part 2 |
3 |
the Spirit of
André Luiz |
Through medium Francisco Cândido Xavier |
Electronic Edition by GEAE |
Translated from the 25th Portuguese
edition entitled “Nosso Lar” . First Portuguese edition published in
1944 by
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. |
English edition by Christian Spirit Center, P O Box 114, Elon
College, N. C., 27244, USA. |
Revision and editing by Lauren Speeth Luczynski |
1st Electronic
Edition by Antônio Leite (New York, NY, USA) and GEAE (Advanced
Study Group of Spiritism) |
Chapter 16
My mother’s words comforted and encouraged me considerably.
She prescribed work as a lenitive to my suffering and
tribulations, which she regarded as blessings and valuable
lessons. An ineffable contentment unexpectedly filled my
spirit. In a strange way, those maternal admonitions seemed
to give me new strength. I felt
a different man,
more cheerful, lively and happy. |
“Oh, mother!” I said, “how wonderful the plane where you
live must be! What sublime spiritual thoughts, what bliss!”
She smiled knowingly and explained: |
“A higher sphere, my child, always requires more work and
greater devotion. You mustn’t imagine that your mother
spends her time in spiritual ecstasy, exempt from all
meritorious tasks. I don’t mean to convey the least shadow
of sadness or discontent about the situation in which I find
myself, but rather to reveal my new responsibility to you.
Since I returned from Earth, I have been working incessantly
for our spiritual regeneration. Many entities, on leaving
their physical bodies, remain bound to their earthly home,
unable to break away from their loved ones. Here,
however, I have learned that one who truly loves must work
constantly in order to be able to serve. Therefore, since my
arrival here, I have been trying hard to obtain the
privilege of helping those we so dearly cherish.”
“And my father,” I asked, “Where is he? Why hasn’t he come
with you?” |
My mother’s face bore a strange expression as she replied.
“Alas, your father. For twelve years he has been caught in a
dense section of the shadows of the Lower Zone. On Earth he
always gave us the impression of being faithful to family
traditions and meticulous in the observance of the ethical
code of the upper business circles he belonged to until the
end of his days. Outwardly he seemed to possess a strong
faith, but in reality he was weak, and maintained
clandestine liaisons outside our home. Two of his
connections were women who were mentally tied with a vast
band of evil entities. |
When Laertes passed over, his stay in the Lower Zones became
extremely painful. The unfortunate creatures to whom he had
made vain promises were waiting eagerly to involve him in
dark shrouds of illusion. At first he tried to resist, to
find me. He couldn’t understand that the soul, after parting
from its bodily form, will live the life of its essential
nature, without false appearances. Laertes, therefore, was
unable to sense my spiritual presence or perceive the
devoted assistance of some of our friends. Having spent so
many years pretending, he had damaged his psychic vision and
restricted his vibratory range. Consequently, he found
himself alone with those to whom he had thoughtlessly
attuned his heart and mind. |
“For some time the family principles and the pride of our
name stirred in the depths of his spirit and he tried to
fight against temptation, but finally gave in and was once
again attracted into the shadows through his lack of
perseverance and of a righteous and proper mental attitude.”
“But is there no means of snatching him away from such
degradation?” I inquired, painfully impressed. |
“Alas, my child,” my mother continued, “I visit him
frequently, but he doesn’t even notice my presence
vibratory potential is still too low. I do my best to
attract him to the right path through inspiration, but the
only result I have obtained so far,
is make him shed a few contrite tears from time to time,
without any serious resolutions. The wretched creatures who
keep him prisoner intercept all my suggestions. I have been
working intensely for many years, and have enlisted the
assistance of friends in five different colonies of
spiritual activities, including the Astral City. Once,
Clarence almost succeeded in attracting him to the Ministry
of Regeneration, but failed in the end. One cannot light a
lamp that has neither wick nor oil. |
raise Laertes and strengthen his spiritual vision, we must
count on his mental willingness. Meanwhile the poor thing
remains inactive within himself, divided between
indifference and rebellion.” |
After a long pause, she sighed and went on: |
“Perhaps you don’t know yet that your sisters Clara and
Priscilla are still bound to the Earth, living in the Lower
Zones. You see, I am compelled to attend to everyone’s
needs. My only direct help has been the affectionate
cooperation of your sister Louisa, who passed over when you
were still a baby. She waited for me here for many years,
and was my right hand in the strenuous tasks of assistance
to our earthly family. She fought bravely by my side on
behalf of your father, your sisters, and yourself. Lately,
however, the spiritual perturbation of our family members
still on Earth has been so great that she went back to Earth
in a sublime gesture of abnegation, to reincarnate among
them. I hope that you will soon be well, so that we may
cooperate efficiently in the work of our Lord.” |
I was staggered by the information about my father. What
sort of struggles could he be facing? He had seemed to be a
faithful observer of his religious obligations, he went to
communion every Sunday… Lost in admiration at my mother’s
devotion, I inquired: |
“But you are doing everything in your power to help father,
in spite of his connections with those disreputable women?”
“No, son, you mustn’t call them that. They are also children
of our Almighty Father. Say they are our sisters who are
unsound, ignorant and unhappy. I am not interceding on
Laertes’ behalf alone, but also for them, and I think I have
found the means of attracting them all to my heart.”

his first meeting with his mother- coming from a higher
level to visit him
I was filled with awe and surprise at such a great
manifestation of self-denial. Then I remembered my own
family and felt again the old yearning for my dear wife and
children. In Clarence’s and Lysias’ presence I had always
managed to restrain my feelings and silence all of my
questions, but my
mother’s kind glance gave me courage to speak. Her visit
might not last much, so I availed myself of the opportunity,
asking: |
“Couldn’t you, who have been assisting father so devoutly,
give me some news of Zelia and the children? I long for
moment I can return home to help them, and I’m certain they
must miss me as much as I miss them. How my poor wife must
be suffering from this separation!” |
“I go and see my grandchildren from time to time, and they
are well,” she said, smiling sadly. After a few moments’
reflection, she said: |
“Don’t worry over the assistance to your family. Prepare
yourself instead to successfully carry out your mission.
There are questions that we must entrust to the Lord by
raising our thoughts confidently to Him. Then and only then
can we start working to solve them.” |
Anxious as I was to gather any possible information, I tried
to keep my mother on the subject, but she gently changed it.
We talked for quite a long time, and her voice seemed to
involve me in an atmosphere of sublime comfort. I was
curious to know how she lived, so when she took her leave I
asked permission to accompany her. |
“You mustn’t come, my son. I am urgently expected at the
transformation chambers in the Ministry of Communication,
where I shall be provided with the fluidical means for the
return journey. Besides, I must go and thank Minister Celius
for the opportunity of paying you this visit.” |
She kissed me and departed, leaving a lasting sensation of
happiness in my heart.

A few days after my mother’s unexpected visit, I was
summoned to Clarence’s office. Surprised, I followed Lysias,
who had come to fetch me. I was kindly received by the
generous minister, and awaited his orders with pleasant
expectation. |
“My friend,” he said amiably, “you are henceforth allowed to
pay visits of observation to all sections of our activities,
except for the Ministries of higher spirituality. Henry de
Luna has informed me that your treatment was completed last
week, so it is only right that you should now employ your
time observing and learning.” |
I turned to Lysias, eager to share my happiness and was met
with an exultant glance. I was simply overjoyed. It was the
beginning of a new life. I would be able to join different
schools and to do meaningful work. Clarence, judging my
happiness, added: |
“As your stay in the Hospital Park is no longer necessary, I
will study the question of your transfer to new lodgings. I
will consult some of our institutions…” |
“If possible,” Lysias interrupted eagerly, “I should very
much like him to share our home during his period of
observation. My mother would welcome him as another son.”
I looked gratefully at my generous companion. Clarence, in
his turn, also gave him a look of approval, saying:
“Very well, Lysias. Jesus rejoices with us whenever we open
our hearts to a new friend.” |
Unable to express my gratitude in words, I embraced my
companion. Great joy can sometimes render us speechless.
“Keep this document,” Clarence continued, handling me a
small folder, “it will serve as a permit to admittance to
the Ministries of Regeneration, |
Assistance, Communication and Elucidation for the period of
one year. After that, we shall see what else can be done.
Don’t waste your time, my friend learn all you can. Remember
that the intervals between earthly sojourns must be worthily
filled.” |
I left the minister’s office elated, arm in arm with Lysias.
After a few minutes’ walk, we arrived at a graceful cottage
surrounded by a colorful garden. |
“Here we are,” he announced. He rang a small bell, adding:
“this is our home within the Astral City. A soft ringing was
heard inside the house and pleasant lady opened the door.
“Mother,” Lysias called out, introducing me, “here is the
brother I promised you.” |
“Welcome, my friend,” she exclaimed hospitably, “please
consider this house your home.” |
Embracing me as if I were a true son, she added: “I
understand that your mother doesn’t live here. Therefore,
you will have in me a sister, involved in maternal duties.”
I did not know how to thank her for her generous welcome. I
was about to try, when she quickly interjected: |
“You are forbidden to mention thanks. Please don’t, or you
would force me to remember some long-forgotten conventional
Earthly phrase for the sake of etiquette.” |
We all laughed, and I added: |
“May the Lord receive my gratefulness and pour it on this
house as renewed blessings of peace and joy.” |
We walked in. Everything was simple and comfortable. The
furniture and objects were, on the whole, much like those on
Earth. There were pictures of deep spiritual significance,
an unusually large piano, and resting
it a harp of delicate design. Lysias, ready as usual to
satisfy my curiosity, spoke: |
“As you know, you were not met by harpist angels when you
left Earth instead, the harp before you awaits our own
abilities.” |
“Now Lysias, stop joking,” his mother interrupted
affectionately, “Do you remember that last year the Ministry
of Divine Union invited some of the residents of the
Ministry of Elevation to hear some master musicians who
passed through our city?” |
“Indeed I do, mother. I only meant to say that harpists
really exist, but in order to hear them we must develop our
sense of spiritual hearing by striving for the knowledge of
divine things.” |
Later on, after giving some introductory information about
myself, I learned that Lysias’ family came from an old town
in the state of Rio de Janeiro, that his mother’s name was
Laura, and that his two sisters, Yolanda and Judith, lived
with him as well. I was delighted at my first experience of
domesticity in the Colony. The home atmosphere encouraged a
sweet and heart-warming intimacy, and the family’s gracious
welcome stirred deep emotions in my spirit. As I was filled
with questions, my kind hostess showed me some wonderful
books. Perceiving my interest, she informed: “As for
literature, we have an enormous advantage here in the Astral
city; All insidious writers, those who use their art to instill psychological poison, go straight to the Lower
Zones, and as long as they persist in such a state they
cannot stay here, not even in the Ministry of Regeneration.”
I could not help smiling as I marveled at the beautiful
specimens of photographic art in the books she showed me.
Afterwards, Lysias took me around the house, calling my
attention to the bathing chamber, which was filled with
interesting fixtures – everything was so simple, yet so
comfortable. |
I had hardly gotten over my amazement, when Laura summoned
us to prayer. We sat in silence around a big table. As she
switched on a large
screen, I heard soft music – it was the evening service. I
saw the familiar image of the Government House, which had
captured my attention so often in the Hospital Park. Now,
however, a deep and mysterious happiness filled me as the
blue heart appeared in the background, and my soul was
filled with joy and gratefulness.
Chapter 18
As soon as the prayer was over, Laura invited me to the
evening meal, which consisted of invigorating broth and
flagrant fruits which tasted more like a delicious blend of
concentrated fluids. I heard Laura remark genially”
“After all, our meals here are far more agreeable than they
were on Earth. We have some districts which dispense with
them together, but in the zone of the Ministry of Assistance
we can’t do so. Here the heavy tasks we perform consume a
great deal of our energy. Hence, we are obligated to be
continually making provisions of energy.” |
“That, however,” added one of the young ladies, “doesn’t
mean that we who work at the Ministries of Assistance and
Regeneration are the only ones to depend on food. The other
Ministries, including Divine Union, don’t dispense with it.
The only difference in the food is the nature of its
substance. In Communication and Elucidation, fruit is widely
used, while in Elevation, juices and concentrated fluids are
more common. As for the Ministry of Divine Union, the
process of nutrition goes beyond the imagination.”
Eager for immediate explanations, I shifted my gaze from
Lysias to his mother. Everybody smiled at my natural
perplexity, but Laura satisfied my curiosity: |
“You may not be aware, my friend, that love is the major
sustaining element for all creatures. From time to time,
large delegations of instructors come to visit our city in
order to convey the principles of spiritual nutrition. Love
is the fundamental basis of all systems of nourishment in
the different spheres of life. Physical diet, properly
considered, is always a question of transitory materiality
even here, as in the case of the earthly machines that need
grease and oil. Love, and only love, is the source of
sustenance for the soul. The more we ascend along the
evolutionary plan of Creation, the more thoroughly we
understand that great truth. Don’t you think that Divine
is the mainspring of the Universe?”
Those explanations comforted me considerably, and Lysias
added: |
“God’s infinite is the center of
equilibrium of all Creation; the more evolved the created
beings, the subtler their processes of nutrition. The worm
in the ground feeds mainly on earth. Larger animals find the
necessary elements for nourishment in plants. Man gathers
the fruits of these plants and prepares them according to
his taste. We, who are already free of our physical bodies,
need fluidical, juicy substances. The process becomes even
more delicate as we advance in our ascent.” |
“But we mustn’t forget the question of vehicles,” Laura
added, “for after all, worms, animals, man and ourselves
depend exclusively on love. We all move about in it and no
existence would be possible without it. Don’t you remember
the Gospel lesson which says: ‘Love one another’? When Jesus
taught this principle, he didn’t refer only to charity in
its strictest sense, for we shall all have to learn, sooner
or later, that the practice of good is simply a duty. He
meant us to understand His words in a broader sense, that
is, to sustain one another through brotherly love and
sympathy. Sometime in the future, man on Earth will discover
that friendly words, mutual kindness and trust,
understanding and fraternal interest – all fruits of deep
love – are stimulating nourishment to life itself. When on
Earth, burdened by a physical body, we are under great
limitation. But on returning here we realize that lasting
and harmonious happiness is a question of purely spiritual
sustenance. Homes, villages, towns and nations are formed in
obedience to such principles.” |
Instinctively I remembered the sex theories so widespread in
the physical world, but Laura, recognizing my thoughts,
remarked: |
“You mustn’t imagine that it is merely a sexual phenomenon.
Sex is a sacred manifestation of universal and divine love,
but it is only one of the
many expressions of its infinite potential. With the more
spiritualized couples, tenderness and trust, mutual devotion
and understanding count far more than physical union, which
is reduced to merely a transitory activity between them. It
is magnetic exchange that establishes the necessary rhythm
for the manifestation of harmony. The mere presence of the
loved one, and sometimes a simple understanding is
sufficient to nourish a feeling of joy. |
Availing herself of a lull in the conversation, Judith
added: |
“We learn here in the Astral City that love is the hub of
life on Earth; yet most people never realize that important
truth. Twin souls, kindred souls, and sympathetic souls form
numerous pairs and groups. By gathering together and
assisting one another, they succeed in advancing along the
road to redemption. When, however, help is lacking, a weaker
person usually fails before completing the journey.”
“As you see, my friend,” remarked Lysias, “even here we are
reminded of the Gospel lesson: ‘Man shall not live by bread
alone’.” |
At that point, the conversation was interrupted by the
ringing of a bell. Lysias got up and answered the door. Two
courteous young men came into the room. He greeted them
cordially, introducing them as Polydor and Estacius, from
the Ministry of Elucidation. Greetings and handshakes
followed, and after a few minutes, Laura said with a smile:
“You have all worked hard today. You mustn’t, therefore,
alter your program on our account. It is time for you to set
out on your planned excursion to the Music Park.”
Noticing Lysias’ perturbed look, she added: |
“Go along, son. Don’t keep Lascinia waiting. Our brother
André will stay with me until he can accompany you on these
excursions.” |
“Please don’t let me keep you at home!” I exclaimed.
“I can’t yet enjoy the pleasure of going to the Music Park.
My granddaughter returned from Earth a few days ago, and is
still too weak to go out.” |
They left, chatting joyfully. Laura shut the door, then
turned to me and said: |
“They are going in search of the food we were talking about
just now. The ties of love are stronger and more beautiful
here. Love, my friend, is the divine bread of the soul, the
sustenance of the heart.

“Doesn’t your grand daughter come for meals?” I asked Laura,
leading the conversation to more intimate channels.
“For the present, she takes her meals alone,” she answered,
“the poor thing is still nervous and run-down, and no one in
that condition is supposed to partake of collective meals.
Neurasthenia and anxiety emit dense, poisonous fluids, which
blend immediately with the food. My granddaughter spent a
fortnight in the Lower Zones, in heavy slumber, closely
assisted by us. She should have been lodged in a hospital
pavilion when she came here, but it was decided that she
would be placed under my direct care instead.” |
I told Laura that I would be glad to visit the newcomer, and
she willingly agreed. She led me to a spacious and
comfortable room where a pale girl was lying in an easy
chair. She was extremely surprised to see me as she looked
up. |
“Heloisa,” Laura said, introducing me, “here is a friend who
arrived from Earth a short time ago.” |
The young lady gazed at me curiously, and her tired, deeply
shadowed eyes reflected her effort to concentrate. She
greeted me with a wan smile as I introduced myself.
I asked if she was tired, but before she could answer, her
grandmother, anxious to spare her any strain, explained:
“Heloisa has been restless and worried, and her fear is
justified to a certain degree. Tuberculosis, which put an
end to her earthly days after long suffering, has left deep
traces on her astral body. Still, we must always be
optimistic and courageous.” |
At this, the young lady opened wide her deep, black eyes as
if to hold back her tears, but unsuccessfully. Then she
covered her face with her handkerchief and began to sob.
“Poor little thing!” said the kindly grandmother, putting
her arms around the tearful girl, “you simply must control
yourself. These impressions are due to a deficient religious
education, that’s all. You know that your mother won’t be
long in coming, and that you can’t count on your fiancée’s
fidelity. He is by no means prepared to offer you sincere
spiritual devotion on Earth, for he is still very far from
possessing that sublime spirit of illuminated love. He is
sure to marry someone else, and it is better that you become
accustomed to this idea. It wouldn’t be fair to insist on
his coming here prematurely. |
“Suppose he did come, forcing the law. Wouldn’t your
suffering be greater? Wouldn’t you have to pay a heavy price
for any share you might have had in bringing about his
passing? You won’t lack devoted friendship and brotherly
cooperation to help you acquire your spiritual balance here,
and if you really love the boy, you must try to adopt a
harmonious attitude to be able to help him later. Besides,
as I have already said, your mother will soon be here.”
The girl’s tears filled me with pity. I tried to draw her
attention to a different topic, leading the conversation
away from this painful subject: |
“Where do you come from?” I asked. |
Laura, now silent, also seemed anxious to see her join in
the conversation. After a long pause, during which she dried
her tears, she replied: |
“You shouldn’t cry so.” I advised, “You don’t know how lucky
you have been. You passed over only a few days ago, and are
already with your family. You didn’t have to face any storms
on the great journey…” |
The girl seemed a little better, and said: |
“You can’t imagine how much I’ve suffered. Eight months
struggling with tuberculosis, in spite of all the
treatments… The sorrow of having
infected my devoted mother… All that my poor fiancé went
through on my account, it’s really indescribable.” |
“Now, dear, don’t say that,” Laura said, smiling, “On Earth
we always seem to labor under the illusion that no suffering
is greater than our own. It is mere blindness – there are
millions of creatures facing situations much harsher and
more cruel than our little experiences.” |
“But grandmother, Arnold was so heart-broken and desperate…”
she answered, “It’s all so hard to understand.” |
“Do you really believe in your impressions?” Laura asked in
a tender voice, “I observed your ex-fiancée several times
during your infirmity. It was only natural that he should be
so deeply affected at seeing the ruin of your physical body.
But once more let me tell you, he can’t understand pure
sentiment, and will soon get over his sorrow. Remember,
dear, that illuminated love is still above most creatures.
Therefore, you must try to be of good cheer. No doubt you
will be able to help him, but his being faithful to your
memory is out of the question. When you are in a condition
to visit the spheres of the planet, you will find him
married to somebody else.” |
Wondering myself, I noted Heloisa’s painful surprise. The
poor girl did not know what attitude to adopt before her
grandmother’s serenity and common sense.

“Could that be possible?” she blurted out. |
Lysias’ mother, tenderly stroking the girl’s hair,
continued: |
“Now, child, you mustn’t be obstinate or try to contradict
me.” |
Seeing that her granddaughter seemed to expect her to
justify her words, she went on, speaking gently:
“Do you remember Maria da Luz, the college friend who
brought you flowers every Sunday? Well, when the doctor
declared confidentially that your physical cure could not be
expected, Arnold, though deeply grieved,
began to involve her in different mental vibrations. And now
that you are
here, they won’t take long before coming to an agreement.”
“Oh, grandmother! How Awful!” |
“Why awful? You must become accustomed to considering other
people’s needs. Your ex-fiancée is an ordinary man, still
unable to appreciate the sublime beauty of spiritual love.
However great your love may be, you can’t work miracles in
him. Every creature holds the exclusive privilege of
discovering his own self. Arnold will, one day, know the
beauty of your idealism, but for the present he must be left
to live through these necessary experiences.” |
“I simply can’t get over it! Maria da Luz, whom I always
considered a most faithful friend…” |
Laura smiled and advised wisely: |
“Won’t it be better to entrust him to a friend? Maria da Luz
will always be your spiritual friend, whereas another woman
might, later, render the entrance to his heart difficult for
your.” |
Heloisa started sobbing again. I felt greatly puzzled. The
kind lady, sensing my perplexity, and eager to help me as
well as her granddaughter, explained: |
“I know the cause of your tears, little one, they are the
result of centuries of selfishness and undying vanity. But
remember that Grandma’s words aren’t meant to hurt you, but
to open your eyes.” |
While Heloisa continued weeping, Laura invited me to go back
to the living room, remarking that the patient needed her
rest. We sat down to await the others’ return, and Laura
confided in a soft voice: |
“My granddaughter arrived here extremely tired. She let her
heart get entangled in the web of self-esteem. In fact, she
should have been sent to one of our hospitals, but Assistant
Couceiro thought that the home atmosphere and our loving
care would be advisable in her case. I must say I was
at his decision, as my dear Thereza, her mother, will soon
be here. A little patience and everything will come out
right. It’s just a question of time and serenity.” |
Chapter 20
Eager to learn as much as possible from my well-informed
hostess, I asked curiously: |
“With so much to do at home, do you still go out to work?
“I certainly do. We live in a colony of transition, which
has as its main purpose apprenticeship and work. Here
feminine souls are assigned numerous tasks, in preparation
for their return to the planet or their ascent to higher
spheres.” |
“But is domestic organization in the Astral City similar to
that on Earth?” |
“It’s the Earthly home which has, for so long, been trying
to imitate our domestic institution. Married couples there,
with rare exceptions, are still weeding the soil of their
feelings, overrun with the bitter herbs of pride and
infested with the parasites of jealousy and selfishness. The
last time I returned from the planet I arrived here, as is
natural, beset by deep illusions. But it happened that
during my crisis of wounded pride, I was taken to a lecture
given by a great instructor from the Ministry of
Elucidation. Since that day, a new current of ideas has
penetrated my mind.” |
“Could you tell me something of the lessons you received?”
The lecturer,” she continued, “a great mathematician, made
us realize that, on the plane of spiritual evolution, the
home my be compared to a right angle. The vertical line is
the feminine sentiment, always gravitating towards the
creative inspirations of life. The horizontal line is the
masculine mentality, always striving for achievements
towards the common progress. The home is the sacred summit,
the converging point where man and woman meet to bring about
an essential understanding. It is the temple where creatures
should reach for a spiritual communion, rather than bodily
union. |
“At present there are a great many people on Earth versed in
social questions, who advocate various measures and call for
a regeneration of domestic life. Some go so far as to state
that the family institution is threatened. We must remember
that the home is a sublime conquest which mankind is slowly
achieving. But can one find, on Earth, the real family
structure where all rights and duties are legitimately
shared? |
“Most earthly couples pass these sacred hours together in an
environment of indifference and cruel selfishness. When the
husband appears calm, the wife gives herself up to crises of
despair; When the wife keeps humbly silent, her husband
tyrannizes her. Neither does the wife attempt to encourage
her husband along the horizontal line of his temporal
fulfilment, nor does he try to follow his companion in her
divine flights of tenderness and sentiment towards the
higher planes of
Creation. In their social contacts, both
wear masks, but in the privacy of their home they strip them
off, sadly exposing their lack of mutual understanding.
"As a rule, when one of them comments on his or her
respective activities, the other's attention promptly strays
far from the subject. When the wife discusses the children,
the husband mentally turns his thoughts to his work. When
latter relates some business difficulty, the former's
thoughts drift to the dressmaker's fitting room. In these
circumstances, it's obvious that the divine angle is far
from being properly traced. Two diverging lines are
endeavoring in vain to form the sublime vertex, to ascend
one more step up the glorious stairway leading to eternal
life." |
This new aspect of the responsibility of marriage ties
struck deep into my spirit. Highly impressed, I exclaimed:
"What a multitude of thoughts this explanations is arousing
in me! If we only knew all this while still on Earth!"
"A mere question of experience, my friend," she replied,
"suffering and tribulations will slowly teach mankind these
unavoidable lessons. At present, few realize that the
home is a divine institution, within which one must live
with all one's heart and soul. It's often said that all
creatures are beautiful when truly in love. Indeed, this is
true. During the enchanting period of betrothal, plain
creatures display their most charming traits. Any subject
seems enchanting even in the most frivolous conversation.
Man and woman meet, radiating the full measure of their
sublime forces. But when they enter wedlock, many rend the
veil of desire and fall back under the influence of the old
monsters that tyrannize weak hearts. Gone is all tolerance,
and sometimes even brotherly cooperation. The luminous
beauty of love gradually dies out, and the couple begins to
drift apart, avoiding each other's company, losing the joy
of friendly conversation. Henceforth, the well educated ones
respect each other, while the ill-bred ones outwardly
manifest their mutual animosity. They don't try to come to a
conciliatory understanding; questions and answers are
formulated in dry phrases. Physical intercourse may still be
carried on, but the minds are already divorced and following
opposite directions." |
"How true your words are!" I cried out with feeling.
"But what can we do, my friend?" my kind hostess continued,
"In the present phase of the planet's evolution, unions
between twin souls are rare, and marriages of kindred or
even sympathetic souls are tremendously outweighed by a
remarkable percentage of 'probation ties'. Most human
couples are made up, so to speak, of handcuffed prisoners."
Endeavoring to follow the trend of ideas suggested by my
initial question, Lysias' mother continued: |
"Feminine souls
do not remain inactive here. They are trained to become
worthy mothers, wives, sisters, missionaries. The woman's
task in the home cannot be confined to a few idle tears of
pity and many years of servitude. Of course, today's rash
feminist movement is a grievous offense to the true
attributes of the feminine spirit. Women aren't meant to set
themselves up as rivals to men in offices, and in the
different professions and business departments, which are
adequate fields for masculine activities. |
we are taught here in our colony that there are many
dignifying tasks outside the home which are compatible with
the feminine sensibility, including nursing, teaching,
textile manufacturing, communications, and all kinds of
occupations which require patience. Man should learn to
endow the domestic circle with the fruit of his experiences,
while woman should lighten the burden of man's hard work
giving the home her sweetness and an inspiring atmosphere.
Within the family circle, inspiration, outside it, activity.
You can't have one without the other. How could a river feed
its flow if it were not for the source? On the other hand,
how could the water of the source flow on without the river
bed?" |
couldn't help smiling at that question. After a prolonged
pause, Laura resumed the conversation: |
"Whenever the Ministry of Assistance entrusts children to my
care here in my house, my working hours are counted as
doubled. That will give you an idea of the importance of the
task of motherhood on Earth. However, when I am not thus
occupied at home, I have my daily tasks in the Nursing
Department. Apart from my granddaughter, who is still
recovering, there are no members of our family at leisure;
they are all engaged in worthy activities. Eight hours of
work per day is an easy program for anyone. I should feel
ashamed if I didn't do my part." |
As she fell silent for a few moments, my thoughts ran on the
same interesting topic....
Chapter 21
"Your words, Laura, arouse many questions. If you will
pardon my curiosity...." |
"Please don't say that," she answered kindly, "go on asking.
Although I am not in a condition to teach, I can always
inform...." |
We both laughed at her remark, and then I inquired: "What
about the problem of private property in the Colony? Does
this house, for instance, belong to you?" |
She smiled as she answered: |
“Private property is relative here just as it is on Earth.
Our acquisitions are made on the basis of working hours. The
“hour-bonus” is, so to speak, our money. It is earned by our
own effort and devotion, and may be exchanged for any
commodity. The buildings, in general, represent common
patrimony under government control. However, each spirit
family may obtain a dwelling house (never more than one) on
the presentation of thirty-thousand hour-bonus, which may be
obtained during a certain period of work.
(nearly exactly as the danish
wiseman MARTINUS "saw" and analyzed
in his cosmic analyzes, that he wrote until his
departure in- 81, after his deep spontaneous spiritual
initiation in 1921. Rø-remark) |
My husband, who arrived here long before me, acquired our
house through his persevering efforts. We were physically
separated for eighteen years, though we remained united
spiritually. Richard, however, didn’t remain inactive. As
soon as he was brought to the Astral City, after a period of
extreme perturbation, he realized the necessity of active
work, and set out to prepare our future home. When I
arrived, we settled together in the house for which he had
so lovingly labored, and we were truly happy. My husband
then set out to teach me all that he had learned.
On Earth I was left a widow when I was still very young.
With the heavy responsibility of several children to raise,
my struggle was intense. Working incessantly, I gave my
little ones the best education I could, although they, too,
had to become accustomed to hard work at an early age. I
understood later that strenuous life had sheltered me
against many dangerous temptations, sparing me much
suffering and anguish in the Lower Zone. Physical fatigue
and a healthy occupation on the material plane are valuable
means of protection and ascension for the soul.
Meeting Richard again and resuming our loving union in a new
home made me feel as if I were in heaven. For many years we
led a life on undisturbed bliss, growing closer and closer
to each other, and working, not only for our own evolution,
but also cooperating constructively for the progress of
others. After some time Lysias, Yolanda and Judith came to
join us, thus increasing our happiness.” |
After a short pause, during which she seemed wrapped in
thought, she proceeded in a more serious tone: |
“The Earth awaits us, however. Though the present is joyful,
the past demands restitution in order for the future to be
in harmony with the Eternal Law. We can’t pay our debts to
the Earth with hour-bonus; we have to do it with the sweat
of our brow in the fulfilment of its work. Because of our
good will, our psychic visions are becoming clearer about
our grievous past. The Eternal Law with its unfailing rhythm
renders our return to the planet an absolute necessity.”
These elucidations impressed me deeply. It was the first
time since my arrival in the Colony that I had heard such
forceful references to the subject of former lives.
“Laura,” I exclaimed; “pardon me for interrupting, but I
really am curious to know why, to this point, I haven’t
found out anything about my spiritual past. Am I free from
physical bonds? Haven’t I crossed the river of death? Did
you remember your former existences soon after your arrival
here, or did you have to wait for the action of time?”
picture below- on the astral levels - it is
more possibilities on spesial design houses like this |
“I certainly had to wait.” She replied with a smile. “First
you must rid yourself of all physical impressions. The
scales of inferiority are extremely
thick, and you must have a good mental balance to be able to
recollect constructively. As a rule, we all have made
clamorous errors in the cycles of eternal life. He who keeps
the memory of a crime committed considers himself the
unhappiest creature of the universe. On the other hand, he
who remembers having been a victim thinks his misfortune is
the greatest. So only souls who are sure of themselves are
endowed with such a gift as the power of spontaneous
recollection. Others are duly limited in their
reminiscences, and if they attempt to break this rule, they
may incur spiritual imbalance and insanity.” |
“But did you remember your past in the natural course of
things?” |
“I’ll tell your,” she went on patiently, “As my inner vision
became gradually clearer, vague recollections began stirring
in the depths of my mind, causing me great mental anguish.
It happened that my husband also shared my spiritual
condition, so we decided to consult Assistant Longbard.
After having examined our impressions thoroughly, he sent us
to the magnetizers in the Ministry of Elucidation. We were
kindly received, and were taken to the Recording Department,
where we all have our private files. Specialists of that
Ministry advised us to spend all the time we could spare
from our work for two years there, reading our own memoirs
which spanned three centuries. The director of the
Recollection Service wouldn’t allow us to go back beyond
that time because the remembrance of those distant epochs
would be too much for us.” |
“And were the memoirs enough to help you remember your
past?” |
“No, the reading gave us only facts. After a long period of
meditation meant to arouse our own inner realization, we
were submitted, to our great surprise, to a series of
psychic treatments geared at penetrating deeply into the
emotional field of our recollections. Specialists in the
subject applied
magnetic passes6
over our brains, arousing certain latent forces
in us. Only then could Richard and I fully remember over
three hundred years and realize how heavy our debts to
earthly organizations still were.” |
Magnetic passes is a method by which an operator using both
hands, rhythmically applies stroking movements, slightly
away from the body, to manipulate the subject’s magnetic
field. (Translator’s note). |