when Jesus said, 'My kingdom is not of this earth'? We're going to study that phrase. What I'm trying to tell you now is that in our world we practice the same teachings as the early Christians. I wouldn't call that religion, because we don't go to church and pray to idols, or to a tortured man on a cross. We act. We are love; we feel it, sense it, breathe it. This is the funda mental basis of our religion; it's more or less a state of being. We do have our spiritual guides, those who take care of our spiritual guidance in space. Remember in Catholic school, when you learned about the saints?" I nodded affirmatively. "Here in Latin America, Mexico, Spain and Italy, devotion is instilled concerning patron saints. It's a custom, a tradition, to believe that each person has his or her own patron saint, remember?" "Yes, I remember, like St. Jude, the patron saint of the"Right. A guide in the universe. People think of him and pray to him. It's a way of getting in touch with a higher mind. What you're doing is projecting your ananas and anionites, getting in tune with the saint through the thought form known here as prayer. "For us, prayer is being at peace with ourselves, and projecting our thoughts, making images of what we would like to do. In your case, you might wa nt a beautiful penthouse in Rome. So you would start thinking about that penthouse, how it would look, giving it shape, color and design. By doing that, and by developing your ability to control the Third Force, you begin to create just by thinking. Remember when you were learning about astral projection, you first studied about it by reading. Then you projected your thoughts. It's a chemical process. The mind secretes thoughts the way a gland secretes fluid. This is pure science. Haven't you read about the thinking and learning processes being a chemical reaction?" "I remember the test where worms that had been trained to perform certain tricks were eaten by un trained worms. After eating them, they were able to perform almost the same functions without being trained." "That's the idea. Here's how it works: Inside your brain, there's a gland. It's called the pineal gland, or the "third eye." This gland creates light in the darkness of the mind by secreting a substance we11 call anions and cations. One substance, two names, because as soon as it is secreted as one force and hits the pineal gland, it divides into two elements. These elements of thought, anions and cations, are projected from your brain into space, mixing with the ananas and anionites. As you begin thinking about and desiring a penthouse in Rome, you begin taking steps toward achieving that goal. If you continue to do this, you will eventually have it. A dream, a thought, a wish, eventually materializes-like an answer to prayer. The Education of a Believer 167 The beautiful thing about this is that when you finally master this technique, you no longer want a penthouse. That's what concentration does for you, though, it makes your wishes come true." "You're telling me that when I master this force I can make my wishes come true?" "That's exactly what I'm saying. But in order to get to that point, you have to be sincere and peaceful in your own being. If having that penthouse in Rome doesn't harm your fellow human beings, there's not one cosmic reason why your dream shouldn't come true." "Rama, you mentioned spiritual guides. Are your spiri tual guides like rabbis and priests?" "Yes, I suppose you could call them that. They're people who give us spiritual guidance. Each one of us gets a scientific explanation for every, what you would call here, religious teaching, except that our religious practices have more correspondence with things like metaphysics, theo sophy. Do you remember Madame Blavatsky? "Mmmm. The name sounds familiar," I said. the author of a book known as the Secret Doctrine. Madame Blavatsky was very much on the ball. She understood God as a Third Force. And, in her time, she said it. I wouldn't say proved it, but she used it, and she used it in good faith. And because of this, she was persecuted and vilified. People made her out to be a know-nothing lady, a con, a witch. Same thing with Lobsang Rampa. These people had no mean intentions when they brought their doctrines out; it was more or less their way of saying, 'Hey, look, this is the truth; do you want to take it? You want to become immortal, to live forever? You want to astral travel?' That's more like our religion. Our priests, if you wish to call them that, are spiritual guides who cultivate our spirits; they don't interfere with our everyday lives. They teach us no mysteries, only cosmic laws. They use scientific methods, like the method I used to teach you about ananas and anionites. That's the way we teach our children. From the time they're old enough to understand, they're not taught to think of God as someone with a human form the way you people on earth do. We don't have any rituals. There's no veneration to any kind of idol. Sometimes we get together with certain ones who are more advanced. Then we participate in more advanced studies. That calls for a celebration, but nothing mandatory, as you have here in your world. In general, the sun is the cosmic source of inspiration in our system. That's where the teachings come from, the same teachings as found in the Egyptian, Incan, Persian, Mayan, and Aztec cultures. In the books you've read you can clearly see where Von Daniken and others speak about these divinities coming from heaven. When it comes to religion, we're going to make a parallel comparison between your religion and ours. All the great civilizations have always catered to the sun as a source of religious inspiration. When you study the teachings of the Incas, the Persians, the Aztecs, the Tibetan Lamas, the Mayans, you'll find they all have one thing in common: that this Third Force is God. That's what we call the intelligent force in the universe, the greatest Teacher, the God of love, of forgiveness, the path of light, the truth of life. This is already known here on your planet, through metaphysics and astral projection. Lobsang Rampa's teachings, and Buddhism, are the same. These truths were brought to your world by other people from outer space. It's a shame that throughout the ages and because of the separation of people, the ideas have changed so much. Remember, you and I are just two people from different parts of the universe. I'm in human form because I'm human, like you." "I guess that's what you meant when you said I could go
to my local library and find out about these things. I was reading a book recently, Gods and Spacemen in the Ancient West, which I thought was the greatest. It was the knock-out punch to all my incredulity. After reading it, I was convinced that you people have come back. You've promised to return so many times, and now here you are, and very near the year 2,000." "Yes, and you haven't even started yet. When you get back to the United States, you'll have a lot of research to do. You're not going to take any major assignments, your missions will be short. Try to remember, you've promised us two years of your life." "Now that I'm a member of your 'Impossible Mission' "Yes, perhaps soon." When Rama said these words, I didn't say anything, but it was difficult to hide my excitement that she had finally agreed to let me investigate first hand some of the things she'd been telling me. Naturally, she picked up on these thoughts. "What's more important, Charles, is that we spend our time wisely. We're going to see each other at least two or three more times before you go back to the United States. I wa nt you to come here as often as you can. You11 see how beautiful it's going to be. As we go along, we're going to be revising some of the teachings I've been discussing with you, okay?" "Okay, as you've already probably sensed, I'm completely convinced. My mind is made up. I want to, and must, write this message for you. Give me the proper guidance, and I'll complete the task. When do we start?" "As soon as you wish." "How long will it take? How often am I going to come here?" "You will come when you have the time. We can cover a great deal in one session. It depends on how much we get off the subject and how eager you are to complete it." "When am I going to be returning to the United States?
"Not an exact date, no. I told you I wouldn't interfere Can you give me an exact date?" with your life. You just come here on weekends, or when you have the time, and we'll take it from there." At this point in the conversation, it was our turn to go into the bathhouses. We went in, never interrupting our conversation. She told me it would be easy to forecast when I would be returning to the United States, also that she could tell me the story of my life for the next few years, but that she would be destroying my incentive and, therefore, the joy of living. She said it would be kind of dull to know everything that was going to happen in the future, so I dropped the subject of the exact date I would be returning to the United States. Even though I hadn't seen Rama for a month, we were at ease with each other. My distrust of her and her motives had vanished. Instead I felt a warmth and enthusiasm toward our relationship, because now we had one common goal: I was going to learn all she had to teach me, and she was ready and willing to start. I had stopped resisting, and discontinued my obnoxious be havior whenever she said something that frightened me. After our mineral bath, we decided to drive to a nearby town. It was early afternoon, kind of chilly and a little too cold to be out riding on a motorcycle. We took my car, and as we drove, we had a mind to mind conversation. Rama told me earlier that these mind to mind conversations meant that we didn't have to go through long explanations to understand simple concepts. From now on, she said, a thought, perhaps a glance, would explain something better than a thousand words. I'll relate the mental conversation in words, although it's extremely difficult to translate in that mode, since visual images are equally important in this kind of conversation . Rama opened the discussion with the comment, "You're not the only person who's had experiences as incredible as you've had. There are other people who have published books, stating exactly the things I'm telling you. We all give the same messages to people with whom we come in contact, and by the time you're ready to publish yours, the time will be right for a change in attitude. Many of these strange things now going on here on this planet are just a fair warning from us to you: Something pretty catastrophic is going to happen. If you wan t to be prepared to take a little trip with us, this is your chance. We're going to choose the people, good people, the type who have your kind of mentality. You'll see when you start doing your research. Look up a man by the name of George Adamski (more on him) and start reading what he has published. You'll see that George Adamsky, and many others, have also had contact with outer space beings. The time is ripe for us to make ourselves known, first to certain people, then with everyone through the establishment of media connections. There are many people in the world who are trying to stop this from happening. In one of his works, Adamsky talks about the 'Silent Group' which doesn't want our presence known. It's to their advantage to keep it as secret as possible. But since we gain nothing from this, we'll just start preparing for what is coming . That's the reason I've asked you to read the books of Daniel and Revelations and the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew. Because they are accounts of angels, celestial armies, people coming in flying machines. Take, for example, Revelations 15:1: 'And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.' The angels mentioned here are .....(all/the rest on this link) Up she mentioned LOBSANG RAMPA and here to read or listen more from his books: rampapage or alt. THE SEMJASE contacts came just in the same timewindow as those contacts of charles silva happend, and became wellknown because of all the pictures of UFOs he got to take, but there was also a lot of notes from these contacts which can be found here: |