Through medium Francisco Cândido Xavier
chapter 3 - 8
pictures below is clip from the film
As we advanced, I saw from my stretcher the pleasant
surroundings which slowly unfolded to my view. Clarence,
leaning on a staff made of some luminous substance, stopped
before a heavy gate built into a great wall which was covered
with a flowery wine. He touched a certain spot in the wall,
the gate opened wide, and we entered in a silent procession.

A warm glow bathed everything there. The graceful play of
lights in the distance reminded me of a beautiful sunset in
springtime. As we proceeded, I saw before me charming
buildings and beautiful gardens. At a sign from Clarence my
stretcher was laid down and in front of us there stood an
entrance to a great white building similar to an earthly
hospital. Two young men in white tunics ran eagerly to my
stretcher, moved me into an emergency bed, and carried me in.
Before he left, I heard Clarence say: “Take him to the
pavilion to the right. I am expected elsewhere now, but I will
come to see him in the morning.” I gave that generous old man
a parting smile of gratitude as I was taken away to a large,
pleasant, richly furnished room and laid on a comfortable bed.
My heart was overflowing with gratitude towards my kind
attendants. I tried to address them but only managed to ask:
“Friends, I beg you, what is this new world I find myself in?
From what star does this bright invigorating light emanate?”
One of them laid a tender hand on my forehead as if I were an
old friend, and explained: “We are located in the spiritual
spheres close to the Earth, and the Sun that is shining on us
at this moment is the same one that warmed you on Earth.
However, our visual perception is far keener here. We can see
that the star the Lord lighted to guide our activities is far
more beautiful than we ever realized while on Earth. Our Sun
is a divine source of life which has its light’s source in the
Creator of All Things.” |
I felt a profound sense of veneration and awe as I gazed at
the soft light streaming through my window. I realized that on
Earth I had never looked up at the Sun and raised my thoughts
to the One, in His infinite mercy, had given it to us to shine
on our journey. I was like a blind man who, after living so
long in darkness, is blessed with the ability to see the
splendor of nature. |
Just then they brought me some stimulating broth and a glass
of cool water, refreshing water. The water seemed infused with
some divine fluid1,
for just a little of it quickly produced a reviving effect.
The food, whether a soothing nourishment or extraordinary
medicine, revived me beyond my expectations; new energies
pervade my entire being and profound emotions stirred in the
depths of my spirit. I ate, unaware of the experience which
was soon to follow. |
I had scarcely finished when heavenly music – soft waves of
sound rising to higher spheres – floated into my room. That
wonderful melody went straight to my heart. I looked to my
attendant for some explanation, and he said: “This is the
eventide service of the Astral City. Every department of this
colony of service, dedicated to Christ, is attuned with the
prayers at the Government House. Now stay here in peace. I
will return as soon as the service is over.” As he prepared to
leave, I was suddenly filled with anxiety. “May I go with
you?” I pleaded. “You are still weak,” he explained, “but if
you feel that you can…” |
That music had filled me with renewed energies, yet I was
barely able to rise from my bed. Aided by my attendant and
with faltering steps I reached the enormous hall where a great
assembly was praying in deep, silent concentration. The
delicate garlands of flowers which hung from a brilliantly lit
dome seemed to form a symbol of higher spirituality.
1 In
Spiritist terminology, fluid and fluids designate a
substance of magnetic nature that can be manipulated by
both spiritual beings and man on Earth.

I could hardly contain my feelings of overwhelming surprise.
No one seemed to notice my presence – they all looked as if
they were waiting for something. I had to work to hold back
all of the questions forming in my mind. I quickly noticed in
the background an intensely bright light reflected on a giant
screen. By some process of advanced television, a marvelous
temple appeared on the screen a moment later. In it was the
image of a venerable old man, dressed in white, sitting in
prayer. Around his head shone a halo of brilliant light.
Slightly below him, seventy-two figures accompanied him in
silent prayer. I was surprised to see that Clarence was among

I was unable to restrain my curiosity. I pulled at my
attendant’s arm, and he responded, whispering so softly his
words resembled the murmuring of a light breeze: “Keep quiet.
All the residences and institutions of the Astral City are
praying, with the Governor through long distance projection of
sound and light. Let us praise the invisible Heart of Heaven.”
He had scarcely finished speaking when the seventy-two figures
began singing a sweet and exquisitely beautiful hymn. As I
looked at Clarence, his countenance seemed to shine with an
intense high light. The celestial voices rose in melodious
cadences, in a most beautiful hymn of gratitude. Mysterious
vibrations of peace and joy floated in the atmosphere, and as
the silvery notes died away, a wonderful heart, blue with
golden rays2,
became visible above us in the same distance. Soft music
began, seeming to arise perhaps from distant spheres, and
suddenly we were showered with beautiful flue flowers.
2 Note
by the spiritual author: “A symbolic image created by the mental
vibrations of the Colony.”
Although I could easily seem them, I could not grasp those
tiny flowers with my hands. On touching our foreheads they
melted away, and at one touch of their fluidical petals I felt
an extraordinary surge of energy, as if some soothing balm had
been applied to my heart. |
soon as the impressive service was over I returned to the
chamber, tenderly aided by my assistant. I was no longer the
ailing patient of a few hours before. The first collective
prayer I had attended at the Astral City had worked a radical
change in me. An unexpected peace filled my soul for the first
time in many years of suffering, and my heart, so long empty,
was once again filled with hope.

Chapter 4
I awoke the following day after a deep, refreshing sleep. A
comforting light poured through my window, bathing everything
in the room with radiance and felling my heart with hope. I
felt like a new man, filled with renewed energy and the joy of
living. Only one thing clouded my soul – I longed for my home
and for my family so far away. |
Numerous questions troubled my mind, but my feeling of relief
was so great that it calmed my spirit and kept me from further
contemplation. I wanted to get up and enjoy the beauty of my
surroundings but I could not. I realized that without the
magnetic cooperation of my attendant I would not be able to
leave my bed. |
I had scarcely gotten over the many experiences when the door
opened and Clarence entered, accompanied by a friendly
stranger. They greeted me cordially, wishing me peace. My
rescuer from the Lower Zones3
asked about my general health, and my attendant
quickly came to inform him.
3 Lower
Zones are the shadowy regions where excessively self-centered
souls or those with a guilty ridden conscience find themselves
after death. (Translator’s note.) |
Clarence smiled and introduced his companion, brother Henry de
Luna of the medical staff of the spiritual colony. Brother
Henry was dressed in white and his face radiated benevolence.
He examined me at length, then smiled and spoke: |
“It is a pity that you’ve come here by way of suicide.”
Clarence remained calm but I felt a surge of revolt within me.
Suicide? I remembered the accusations of those perverse beings
in the Lower Zones. Even though I was grateful to my
benefactors, I couldn’t accept this accusation.
“I believe you are mistaken,” I said, distressed, “my
departure from the world had other causes. I fought over forty
days trying to overcome death. I suffered through two serious
operations because of an intestinal occlusion.” |
“Quite so,” the doctor continued, calm and perfectly composed,
“but the occlusion was the result of very serious causes.
Perhaps you haven’t thought it over enough. The spirit body
presents within it a complete history of the actions practiced
on Earth.” |
Leaning over me, he went on, pointing to different parts of my
body. “Let’s look at the intestinal zone,” he said, “the
occlusion was due to cancerous elements, which in turn arose
from some indiscretions of yours, in which you contracted
syphilis. The disease might not have assumed such grave
characteristics had your mental attitudes been firmly based on
the principles of moderation and brotherly love. Instead, you
chose a dark, exasperating way of life which attracted
destructive vibrations from those around you. You never
imagined that anger attracts negative forces, did you? Your
lack of self control and your thoughtlessness in dealing with
others, whom you so often unthinkingly offended, frequently
left you under the influence of sickly and inferior beings.
These circumstances greatly aggravated your physical state.”
After a long pause, in which he went on examining me
attentively, he continued: “Have you observed, my friend, that
your liver was damaged through your action? That your kidneys
were also mistreated in your reckless disregard for the divine
gift of physical existence?” |
I felt deeply disappointed, but the doctor, seemingly unaware
of my anguish, continued to clarify: “The bodily organs
possess incalculable reserves in accordance with the Lord’s
designs. You, my friend, evaded many excellent opportunities
and wasted the precious blessing of physical existence. The
long term assignment which you had been given by those of
greater spiritual accomplishment was reduced to half hearted
attempts at
which you never completed. |
Your entire gastronomical system was destroyed as a direct
result of your “harmless” excesses in food and drink, and your
essential energies were devoured by the syphilis you
contracted through still other excesses. As we see, the
diagnosis is incontestable.” |
I thought about problems of human life, and reflected on the
many opportunities I had lost. In my life on Earth I had own
many masks, tailoring them to the situation at hand. I hade
never imagined I would be asked to account for those seemingly
unimportant episodes. I had at that time conceived of human
error according to human laws – everything not prohibited by
those laws was natural and acceptable. Here, however, I found
another system of judging those errors. I was not confronted
by stern judges pronouncing harsh verdicts, or facing torture
or the infernal abyss. Instead, smiling benefactors commented
on my weaknesses as if they were dealing with a wayward child.
Their superior compassion struck a blow to my human pride.
If only I had been tormented by diabolic beings I would have
found my failure less bitter. Clarence’s sympathetic kindness,
the doctor’s warm tone and the attendant’s good-natured
patience all served to turn my pride to shame. I covered my
face with my hands and sobbed brokenheartedly, realizing that
Henry de Luna’s conclusions were irrefutable. I admitted the
full extent of my faults. Only one torturing truth now
remained before me: I had truly committed suicide. I had
wasted the precious opportunity of human life, and was nothing
more than a castaway rescued by charity.
It was then that Clarence, stroking my hair in a fatherly
manner, spoke: “Stop lamenting, my son. I went in search of
you in answer to the intercessions of those who love you in
the higher spheres. Your tears will grieve their hearts.
Surely you would rather show your gratitude by remaining calm
during the examination of your faults, wouldn’t you? True,
your diagnosis points clearly to suicide, but I assure you
that hundreds of others leave the Earth daily in exactly the
same way you did. Therefore, still
heart. |
the treasure of repentance well; keep the blessing of remorse
in your soul, however late it has arrived. Don’t forget that
worrying doesn’t solve our problems. Put your trust in the
Lord and in our brotherly devotion. Rest your troubled heart;
for many of us have already gone the same way as you.” At
these generous words I rested my head against his shoulder and
“Are you Clarence’s ward?” |
The question was put to me by a young man with a singularly
kind expression. He smiled as he entered, carrying what looked
like a large medical bag. I nodded that I was, and he
introduced himself: |
“I am Lysias, your brother. My director, Assistant Doctor
Henry de Luna, has placed you under my care as long as you
need treatment.” |
“Are you a medical assistant?” I asked. |
“I am a visiting attendant in Health Service. As such, I not
only help with the nursing but also go on rounds, alerting the
doctors when help is needed, and attending to the needs of
newly arrived patients.” |
Noting my interest, he went on: |
“There are many such assistants here in the Astral City.
Naturally, as a newcomer, you are still unaware of the extent
of our activities. Just to give you an idea, there are over
one thousand patients in this ward alone, and this is one of
the smallest buildings in our hospital.” |
“This is truly wonderful!” I exclaimed. |
Lysias, perceiving that I was about to continue repeating my
praises, rose quickly from his chair and carefully began his
examination. |
“Your intestinal zone shows serious lesions and unmistakable
signs of cancer, your liver is ruptured in several areas, and
your kidneys evidence signs of premature failure. Do you know
what that means?” |
“Yes, the doctor explained it to me yesterday. These
disturbances are all of my own doing….” |
Noting my obvious embarrassment at this confession, he
continued: |
“In the group of eighty patients under my care, fifty-seven
are in the same condition as you. Did you know that other
patients arrive mutilated? Those who have misused their sight
arrive without eyes? Others who have used the gift of agility
in crime come to us paralyzed or legless. Still others who
have lived sexually depraved lives enter spirit life totally
insane. “ |
“The Astral City is not a settlement of triumphant spirits, in
the common sense of the word. We are happy because we have
constructive work to do, and there is job in every corner of
our Colony because the Lord blessed us with the opportunity to
serve.” |
He paused briefly, and I exclaimed: “Please go on with your
explanation, Lysias. I feel so peaceful and relieved. Isn’t
this a heavenly abode for the spiritual elect?” |
Lysias smiled and answered: “Let’s keep in mind the old
teaching ‘many are called but few are chosen’.” |
Gazing at the distant horizon, flooded with memories from his
own past, he continued: “Many religions on Earth summon us to
the Celestial Feast. No one who has once felt the existence of
God can deny that in good conscience. Yes, many are called but
few answer the call. Most of mankind accepts a different
invitation instead. We waste our opportunities, straying from
our chosen path, allowing our whims to rule our lives and
thoughtlessly destroying our bodies. The ultimate result is
that thousands of us leave the world in a state of confusion
countless multitudes of insane, diseased and ignorant spirits
wander as you did in the spirit spheres close to the Earth.”
Seeing my astonishment, he inquired: “Did you believe that
physical death brings us to miraculous places? We must work
hard and perform difficult services to achieve spiritual
growth. If we have debts on the planet we must
inevitably return to repay them, regardless of the progress we
have made, breaking the chains of hatred and replacing them
with the sacred bonds of love. It wouldn’t be fair to
ask others to clear the field in which we ourselves have sown
thorns. That is what is meant, my friend, by the saying ‘many
are called but few are chosen’. The Lord forgets no one, yet
so few of us remember Him.” |
Confronted with the idea of individual responsibility, and
remembering my own errors, I could not help but decry my
perversity. But before I had time to vent my remorse my kind
attendant lifted up his hand and spoke: |
“Stop. Let us concentrate on the work to be done. Those who
are sincerely repentant must learn to be silent and start
anew.” |
He carefully proceeded with a magnetic treatment, and then,
while treating the area around my lower intestines, he
continued his explanation: |
“Have you noticed the specialized treatment of your cancerous
zones? You see, all honest work in the field of medicine is
based on loving care, but the actual healing is left to
the patient. You will be treated with great care, and
will fell as fit as you did as a youth on Earth. You will work
hard, and I believe you will become one of the best assistants
in The Astral City. |
However, the case of your infirmities will stay with you until
you have eliminated all traces of your indiscretions and
misuse of your health which still remain in your spirit-body.
Our earthly body, so often misused, is given to us as a
blessed instrument through which we can cure our spirit, if we
dedicate ourselves to the task.” |
I meditate deeply on what I had just heard, thinking on the
infinite mercy of God, and was moved to tears. Lysias calmly
finished the day’s treatment and the spoke: |
“Tears are purifying medicine when they aren’t caused by
feelings of revolt. So cry, my friend, and ease your heart.
Let us bless our physical body with its countless microscopic
cells, so humble and precious, so detested yet so sublime for
the service they render us. Without them, how many thousands
of years we would spend wrapped up in the mists of ignorance.”
Thus speaking, Lysias laid a gentle hand on my head and took
his leave.
The following day, after the evening prayer, Clarence came to
see me accompanied by my attendant. Radiating kindness, he
asked affectionately: |
“How are you? A little better, I hope?” |
Like any patient on Earth who suddenly finds himself the
center of attention, I was moved to self-pity. Reverting to my
old habit of abusing brotherly love, I began to complain:
“I do feel a little better, but I am still suffering a great
deal. I hurt below my stomach and I feel a strange sense of
anguish in my heart. My cross has been heavy, my friends; I
never knew I could withstand so much suffering. Now that I can
think clearly again, I feel sure that these trials have sapped
all of my remaining strength.” |
Clarence listened attentively, not showing the least sign of
impatience. He even seemed interested, and his attitude
encouraged me to continue. |
“Not only that, my moral sufferings are really indescribable!
Now that the outside storm has subsided – thanks to the
assistance I have received here I’ve had to face a storm
within my soul. What has become of my wife and children? I
wonder whether my eldest child, my only son, has followed the
plans I made for him. And what about my dear daughters? And my
wife, who was sure she would die of loneliness if we were ever
parted, what of my wonderful wife? I can still feel her tears
from my last moments on Earth.”

“I can’t say how long I’ve been living this nightmarish
separation – my continuous suffering has robbed me of all
sense of time. Where is my poor wife? Weeping besides cold
ashes? Or at the gates of death herself? What bitter sorrow!
What a terrible fate for a man devoted to his family! Very few
have gone through as much as I, I’m sure. Why, even on Earth I
suffered years of vicissitudes, bitter disappointments and
infirmities, and was granted only a few hours of happiness in
return. Then I was subjected to painful physical death,
followed by unceasing torture in spirit, and a never-ending
succession of miseries and tears! Is there no meaning of
attaining peace? As much as I may wish to adopt an optimistic
attitude, I can’t help feeling heavy-hearted and full of
grief. What an unfortunate fate, generous benefactor.”
By that time my feelings of self-pity had reached such
proportions that my words gave way to tears. Clarence,
however, rose calmly and asked simply: |
“My dear friend, do you really seek your spiritual cure?”
I nodded in assent and he went on: “Then learn not to speak
so much of yourself and your sufferings. Self-pity is a
symptom of mental illness, which is time consuming and
difficult to cure. It is imperative that you create new trains
of thought and control your words. The only way to spiritual
balance is to open your heart to de Divine Light. If you
consider the necessary effort to be an oppressive burden or
see the struggle for redemption as an imposition, it is a sure
sign of spiritual blindness. The more you dwell on your
own painful experiences, the more you bind yourself to them.
You can be sure that the same Father whom shelters and
watches over you will also care for your loved ones on Earth.
We should certainly regard the family as a sacred institution,
but always keep in mind that it is just a small branch of the
Universal Family under the loving guidance of one Divine
Father. You can count on us to resolve your present problems
and sketch plans for your future, but neither you nor we have
the time to waste on your complaints. We in this colony accept
the hardest toil as a welcome opportunity for ascent,
remembering while we plod along, weighted down with debts,
that Providence is unsurpassing in its love. If you, too, wish
to stay with us
you must learn to think properly.” |
Meanwhile my tears had dried. His words had brought me back to
my senses. I was ashamed of my own weakness and I adopted a
different attitude. |
in the flesh,” continued Clarence, “didn’t you compete for
lucrative positions, knowing their advantages? Didn’t you
appreciate the legitimate means of increasing the welfare of
your loved ones? Weren’t you engaged in obtaining just fees in
the interest of adding to the comfort and stability of your
family? Here the program is the same; only the details differ.
On Earth conventionalities and monetary gains are the
ruling forces, whereas here we aim at constructive work with
lasting benefits to the immortal spirit. We look on suffering
as a means to enrich the soul, and on each suffering as a step
towards our divine goal. Can you see the
difference? Weak souls resist service and remain inactive,
venting their complaints to all. Strong ones, though, accept
the task given them as constructive steps on the path towards
perfection. Mind you, no one will blame you for missing your
earthly family or would ever think of extinguishing your
source of sublime feelings. Nevertheless, you must remember
that tears of despair help nothing. If you really love your
Earthly family and wish to be useful to them, you must first
accept your present condition cheerfully.” |
A long pause ensued. Clarence’s advice has changed the current
of my thoughts and I began to ponder on his wisdom. While I
was still immersed in deep reflection, my benefactor, like a
father who forgets the waywardness of his child and
recommences a lesson with the same serenity, asked again with
a bright smile: |
“Well, how are you now? A little better? |
Pleased and comforted to feel I was forgiven, like a little
boy anxious to learn, I replied: |
“I am better now, to better understand the Divine Will.”
Chapter 7
Lysias came daily for my treatment and Clarence continued to
visit me regularly. I began to feel at ease as I endeavored to
adapt myself to my new situation. I noticed, though, that I
would quickly relapse any time I began to dwell on my
problems. The anguish, the fear of the unknown, and the
discomfort of maladjustment would all return. Yet, in spite of
everything, I felt a certain inner stability.

I derived great pleasure from leaning out of my window and
gazing at the vast horizon. I was impressed by the difference
between my surroundings here and on Earth. Nearly
everything seemed to be an improved copy of Earth: the
colors were more harmoniously blended, and the very substance
of things to be more delicate. The ground was carpeted with
greenery and I could see large trees, rich orchards and
delightful gardens everywhere. A range of hills with
light-crowned summits stood beyond the plain on which the
Astral City was situated, and graceful buildings appeared at
regular intervals a short distance away. These buildings, of
various styles, had one thing in common: a profusion of
flowers at their entrances. I noticed some charming little
bungalows among them, surrounded by colorful roses springing
up from among the ivy that covered the walls in contrasting
colors. Birds with brilliant plumage flew about, alighting in
groups from time to time on the tall, bright white steeples
that reached for the sky. As I continued to watch curiously
from my window, I was surprised to find some domestic animals
among the trees some distance away. During these periods of
deep musing, my mind was filled with countless speculations.
Considering that I found myself on an astral plane, I could
not understand the similarity of things here to those on
Earth. Lysias, my obliging and constant companion, was always
ready to explain: |
“Death of the physical body does not take man instantly
to miraculous spheres. Every evolutionary process
progresses through
graduation. There are countless planes for discarnate Spirits,
just as there are many wondrous regions for those still in
flesh. All souls, feelings, forms and things are governed by
the principles of natural evolution and hierarchy.”
Only the fact that I had stayed under treatment for so many
weeks without a single visit from someone I had known on Earth,
worried me somewhat. Surely I was not the only one in my
circle of friends and relatives to be struggling with the
enigma of death. My parents had departed before me, as had
various friends. Why, then, had none of them come to see me
during my recovery, to bring a little cheer to my aching
heart? I would have been satisfied with even a few moments of
consolation. One day, when I could no longer silence my
doubts, I asked my attendant: “Tell me, dear Lysias, is it
possible to meet those who left the Earth before us?”
“Why, do you imagine yourself forgotten?” |
“Yes, in fact, I do. Why has no one come to see me? On Earth
I always relied implicitly on my mother’s devotion. Yet to
this day I have heard nothing from her, or from my father, who
died three years before me.” |
“Well, you are mistaken about your mother. She has been
helping you night and day since the crisis you passed through
before you arrived here. She doubled
assistance when you fell ill for the last time. You aren’t
aware yet, are you, that your stay in the lower spheres lasted
over eight years? In all that time she never lost hope,
and often came to the Astral City to intercede on your behalf.
She enlisted the services of Clarence, who began visiting you
frequently until the moment when you, the conceited earthly
doctor, remembered that you were also a child of God. Do you
see now?” |
I felt my eyes well with tears. I had not known that I had
been away from the Earth for so long. I wanted to speak, to
find out about those |
unperceived efforts, but my vocal cords seemed numb. My heart
was too full to allow me to speak.
“On the day you prayed with all your heart,” continued Lysias,
“when you realized that everything in the Universe belongs to
our Almighty Father, even your tears were different. As you
know, rain can at times be creative, at other times
destructive. The Lord doesn’t wait for our prayers to love us.
Yet, just as a dirty mirror cannot reflect the light, it is
indispensable for us to cleanse ourselves and build a
receptive attitude in order to understand His infinite
goodness. Thus, it is not the Father who needs our penance, it
is we who need it for the inestimable service it renders us.
Do you see? Clarence, in answer to your devoted mother’s
pleas, had no trouble finding you
it was you who took so long to find Clarence. I was told that
when your mother heard you had broken through the shadows into
the light, she wept for joy.” |
“And where is my mother now?” I cried at last. “If possible, I
should like to see and embrace her, to fall on my knees at her
feet.” |
“She doesn’t live in the Astral City,” he informed me, “she
inhabits higher spheres where she works, not exclusively for
you, but for the good of many.” |
Noting my disappointment, he added: |
“She is sure to come and see you. When one earnestly wishes
for something, it is already half obtained. Here we have your
own example. For years you wandered at random, a prey to fear,
distress and disillusionment. Yet as soon as you felt the
necessity for divine assistance you expanded the range of your
mental vibrations and obtained vision and help.” |
Encouraged by the explanation I had just received, I exclaimed
resolutely: |
“Then I wished it with all my heart, and she shall come.”
Lysias smiled knowingly, and as he took his leave he added
this friendly advice: |
“Right, but keep in mind that all deserving petitions should
contain three basic prerequisites: an active will, persevering
work, and merit. In other words, one must first wish, then
work towards that wish, and finally be deserving of what he
requested.” |
He departed smiling, while I fell into deep meditation,
wondering how such a vast program could have been expressed in
so few words.

Chapter 8
For the first time after some weeks under intense treatment I
ventured out in Lysias’ company. The sight of the streets
impressed me. The wide avenues, bordered with shady streets,
which stretched out before us, were filled with pure air and
an atmosphere of profound spiritual tranquility. Yet I saw no
signs of inactivity or idleness anywhere. Instead, the city
streets were crowded. I watched as the crowds passed by me.
Some seemed absorbed in thought, while others smiled cordially
as they passed. Lysias, seeing my surprise, quickly began to
“We are now in the district of the Ministry of Assistance.
Everything you see here, all of the buildings and houses, are
either institutions where the activities of our jurisdiction
are carried out or home for our working staff and instructors.
In the Ministry, patients are assisted, prayers are heard and
sorted, earthly reincarnations planned and rescue
groups promoted on behalf of those inhabiting the lower spirit
zones or suffering on Earth. Here all problems related to
human suffering are examined and solutions studied.”
“So there is a Ministry of Assistance in the Astral City?” I
asked. |
“And why not? All of our activities here are controlled by an
organization which is constantly improving under the efficient
supervision of those watching over our destinies. During our
collective prayers, didn’t you notice our Governor, surrounded
by his seventy-two assistants? They are the Ministers of the
Astral City. The colony, whose purpose is essentially work and
accomplishment, is divided into six Ministries, each under the
direction of twelve Ministers. The six Ministers are named:
Regeneration, Assistance, Communication, Elucidation,
Elevation, and Divine Union. The first four connect us with
the Earth; the other two link us to the higher spheres. So you
see our spiritual city is really a transition zone. The
coarsest, most material activities are carried out by the
Ministry of Regeneration. The most sublime is the Ministry of
Divine Union. Clarence, our friendly instructor, is one of the
Ministers of Assistance.”
I never imagined the possibility of finding such a complete
organization after the death of the physical body.”
“Yes”, Lysias continued, “the evil of illusion is very dense
in the spheres of the flesh. The average man is unaware that
all manifestations of order around him proceed from higher
planes. Just as Nature becomes a garden when tended by
man, so the mind, dull in primitive creatures, is transformed
into a creative force when inspired by consciousness
functioning in higher spheres. Every useful
organization on the material plane has its first roots in
higher spiritual worlds.” “But
the Astral City have a history like the great cities of
Earth?” |
“Certainly. All of the planes near the Earth possess their own
specific nature and unique history. The Astral City is an old
settlement, founded by a group of distinguished Portuguese
pioneers who, after passing on, settled in the spirits
planes over Brazil in the sixteenth century. According to
the annals of our Colony, these settlers at first encountered
tremendous and exhausting difficulties here. There are
obstacles in the invisible zones close to the Earth, just as
there are on the Earth itself. Enormous areas with
undeveloped potential here are comparable to the great tracts
of forbidden terrain on Earth.” |
“The pioneers’ work was indeed hard and discouraging, even for
the stronger spirits. The area where delicate vibrations and
majestic buildings now abound was also peopled with other more
primitive inhabitants whose architecture reflected their
elementary minds and who filled the atmosphere with their
undeveloped thoughts. Still the founders did not lose heart.
They proceeded with their efforts, following the example of
the Old World settlers on the physical plane. Only they
substituted persevering work, brotherly solidarity and
spiritual love for violence, war and slavery.” |
By this time we had reached a large, artistically designed
square, filled with beautiful gardens. In its center stood a
magnificent palace crowned with majestic and lofty towers
whose tips reached so high they disappeared from sight.
“Here, where the Government House now stands, the settlers
placed the cornerstone of the Colony.” |
Pointing to the palace, he went on: |
“This square is the converging point of the six Ministries I
told you about. They start at the Government House and stretch
out in a triangular shape. Our devoted Governor lives here. A
staff of three thousand individuals assist him in his
administrative duties. He is the most earnest and untiring
worker in the Colony. The Ministers travel at times to
other spheres to renew their energies and acquire new
knowledge, and we, too, have our habitual amusements. Only
the Governor has no leisure time whatsoever. While he insists
that we take periodic vacations to rest, he himself works
ceaselessly, sacrificing even his sleeping hours. It seems he
finds his reward in never-ending service. I have been here for
forty years, and except for the collective prayers, I have
never seen the Governor at any public entertainment. Yet the
radiation of his powerful mind reaches every branch of
activity and his fatherly assistance involves everybody and
everything here.” |
After a long pause, the friendly attendant continued:
“Only a short time ago, we celebrated the one hundred
fourteenth anniversary of his magnanimous administration.”
Lysias went on walking in reverent silence, while I, keeping
pace with him, gazed in awe at the marvelous steeples
which seemed to pierce the skies.

they also flew by an airbus and took a
look at this astral city |