part 2 |
1 |
the Spirit of
André Luiz |
Through medium Francisco Cândido Xavier |
Electronic Edition by GEAE |
Translated from the 25th Portuguese
edition entitled “Nosso Lar” . First Portuguese edition published in
1944 by
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. |
English edition by Christian Spirit Center, P O Box 114, Elon
College, N. C., 27244, USA. |
Revision and editing by Lauren Speeth Luczynski |
1st Electronic
Edition by Antônio Leite (New York, NY, USA) and GEAE (Advanced
Study Group of Spiritism) |
Cover design by Ademir Xavier, Jr and Christine Fernandes.
Captivated by the sight of the magnificent gardens, I asked Lysias
to rest with me for a while on a bench nearby, and he willingly
greed. I was filled with a pleasant feeling of peace, watching the
graceful sprays of colored water rising in the air, forming
intricate patterns. |
“Whoever observes this immense colony of work,” I said
thoughtfully, “is led to inquire about all sorts of possible
problems. For instance, the problem of supply. There in no
Ministry of Economy here, is there?” |
“That branch of service,”
answered Lysias, “used to assume much greater importance here.
Then our Governor decided to reduce, as much as possible, the
number of practices which might remind us of purely physical
phenomena. Therefore the activities of the Department of Supply
were reduced to mere distribution, under the direct control of the
Central Administration. As a matter of fact, this was a very
important decision. Our records show that a century ago the Colony
underwent great trouble to adapt its inhabitants to the principle
of simplicity. Many newcomers to the Astral City, still imbued
with earthly vices, insisted on the most extravagant
accommodations, including sumptuous meals and stimulating drinks.
Only the Ministry of Divine Union, owing to its inherent
characteristics, shunned such abuses; the others spent their time
overburdened with problems of this sort. Our Governor, however,
spared no efforts to put an end to the deplorable situation,
introducing decisive measures against it the moment he assumed his
administrative duties at the Astral City. |
“Some of our older missionaries have told me about that time. They
say that the Governor’s request two hundred instructors came to us
from a very high sphere in order to propagate new theories about
respiration and the absorption of life-giving elements from the
atmosphere. Numerous lectures were given on the subject. Many of
our own experts were against those innovations on the grounds
that, because the Colony serves as a transition zone, it would be
unjust and dangerous to submit newly-arrived spirits to such
drastic changes. |
believed that such changes could cause serious damage to our
patients’ spirit-bodies. But the Governor did not give in.
“For thirty years the lectures, illustrative examples, and
technical explanations proceeded without interruption. Various
eminent spirits went so far as to formulate public protests
against the Governor’s actions. They repeatedly crowded the
Ministry of Assistance with patients who declared themselves
victims of the deficient new diet. During such crises, those who
were against the change intensified their attack. Yet the Governor
never resorted to punishment. Instead, he would summon his critics
to the Government House in a fatherly manner, expounding on the
aims and benefits of the new program, emphasizing its superiority
as an efficient means of spiritualization. For the most obstinate
he would arrange instructive excursions to higher spheres, winning
over a great number of them.” |
After a long pause, I said: |
“Please go on, Lysias. How did that edifying struggle end?”
“After twenty one years of persevering efforts on the Governor’s
part, the Ministry of Elevation gave in and cut its supplies to
the strictly necessary. The Ministry of Elucidation, however, took
a long time to follow this good example, owing to the greater
number of statistics-minded spirits working there. They were the
most obstinate adversaries, still entrenched in their earthly
ideas that the ingestion of protein and carbohydrates is
indispensable to the human frame. They insisted on maintaining
their ideas here, and every week they sent the Governor lengthy
reports, full of warnings and observations, tests and numerical
data, supporting their claims. Such impertinence even reached the
point of arrogance, yet the Governor’s patience never failed.”
“Having decided not to act alone, he obtained the assistance of
the highly evolved entities who guide us through the Ministry of
Divine Union, and together they examined every one of those
documents thoroughly. While the scientists multiplied their
arguments and the government stalled for time, dangerous
disturbances were brewing in the Department of Regeneration, now
known as the Ministry of Regeneration. Some of the less developed
spirits there were caught up in the spirit of rebellion of those
in the Ministry of Elucidation and acted simply deplorably. The
atmosphere of unrest divided the Colony, exposing the Astral City
to dangerous attacks from inhabitants of the lower zones. Such
entities endeavored to invade our city availing themselves of the
breach of services of the Department of Regeneration, where many
workers had been carrying on clandestine dealings in order to
satisfy their undesirable addictions to food. |
“The alarm was given, and though the crisis posed a serious threat
to us all, the Governor maintained his usual serenity. He asked
the Ministry of Divine Union for a meeting, and, after listening
to our highest council, had the Ministry of Communication
temporarily closed. He ordered the dungeons of the Department of
Regeneration prepared for the isolation of the more stubborn
rebels. He admonished the Ministry of Education, whose
impertinence he had withstood for thirty years, and decreed that
any further assistance whatsoever to the lower regions should be
suspended until further notice. For the first time in his
administration he had the electric weapons in the city walls
turned on, so as to emit magnetic darts as a measure of defense.
There were neither battles nor attacks on the Colony’s side only
resolute defense. For over six months the diet of the Astral City
was reduced to the life-supporting principles in the atmosphere
and the electrical, magnetic and solar elements in the water. Thus
for the first time the Colony felt the indignation of a kind and
just spirit.“ |
The Crisis was finally over – the government had won. The Ministry
of Elucidation itself admitted its error and lent a hand in it is
said that during the festivities the Governor was moved to tears,
declaring that the general, good understanding of his fellow
citizens was the dearest reward to his heart. The Department of
Regeneration was promoted to Ministry, and the city returned to
its usual routine. |
Since that time only the Ministries of Regeneration and Assistance
are allowed greater supplies of nutritive substances, owing to the
low spirituality of many of their patients. In all other
Ministries the diet is limited to the essentials, according to the
rules of the strictest sobriety. Nowadays everyone agrees that the
Governor’s apparently arbitrary imposition was a most valuable
measure towards our assent. Our contact with material things was
reduced, giving rise to a greater spirituality.” |
Lysias fell into silence, while I pondered deeply over the great
lesson I’d just receive.

the flying "tube" seen in background to the left
Noting my growing interest in the processes of nutrition, Lysias
invited me to accompany him on an instructive excursion.
“Let’s go,” he suggested, “and see the Colony’s great reservoir.
There you will have the opportunity to see some things that will
interest you and to learn the importance of water in our
transition settlement.” |
My curiosity roused, I gladly accepted the invitation. When we
arrived at the corner of the public square, my kind friend
stopped. |
“Here we wait for the airbus4.”
He said.
4 An
aerial vehicle similar to our large cable cars.
I had scarcely gotten over my surprise when a large vehicle
approached, floating about fifteen feet above the ground, filled
with passengers. It descended like an elevator. I looked at it
closely – it was very long, like no vehicle I had ever seen on
Earth. It seemed to be made of a very flexible material, and,
judging from the number of antennae on its roof, I guessed that it
was connected to invisible wires. Later, when visiting the large
working plants of the Colony’s Department of Traffic and
Transportation, I found that my suppositions had been right.
Lysias gave me no time for my customary questioning. We climbed
in, settled into comfortable seats, and the air-bus started in
silence. I felt uneasy in this unusual environment, among so many
strangers. We traveled at such a speed that I found it impossible
to discern the details of any of the constructions that we passed.
We covered a good distance, stopping briefly every three
kilometers, until forty minutes later Lysias informed me that we
had arrived. |
scenery before my eyes was of exquisite beauty. The woods were in
bloom and the fresh air was filled with a gentle aroma. It was all
a miracle of
colors and lights. |
great river wound its way leisurely between green banks sprinkled
with blue flowers. The slow-moving waters, shimmering in the sun,
reflected, like a crystal mirror, the many shades of blue in the
sky. Wide paths cut through the woods in different directions, and
at regular intervals large trees spread their friendly branches
offering areas of shade in the sunbathed landscape. Here and
there, fancifully shaped benches invited one to rest. I was simply
charmed, and Lysias noticed by enthusiasm.

“This place is called the Water Park. It is one of the finest
regions of the Astral City, and a favorite meeting place for
lovers. They come here to exchange sweet vows of love and fidelity
for their future experiences on Earth.” |
These remarks brought a series of interesting questions to my
mind, but Lysias gave me no chance to vent my eager curiosity.
Pointing to a large and imposing building, he explained:
“That is the Colony’s water works. The waters of the Blue River
that you see over there are drawn into huge compartments from
which they are distributed to every district in the Colony. Beyond
the grounds of the Ministry of Regeneration, the waters converge
again. The river then flows along its ordinary course towards the
great ocean of substances, invisible to the Earth. “As a matter of
fact, water here has quite a different density than that on Earth.
It is much lighter and purer here, almost fluidical.” |
Noticing the magnificent building in front of us, I asked:
“Which Ministry controls the distribution of water?” |
“It is one of the rare material activities under the Ministry
of Divine Union.” |
“Really!” I exclaimed, at a loss for how to reconcile the two.
Lysias smiled and continued with his explanation: |
“On Earth, very few people recognize the importance of water. Here
in the Astral City our attitude is different and our knowledge of
the subject is far greater.

is obvious that all services that are created need energy and
attention to remain in good order. In this spiritual city we learn
to be grateful to the Father and His divine laborers for such a
gift. Being more deeply acquainted with the properties of water,
we know that it is one of the most powerful vehicles for all
fluids, whatever their nature. Here, water is used especially for
nutritive and medicinal purposes. In the Ministry of
Assistance, you will find several departments entirely devoted to
mixing pure water with certain elements drawn from solar rays and
from spiritual magnetism. In most districts of our extensive
Colony, the water thus prepared is the basis of our diet. It
happens, though, that, of all of us, the Ministers of Divine Union
have reached the highest degree of spiritualization. Consequently
they were allotted the task of the general magnetization of the
water of the Blue River, to purify it enough so that it might be
used by all of the inhabitants of the Astral City. After the
Ministers of Divine Union cleanse the water, various institutions
carry out the specialized work of endowing it with nutritive and
medicinal substances. When the different ducts join again at a
distant point opposite these woods, the river flows away from our
area, bearing some of our spiritual qualities.”
I was completely astonished in the face of these explanations.
“On Earth,” I remarked, “I never heard of anything like this.”
“Man is inattentive.” Lysias continued. “For many centuries the
sea has kept his environment in balance, rain has supplied him
with food, and the rivers have been vital in the formation of his
cities. Water is a blessing in his home and work, and is the
principal and most important element in his physical body. Yet man
goes on thinking himself the absolute master of his world,
forgetting that he is, before any other consideration, a child of
the Most High.” |
“The time will come, though, when he will follow our example and
recognize the value of this divine and precious gift. He will
understand that the water in every home absorbs the mental
characteristics of its inhabitants.” |
“In the physical world, my friend, not only does water carry away
the residues of material bodies, but it also becomes impregnated
with our mental vibrations. It can be harmful in wicked hands,
useful in generous ones. When in motion, it current spreads
the blessing of life and acts as a vehicle of Divine Providence,
absorbing man’s bitterness, hatred and worries, cleansing his
physical home and purifying his inner atmosphere.”
Lysias fell into reverent silence, while I gazed at the tranquil
waters that had aroused in my mind so many sublime thoughts.

Chapter 11
My generous friend was anxious to show me around the numerous
districts of the Colony, but pressing duties called him back.
“You will soon get a chance to visit the different departments of
our activities,” he said, encouragingly. “You see, the Ministries
of the city are vast centers of intense work. A through
inspection of any one of them would take several days.
However, you will not lack opportunities. Even if I find it
impossible to accompany you, through Clarence’s mediation you will
be granted a permit to visit any department you like.”
By this time we were back at the airbus and in a few minutes we
were on our way home. I did not feel again the sensation of
uneasiness I had at first experienced, nor was I constrained by
the presence of the numerous passengers in the airbus. I was
almost at ease and fell to pondering over some of the questions I
was anxious to solve. I took the opportunity to question Lysias
further: |
“Lysias, my friend, can you tell me whether all spirit colonies
are like this one? Do they adopt the same characteristics?”
“By no means. If, on the physical sphere, each region, each town
presents its own peculiar features, you can imagine the diversity
of conditions existing on our planes. Here, as on Earth, creatures
are grouped according to the common sources of their origin and
the goal in view. But it must be remembered that each colony, as
well as each of us, stands on a different step of the great
stairway to perfection. Collective experiences vary among one
another. We are only one example of such colonies.
According to our chronicles, our predecessors often sought
inspiration in the work of the devoted workers of other spheres,
just as settlements in formation now seek our help. Nevertheless,
each organization posses essentially unique characteristics.”
As a longer pause in the conversation ensued, I inquired:
“And did the idea of the division into Ministries originate here?’
“Yes, it did. The pioneers of the Astral City visited New Dawn,
one of the most important spirit colonies near us,
where activities are distributed into departments. Our founder
adopted the system, but substituted the word ‘ministry’ for
‘department’, except in the case of the Ministry of Regeneration,
which only obtained its promotion under our present Governor.
Their idea was that the organization into Ministries is more
meaningful in a spiritual sense.” |
“I quite agree.” I assented. |
“It is important,” Lysias continued, “that you realize that our
Colony strongly stresses the principles of order and hierarchy.
Merit is the only standard used to evaluate those who may be
assigned to prominent positions. In ten years, only four spirit
entities have been granted missions of responsibility in the
Ministry of Divine Union. As a rule, after long periods of
apprenticeship and service, we reincarnate to continue our
struggle towards perfection.” |
I was completely absorbed in Lysias’ words, and he went on:
“When newcomers arrive showing response to brotherly cooperation,
they are lodged in a district of the Ministry of Assistance. If,
however, they are recalcitrant, they are taken to the Ministry of
Regeneration. As they begin, in time, to improve, they are then
admitted as helpers in the services of Assistance, Communication,
and Elucidation, in order to prepare themselves for their future
tasks on Earth. |
“Only a few spirits are allowed the privilege of long stay in the
Ministry of Elevation, and very rare indeed are those who are
raised to the staff of the Ministry of Divine Union when positions
become available every ten years. Let me tell you, the
acquisitions required are no mere expressions of idealistic
activity. We are no longer on the physical plane, where discarnate
entities are obliged to become ghosts.

Our time here is spent in a round of active work. The work in the
Ministry of Assistance is difficult and complex; in Regeneration
it requires strenuous efforts; in Communication it demands a high
standard of individual responsibility; in Elucidation it calls for
a great working capacity and a well trained mind, while in
Elevation, abnegation and spiritual enlightenment are
indispensable. As to the missions of the Ministry of Divine Union,
profound wisdom and sincere universal love are essential
requisites. The Government, in its turn, is the busy center of all
administrative activities, and numerous services are under its
direct control, including nutrition, distribution of electrical
energies, traffic and transportation. In truth, my friend, labor
regulations are always fulfilled here. Rest, on the other hand, is
also rigorously observed. This is necessary in order to ensure
that tasks are fairly distributed. The only exception is the
Governor himself, who works ceaselessly, even during leisure
hours.” |
“But does he never leave the Government House?” I inquired.
“Only when truly necessary for the public welfare. The one
exception is his Sunday visit to the Ministry of Regeneration, the
zone which contains the largest number of deranged entities
because so many of the spirits there are still attuned with their
unhappy brothers in the lower zones. Vast multitudes of
transgressor spirits are lodged there. Thus, on Sundays, after the
collective prayer in the Great Temple of the Government House, our
Governor spends the afternoon working with the Ministries of
Regeneration on many difficult cases. He sacrifices much to assist
our distraught and suffering brothers.” |
We left the airbus near the Hospital where, I thought gratefully,
I would soon find my comfortable room. As we walked, I noticed
beautiful music floating through the air. I had first heard the
melodies on leaving, and now as we returned, I looked to Lysias
for an explanation. |
“That music comes from our workshops. After long observation, the
Government came to the conclusion that music stimulates labor.
Since then, |
that inspiring incentive has become an established custom in all
of our activities.” |
Meanwhile, we had reached the hospital entrance hall. An attendant
came forward and addressed my companion: |
“Brother Lysias, you are urgently needed in the pavilion on my
right.” |
My friend left with his usual efficient calmness, while I retired
to the privacy of my room, once more to return to endless

After having received such precious elucidations, I felt most
anxious to improve my knowledge of some of the facts he had told
me about. His references to spirits in the shadowy Lower Zones
aroused my curiosity. The lack of religious instruction on Earth
is very often the cause of a serious state of confusion over here.
What could the Lower Zone be? I had heard Hell and Purgatory
mentioned in the Roman Catholic sermons I had attended out of
social obligation, but I never had the slightest notion of the
Lower Zone. The next time I met my amiable attendant, I had all of
my questions at my fingertips. He listened carefully, then
replied: |
“Well now, how can you be unaware of that region when you were
kept there for so long? |
With a shudder of horror, I recalled my past sufferings. Lysias
continued: |
“The Lower Zone begins on the Earth’s crust. It is the shadowy
zone for those who, in the world, turned a deaf ear to the call of
their sacred duties, which they failed to fulfill, languishing
instead in indecision or dragging themselves into the mire of
wrong-doings. You see, on reincarnating, a spirit promises to
carry out the mission assigned to him in the Father’s work.
Yet, when he recommences his experiences he finds it very
difficult to keep his word. Instead, he blindly follows the
dictates of his own selfishness. Thus, he continues to cultivate
old hates and passions, forgetting that hatred is not justice,
just as passion is not love. All that is superfluous and useless
unbalances the harmony of life. “ |
“After Physical death, great multitudes of obsessed entities
remain in that misty region adjacent to the Earth’s physical
sphere. A well accomplished duty serves as a gateway through which
we enter the Infinite. It brings us closer towards our goal – the
sacred union with the Lord. It is natural, then, that one who
neglects the tasks allotted to him should have that blessing
indefinitely postponed.” |
Lysias perceived my difficulty in grasping the full meaning of the
lesson, owing to my almost total ignorance of spiritual
principles, and tried to make it more objective: |
“Now, suppose that each of us returns to the Earth wearing filthy
clothing in order to wash it in the waters of human life. Our
dirty garment is our spirit-body, molded by our own hands in past
lives. Although we are granted the blessing of a new
opportunity on Earth, we generally forget our essential aim.
Instead of cleansing ourselves through constructive efforts, we
acquire even more stains – we incur heavier debts and imprison
ourselves through our own actions. We return to the world to
rid ourselves of our impurities, knowing that they are utterly
inconsistent with the higher spheres. How, then, can we expect
to enter those luminous spheres in an even worse condition? The
Lower Zone is a place where negative mental residues are
destroyed. It is a sort of purgatory, where the refuse of the
illusions acquired by neglecting the sublime opportunity of an
earthly life is gradually burned away.” |
The image could not have been clearer or more convincing. I was
simply lost in amazement. Lysias, perceiving how useful these
explanations could be to me, went on: |
“The Lower Zone should be a region of great interest to those
still on the physical plane, for it contains everything which
is out of tune with a higher plane. Consider how wise Divine
Providence was in allowing the creation of such a plane around
Earth. There we find compact legions of irresolute and ignorant
souls, not wicked enough to be relegated to colonies of harder
expiation, nor sufficiently virtuous to be admitted to higher
planes. Those countless inhabitants of the Lower Zone are close
companions to incarnate men, separated from them only by vibratory
laws. |
It is no wonder, then, that such places are characterized by
serious disturbances. There, rebellious spirits of all kinds are
grouped together, forming invisible nuclei of extraordinary power,
owing to the concentration of their common tendencies and
desires.” |
“Many people on Earth become desperate when the postman doesn’t
turn up, or when the train is late. The Lower Zone is full
of such desperate creatures, who, after physical death, are
disappointed at not finding the Lord ready to satisfy their every
whim. When they realize that the crown of glory and
eternal life are awarded only to those who have worked with the
Father, they show themselves as they truly are, wasting precious
time on petty deeds in the Lower Zone. Just as in the Astral
City, entities in the Lower Zone form a spiritual community, but
their community is peopled with many different types of
frustrated, idle and perverse entities. It is the
Threshold, a Zone of tyranny and bondage, of exploiters and
exploited.” |
Lysias stopped, but I, greatly impressed, went on questioning:
“But how do you account for this state of things? Do these spirits
have no defense, no organization?” |
“Organization,” Lysias proceeded with a smile, “is an attribute of
organized spirits. You see, the Lower Zone to which we are
referring is like a home where there is no bread – everybody
complains and no one is right. The absent minded traveler will
miss his train; the farmer who does not sow cannot reap. However,
of one thing you can be sure: even in the shadows and ordeals of
the Lower Zone, divine protection never fails its inhabitants.
Each spirit remains there just the necessary time, no more, no
less. An in order to carry out the work of spirit care in
the Lower Zones, the Lord has permitted the establishment of
several settlements such as ours.” |
“I suppose then,” I remarked, “that the Lower Zone must be in
close connection with the incarnate plane even a kind of
continuation of it?” |
“So it is,” he agreed, “and you will see there the net of
invisible wires connecting it to human minds. It is peopled with
disincarnated entities and the thought forms of those still on
Earth. Every spirit, wherever it may be, is a nucleus of
radiating forces which can create, transform or destroy,
manifesting as vibrations that Earth science cannot yet
understand. Thus, whoever is thinking is emitting positive
or negative forces, and is, consequently, constructing or
destroying something somewhere. It is by means of those mental
currents that men establish connection with entities in the Lower
Zone whose tendencies are in accordance with their own, because
every soul is a powerful magnet. You see, then, that an
invisible army is at work behind the invisible one. “
“The most strenuous missions in the Lower Zone are assigned to
devoted helpers of the Ministry of Assistance. If a fireman’s work
in the great cities of Earth is exhausting and dangerous because
of the blazing flames and clouds of smoke he has to fight, no
lighter is the missionary’s task in the Lower Zone. These
missionaries have to withstand heavy fluids emitted by thousands
of minds obsessed in the practice of evil, or terribly chastised
by redeeming ordeals. I tell you, my friend, a great deal of
courage and a superior capacity for self-sacrifice are necessary
to be able to help those who are still unable to understand and
appreciate the assistance offered them.” |
As Lysias paused once more, I exclaimed: |
“Oh, how would I like to work to help those unhappy creatures; to
offer them the spiritual bread of enlightenment.” |
My friendly attendant looked at me kindly, and after a few moments
of reflection, took his leave with this parting remark:
“I wonder whether you feel duly prepared for such a mission.”

Chapter 13
As I gradually became stronger, I began to feel again the need for
activity and work. Now that those difficult years of distress were
over, I longed to begin again the round of occupations which, in
the world, generally comprise a regular working day. I fully
realized that I had missed excellent opportunities on Earth and
that my physical life had been spent along the wrong path. But, on
recalling my fifteen years of medical practice, I experienced a
sense of emptiness in my heart. I saw myself as a strong farmer
standing in the middle of a field, hands tide, unable to work.
Here I was, surrounded by patients, yet not allowed, as before, to
approach their beds as their friend, doctor and scientist.
Incessant moaning from neighboring rooms reached my ears, but I
could not lend a hand not even as a humble member of the nursing
or first-aid staff. |
On the physical plane it was a matter of studying the regular
books plus some necessary training and one could acquire the
rights of a qualified physician. But here, in my new surroundings,
spirit doctors employed different methods, their chief
textbooks being their own hearts, and their basic treatment,
brotherly care and love. Even the humblest of nursing attendants
in the Astral City possessed far greater knowledge and
possibilities than I, with all my science. Consequently, much as I
longed for some occupation, I feared that, at least for the time
being, any attempt on my part to apply for work would amount to an
encroachment upon the rights of others. Faced with such
difficulties, I turned to Lysias as a brother. In reply to my
doubts and hesitations, he suggested: |
“Why not asking Clarence? He never fails to ask about you, and is
sure to do his best on your behalf. Go and ask him for advice and
assistance”. |
I took the necessary steps to obtain an appointment with my
generous benefactor, and was told that he would not be able to see
me until the next morning, when I was to go to his private office.
I waited anxiously for the coming interview, and very early the
following day I made my way to the appointed place. To my great
surprise, I found three other people already waiting for him. The
kind Minister had arrived early, long before us, and was seeing to
matters even more important than attending to visitors and
petitioners. After finishing his most urgent work, the Minister
had us shown in, two by two. I was surprised at this manner of
holding an audience, but was told later that the measure was
adopted so that the solution of one case might profit not only the
party involved, but also the others present, thus serving the
common well being as well as saving time. |
After several minutes had passed, I was admitted along with an
elderly lady who was to be heard first. The Minister welcomed us
cordially, putting us at ease to present our requests.
“Worthy Clarence” began my unknown companion, “I have come to beg
your intercession on behalf of my two sons. I can’t bear to be
separated from them any longer! Moreover, I have been informed
that they are leading difficult lives on Earth, with no end to
their tribulations. I realize that our Father’s designs are loving
and just, yet as a mother I can’t help worrying and being
anxious.” |
The poor creature broke down and wept bitterly. Clarence looked at
her with sympathy and kindness, but replied firmly: |
“But sister, if you agree that our Father’s designs are holy and
just, what is left for me to do?” |
“I should like to be granted the means of protecting my sons on
Earth myself.” Replied the afflicted mother. |
“Alas, my friend,” exclaimed Clarence, “in order to protect
others, one must have grown in the spirit of humility and service.
What would you think of a man who anxious to provide for his
little children remained comfortably at home? Service and
cooperation are laws created by the Father, and no one may break
them without causing himself serious damage. Has your conscience
nothing to say on this point? How many-bonuses5 can
you present to justify your demand?” |
by André Luiz: An hour-bonus is a convention created to account
for each hour of service performed on behalf of the community
The anxious mother, thus addressed, answered hesitantly: “Three
hundred and four.” |
“It is a pity,” continued Clarence, smiling, “that you should have
been lodged here for over six years and should have given the
Colony only three hundred and four hours of work. Yet, as soon as
you recovered from your trials in the lower regions, I offered you
a meritorious occupation in the Vigilance Patrols of the Ministry
of Communication…” |
“But that was intolerable work”, she interrupted, “an incessant
struggle against malevolent entities! Your couldn’t expect me to
adapt to it.” |
Clarence went on, unperturbed: |
“After that I found you a place with the Brothers of Support, for
redeeming service.” |
“Worse still!” She protested. “Those chambers are always crowded
with filthy creatures. I couldn’t stand their swearing, their
immorality, the squalor…” |
“Realizing your difficulties,” continued the Minister, “I sent you
to cooperate in the Ward of Mentally Disturbed entities.”
“But can anybody but saints put up with them?” Inquired the
rebellious petitioner. “I really did my best, but the multitude of
raving souls is enough to scare anybody.” |
“My efforts did not stop there.” Proceeded our patient benefactor
calmly. “I then placed you in the Investigation and Research
Department of the Ministry of Elucidation. But, you, sister,
probably impatient at my unwelcome interest, deliberately retired
to the Park of Repose.” |
“I found that place unbearable.” Explained the querulous matron.
“I couldn’t possibly endure the atmosphere of strange fluids,
exhausting experiments and harsh supervisors.” |
“Remember, my friend, resumed the devoted and enlightened
Minister, “that assistance has two inseparable companions: service
and humility. In order to help others we must first obtain the
collaboration of benefactors, friends and servants. Before being
able to render assistance to those we love, it is essential that
we establish currents of sympathy, without which no efficient aid
is possible. The peasant who tills the soil earns the gratitude of
those who enjoy the harvest. The workman who satisfies exacting
superintendents, carrying out their orders scrupulously, is
providing nourishment for his family. The servant who obeys in the
spirit of cooperation, wins the goodwill of his master, his
companions, and all those interested in his work. So you see, no
average administrator can ever be useful to his loved ones if he
has not yet learned how to obey and serve worthily. Let everybody
keep in mind that all useful service belongs, above all, to the
Universal Giver, and that it must be carried out no matter what
difficulties or suffering it may cost.” |
After a short pause, he resumed: |
“What, then, would you do on Earth, if you have not yet learned
how to withstand here? I do not doubt your devotion to your sons,
but as it is, you would arrive there as a paralytic mother,
incapable of rendering any efficient assistance. To deserve the
joy of helping love ones we must enlist the goodwill of many of
our brothers, whom we, in turn, have helped. If you give no
cooperation, you cannot expect to receive any. That is the Law.
And if you, my sister, possess nothing of your own to give, you
will have to turn to others for voluntary contribution. But how
will you obtain it, when you have not sown anything, not even good
feelings? Go back, then, to the Park of Repose, where you have
been lodging lately, and give the subject serious attention. We
shall take it up again.” |
The disappointed woman sat down, drying her tears. The Minister
then looked at me and said, kindly: |
I rose hesitantly and approached him to present my request.
Chapter 14
As I stood there, my heart pounding, I felt like a diffident
student about to face a strict examining board. Disconcerted by
the sight of that woman in tears, and awed by the Minister’s
serene authority, I trembled in my shoes, regretting having sought
the interview. Would it have been better to have held my peace and
waited patiently for superior deliberations? Would it be presuming
too much to apply for medical duties in a hospital where I was a
patient? I wished that I could retreat hurriedly to my room and
forget all about yesterday’s aspirations. But that was quite out
of the question now. The Minister of Assistance, sensing my
innermost intentions, addressed me in a firm tone of voice:
“I am ready to hear you, my friend.” |
Although a prey to indecision, I was about to instinctively
solicit any medical activity in the colony, when my conscience
prompted a warning: why ask for special work? Would that not be
falling again into human error, reverting to that old vanity which
does not tolerate any occupation but the one befitting one’s
special status and schooling? These thoughts restored my
equilibrium, and, rather confused, I began: |
“I took the liberty to come to you today to ask your assistance in
procuring some sort of work for me. Now that the treatment
received here has restored my health, I am beginning to miss my
old occupations. Any task will be welcomed, as long as it keeps me
from inactivity.” |
Clarence looked at me long and intently, as if trying to gauge my
innermost thoughts. |
“I see. With your lips you ask for any kind of work, but deep in
your heart what you really miss is your consulting room, your
patients, and all the atmosphere of medical service with which the
Lord deigned to honor you on Earth.” |
So far his words were most encouraging, and with my heart filled
with hope, I nodded in assent. After a long pause, the minister
proceeded: |
“You must not forget, however, that very often our Father honors
us with his confidence, and that we often betray his trust by
underestimating the dignity of the call. Your, for instance, went
through your medical courses on Earth surrounded by every
facility. You never knew the price of a single book, as your
parent’s generosity saw to all your needs. As soon as you
graduated, lucrative positions were already waiting for you. Thus,
you were spared the poor doctor’s hard struggle to build a
practice. You prospered most rapidly in your career.
Unfortunately, you transformed the advantages you obtained into a
means of bringing about the premature death of your physical body.
While young and strong, you committed numerous abuses in the
exercise of the profession which Jesus granted you.” |
At that firm but kind lecture, I felt strangely disturbed, but
managed to reply respectfully: |
“I recognize the justice of your observations, but I should be
grateful if you would grant me the means of repaying my debts by
devoting myself, heart and soul, to the patients in this
hospital.” |
“A very noble impulse,” said Clarence without severity.
“Nevertheless, it must be remembered that the exercise of a
profession on Earth is a call from our Father summoning his
creatures to come into the divine temples of service. For us here
a degree is a mere identification card, but on Earth it usually
means an open door to all sorts of abuse. The person who receives
such a card is given the opportunity to study and cooperate with
the Lord in His divine work on the planet. This principle is
applicable to all earthly activities, regardless of their nature
and class conventions. You, my brother, were granted a medical
card, and consequently were admitted into the temple of Medicine.
However, your line of conduct does not justify my endorsing your
present wish. How could I appoint you to treat spirit patients,
when on Earth you insisted on limiting your professional
observations to the physical body? |
I do not deny your capacity as an excellent physiologist, but the
field of life is much wider. What would you think of a botanist
who based his definitions on the mere examination of the dry bark
of a few trees? A great number of earthly physicians prefer
mathematical conclusions in their anatomical work. Now, I quite
agree that Mathematics is a most respectable science, but it is
not the only one in the Universe. As you are already aware, a
doctor cannot draw the line at diagnoses and terminologies – he
must go deeper, and scrutinize the innermost recesses of the soul.
On Earth, many of your colleagues become true slaves to academic
conventionalism because of their professional life. Very few
succeed in crossing prejudices. The rare exceptions are scoffed at
by society, and looked down upon by their colleagues.”
I was lost in amazement. I had never dreamed of such lofty notions
of professional responsibility. I was staggered by the idea of a
college degree being merely a ticket giving admittance into zones
of work and collaboration with the Lord. Speechless, I waited for
the Minister of Assistance to resume his elucidations.
“As you see,” he went on, “you have not prepared yourself for our
activities.” |
“Generous benefactor,” I ventured to say, “I understand the
lessons and submit myself to the obvious.” |
Trying to keep back my tears, I begged humbly: |
“I am willing to accept any kind of occupation in this colony of
work and peace.” |
Clarence, showing me a deep look of approval, answered:
“My friend, you have listened to a few bitter truths. Now let me
add a little word of encouragement. You cannot, as yet, become a
doctor in the Astral City, but in due time you will be admitted as
an apprentice. Your present situation is not the best.
Nevertheless, it is a promising one, owing to
the intercessional petitions sent to the Ministry of Assistance on
your behalf.” |
“My mother?” I inquired, transported with bliss. |
“Yes,” assented the Minister, “your mother, and other friends in
whose heart you planted the seed of gratitude. Soon after your
arrival here, I requested that the Ministry of Elucidation have
your records sent to me. I have already examined them most
carefully, and found much rashness and thoughtlessness, and many
abuses. I also found that, in your fifteen years of medical
practice, six thousand poor patients received free medical
attendance in your clinic. Most often you went through those
meritorious deeds quite heedlessly. Still, you can see now that,
even if carelessly done, a good deed attracts blessings to the one
who carries it out. Of six thousand, fifteen have not forgotten
you, and have been sending incessant appeals on your behalf. I
must explain, also, that even the forgotten benefit of your work
weighs in your favor.” |
Putting a stop to those surprising elucidations, Clarence added
with a smile: |
“You will learn new lessons here, and after instructive
experiences, you will cooperate efficiently with us, preparing at
the same time for your own progress towards the Infinite.”
I was overjoyed. For the first time since my arrival at the
Colony, I cried out of pure happiness. Who on Earth would
understand such emotions? Still, I felt it necessary to quiet my
heart to enter the sublimity of divine silence.

Chapter 15 MY MOTHER’S VISIT |
Following Clarence’s advice, I tried hard to restore my strength
in order to start my apprenticeship as soon as possible. In the
old days, I might have taken offense at the Minister’s seemingly
harsh remarks, but under the circumstances, recollecting my past
errors, I could only feel comforted. As a prisoner of the flesh,
the soul is almost always wrapped in thick mists of illusion. Only
now did I realize that an earthly life cannot be lived
thoughtlessly. The real importance of an incarnation loomed
clearly before my eyes. Remembering all the opportunities I had
wasted, I recognized that Clarence had plenty of reason to have
spoken to me as he had. |
I spent many days immersed in contemplation. Although I refrained
from asking for any more concessions, deep in my heart I longed to
visit my earthly home. The benefactors of the Ministry of
Assistance had been extremely generous to me and seemed to follow
all of my thoughts. Therefore if they did not spontaneously grant
such a wish, it must be because the time had not yet come for it.
Thus I held my peace, resigned, though somewhat wistful. Lysias
did his best to cheer me up with his lively conversation and
encouraging remarks, but I was going through that phase of
spiritual retreat when a man retires within himself to face his
innermost conscience. |
One day, however, my attendant came into my room and exclaimed:
“Guess who has come to see you!” |
Lysias, smiling face and sparkling eyes gave him away.
“My mother!” I exclaimed confidently. Stunned with joy, I saw my
mother approaching with outstretched arms.

“My child, my child! Come into my arms, my dear one.” |
I cannot describe what happened then. All of a sudden, I felt like
the little boy who used to play in the rain, barefoot in the sandy
soil of our garden. In that sacred and joyful moment I held her
tenderly in my arms, until even our tears blended. I cannot say
how long we remained that way, but at last she broke the
enchantment: |
“Now, now, my boy, don’t give free rein to your emotions. You know
that even excessive happiness taxes the heart. You are still weak,
do not waste your energy.” |
Instead of carrying my dear old mother in my arms, as I had done
in the last weeks of her passage on Earth, it was she who dried my
tears and led me to the couch. I sat down beside her and laid my
head tenderly on her knees. She stroked my hair gently, recounting
precious memories. I felt at that moment that I was the happiest
of men – I had the impression of being anchored in the safest of
harbors after a hard struggle on the stormy seas. |
My mother’s presence was a great comfort to my heart, and those
moments seemed like a blissful dream. Like a little boy looking
for comfort in familiar objects, I attentively observed her
clothes, a perfecto copy of those se used to wear at home. I
recognized the dark dress, the blue shawl, the woolen stockings. I
gazed at her small head crowned with snow-white hair, at the
wrinkles on her face, at her invariably sweet and calm expression.
Speechless and trembling with joy, I stroked her hands, while she,
stronger that I, spoke serenely: |
“The Lord never forgets us, my child. We shall never be able to
thank Him for all of His kindness. How long our separation has
been – but you mustn’t think that I had forgotten you. Sometimes
Providence parts us temporarily so that we may learn Divine Love.”
Feeling that her affection was the same as ever, I began to recall
again the sting of old grievances. Oh, how difficult it is to get
rid of earthly residues. How heavy is the burden of centuries of
imperfections! Clarence had often exhorted me to refrain from
lamenting. Lysias, too, had spared me his warnings. Yet now,
resting in my mother’s arms, all my old wounds seemed to bleed
again. I started to bitterly recall my past sufferings, and my
tears of joy gave away to those of self-pity. |
did not realize then that her visit was not to be taken simply for
the gratification of my whims, but as one more blessing from
Divine Mercy. Relapsing into my old habit of making my mother the
patient victim of my endless grievances, I now began to painfully
recount all of my past tribulations. On Earth mothers are often
merely slaves in their children’s eyes. Very rare are those who
realize the value of their mother’s devotion before being deprived
of it . I hade been no exception. |
My mother listened in silence, her face clouded by an expression
of indescribable sadness. Holding me tight to her heart, her eyes
full of tears, she spoke tenderly: |
“Oh, my son, don’t complain. Didn’t our generous Clarence give you
sound advice on that subject? Let’s be thankful to our Father for
this blessed meeting. Let’s never forget we are now in a different
school, learning to become true children of God. |
“As a mother on Earth, I didn’t always succeed in guiding you in
the best way. Therefore I, too, am working to control my feelings
by readjusting my heart. Bu your tears are stirring my old earthly
feelings, drawing me back into a path I have already trodden. I
should like to believe your complaints justified, to set you up as
the most virtuous creature in the Universe, but it would be out of
accordance with the new lessons we are learning. In the world one
might make allowances for such behavior; here it is quite
impossible. We must consider the Lord before everything else. You
aren’t the only discarnate man redeeming his errors, nor am I the
only mother parted from her loved ones. The merit of our
suffering, my son, doesn’t lie in the tears it makes us shed, nor
in the bleeding wounds it inflicts on us, but in the gateway of
light it opens up to us. Tears and wounds are only a blessed means
of helping us to purify our soul.” |
After a prolonged pause, during which my conscience addressed me
firmly, she resumed: |
“Why not enjoy these fleeting moments in the sunshine of love,
instead of wasting them in the shadows of unhappiness? Let’s
serve, my child, and serve cheerfully, while at the same time
constantly rejoicing in the Lord. Change your mental attitude, I
beg you. Your confidence in my love and your affection for me,
bring me sublime happiness, but I can’t return to experiences
which have passed. We must love each other now with the great and
sacred Divine Love.” |
Those inspiring words awakened me, and I had the impression that
my mother’s love radiated invigorating fluids which lifted my
heart. She gazed at me contentedly, transfigured by a radiant
smile, and as I rose and respectfully kissed her forehead, it
struck me that I had never before seen her so beautiful and so
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