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research site for collecing material to explore the spiritual/fine-material levels
Peter Richelieu; A Souls Journey - on Afterlife and astral-trips at night we do not remember+ UNDERGROUND MYSTERIES and more.....
Much of the socalled MYSTERIES are due to missing knowledge that our earth - and "all life" exists in many dimensions and most of the socalled paranormal things are influence from these. Regarding the ufo's - they have the ability to enter dimension-gates and transfer its "content" on a much higher frequency, where often the passengers will have adventures through their higher/real lifebodies - sometimes described like "out-of-body-experiences" (example and here) Often ufo's simply disappears when they raise the frequency out of our ability to sense them.
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some of my own art by oil and acrylpaintings: | lessons in oilpainting
site for ultralightflying in the mid 80s- compensation for the better