English on this
The meeting in the
in 1946

There still is a stone monument in memory of a UFO landing that took
place in Ängelholm, Sweden in 18th of may 1946.

The witness to the landing was Gösta "pollen" Carlsson and he is the
founder of the monument. And from the ideas he got from the visitors, he
became a multi-millionaire.
Here you can see on google maps where it is located Up is picture from
an article in a Norwegian weekly
from #37/97
about this case, with headline: "I must give thanks to my ufo-friends
for EVERYTHING!" (as he
became a multi-millionaire
in making medicine from flower-pollen dust,
he got
from their ideas,
in the later contacts which are not reported in this article, but some of
it is - down on here/link
- which is translation of a book about his 'case'.).
Her på svensk mer omfattende
om kontakten og de senere opplevelser på 'neste nivå'
Allthough, it is in Swedish, someone from Sweden took the liberty to
translate it. He writes "Im sorry for spelling errors and such, but I'm pretty sure
its way better than what google translator alone could do for you"
So here it is, its pretty long;
Swedens most famous - and spectacular - close
encounter between a human and a unknown object occured may the 18th 1946.
Gösta Carlsson, then 28 years old, stumbled upon a disc shaped object and
its crew in the outskirts of Ängelholm. The incident has been under the
investigation of UFO-Sweden´s chairman Clas Svahn and resulted in being
published in the book "Mötet i gläntan" 1995. The following is an extract
from this book, written by Gösta Carlsson and Clas Svahn.
The meeting in the forest-glade /clearing
(Mötet i gläntan )
By Clas Svahn and Gösta Carlsson |
english audio-reading of this case in mp3
It is the 18th of may 1946, the clock is 10pm. The sky is darkblue and
clear, a light breeze is blowing from the east. I once again have taken a
seat on the fort´s steeldome at Skälderviksstranden. I´m sitting and
listening on the beutiful birdsong by the thrush, robin and other birds
joining the choir. As usual the so called Sjödammarna has really started
to bubble with life by all the different bird´s that nest here.
These dams really is a wonderfull place for birds. Old trees are left
standig making them excellent homes to owl´s, woodpecker´s and an
unbeliveable ammount of other birds. Sure, it is hard for us humans to get
here, but thats just the reason why nature has had it´s own way here. Time
after time I have had this dream that one day I could make this place a
bird reservation, and keep it just as it is for ever. But one of the most
positive thing in my life is that one day, my dream would become true.
It started to get darker, and I realise it is time to head back home. It
is now 10:45pm, I turn on my orientationlamp which I always carry with me
on my eveningstroll´s.
I walked up on a little hill where you have a great view of both Kronans
and Vegeholms forrestland. On the land of Vegeholm right after the birddam,
a short way into a birchforrest consisting of big, old trees, there is a
big grassglade, that I know of quite well.
One of my youths "bad" virtues was amongst other´s to get hold of birdeggs
of all kind. Then, as now, this was of course against the law. But as
young boys we didn´t care much of what the law said, and the law was´nt
that strict back then as it is now. In this very glade, yellowhammer, corn
bunting, and different kinds of titlings, and in some of the old birches,
tawny owl´s nested.
by rune øverby
By sheer coincidence, I look at the direction of the grassglade, which you
can´t see to clear by all the trees. At first, I thought I saw something
shiny at the grassglade, but maybe it was just a reflectance from my lamp.
I turn it off, but the light is still there. It might be early season
campers or some youth´s that is hanging around the place I thought. I
decide to walk over there. I walk down the hill and jumped over a small
hole that has been collecting rainwater. On my right there is a couple of
sandhills with pines growing on them that obscure the glade a bit. I clear
the pines and just as I am about to turn in to the glade i spot something
that´s forever stuck in my memory.
In the furtherst part of the glade, just a couple of meters from a lonely
pine, there is a illuminated craft, one of which I have never seen before
or after. My first thought was that it was a carrousel someone had drove
there. But I soon realized that would be impossible, as there was no roads
leading to the glade.
The craft, or object, had the shape of a discus, and the craft is resting
on a sturdy fin in the direction of the lonely pine, and two telescope
legs, all three evenly spaced under the circle disc. In front of the fin
on the crafts belly, the is a hatch open, with a ladder and leaders, like
those ladders you see on boats. The hatch is about one and a half meter
above the ground and I can see how light is coming out from the opening. I
try to look inside the craft but the angel is to narrow. All I can see is
the bright light.
On the craft top there is a streamlined cabin that I estimate to be around
8meter in diameters. With roughly 1 meters spacing there is oval windows,
maybe 50cm wide and 30cm high. While I am watching at the craft I can´t
keep from thinking that someone is pulling a prank on me. One thought that
goes through my head is that there is maybe German pilots that has escaped
from some camp. But deep inside, I know I´m wrong.
On top of the cabin there is a telescopepole/mast, almost like a periscope
on a uboat. The height of the mast is about the same as the pine, and the
thickness of the craft´s middlepart I estimate to about 4 meters, at the
craft side´s about 1 meter, and the mast should be about 5 meter high. At
the top of the mast it splits into four parts. Under the top of the mast i
spot the lamp that emitted the strange violette light that I spotet from
the trail. The lamp is pointing downward towards the craft and cover the
whole craft like a "cheesebowl" with just a few meter of light "leaking"
outside the craft. The light itself is sort of pulsating from the lamp,
kinda like water from a fountain. And the strangest thing of all is that
the light has a curved path. Where the light hits the ground or grass, is
dissapear with a sparkling effect, like that of a sparkler. A smell, not
to different from ozon is spreading throughout the air. Its like if an
electric curtain has diped over the craft.
The "body" and the cabin seems to be one piece. You can´t spot screws,
studs or joint anywhere. Around the bellys rim on the craft there is a
couple of holes, not unlike those found on turbines, pointing down and are
covered with what loke like a damper.
A few meter in front and outside the light´s circle, a man with a white
dress on him, is standing. He is dressed like our astronauts is today. No
matter how hard I look, I cant see any buttons, zippers or other "clothingattatchments".
On his feets he has blue or black boots that wraps around his legs, around
his waist he has a large blue or black belt, on his head something that
looks like a rainhoodie or "windcheater hoodie" with the difference that
it also covers the front of his face and are made of some transparent
material. On his hand he got fingergloves. On his chest hangs something
that looks like a folding camera, but other than that, there is no
equipment. The man appears to be a guard. Where I am standing now I´m
about 10meters from the craft, and about 7-8 meter from this man.
The strange thing was, that when I approached the glade everyone turned to
look at me. It was like if I was expected, but not wanted...
On top of the craft by one of the windows there was an additional three
men, evidently ocuppied by some kind of work. Right next to them, but
below, I see two more men who is assisting and inside the lightcircle,
turned towards me, there is three girls. All dressed the same way, in the
same white dress, boots and belt. All the beings that are inside the light
has the transparent face mask removed to the back of their heads.
Gösta was now about 10 meters from the craft and maybe 7-8 meters from the
guardpost. He could see that the men and women working on the craft had
normal earthly featuers and the women, or rather, girls, had light or
cendrécoloured hair, cut and managed in a modern manner. The mens hair
Gösta never saw, because of the black hoodie they wore, kinda like the one
tankdrivers have. From this hood there was something looking like earplugs
and it looked like the men was talking to each other via these whitout
moving their mouths. Suddenly something happened.
"The man who was standing outside the light - which whom I now understand
was serving as a guard - did a perfect stop sign with his hand raised. It
is a sign that can not be missinterpried and I stoped. I still have my
lamp on my head, but turned off. The guard point´s his "folding camera"
looking thing against me, and I get the impression that he is about to
take a picture of me. I think I hear a crack from my lamp on my head, that
I have turned off, but don´t bother with that.
"I´m about to take a few step closer to him, but he immidietly raises his
hand and at the same time I hear a crack again from my lamp. I stand
still, and the guard take a lap around the craft, allways on the outside
of the light, the men and girls continue their work at the cabin....
It is possible there is two guards, on the backside of the craft. This
might explaine why there allways was a guard where I was.
I feel just like a wild animal must feel - there outside of the
lightcircle - like a safarihunter makes out in the bushes in the
african night. Suddenly, a girl with dark curly hair steps down the ladder
of the craft. In her hand she holds what looks like a bag and hands out
cups to the men and girls.
Everyone stops working a starts to drink from the cups.
I get the impulse to step forward again and talk to them, but the guard
once again raises his hand in line with my face and gives me the stop sign
and everyone look at me with a seriousness in their faces. The guard too,
like a police officer "this is as far as you get!" kinda look. He won´t
take his eyes off from me for one second.
It is like the "cheesecup/dome" of light scrrens of the craft from its
surrondings and the guard is there to prevent anyone from entering it.
Maybe the light would hurt me if I passed into it.
When I take a step back, everyone continue their work and I feel slightly
relieved. Two of th girls give me a beutifull smile and I can see their
flashing white theeths. I can brag with almost never being afraid of
anything, and I have spent enough time out in the woods to not belive in
the devil or trolls. But this was something else.
The people at the craft makes me think about folks from the pentecostal
church or something similar. All are happy and glad. You get the
impression that they hav´nt got a problem in the world, and what they had,
they have solved allready.
By the time I am standing there and watching, I can see the crew go in and
out the craft, up the ladder next to the fin. When they do that, I observe
how the two telescope legs moves up and down. They are spring loaded like
the front wheel of an airplane.
Just as I am about to take a step forward again, the girl with the dark
curly hair steps outside the cabin again. In her hand she hold a bright
shiny object which draws the atention from all the other in the crew. She
takes a few step towards the outskirt of the lightdome and throws the
object out with a quick motion. It falls right next to a little upslope.At
the same time I hear a pearly happy girls laughter, and I realise this is
the first time I hear a noise from them this whole time. But I have heard
the crackling of twiggs by the gaurds feet on the grass which is spread
all over the ground.
The whole thing starts to be very surreal to me, and allthough I am one
those person who has never tasted alchohol in any form, and can therefore
not blame this on some kind of hallucination or some other kind of
imagination, I decide to hike back to Skälderviksstrande and the come back
to see if it is still here. It takes about 20minutes to get there. I take
of my shoes and socks and wade out in the water to wet my feet just to
make sure I´m not dreaming. It is freezing so I am awake allright.
This begins to feel slightly fritgheening. I decide to walk along the
beach for abit and take another path to the way back to the glade so that
I come in from the "back" of the craft instead. When I am about half way
there I got up on the sandhills/dunes again and sit down on a old fort to
put my socks back on again and look at the direction from where I first
saw the light. Where I am, there is dense youngforrest so I can´t see
anything at all.
Then, suddenly, I see a red light. At first I thought it was the moon
rising, but after closer inspection, I realise that isn´t the case. Slowly,
and majestic, the craft, wish I now see clearly, is rising. It´s almost
like a ballon rising. Only a whining sound, like that of a vacuumcleaner
can be heard. Higher and higher it goes with a halo of red light from the
turbine holes under the craft. At about 400-500 meters altitude it slows
down slightly, begins to pendle sideways a bit, I now see that the
pole/mast is not up, and the two legs and the fin is nowhere to bee seen
It is a little hazy outside now, but the whole manouver is clearly visible
and the whole craft is illumintade by the red light and the cabin windows
light. And then the craft tilts so it is now pointing slghtlu up or down
towards the nightsky or the ground. The red light becomes more intense,
and the craft shoots out with a tremendous speed, the red light turns into
violette. The craft moves sideways from left to right and back again as it
was searching for something, the light turns red again as the craft slows
down for a bit, but the light turns to violette almost immediately and the
craft is speeding again. Three times I watch the craft make the same thing
before it finaly dissapears over Ängelholm.
I stand still for a good ammount of time among the sanddunes and a quite
disturbed by what I just had witnessed. We who lived through the second
world war was used to see many new terrible weapons from both the allies
and axis - reaplanes, atombombs, the Germans V1 and V2 bombs - that almost
nothing suprised us anymore. Despite the war enden a year ago I was almost
certain this was some secret but delayed weapon that "they" had kept
testing. But had Hitler had one of these craft. surely he wouldn´t had
lost the war.
First severly years later when report of unindentified objects started to
become more frequent, I started to make the connection between my
observation and these new one. Maybe, it was´nt a secret weapon I had
witnessed. Maybe not even a craft from this earth. ..This I can tell you,
if the people I saw wasn´t from this planet and from some alien planet,
there wasn´t much of a difference from human and them. Maybe alot more
technically advanced than us, but other than that, like hight, looks and
so on, if you took of their suits, I dont think you could tell the
difference from them to us.
I go back over the sanddunes to get to the usual way home.
Landshövdinge-road is rough and hard to ride a bike on, so I walk a little,
ride a little, walk a little and so on. It is now completely dark, so, to
be able to see, I tried turning on my lamp. Allthough I flick the on
switch, nothing happens. I screw off the bottom and take out the batteries.
It feels hot, I figured a shortcircut had occured. For a moment I think of
the guard and the strange cracking or flicking sound he made when he
pointed the blach thing against me. But just seems to unreal for me. When
I the day after put in some new batteries and tried the lamp, it worked
lika a charm. Of course it could have a natural explanation, but it did
occured during all this, because, I had it lit right up to when I went
down towards the light when I shut it off because I wanted to sneak up to
whomever it was there in the glade.
It had never happened before, not after.
When Gösta Carlsson continued along Landshövdinge-road home that
night he followed the road and didn´t take any more trip out into the
woods. When he lay down on his bed to get some sleep, he couldnt fall
asleep. The incident in the woods had disturbed him too much, and his
thoughs was on the strange craft and the crews. Before he finaly was able
to sleep he decided that the first thing when he woke up was to head back
to the glade.
Early next morning, after a cup of coffe, Gösta took his bike and headed
towards the beach. In a few minutes he was back where it all had happened.
He had returned by one reason only; would there be any remains left
from the craft, or crew?
It was.
When Gösta arrives to the glade just after 4am on the sunday morning a
light rain begins to fall over Ängelholsmforrest. The sun is up since an
hour ago and a lamp is not needed now. When he for the second time in
under 6 hours jumps over the little hole withe the rainwater in it and
follows the sandduned towards the glade his heartrate begins to rise. What
will he find amongst the trees?
This time he got a notebook and folding ruler. If there are any remains,
he is prepared. He couldn´t be sure. And at first glance he was
dissapointed. From afar he couldn´t see anything.
- First when I got closer I saw the traces, he tells. The marks after the
turbine holes was the most apparent trace. Where they where, the grass was
burnt off completly. In a ring, about 3cm wide the sand was completely
exposed. A greyish layer of ash was all that remained of the grass. The
ring was that deep, just a couple of centimeters, so the liftoff couldn´t
have had that kind of power as we are used to here on earth with our
veichles. And that would be according to what I saw the truth. As what I
witnessed wasn´t some known craft with any kind of propulsion system we
know about.
Beside the burned ring, Gösta also observed the markings after the fin and
the two landinglegs. A few meters away, the branches on the pine that was
closest to the craft is burned off. And some was covered in black ash, a
couple of years later they wither and dies.
Gösta measure the place and take note of the sizes of the circles. He make
a crude sketch and estimate that the craft was 16meter in diameter. The
prints from the two landinggears has a diameter of about 90cm.
Further, you could see bootprints in the grass. Nothing spectacular, the
sole of the boot is solid, with a rifle grove pattern. The lenght dont
deviate either, Gösta mesure it to be about the size of 39-44m.
The boot prints is located in a quarter circle from north to east off of
the burned mark.
But there is more findings.

top left; view from air of the place in the air-photo taken some later,
in 1949 - but still the
rings can be seen on here. Down is a near view of the stone in
the ring he got from them, probably a communication device, as have been
in many such cases esp.this one
- Just as I was about to leave, I remembered the shiny object the girls
had thrown away. I remembered the spot it landed in. When I looked for it,
I saw somethin glimmering in the grass and lifted up what looked like
shiny staff made of what it looked like, violette quartz, about 4 cm thick,
5cm wide, and about 12 cm tall. It had rounded corners and was burned and
smelted in the other end.
A few decimeter from there I found a ring with the size about 17 in some
kind of a greenish metal and a beutifull stone in it. It did´nt look like
our modern rings, this one was more...fun.
There where a couple of "X" markings on it, which I guess was kinda like
initials. My first thought was that someone had dropped it and I should
turn it in to the police, but I later connected it to the craft.
Inside the lightdome, close to the burned pine, Gösta finds two of the
cups the woman had served the crew. He picks them up and note the strange
looks with the bent pip, almost like an old oillamp. When he shakes it he
can clearly hear that it still is some liquid content inside it. With his
findings in his pockets he starts to ride his bike home to write a report
to the authorities. But, the report to Försvarsstaben (swedish defence
staff) never gets sent away. Other, more strange, happenings stops him
from doing so.
- When I got home to show my wife my findings, the first thing she said to
me was "But, you´re face is all yellow" I looked in the mirror, and right
she was. I was all yellow. What was going on? For a moment I started to
get really worried. Maybe I had touch on something dangerous. But then I
saw that my coat also was yellow. And I could wash it off easily with just
tapwater. I took some of it and put it under my microscope. Phew, it was
pollen. And I knew from where too, the birches of course. The branches had
scratch my face on my way to the glade.
- It was about at that time I started to figure out a method, which
succeded over my expectation, and made it able for me and my company I
started in 1952 to gather pollen in an almost unlimited quantity, and made
it possible for me to make a medical product solely based on a resource
that has been around for all eternity but never been thought of. So yes,
sometime i polish my quartzstaff a little (Sorry but I just hade to lol
that one /Netlas OP) and think about the strange happening, the strange
men and girls, and wonder where they could have come from, where were they
headed, and will they come back.
What happened to Gösta Carlsson in the grassglade these hours between may
the 18-th and 19th 1946 would led to a series of unexplanied happenings.
Gösta started to have vivid dreams in the nights, dreams that just maybe
wasn´t dreams. Dreams that brought him back to the strange people he saw
that night.
some more on the happenings...
news-articles from the swedish press
on this case in pdf-files:
ca 70%
downscroll on this link there are many
from press etc:

cast iron tablet
he had made on the place; "on this place landed a ufo 18th mai 1946...."

we visiting the place in 2012 (remark the
light-orb by my lower chaca)
else from sweden of a very important
ufo-contact where "they" did warn against the upcoming WW3:
pdf |
ufo-crash in
remote Sweden with the pilot surviving in mid 50s